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RE: National Flags - Northern Copek - 04-19-2015

My flags

From first to current

RE: National Flags - Darkstrait - 04-20-2015

[Image: darkstrait__26222.png]
The flag of Darkstrait has a red border around a grey grid with country lines drawn on it. The emblem in the center is the emblem of Darkstrait, and often also considered to be a symbol of socialism and socialist movements within the country and its sphere of influence.
PS: Nice flag Karnetvor :wink:

RE: National Flags - Republic of Ubesii - 05-07-2015

[Image: 9uKtxF9.png?2]
The first flag of Unified Ubesii
This flag was used by the first republic of Ubesii when it was first unified by Seris Mokana in the year 1250.  The flag was used as the official flag until the first conquest of Ubesii by an industrialized civilization known as Barkan (currently a part of the Dominion of Tekarai).  The flag was still flown in defiance of their conqueror up until, one hundred years later, the Ubesians successfully adopted their enemy's technology completely and drove them out of Ubesii and started to take an empire of their own.
[Image: IuWIeUp.png?3]
The flag of the Empire of Ubesii
The second flag of unified Ubesii was adopted when the country started to conquer their neighbors in their attempt to become a powerful empire.  The five 'arms' of the flag represent the five castes of Ubesii, reaching out to claim the world that so rightfully belonged to them.  The empire continued to expand without any sign of stopping up until the end of the War of Terror with the Dominion of Tekarai in 1947, which ended with the destruction of the Empire and the second conquest of Ubesii.
The flag is still used by the Ubesian navy as a symbol of their endless reach and is flown in the Sanis Landing Memorial Park to honor those who fought in the final battle of the war.
[Image: hliLiSc.png?1]
Modern Flag of Ubesii
This is the flag used by the modern Ubesii nation, continuing the traditional four 'arms' to represent four of the castes, with the ruling caste in the center holding the nation together.
[Image: Vs3KKQa.png?1]
Ubesii seal of Government

RE: National Flags - Hammerstar - 05-10-2015

[LONG POST ALERT, A bit of history lesson]

These are the flags

This is the flag before we appoint Stephen Pendragon as our leader, when the nation "Classified as NorthSpectra Condottiere" is more of an anarchy in several worlds and regions. Like said before, this country was actually a group for knights and leaders who are done with violence and monarchy. It is flown on every lunar and solar eclipse, and for a week after.

This is the flag when we finally own a land in The South Pacific, it was called Hammerstar, our mainland. The flag flies and Stephen Pendragon with his eight champions became its stewards. Hammerstar was medieval and nomadic, yet intelligent. More intelligent than anyone in TSP, but we isolated ourselves.

Now due to a terrifying civil war, the International Knights left The South Pacific (OOC: Not activated for quite some time), and fought a very bloody war. Because everyone are trained in unconventional and fictional combat, the war was terrifying. The reasons of its outbreak is still unknown, but it is possibly due to the events happening on TSP (Milograd and such), that the people had a civil war.

The first party, законнаму Каралі, or Rightful Kings. Led by Rita Vallaneria (Top Right Helmet), Farra Röchrockr (Top Left helmet), Ezra Wennarouti (Bottom right Helmet), and Akira Nakamura-Hoshino (Bottom left Helmet). They claim that they are the rightful rulers of Hammerstar, and kills everyone in their way. (They sought to divide Hammerstar into four.). This is their flag:

The second party, ລູກຊາຍຂອງ ອາທິດ, or Sons of Sun. Is a party led by a fanatic, Gregori Vorderlein. Who claims that the god is the sun, and those who do not believe shall die friend by the power of the sun. Prisoners are burnt inside houses made of hay, and combusted by a focused ray of light. They do not attack at morning, and defended at night. As they believe that if the sun has arisen, their victory is more probable. This is their flag:

The third party is a group of people from the SPSR, (It's like a Lenin thing). They claim that the TIK belonged to nature, and they destroyed everyone. The leader, Natura Harmonia, she was a bishop in the TIK, but it turns out that she was the bitch (Really the bitch, she is one of the mistresses) and puppet of Milograd. They attacked us with its environmentalist ways, and weirdly, though her enemies knew about her being a puppet of Milograd, TIK citizens adore her for her environmentalist methods. This is their flag:

It was a year later that after 100 million souls are vanquished, that on the eclipse. The troops of Stephen Pendragon and his champions amassed three great armies. They call themselves the party: Knights, (Hence the demonym) and took down all the parties in just one day, and one siege. Their towns liberated. they flew the first flag. Due to the day being an eclipse (Thus explaining the traditions). Stephen Pendragon, his friends, champions and followers, had demanded peace, and when the war came, they defended the innocent bystanders and destroyed the bandits. Uniquely, the Knights had treated all their prisoners with kindness, and there were no torture. The prisoners are feed and kept in peace, while their jailors came and provided them with anything they need, while explaining to them the wrongness of their ways. Ultimately, most of the prisoners have changed sides to the Knights. Pendragon came back to power, and the parties' followers are rehabilitated, and their leaders, sent to exile, but fed and taken care of. It is rumoured that before they die, all of them pledged their loyalty to the International Knights, and the High Paladin.

Stephen Pendragon modified the original flag as a sign of reformation, with the red lines added, signifying the blood spilt. After the war, everyone had only used their weapons and combat for peace, and pacifism reigns. This flag was flown until the abdication of Amelia Francesca Elena, the Second High Paladin, serving for over three years since she's 22, she's 25 now.

In a national event called the Xellariac festival, which is a festival held once every four months. (The TIK uses the gregorian calendar, So February, June, and October) In all of those months, the nation is swept by snow and chill up to about -30 degrees celsius (It's weird, I know) Weirdly, though the temperature reaches high numbers. It is not enough to destroy crops, farmlands and ruin the harvest cycle. But just enough to make the citizens wear very thick clothing. The flag is flown in the four weeks of those months. The white and black knight meant the outsiders, and remembering that though we are in the different side, you are still welcome, always.

Now this is the current and official flag of the International Knights. We have vassal states across regions in NationStates. This flag shows the unity of those regions under the name of The International Knights. Hammerstar houses about 100 million knights, the equivalent population of modern day Japan. But there are many knights and citizens of other countries that come to Hammerstar or the TIK nations to study, pledge, and duel. Combining all the populations of the TIK, the entire population is truly (Considering that the NS world is larger than earth, and the world's population is 100> billion. [There's a lot of nations and regions].) 1.5 billion souls.

The meaning of the flag:

The praying hands meant the holy faith of the people of TIK, and that though the religions are all different, they must learn from each other, and unify themselves. The praying hands also meant that faith and god came first.

The hot air Balloon meant the importance of exploration and travel in the TIK. Our people loves to explore the world, and they believe that the the unknown is out there, and some of the known are unexplored. Learn until the ends of the earth, that's what Saint Forsaina had taught a long time ago.

The book meant the importance of books and knowledge. we believe that education is the most vital weapon to survive in the TSP. The reason why socialism and Pacifism works is because of knowledge, not violence. Technological advancement is one of the upmost priority (That explains the science of every single item and weapon we possess), the glasses meant enlightenment, and clearing up the blur.

The girl signifies beauty, the beauty of every human being is merged with knowledge, faith and technology. The three items, combined with the power of human emotion, passion and imagination. Produces serenity.

The black horse is changed into a rook, signifying protection. The Knights of The International Knights would protect the four key aspects of serenity and peace. Using any means necessary.

The word pendragon meant to remember Stephen Pendragon, the lord that brought it all together. The word Elena meant the bright one, and it was meant to grace Amelia Francesca Elena. Who is she? you'll find out soon.


National Flags - ProfessorHenn - 05-10-2015

You are roleplaying as a PMT nation in MT tech RPs. There is a huge problem here.

Jasper Henn

RE: National Flags - Qwert - 05-10-2015

(05-10-2015, 11:02 AM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: You are roleplaying as a PMT nation in MT tech RPs. There is a huge problem here.

Jasper Henn

Please, do not discuss these things here. This is only meant to be a collection of flags.

RE: National Flags - Snakeaxl - 05-12-2015

[Image: 2kv73Df.jpg]
The Modern Flag used since the 1950s. It was created by by Aurelius Charles Tealesh II before his demise. It represents the Toil of the Great Unification War Under Aurelius Charles Tealesh I. The 6 stars represent the 6 states that were unified Caronia, Canteran, Triuala, Gha'lavia and Vali, and the Capital District of Arziovila. The green represents the Tealesh Dynasty, the red represents the bloodshed that lead to the unification, and the blue represents the  Greatness of the the empire. It is the only true flag used by the Grand Valerius States Government, before the 1950s they did not have an official flag, only smaller regional flags. This flag is used by both the Government, Civilian Populous, and the Grand Valerius States Navy.

RE: National Flags - Enzoci - 11-14-2019

Great Novania has had multiple flags and names. The first flag used was the one of the Kingdom of Novania. Later, with the Novanian Empire a different flag was used. And then, with the formation of Great Novania the current flag was created.

RE: National Flags - Klô - 02-25-2020

Flags of Anserisa
Principality of Anserisa (1443-1792)
[Image: zzNl6g9KyLUGLZeBNELsHbkS5lOxjfXiltIf_Sen...6MwVQ=w192]
The Principality was ruled first by the House of Anserisa 1443-1700 until taken over by the House of Corvuma 1700-1713. The House of Anserisa was able to take back the Principality and rule 1713-1792. That is when the imperial coup happened. The flag is a simple tricolor of red, white and black, the colors of the House of Anserisa with the escutcheon of Anserisa in the center.
Anserisan Empire (1792-1815)
[Image: PWwegh0_LQGuSaCEl6FcbsKfMRVp-M_fyMH4BkiE...QzudQ=w192]
Promising a republican revolution, Hadriano Aquilum led a revolution and executed Prince Urbano III but instead of following through with the revolution, installed himself as Emperor of Anserisa and declared the Anserisan Empire. His rule 1792-1815 came to an end with the true republican revolts of 1810-1815. The flag is a horizontal tricolor of red, white and black, the colors of the House of Anserisa and taken by the House of Aquila with three grey stars in the center, representing the three islands.
Republic of Anserisa (1815-Present)
[Image: 0kW-zshmyYGzxkfUbtV7IEs7tZAA3PxlT6CkbW2k...TnhDA=w192]
The Republic of Anserisa has been established since 1815 and is now led by its 26th President Columbo Septimum. The flag is a red field with a white diagonal line, taken from the design on the escutcheon of Anserisa.

RE: National Flags - Qwert - 02-26-2020

There's some facts about the Sedunnic flag here and the Transsunerian flag here.