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The Bruuman Monitor

The Bruuman Monitor is a publication dedicated to the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma, staffed by independent geopolitical experts.

Bruuman troops overrun Wolframist rebels in Darkstrait capital in push for Embassy zone

The Bruuman People's Defense Forces have launched today an assault on a Wolframist-held area of Skotino Steno which separated them from loyalist troops. After an artillery bombardment, tanks and mechanized troops, with the help of aerial support. attack and overrun the insurgents, which suffered a  simultaneous attack by Ryccian forces. The BPDF forces managed to reconnect with the loyalist Darkstraitian troops, thus opening a corridor toward the Embassy zone.
A secondary operation conducted mainly  by infantry managed to secure the conquered area.

Bruuman Navy in alert amidst Arebel Sea Blockade crisis

The Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma has issued today an official statement declaring its neutrality in the Arebel Sea Blockade crisis. The country however warned that it had put its military fleet on alert and that all foreign military vessels or airplanes caught trespassing its territorial water will be eliminated, a warning directed mainly to Athary and Iosal. The VPRB also remarked that its only international airport, situated in the capital Bayougrad, and its civilian ports will remain opens to non-military crafts of all nations permitted to transit.

[Image: lindsay_iransubs_010520124.jpg]
Submarines play an important role in the Bruuman Navy

Despite the significative losses suffered during the Sporaltrayn War, the Bruuman  Navy and the Air Force are still a force to be reckoned with, since the paranoid militaristic country has always mantained huge military stocks. The Navy's vessels are partially outdated but are mostly effective in brown waters, due to the importance given to torpedo boats and submarines, while the Air Force crafts have been renewed and modernized and even helicopters can play a role in anti-submarine warfare, thanks to the newly built carrier frigates.

Bruuma temporarily host Ryccian refugees; plan to relocate them to Puerto Pollo

The VPRB has welcomed the Ryccian refugees fleeing from anti-socialist violence in their home country. They are being hosted for the moment in government touristic villages and hotels on Revolution Island, the beautiful minor southern island where all the state-run tourism business take place. 

The Bruuman government has announced that they plan to relocate them on its puppet state Puerto Pollo, granting houses and employment. While the official reason is to boost the economic development of Puerto Pollo, still recovering from the civil war ended last year, the real reason lays in the regime's paranoid control of the population, which limit contact with outsiders as much as possible, while in Puerto Pollo the presence of foreigners, both stable and temporary, is a common occurance. Considering the harsh living conditions in Bruuma, it is likely that the Ryccians will be relieved to begin their new life in the smaller but freer puppet country.

Bruuman troops push in Skotino Steno, advance halted in Communist-held areas
Rumors of mutiny in Army units after suffering severe casualties during assaults; massive bombardaments on rebel positions

The Bruuman People's Defense Forces launched today a massive multiple assault on rebel areas in the Darkstratian capital. The offensive against the Wolframists quickly mangaed to annihilate the militias and secure the area.
The two pronged attack against Communist guerrillas and their supporters was initially successful, as the rebels pulled back with little resistance. However, they had set a stronghold in a couple of blocks and managed to repel a further Bruuman advance by inflicting severe casualties by the use of snipers, mines, booby traps and ambushes.  Further assaults were unsuccessful and there are rumors that some units tried a mutiny against their commanding officers after being ordered to go back on the frontline. Some witnesses talk about summary executions conducted by War Bokors, a sort of political commissars.

The situation seems now calmer in the Army, with the more hit units returned behind the front line. The BPDF is now resorting to massive artillery and aerial bombardaments to weaken the rebels' resistance, despite the widespread destruction and high civilian losses caused by this tactic.

Bruuman Special Forces commandos raid the rebels' stronghold, Puerto Polloan troops enter the battlefield

The Bruuman Army has notified its allies that tonight its Special Forces commandos have completed a string of sabotage and assassination missions in the rebel stronghold, to further weaken the resistance to the full scale assault that is now taking place.

The assault on the Communist rebels' stronghold, which has been subject to intense bombardments in the previous day, has seen the involvement of Puerto Polloan troops. They are supposed to be from the "Pico de Gallo" and "Chicken Itza" battalions, veterans of urban guerrilla from the civil war. The "Chicken Itza" troops have been previously deployed in Sporaltryus.
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

Puerto Pollo celebrates the first Revolution Day
One year after the end of the Second Civil War, the country experiences peace and recovery at the cost of political freedom and national sovereignty 

On March 9, Puerto Pollo celebrated the first Dìa De La Revolucion to commemorate the victory of the Pollos Endemoniados Revolucionarios (PER) that last year put an end to the Second Civil War - with the decisive help of Bruuman forces.
A military parade was held in the afternoon in Danjer Cove, where the biggest honors were reserved for the veterans of the Sporaltryan War and the Darkstrait Civil War. After the parade El Pollo Diablo himself, PER's leader and self-styled Boss Maximo of Puerto Pollo, delivered a speech to the crowd gathered.
When the dusk arrived, the entire island turned into a one big party for locals and tourists alike that went on untill dawn, fueled by music, dances, parades, firework, alcohol and also more seedy recreational activities.

El Pollo Diablo at the present continues to enjoy a wide public support: during this year, the country has experienced a fast recovery. Most of the basic infrastructure has been rebuilt, the tourism and sea trade industries, now under public control, are flourishing and the population enjoys welfare and services previously unknown.
But all of this has come with a price, payed first with national sovereignty. Puerto Pollo is now a Protectorate of Bruuma, which mantains a huge military garrison on the island, and while a certain degree of autonomy is given in the management of internal affairs, albeit under the surveillance of Bruuman "advisors", the foreign policy and international relations are completely in the hand of the VPRB. PER and Puerto Polloans in generals don't seem to mind this too much, since it made them able to enjoy peace and prosperity for the first time in decades (Bruuman financial help is one of the main sources of revenue for the state, allegedly along with trafficking).
A more critical point lies in the complete absence of political freedom. While Puerto Pollo enjoys much better civil rights and personal freedom compared to Bruuma, any form of political dissent or even criticism is harshly repressed by PER.
What the future hold for this little, troubled island is yet to see, but is certain that El Pollo Diablo intends to be around for a long time.

Workers' Mojo Party General Congress summoned in Bruuma
Party gather to review  official ideology and discuss international politics

The Workers' Mojo Party, the ruling and only party in Bruuma, has summoned its sixth General Congress, to be held for the whole April in the majestic santuary complex of the WMP on Mount Marx.
The summoning its unusual since it breaks the tradition of having ten years between on Congress and another: the lst one was held in 2007. 
The official objective is stated as "applying Unclepearan Marxist Voodoo to the new development and to the current international situation" but Bruuman experts says that it is likley a Papa Unclepear's move to pander - and at the same time reign in- the Party.
According to sources on the island, the beaurocratic elite of the Party has been bothered by the prominent role lately played by the Army, their main competitor in the internal power struggle, due to the Bruuman involvement in most of the recent conflicts.
The same sources revealed to the Monitor that fragging of War Bokors, the Party members who act as political commissars in the Army, has reached an all time high on the battlefield.
In addition to that, many WMP seniors struggled with the decision of the Eternal Leader to side with the Darkstratian government against the Wolframists, whose ideology is much closer to the one of Bruuma on many aspects.
Despite this General Congress was probably intended by Unclepear as a rebalancing in the "divide and conquer" game that he has led in the tropical country for more than six decades it could potentially be a turning point in the future of Bruuma.

WMP General Congress heads toward conclusion amidst high tension with the military
Rumors say that  army and part of police staged a mutiny as Congress ordered top generals arrested. 

The sixth General Congress of the Workers' Mojo Party is coming to an end after almost a month. The elite of the Party officially gathered to discuss the application of the country ideology, Unclepearan Marxist Voodoo, to the current era, but the main topic was in fact all on foreign politics. Details are scarce since the papers hasn't been released, but roughly we can say the Congress opted to concentrate on enforcing political orthodoxy in the country, while taking a more cautios approach in international politics. While support for the active role in the S.S.U. was unanimous, it was rendered more as a tactical international positioning than as creation of an cross-border entity, heavily stressing the sepration from domestic affairs.

Aside official statement, the Party resented the big role played by the military with the involvement in foreign wars and many were troubled that Bruuman troops battled rebel factions with a closer political stance than the country's allies. The crisis arose when the Congress ordered the arrest of some of the top generals, accusing them of abusing of their power with wars abroad for personal gains. Leaked pictures and reports says that many units in the army and some even in the police fought in armed clashes with loyalist police units and men of the Ge-Rouge, the country heavily politicized secret service, as they tried to enforce the arrest. This is not completely unusual in Bruuma and it is actually tolerated by Papa Unclepear, who always relied on a divide and conquer policy to strengthen his power. In the end, Unclepear's personal militia, the Red Jujus, restored order before the situation spiralled out of control and a compromise was reached: some of the generals responsible for the downside of the wars were forcibly retired and some of the most hardline politicians were downgraded, while it was decided that the Party would have control on foreign politics but would leave the operative conduction of military operations to the Army.

WMP presents the Acts of the General Congress: focus on domestic affairs
The document advocates for more political autonomy and reduced involvement in foreign politics

The Workers' Mojo Party has finally revealed the new political course set during the General Congress last April. Bruuma will shift its focus on domestic affairs, working to enforce a more rigid political orthodoxy and to further implement the country's ideology in all aspects of life, with the notable - but necessary - exception fo the armed forces.
The Party aims to make Bruuma a beacon of "the correct way of socialism" to guide and be of example to all communist countries and movements in the South Pacific.
Regarding foreign politics, the Party affirmed that Bruuma will not allow international bodies to interfere with its soverignity and that while it will fullfil its obligations as a member of the S.S.U., will refrain from involvement in international affairs unless it suits to be in the interest of the Country.

Bruuma and Puerto Pollo raise security level to "Maximum Alert" after Carlson Leak
Reservists are been recalled en masse in the V.P.R.B. while El Pollo Diablo's soldiers set up the island for resisting an invasion.

[Image: venezuela.jpg?w=720&h=480&crop=1]

A anti-ship missile PER truck near a government building in Danjer Cove

After a year of silence, due to a suspect fire that destroyed our offices, the Bruuman Monitor returns with a historical piece on the original population of Bruuma. 

A past of blood and darkness: the mysterious extinct Bruuman natives

Bruuman extinct native human population is still a mysterious subject, due both to the scarcity of archeological findings and the lack of recent systematic studies. The Bruuman regime exploit frequently the figure of the native as a victim of the colonists’ cruelty, but has avoided any further investigation as it deems them a threat to its view of a monolithic Afro-Bruuman identity. Thus, ironically most of the available material come from studies and excavations conducted by the former white colonists.
The arrival
The first humans arrived in Bruuma around 6,000 BC, probably using Jimson Weed Island as a stepping-stone. They belonged to the same ethnic group of the natives of Puerto Pollo, although it is not clear if they arrived from there or they were both terminal ends of a mainland migration.  In the following centuries they spread all over the island, settling primarily in the coastal plains. Jimson Weed Island and Revolution Island were sparsely populated, while Juju Island hosted a sanctuary but was never permanently settled, allegedly because it was believed inhabited by evil spirits.
Social structure
The natives’ primal political entity was the tribe, defined by the belonging to a particular shamanistic tradition. Each tribe was then divided in patrilineal clans that usually accounted for the population of a single village. Villages were built in clearings, natural or artificial, and were composed of a dozen or more long huts built with wood and dried palm leaf. Each extended family occupied one hut, and other were used as communal places. Some villages, especially those in tribal border zone, were surrounded with a wooden palisade. Activities were mostly communal, from child care and meal cooking to construction and hunting.  When the natives arrived, they were hunter-gatherer, but at the times the colonists arrived most tribes also practiced small-scale agriculture in fields near the village, where they grow cassava and other vegetables. Game, mostly small animals, and fish remained the main source of protein intake.
The shamans
Unlike in Puerto Pollo, political and religious authorities were undivided: the shamans held power. They were structured as a brotherhood and employed a secret language to communicate between each other. The position of shaman was not hereditary, but grooming of the apprentices began early in their youth.
In each tribe, they formed a council which frequently met to take collective decisions; the most revered one – usually also the oldest - acted as the supreme authority. These supreme shamans formed a conclave who met regularly on Mount Laveau, although it’s not exactly known on which time span – estimates vary from one to fifty years! 
The native religion was animistic, centered on a dualistic belief: on one side, there were natural spirits, those of the elements, of the weather, of the creatures of the forests. They were considered neutral forces, to be pleased when necessary but otherwise better left alone. On the other sides, there were supernatural spirits akin to demons, being of great powers and free will, with whom the shamans bargained, offering sacrifices in exchange for powers and favors. Small sacrifices were paid with game, objects or blood, but major ones were always human and often involved cannibalism.
Holy wars
Sacrifices were in fact the primary motives of conflict between tribes. Fighting were conducted in a ritualistic fashion, following a well-defined code and ended when the winners took enough victims and bodies, either by force or agreement. These wars were not common but recurring, usually taking place once a decade.
Archeological finding however suggests that before the arrival of the colonists they were taking places almost annually. Two explanations, not mutually exclusive, have been proposed:
  • An increase in population that led to competition for resources, especially clean water sources and fertile spot. 
  • One or more epidemics of diseases brought by the first sporadic contact with outsiders. Being unable to cure them, the shamans might have required a greater amount of victims for desperate bargains with the demonic spirits. 
Thus, the increase in population might have helped the outbreaks, while the increased contacts due to fighting and victims’ exchange might have sped them up.
The end
When the colonists invaded Bruuma in 1666, they easily defeated the natives, already strained by illness and war and impeded by their ritualistic ways of conducting warfare.  After winning decisively some open battles during the first year, they successfully quelled resistance in the following decade.
The invaders enslaved the natives to work in mines and plantations, even raiding those villages in the interior where they still didn’t have control; thousands died of illness, forced labor and starvation and many others took their own life.  The colonists estimated that there were 20,000 natives in Bruuma in 1666, a figure considered accurate by historians. According to the censuses, in just a quarter of century their number was reduced to 1,150, plummeting then to a mere 75 in 1711.
The last one
The last confirmed sighting of a Bruuman native dates to 1721. He was an old shaman named Castro, who by then was reduced to beg in the streets. One day, according to the local folklore, he felt death was approaching. He told the black slaves he befriended that he would go back to the Mountain and launch his last curse against the colonists who killed his people, the gods who abandoned them and the island itself.
He specified that the curse would be very powerful, but would take many generations to unfold. He accepted some food for the travel and ventured outside the city, directed toward Mount Laveau: nobody saw him ever since.
Some speculates that some natives survived longer in the most isolated locations of the island. It could be quite well possible, but without any proof so far it remains an hypothesis.  It is also plausible that native women intermarried with both colonists and slaves alike, and that thus their blood runs in a small percentage in the veins of today Bruumans.

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