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Sporaltryan War Anniversary
Hello all. This is Henn, returning from the grave. I’m here to remind you all of the end of the First, the Great, Sporaltryan War.

This was a paramount event for us all in RP, as this was the war that solidified the SSU, gave birth to the friendships that would form the UF, and restarted the SCO as a dominant power on the world stage for a time. It gave rise to the Sporaltryan nation as the leading superpower in the South Pacific, in order to keep checks on the nation of Ryccia, which had also risen to a new limelight. Qvait was cemented as a definite power on the global stage, although he had some previous backing with his newspaper. Kringalia and Awesomiasa started their rise to a leadership role, Kringalia especially, as the effective leaders of the South Cooperation Organisation. Darkstrait, Bonaugure, and Bruuma made themselves known as the ones who helped out the new superpower, and ultimately went on to found the Southern Socialist Union with Sporaltryus. These were the most profound changes with the war, at least politically and to the best of my memory.

What I want to do for the anniversary is have everyone who participated in it to give a few paragraphs over what the war did to the country you are, what it did over the year, and what it might mean in the next one. I will submit something myself, but it’ll be on the 29th in the post.

The anniversary date is the 29th of January, when Qvatican forces backed down and retreated and the Ryccian parliament accepted the peace treaty pushed forward by the SSU. Please post your paragraphs, or PM it to rhino (who’ll make the anniversary thread on my behalf), by then.

Thank you,


None of you had better screw this up.

Due to many things, Sedunn never was an important player during the war, mostly because of OOC reasons. Most of my posts were ignored, I think, and there was also this uncertainty what caused the war. Did Qvait provoke Sporaltryus, or was it a purely political clash of ideologies (pure capitalism vs solid communism, of which none Sedunn felt necessity to support), or was Qvait innocent? The RP also took a new turn with the introduction of Contact Alpha (if I remember correctly), which seemed like a Sci-Fi/non-MT thing.

ICly: Sedunn lacks expeditionary capabilities, meaning it would have been very difficult to relocate army units and aircraft in any significant numbers. Sedunn's foreign politics is also based non-interventionism and pacifism.

What the war did to Sedunn was adding to the feeling of a hostile and unstable world, leading increased fear of an attack on its own soil. The Government increased the number of very large military exercises. It also realised that even though the world was particularly unstable, globalisation was increasing, and that simply acting on its own was not enough any more. Sedunn therefore later joined the SCO and was one of the co-founders of the SPTO to counter-balance what was seen as imperialism exercised by many leading nations.

The War introduced intense tension between many nations, that lead to continuous and multiple conflicts. After Ryccia and Sporaltryus were destroyed, the world has seen very little of that, possibly meaning that this year will be more peaceful.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


The Sporaltryan War was a defining moment for Darkstraitese foreign policy. It began our period of alignment with the socialist states of the region and created an enmity between Darkstrait and Ryccia that took months to scrub away.
The war also had an effect on future events in Darkstrait. Without the Southern Socialist Union, an organization created for the primary purpose of mutual defense, the scandals that occurred six months later could never have happened. These scandals directly led to the formation of the United Front, and the growing tensions between the Front and the other major alliance groups was a catalyst in the Darkstrait-Resentine alliance, which eventually led to the South Pacific Treaty Organization.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


A dark-skinned woman sat on a desk at her house, writing on the computer. Her eyes fixed on the screen, she wrote confidently, as if she already knew exactly what needed to be written. Lisa Scott had always been like that. Her long tenure as Kringalian Secretary of Foreign Affairs had proven that beyond any measure of doubt. She had led her nation through some of the most trying times and had always ensured that Kringalian interests came on top.

What was she writing? She was writing a brief analysis of the effects of the Sporaltryan War on Kringalia, a favour to some foreign newspaper that had asked for her thoughts. She had doubted at first, since few had asked for her opinions since approval for the Walsh Administration had skyrocketed, but she took the challenge nonetheless. Lisa had always wanted to write a memoir, so perhaps this was the chance to get something written down, even if eventually it failed to result in a book. She just needed to write something.

What to say of the Sporaltryan War?

I know for a fact that not even the foreign policy experts at the Intelligence Service fully understand the real reasons behind this conflict. They know that it involved animosity between the Qvaiticans and Sporaltryans, but then we all know that as well. It seems that nobody yet knows what the underlying causes were, and I sometimes wonder if that will be the case for the foreseeable future. Still, something that we can easily evaluate is the effect that the Sporaltryan War had on its different participants, particularly on the Republic of Kringalia.

I was the Secretary of Foreign Affairs throughout the duration of the war, serving alongside President Stefano Vannelli. It has to be said, for the sake of historical accuracy, that Kringalia was not deeply involved in the military aspects of the conflict. In truth, the most combat our military has seen in recent decades was during the Terrorist War from forty years ago. However, we were deeply involved in the diplomatic aspects of the conflict, constantly trying to find a peaceful solution and leading to that effect from the then-young halls of the Southern Cooperation Organisation, an alliance born out of a spirit of cooperation and development.

In the first few months following the end of the Sporaltryan War, not many things changed in Kringalia. Vannelli was succeeded by rising star Jake Williams, who committed to continuing the diplomatic approach of his predecessor and betted on the Southern Cooperation Organisation as the only pathway to international peace. He constantly encouraged other nations to join it and hoped that greater understanding between nations would reduce the likelihood of future conflict.

As is always the case, things are not effected by one sole event. Just like the Sporaltryan War pushed Kringalia in a diplomatic path, the political war between Vannelli and General Connor Walsh had dire consequences for President Williams, who lost his reelection to the highly popular General. In his new position, Walsh advocated for less diplomacy and a more assertive use of our military, with the support of the Conservative Coalition. To his credit, when the time came, Walsh made good use of the diplomatic avenues created during the Vannelli and Williams presidencies, even spearheading massive negotiations on behalf of the Southern Cooperation Organisation, in order to avert war with Ryccia.

I find it hard to believe that the political will to proceed with, or even suggest, the Government Island Summit and the Crownsville Summit would have been possible without the previous experience of the Sporaltryan War, and the diplomacy-focused era that it ushered in Kringalia. That past exerted a tremendous amount of pressure over Walsh and force him to resort to diplomacy, against his earlier push for greater use of our military. Eventually he did commit troops, reinforcing the Resentine and Farengeto forces to contain the impending Ryccian and Sporaltryan collapses, but admittedly that happened as a measure of last resort. In an alternate timeline when the Sporaltryan War never happened, President Walsh might have forgone diplomacy at a much earlier instance.

As awful and heartbreaking as war always is, it is also important to recognise its somehow positive effects where they exist. In Kringalia, the Sporaltryan War forced political leaders to adopt a policy of strict diplomacy, leaving military solutions as a last resort. The case could be made that, without being one of the diplomatic leaders at the Southern Cooperation Organisation, Kringalia might not have grown in international influence as much as it did.

What remains to be seen what the future will hold in store for Kringalia. With President Walsh finishing his second term next month, his successor will hold the keys to a very successful nation, but also one with rising terrorist threats. Whether the nation continues on its upward trend or falls catastrophically is something that I cannot yet predict.

OOC: I am not fully back, but I have to admit that writing this post gave me an immense amount of pleasure. If there is one thing in NationStates that constantly keeps appealing to me, it's roleplaying with you guys. Perhaps that is what will make me come back in the near future?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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The Sporaltryan War had many effects on Karnetvor. The country, which was still recovering from a seven-year long dictatorship and a brutal civil war, was "trapped in a bubble"; diplomatically isolated from the rest of the world. However, when the war started, things changed drastically. 

Karnetvor declared its neutrality early on, but condemned the Qvaitican blockade; popular opinion became divided among those who wanted to enter the war, either on the "democratic" or the "socialist" side, and those who wanted to keep the country neutral. After the Ryccian bombings of Darkstrait, and due to the still fresh memories of the Civil War, any pro-war faction died out. The President and the National Assembly (which was controlled by a liberal coalition opposing the war) stopped any resolution supporting any side in the conflict. Karnetvor kept its neutrality.

Even if it didn't fight, the war, together with the Transsunerian Crisis, marked the return of Karnetvor to the international stage. Shortly after the war ended, Karnetvor joined the Southern Cooperation Organization, intervened in the Darkstraitese Civil War, joined diplomatic efforts to end the Ryccian Crisis, and, together with its allies Sedunn, Darkstrait, and the Resentine Kingdom, became a founding member of the South Pacific Treaty Organization. This rapid ascent on the international stage, combined with an economic boom, and other events, such as the landing of the Lander 1 probe on Maxima, have become what is known as the "Karnetvorian Miracle": the fast recovery of Karnetvor after the end of its Civil War.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair


For me, the Sporaltryan War was already occuring when I returned from being CTEd in TSP. Why did I CTE for some time? RP was waning. There was nothing to do. TSP got me bored, and I left. Nothing was going on, in my perspective. I was not in touch with politics yet. So, I left for some time. Or so I can remember.

Upon returning, I saw a war, a spark in RP. Resembling my former allies in the Old Generation of RP as I call it, I joined Qvait, plus for me in those times, socialism was taboo and I associated it with communism and totalitarian dictatorships like the Soviet Union, North Korea and China(Merci Henn, for opening my eyes). I couldn't remember much from the old times, so, wrongfully thinking Qvait was a longtime ally, I joined him in his effort.

This war led to a year of RP. With Henn indirectly restarting RP, I finally had a reason to stay in TSP again. Ryccia rose to a powerful, but hated nation, and many of you helped me cut those remnants of the old times, where godmod was the norm.

I have met new people who I am glad to call friends. Henn, Rhinotaz, Darkstrait, Qvait, etc., all of you. Ryccia, although in shackles, was finally a nation in RP, and although I persisted, struggling to hopelessly get the upper hand and the fact that I was arrogant, I both enjoyed and hated the scenario. Of course I couldn't win, it was me, plus a few nations, against the giant SCO and, to some extent, the SSU.

After some time, I founded the UF, in order to counter-attack the SCO and the SSU's influence.
Finally, Ryccia fell. In desperation to start anew, I founded Kyrini, who, with my other colonies, created a federation known as Kys. Although Im not powerful anymore, Im at least respected again to some degree in RP again.

The Sporaltryan War basically influenced the person I was in 2015. Without that, maybe I could had CTE again. Maybe I wouldn't had met all of you great, wonderful people from across this world. I thank the Sporaltryan War, and Henn, not only for restarting RP, but for letting me have a reason to stay again.


Noveauxi Linnyet, Republic of Ryccia

The President Joseph Valastine, appointed by Kyrini until there are genuine elections, decided to give a speech in the new capital of the new Republic of Ryccia, Noveauxi Linnyet(meaning literally "New City"), to remember the Sporaltryan War.

"In this month, we remember that one year has passed from that war, that war that fueled tensions and led to a dark year of conflict. The Sporaltryan War. This war was the start of a chain reaction of wars which have decimated Pacifica in 2015"

"Yet, there is still hope. Hope for all of us to rebuild what once was lost, and to start anew"

"I believe that, with Ryccia and Sporaltryus gone, a new era is starting. And although there may be wars in this era, for now, at least, we can live in peace. Who knows? Maybe it is for a short while, or for eons of generations"

"Our homeland is in great anarchy. Our fellow comrades are suffering greatly. However, us diaspora Ryccians can start anew. A new life, a new blood, a new nation. For all of us. And even though we wish for them to be safe as well, that is impossible. But, for us, it is"

"New nations rise. Old ones fall. Right now, the new players of the international stage are not determined. The new superpowers are, for me, not defined, even if Qvait holds a lot of power. This era will see new powers rise, and old powers will fall, probably"

"Meanwhile for us, the Republic of Ryccia will stay free, with our federal allies. We will stand strong, through any obstacle. Like a brave army, we must charge forward. To what the future holds for us. All of us. For we must persevere, throught anything. Like we did before"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


After receiving a request from international press a few days ago, asking for an appointment with the Federal High Council, the Councillors agreed. Now then, the main topic of this interview is the 'Sporaltryan War', followed by the implications of the then National Council's decision to participate supporting Sporaltryus, and all related consequences.

Reporter: bows as greeting, then proceeds to sit down — "Welcome, Councillors. It's a pleasure having you in this interview."
Vincent Ferrer: nods along with the others — "The pleasure is ours."
Reporter: "To begin, we'd like to know how do you consider was the situation a year ago on those days. Any words on the topic?"
Eveline Reno: "As everybody remembers, we were just settling on the territory we were allowed in this region. People began calling themselves and each other 'Bonaugurean' as we moved out the fleets and introduced the first steps for the 'Inner Colonisation Programme'."
Reporter: "How about the international community, and the drums of war?"
Eveline Reno: "I think Madame Tachibana and Monsieur Holt are better suited to talk about it, as it's their area of expertise." — whilst she yields the floor to them, the reporter looks with curiosity.
Erika Tachibana: "What can I say? It was certainly shocking to receive a Darkstraitese emissary pleading with urgency for our assistance to Sporaltryus when we had just sent our application for the Southern Cooperation Organisation. So, we discussed the situation in the Council with all our attention... The Pavilion of Aurors and the Longhouse were merely in formation; any outcome, be it good or bad, would have been our responsibility."
Reporter: staring with a puzzled expression — "And what made the Council accede to the plea?"
Erika Tachibana: "It was the urgency of the situation in one way, but the fact that our application for the SCO was yet to be approved, even though the ones in conflict were members, it played a significant role on the decision. The later led us to join the Southern Socialist Union, and procure a peaceful negotiation with the nation implementing the blockade on Sporaltryus, Qvait and Ryccia, with fruitless results."
Reporter: "And then?"
Gustav Holt: "May I?" — looking at Dr. Tachibana as she nods — "Fine, our military forces weren't fully developed, but our Advanced Tactics Division was well trained, and our Navy was in decent condition, considering all these years serving in a seaborne society and keeping it safe." — takes a short yet deep breath and continues — "However, even though people might think that a general would be eager to send troops and cause ruckus for the sake of showing the power of their country, our generals were rather reluctant, myself included, and didn't want our nation to be seen as a warmongering culture when we were just settling down in The South Pacific. Thus, we proceeded cautiously deploying a selected fleet, protected by Schergrat submarines, to install a temporary base north from Sporaltryus and aid our allies leading the blockade out the those waters as our operatives from the ATD brought assistance directly within Darkstraitese and Bruuman troops."
Reporter: "What do you think of the results of the conflict?"
Gustav Holt: sighs — "They were somewhat bittersweet. Even though the war didn't get to wear us out since we joined on its last days, the situation wasn't the same for our allies."
Reporter: "Thanks for your insights, Herr Holt. Now I direct the same question to the other Councillors. On regards of your own fields, what do you think of the repercussions, both internal and external, of Bonaugure's brief involvement in the Sporaltryan War?"
Vincent Ferrer: "At first, the general reaction of our people was very negative of our intervention in a military conflict we weren't responsible for; especially after all these years keeping a low profile and fighting from the shadows, now people wanted a peaceful life. However, their attitude swiftly shifted to one of approval once the war finished merely a few days later, and they felt they were finally accepted in a community... That they were gaining allies."
Xavier Bosco: "That's right, whilst the educational institutions were being established, plenty of pupils and professors protested about going to war, but calmed down as soon as it was over. Nevertheless, it even served as inspiration for researchers in defence and healthcare."
Manami Cruz: "Considering the amount of physicians we had to send to the Members of the SSU and later to the SCO, of course they felt useful, but we ended up dealing with medical personnel shortages right afterwards as we proceeded with the Inner Colonisation Programme. You well remember the campaign we had to lead to get more people into Health Science." — staring incriminatingly at Bosco
Erika Tachibana: "Anyway, those were actions that proved us trustworthy in the international community; therefore, necessary. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't have been allowed into the SCO, since we had joined the SSU during the interlude. Consider we had to put a strong face to prove that our middle stance works just fine in a region divided by right and left defined nations. Any of the bodies could have expelled us if there were to be irregularities following the days after the war. They wouldn't have helped us during the issue we had in the island of Auster, or wouldn't have accepted our help aiming to fix the civil war in Darkstrait triggered by it... Not to mention all the other dilemmas along the year."
Eveline Reno: "Well, although we shouldn't get emotional over it" — briefly looking into Tachibana's and Cruz's eyes — "we had to endure quite a few things. Nevertheless, those struggles helped our population from turning idle as result of finally settling down. That wakeup call kept them ready and industrious, which is very important to keeping our economy and quality of life. This middle ground we agreed to follow implies us all staying in movement and equilibrium at the same time, it's not an easy job."
Enrique Blair: "In my case, I'd rather just add a few words to what Madame Reno has been elaborating. The attitude the few days of war developed on our people made it easier not to have too many people unnecessarily hanging from welfare but to try their own businesses out with just a little push from the government. It also, helped redirect the budget more freely into the other sectors' programmes, such as Education, Law and Order, Industry and Agriculture, and so on. In other words, it pretty much became a milestone for our nation's history, as it was a significant experience whilst we were settling down in The South Pacific."
Reporter: "Fantastic, I think we have what we needed for this interview. Any words you'd like to address to our audience?"
Vincent Ferrer: "We would like to thank for the opportunity and wish a successful year to our people."
Reporter: "It's been a pleasure, we hope to have you sometime again."

The Federal High Council bids farewell as the lights dim and the broadcast comes to an end.

Well, to be honest, I'm grateful to Darkstrait for recommending me to participate in the Sporaltryan War role-play; I was new in The South Pacific and NationStates itself. That experience along with and right after claiming a territory in the regional map motivated me to look more into role-play and the other things NationStates had to offer.
It also allowed me to get to know other players and make some friends around, who I can share ideas with and even learn from, which is something I really enjoy.

"Find a way or make one."

Better known as Bon.

"A few weeks ago, the Voodoo People’s Republic of Bruuma celebrated the first anniversary of the Sporaltryan War, in which the regime continues to claim victory. An official statement has been released to the international media, a rare occurrence in normal times but an extraordinary one after the almost complete isolation in which the country has slumbered following the most recent events. This is a precise indicator of the importance of the conflict in the recent history of the country.
Papa Unclepear had long had the aspiration of making Bruuma a superpower and a leading actor in the international stage. There were also internal motivations: the military saw a precious opportunity to wrestle some power from the Party and funds to accelerate the renovation of its arsenal. The perspective of establishing some ideological influence in international socialism allured the Party, despite their reservations towards their comrades in arms.  Both sides moreover saw a chance for personal profit through corruption.
On the military level there was only major engagement, an air and sea battle against the Ryccian forces enforcing the blockade during the very last days of the war. The battle ended in a stalemate but the BPDF performed relatively good, compensating the technology gap with to their extensive training and the reliability of the equipment. This was especially true with the Air Force, while the Navy suffered from the lack of battleships and carries, showing that it was not ready to operate on an international perspective.
The loss of equipment was relevant but it is not clear to which extent: the regime never released any figures and both branches did not seemed to be impaired in their operations during the later international enterprises. It is possible that the regime considered the losses acceptable in light of the fact that part of the arsenal was already due to be decommissioned.
The performance of the Army was less brilliant. In Sporaltruys they were unable to block the insurrection that deposed Henn, although they performed good in the following reconstruction and pacification phase, while in Ryccia their support to the socialist insurgents was discontinuous and not decisive.
On the political scenario, Bruuma was one of the founding member of the S.S.U. and the main drafter of the peace proposal: at the time its ambitions seemed thus fulfilled, although this later proved to be short-lived, and was probably an important driver in the later massive involvement in Darkstrait.
Domestically, the Sporaltryan War and later conflicts ignited the conflict between the military and the Party: armed clashes took place and a civil war was only avoided by the direct intervention of the Leader. Control over foreign politics returned to the politicians, which opted for a more autonomous and cautious approach, with the military receiving full operational autonomy on the battlefield.
In the end, the Sporaltryan War will probably remain the most significant moment for Bruuma in the contemporary history of the South Pacific. "

From the Bruuman Monitor, "The Sporaltryan Spell: Bruuma and the War", by Frank Blondie

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