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The Distress Call

(OOC: caasd, be careful with the post-modern technology)

Submarine Sraved:
"Come to periscope depth."
"Antenna buoy up!"
"Antenna buoy up", the communications officer confirmed the captains orders.
"Let's hope the Caasdians know the routine. Start transponder signal."
"Acknowledged. Transponder active."
The captain started the transmission. "This is the Sraved of the Sedunnic navy. Caasdian submarine, identify yourselves."

Cruiser Holltyn:
"Captain, port boat reports that the airship is sinking, but not too fast." An officer wearing a headset reported to the captain.
"We must act quickly. Ask the Liberty if it would be possible for their divers to attach wires to the airship and to our two ships. We might be able to slow down its descent, and hopefully not breaking it into pieces in the process."
"Yes captain."
"Helm, take us around the airship, but keep a safe distance to both the Liberty and the airship. Com, let me know as soon as you've got an answer from the Karnetvorans."
"Captain?!" yelled another officer. "Coalition Command wants to spread out the fleets. To take defensive positions. They are to mobilise every available unit to locate whoever fired at the airship."
"That will have to wait, we have to deal with this first. Coordinate this with the Darkstraitese navy. Can they offer any support?"
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


On board the HCMS Foreshadowing
"Antenna deployed, captain."

"Ahoy Sraved, this is Captain Acherson of the Royal Caasdian Navy, in command of the Foreshadowing."
"We are on coalition business, and it is imperative that the briefcase that has been located by your forces is secured and deactivated immediately."
"We have attempted to contact Cicero to gain permission to give you full details, but it appears our long-range communications are being blocked."

"Sir, shouldn't you mention the cover story about the EMP?"
"No, they aren't stupid, they know that that kind of technology is currently impossible."

On board the Colofomosian destroyer Permanent Vengeance

"Captain, we have target lock."

On board the HCMH Taligent

"Ma'am, we've got a launch detection, it's coming about 2 miles away from the fleet."
"Move to general alert, and try and contact the Foreshadowing."

Cicero HQ
"Activate Operation Potential Sorbet."
"Yes, ma'am."

A siren began to sound.

"And summon the Sedunnic and Karnetvorian ambassadors."

KSS Liberty
Sgt. Irving answered a call from the Sedunnic cruiser Holltyn. "Yes, it is possible to attach wires to the ships. However, it would take too long to transport the divers currently at the airship to your ship; three more divers have been sent to your location. They are in a Zodiac boat. They will identify themselves when they arrive".

Meanwhile, a hovercraft was sighted. It was trying to make contact with the Liberty. Captain Izmailov took the transponder. "This is the KSS Liberty, of the Karnetvorian Navy. Identify yourselves".

HCMS We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name
The divers approached the airship. "We are in the airship. As we expected, it is indeed Caasdian. There are survivors; they aren't hostile" said the diver team's leader, Sgt. Karl Visević, to the Liberty using his earpiece. He added, "we have attached the wires to the airship, and we're rescuing the survivors". Other of the divers, Cpl. Michael Barnes, tried to communicate with the survivors inside the sinking airship, "This is Corporal Barnes from the KSS Liberty, do you copy?"
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

(OOC: just a heads up, that should be RCAS We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name)

RCAS We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name
"...from the KSS Liberty, do you copy?"
"Hello? This is Captain McKenzie of the Royal Caasdian Air Force. Most of the crew is dead, estimates say 12 survivors, excluding all those here in the bridge. We were carrying a dangerous object that needs to be found and secured immediately, a briefcase. We are operating on coalition instructions.", said the captain.

HMCH Taligent
"Ahoy Liberty, this is Captain Rushman of the Royal Caasdian Navy. There is a missile inbound for your fleet, fired by an unknown vessel. We also carry emergency instructions regarding the briefcase that has been found by your fleet, and sealed orders from the coalition representative to Cicero. We request permission to come alongside."
"Prepare the document transfer device."
"The box?"
"Yes, the box. How long till the missile gets here?"
"Around a minute, ma'am. Also, we've just got a satellite uplink."
"Send a code 13 to Cicero, immediately."

Cicero HQ
"We've received a code 13 from the Taligent, ma'am."
"Oh goodness, contact the Prime Minister, she's at Loheckle Avenue this evening, and Her Majesty, at the palace. Fill them in on the details."

Enter Ryccia

Nasgoluse Navy Repair Station, Nasgoluse, Ryccia

The fleet that Ryccia had sent had been damaged critically by underwater mines, so Ryccia had to withdraw. However, its coming back.

"Admiral Felicia Von Falkeria! Admiral!"
"Yes, Corporal Desmond?"
"We have been ordered to go again to the Distress Call Zone!"
"What?! We have no importance on being involved! Do we?"
"Well Admiral, Ryccia is rejoining the fight. The motives are to "keep the peace of TSP", but I suspect is for to remove sanctions"
"Good ulterior motive. We get closer to the nations that oppose us and sanction us, and the sanctions go away. I can see why the Military and Parliament decided to get involved again. Let's move. Get in the jeeps, hurry up!"

The batallion moved to the port of Sea Frontier, a very important military naval base.

Sea Frontier, Ryccia

Admiral Felicia had arrived at the naval base. Waiting for them were 3 submarines, 7 frigates, 2 destroyers and 1 cruiser. There were also 5,000 troops.

"Alright, c'mon! Let's get to it!"

The Ocean

"Yes, this is a Ryccian Fleet in Operation Recover. Please identify yourselves"

They stumbled upon KSS Liberty.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Above the ocean
The missile continued to fly towards the fleet.

Submarine Sraved:
The captain pressed the send button. "This is captain Suffvess. Captain, explain "coalition business". To sort this out, we are able to relay any message to your command, via Sedunnic Fleet Command, provided you give us contact information. Regarding the briefcase you mentioned, the information has been passed on. Over." The captain released the send button and scratched her head.

Cruiser Holltyn:

The alarm sounded all over the ship. The launch had been detected and the missile's approach was closely monitored. A hatch on the port side of the ship opened and revealed an anti-aircraft missile compartment. Immediately after being fully opened, two missiles streaked away. The two naval guns were directed towards the approaching missile to prepare for proximity defence.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


HMCS Foreshadowing
"Cicero's assistance was requested by the coalition to acquire the briefcase, as they didn't wish to get involved. You should be able to contact Cicero to confirm this through our embassy in Sedunn, use frequency 326-Alpha. The briefcase contains a small nuclear device that was acquired by separatists. It is imperative that it does not detonate, for obvious reasons."

Loheckle Avenue, Lidpointthwaite-with-Jumpminstersome, Caasd
The red phone mounted on the wall began to ring.
The prime minister pressed a small button under her desk, and the doors closed and locked.
She picked up the phone, listened for a moment, put the phone down, then swore.

KSS Liberty
The missile was detected by the ship's radar and it was being monitored. The defense systems were activated.

Afterwards, a huge fleet was sighted. The fleet identified itself as Ryccian. Captain Izmailov took the transponder; "First an airship, then a hovercraft, and now a giant Ryccian fleet. What's next?" he said to himself. He then told the incoming fleet, "This is the KSS Liberty of the Karnetvorian Navy. Explain your presence in these waters please".

RCAS We-Couldn't-Think-Of-An-Awesome-Name
"Alright Captain McKenzie. We need more information about the briefcase you mentioned, but the airship is sinking very fast. We recommend evacuating it before it's too late," said Cpl. Barnes. Two boats arrived to the scene to help with the evacuation.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Ryccian Fleet

"This is Admiral Felicia Von Falkeria. We are here to support the Coalition forces like Kartnevor. What do you need?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


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