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[IC]Encyclopaedia Galactica

The Galaxy is vast and full of life. Five hundred years ago, in the waning days of the last great Human Civilization, the vast archive known as the Encyclopaedia Galactica was created to record and preserve the combined knowledge of humanity. Though much of its knowledge would not survive the centuries that followed, its legacy would live on in the new age of galactic civilization.

As the galaxy was once again connected under new civilizations and species, a new Encyclopaedia Galactica was created.

Civilizations Species Planets Technology Other

Second Modian Confederacy

Capital: Modia
Dominant Species: Modian
Primary Language: New Modian

The Modian Confederation is oligarchic in nature. The Confederation is ruled by the Federation Congress, consisting of the Confederation’s wealthiest and most influential Modians. Those selected to be part of the Congress serve for life, though in case of extreme disgrace members of the Congress have been removed by vote.

The Congress elects a President from its membership as its leader. Like other members of Congress the President serves for life.

The Second Modian Confederation is the successor to the first Confederation of the previous era. After its sudden collapse five centuries ago the Modian civilization entered a massive collapse and technological regression. Many Modian colonies were wiped out or died off, and Modia itself was devastated. After decades of turmoil the Modians began their slow recovery, and rebuilt their lost civilization.

From the Age of Restoration the leaders of what would become the Federation Congress consolidated their power over their planet. In 213 GC the Second Modian Confederacy was formed, uniting Modia under a single global government.

As the Modians began to re-explore their home system, a wormhole was discovered between Modia and the old Modian colony of Arebel. Reverse-engineering this discovery they invented the Loviak Wormhole Drive, a system of Faster-Than-Light transportation and communication.

[Image: IHH9Io1.png]

Homeworld: Modia
Classification: Reptillian
Average Height: 1.5m
Average Weight: 54kg

Modia’s oldest cities date to nearly 20,000 human years ago. Approximately 8,000-11,000 years ago the Modians industrialized for the first time and appears to have developed interstellar travel and colonized nearby space. The events of this era and the ultimate fate of this ancient Modian Empire is unknown, with much of the archaeological records apparently missing.

After the complete collapse of this ancient civilization Modia was forced to rebuild its civilization, reverting to an early agrarian society. Modian society was able to successfully reindustrialize during the last millennium, and once again the Modians developed interstellar travel seven centuries ago under the unified government of the first Modian Confederation. It is still unknown whether these ancient Modians had contact with humanity, but their interstellar empire once again collapsed five centuries ago at the height of human civilization. Though the evidence is disputed the fault of humanity in the collapse of the Confederation has become ingrained in Modian society, and many hold xenophobic views against humanity and alien race in general.

Their planets were devastated and their population was nearly brought to extinction, but unlike their Imperial predecessors they were able to preserve their industrialization despite a technological regression. After several centuries of recovery Modians were able to rebuild their society. Under the leadership of the planet's elite they were able to begin the process of reunification during the 2nd Century GC, and in 213 GC the leaders of what would become the Federation Congress reunited their planet as the Second Modian Confederacy. With the invention of the Loviak Wormhole Drive several decades later the Modians were once again ready to reclaim their legacy in the stars.

The Modians are an reptillian race native to the planet Modia. They are a bipedal, quadruped species. A fully grown Modian stands slightly shorter than the average human, the average adult standing at approximately 150 centimetres.

Dai Nihon Teikoku
"Great Empire of Nihon"

[Image: 240px-Maruni_sumitate_yotsume.svg.png]

Capital: Nihon
Dominant Species: Nihonjin
Primary Language: Nihongo

Dai Nihon Teikoku (Great Empire of Nihon), referred to in short form as Teikoku (Empire), is ruled by a hereditary nobility who head a hierarchical caste system. The Tennō (Emperor) theoretically holds absolute political authority, but in reality power is shared amongst a varying number of noble clans. 

The Nihonjin were a young, primitive species only beginning to develop pictographic writing and bronze tool making when they first met the gods. Arriving in chariots of fire from the heavens, the gods taught the Nihonjin their language, writing, the secrets of iron, medicine, and much more. For six hundred years the Nihonjin prospered under the guidance of the gods, guided by their wisdom and secure in the knowledge that they were the chosen people.

Then came the war in the heavens, and the gods fell from the sky in their star cities. The Nihonjin were appalled to discover that the gods were nothing more than mortals, and that they had been lied too. Thus the war in the heavens was followed by the war against the gods, as the Nihonjin overthrew those they had once worshipped, reducing them to servitude, and seizing their technology. In time the surviving gods were incorporated into Nihonjin civilisation amongst the lowest of castes.

Over the next three hundred years the Nihonjin learned much and grew as a species, and began their journey into the heavens.
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

[Image: B9ytUsy.png]

 "People of Nihon"

Homeworld: Nihon
Classification: Avian
Average Height: 1.8m
Average Weight: 56kg

The Nihonjin are an avian species native to the planet Nihon, located in the galactic south-east. Having evolved from a bird of prey, Nihonjin are bipedal with four limbs and opposable thumbs. Their avian origin is clear from several of their physiological features; Anisodactyl feet, jaws developed from a beak, plumage emerging from the skull, light skeletal structure and efficient musculature, circulatory and repository systems. The species has four eyes and two ears, all set into the prominent skull. The genetic structure of the Nihonjin shows signs of optimisation, suggesting engineering. There are two distinct genders, of comparable size and physical characteristics, and the species is viviparous. There is a high degree of genetic similarity with several species of avian native to Nihon, suggesting a recent common answer.

The Nihonjin speak and write a modified dialect of Japanese, clearly acquired from contact with humanity. There are archaeological records of several primitive pictographic languages, but it is apparent that advanced language was never developed prior to contact.

Nihonjin culture is built around close knit family units as part of a patriarchal, hierarchical caste system.
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

[Image: B9ytUsy.png]

Parent Civilization
The Imperial Frost Federation (IFF, Frost)
Total number of Planets in solar systems:  22,525,000 planets in 901,000 systems
Government: Imperial Military Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State: Emperor Iroh Francis Firenze
Head of Government: Sir Revan Kensei, President of the IFF
Legislative Body: Imperial Galactic Council
Capital: Oured (City), Libra Province, IFF (Country), Terra IX (Planet), Sol XV (System), Sector Libra (Stellar Region), Frost Galaxy (A galaxy that is ¾ the size of the Milky way) 

Lampshade Holdings of the Imperial Frost Federation

Current holdings in the Lampshade Galaxy: 1 major system, 2 minor systems and 1 star cluster.
Head of Colonial Government: Admiral Akira Kensei, 901st extragalactic colonial expedition division
Colonial Legislative Body: Colonial Frost Assembly
Capital: Kenshin (Planet), Hajimari system

History: The Imperial Frost Federation was once a vast Intergalactic Empire ruling over a countless number of star systems under the banner of Terra IX. At the height of its empire the IFF ruled from one end of the Frost Galaxy to another. The IFF prided themselves in their speed of colonizing and terraforming new worlds as newer ships flew faster and farther than any known species. However, as more worlds became colonized, so too did the demand for greater autonomy and independence sparking the infinite war as the Rebels attempted to overthrow their planetary governors. The largest of these rebel groups formed the Galactic People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM) and conquered many neutral and IFF worlds during the initial stages of war. However, the IFF struck back creating a long and devastating conflict with countless worlds rendered uninhabitable as the warring factions resorted to Life Killing Planetary Weapons of Mass destruction and new Bio-Organic Weapons (Organic weapons modified by nano-machines) to kill each other. The war finally ended with the ascension of Queen Irina Firenze, who nearly gave her life for peace, and Zett Rebel Chief Rex Heiwa’s betrayal of the GPLM with his coalition the Epsilon-Zett Coalition.

500 years have passed since the end of the Infinite war, and now the Empire is at long last moving beyond the edge of Frost to the unknown. However, despite establishing a firm foothold in the Lampshade galaxy (Designation S. Pacifica galaxy) the parent civilization can not reinforce their holdings. So the systems in the Lampshade Galaxy are forced to build their own fleets and reinforce themselves.

Primary Species: Yukigami
An alien species hailing from the Planet Terra IX, whose outward appearance is similar to humans, but they're hair, skin color, eye colors, and ears vary between Yukigami (Some have animal features such as cat whiskers/ears others may have green skin and red hair, etc. But most Yukigami are almost indistinguishable from Humans). They are immune to poisons as a result of evolving and subsisting on a diet of poisonous animals and fauna. The gravity of Terra IX is much greater than Earth allowing the Yukigami to be faster and stronger in worlds of lesser gravity. They also have very good balance of intellect, stamina, speed and power. They have really long life spans between 960-??? Human years (1 Yukigami year consists of 12 human years), but are not immortal as they can still be killed. They develop quite similar to humans, but cell degeneration slows down to inhuman levels following 24 human years allowing them to live very long life spans. They are not bullet proof, can be outwitted by more intelligent beings, flashbangs and other tactical noisemakers can cause serious hearing loss to unprotected Yukigami; Can not see in UV or infrared, only visible light; malodorous smells can also incapacitate Yukigami without gas masks.

Treecu Star Empire

Very little is known about the secretive entity called the Treecu Star Empire [tree-koo], most of the information about it has been gathered during a few live encounters and from its extensive space buoy system marking its borders. Among other things, the buoys all have the symbol above carved on them, a mathematical pattern using prime numbers. Exobiologists theorise that the purpose is to show that the Treecu are a species capable of abstract thinking and are thereby sentient.

The name Treecu Star Empire was introduced by the Treecu themselves in the only recorded message known to exist.

"Alien ship, you have encountered the Treecu Star Empire, which claims all space beyond the border marked by the buoys. Do not travel beyond them."

The Treecu have access to FTL-capable ships (see below) powered by a matter-antimatter reaction. They are secretive and possibly xenophobic, denying access to their space by many means (few ships have in fact returned after having entered their space).

[Image: WZZv7uR.jpg?1]
A Treecu starship.

The Treecu species
The Treecu are said to be bipedal. Reports on other features are inconclusive; some say they are short and have an exoskeleton and black eyes, while others report a tall stature and glowing eyes.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


[Image: EGiYxbHl.jpg]

The Eternal Universal Federation of Elena, Solana, Clea, Luna and Nova

A selene galactic federation of five civilisations ruled by five High Paladins in a galactic council.

Basic Description:
A pacifist technocratic nation that sought to federate the universe under one banner that focuses all its might on knowledge, science, welfare and exploration. Its economy prospers and its military is among the most advanced in space. It explores new worlds and civilizations, keeping track of them and getting them under their protection. Its respect to the hands that made the universe is humongous, and would do anything to learn about it. The Interplanetary council brings in over diverse cultures, religion, race and background under one government. Though it abhors violence, make no mistake that the nation shall fight well to defend the federation, and does not respond to threats lightly.



Focus of Nation: Exploration, Education, Science, Peace, Trade



Notable Species:

Political System:
Interplanetary Federation Council guided by the High Paladins.
Each High Paladin rules over a nation, and democratic forum is the main form of legislative authority. As like Hammerstar, stances of a High Paladin stems from the votes of the population. The High Paladin acts as leadership, but in no way be the deciding party. If for one, the Federation goes to war, the people of each country would vote on it and pass their result to their respective High Paladin. The High Paladin will carry the vote 'yes' or 'no' in the meeting of the five high paladins, the 50%+1 majority vote will decide the action/stance undertaken by the federation.



High Paladins:
Council High Paladin of Luna [Leader of all High Paladins]: Phoebe Paralla Amidala (Female Human Livi)
[Image: vLTQWvUl.jpg]
Council High Paladin of Solana: Isala Menddoryrra Hopenaula (Female Arcadian)
[Image: TCXN4fYl.jpg]
Council High Paladin of Clea: Cedo 'Luralumee (Male Panthenian)
[Image: lMotogCl.jpg]
Council High Paladin of Elena: Lwaxana Troi (Female Limstellan)
[Image: 4zuq11el.png]
Council High Paladin of Nova: Murdock Zephire Mynstrwyl (Male Isdairian)
[Image: Ht8lhvKl.jpg]

Governor of Luna: Arrietta Miskuaus Berazza (Female Human Livi)
[Image: 9APd3hZl.jpg]
Governor of Solana: Luko Menderes Severideniette (Male Arcadian)
[Image: J67fbIxl.jpg]
Governor of Clea: Xona 'Zuvumee (Female Panthenian)
[Image: qEwjY0Fl.jpg]
Governor of Elena: Roldano Sandroterra (Male Limstellan)
[Image: ZgncY51l.png]
Governor of Nova: Miranda Mhmmdwych (Female Isdairian)
[Image: hmOVcYil.png]

Legislative Body

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Frame Shift Drive
[Image: 448330571.jpg]
The Frame Shift Drive is a faster-that-light travel drive used by numerous civilizations including the Modian Confederacy and Sporaltryus.

The primary Interstellar Drive creates a temporary artificial wormhole between the location of the drive and a massive object, typically a star or other stellar object. To create a stable connection the destination must be pre-determined, as the connection is disrupted or severed in the presence of large masses or gravitational fields. Inadequate plotting can lead to the target being thrown off course or crashing into a planet or star. Despite these limitations, travel speed using the wormhole is typically much greater than that of conventional warp.

As modern Frame Shift Drives are incapable of performing of interplanetary jumps due to the star’s gravity, many Frame Shift Drives carry a smaller secondary warp engine for travel within a star’s gravity well. Often nicknamed “supercruise” these drives are limited to subluminal velocities, though military craft have been known to equip superluminal warp engines.

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