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Appeal to the Assembly

(03-10-2015, 06:07 PM)Wolf Wrote: If The Empire is a threat to TSP, then why has the Cabinet not declared it a Prohibited Organization?

The law exists for a reason. Either use it or don't, but have the common deficiency to refrain from falsely pretending that The Empire is a declared Prohibited Organization when it is not.

In complete fairness, Wolf, "Prohibited Organizations" has been a very contentious issue in the region and has never been used.
[forum admin]

Maybe so, but why even have the law if we're just going to de facto treat a certain group of people like they are prohibited without going through the proper channels?

(03-10-2015, 06:58 PM)Wolf Wrote: Maybe so, but why even have the law if we're just going to de facto treat a certain group of people like they are prohibited without going through the proper channels?

Because, generally, the idea has been to treat individuals ... well, individually. Despite the latest actions.
[forum admin]

Since I've met Dali, he's been friendly and funny and he was a citizen here. I'm not sure why he was deemed a security risk when it took a second cabinet to even term someone who actually, with hard evidence, committed unethical acts against TSP.

Perhaps Dali was engaged in coups elsewhere. Wasn't SB also originally in TSP to infiltrate? He went native and after some stuff became delegate and was directly responsible for my and Kris's entry into TSP government.

I'm actually sad about Neenee being denied as well because as far as I know Empire has done nothing against TSP.

I remember Kris and I, as new players, being told not to trust such and such person and I'm so glad we gave people a clean slate to work from.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
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~ The Sparkly One ~

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(03-10-2015, 11:48 AM)Unibot Wrote: 2. A security risk would be a risk to what we are trying to keep secure: the coalition. A free and fair democratic, constitutional political community.
Keep repeating that phrase Uni and one day you just might actually live those principles rather than just giving lip service to them

(03-10-2015, 08:20 PM)Escade Wrote: Since I've met Dali, he's been friendly and funny and he was a citizen here. I'm not sure why he was deemed a security risk when it took a second cabinet to even term someone who actually, with hard evidence, committed unethical acts against TSP.

Perhaps Dali was engaged in coups elsewhere. Wasn't SB also originally in TSP to infiltrate? He went native and after some stuff became delegate and was directly responsible for my and Kris's entry into TSP government.

I'm actually sad about Neenee being denied as well because as far as I know Empire had done nothing against TSP.

Honestly, I wish I could go back and change my vote for Nee. Not that it would make a difference, but I was given the wrong impression of her.

Good evening all,

Normally, I would offer you all a drink. Yet, that would probably be improper, and I will enjoy a glass of wine myself. If you care for some Dalimbari non-spiked (glitter-free and poison-free) alcohol, one of my obvious minions will show you the way. Wink

I would like to thank those of you who stated in this thread your support for my appeal. We may come from different ideological backgrounds and levels of involvement in TSP, but we all know that TSP needs to be free of paranoia and fear.


I have yet to see actual evidence against me being a security threat to The South Pacific. More rhetoric and bluster, though, which is disturbing. 

I am disturbed at the fact that a member of Cabinet is unable to define a legal definition of "security threat" except in the most political way possible. I do not accept the answers to my questions from a sole Cabinet member, and if TSP citizens cared about what was going on about defining a person a "security threat" or not too, I would strongly suggest demanding a better answer.

To Glen - Abdication of responsibility was meant if the region, well, abdicates responsibility to defend itself from legitimate security threats. Frankly, this decision to deny me citizenship is political and fueled by paranoia, and I stand by that. By attacking those who are not legitimate security threats, then the region makes itself look foolish and weak to the eyes of the real opportunists. And you alienate those who might help you once again.

To Tsu - Thank you for your warm and truthful comments. As you know, I mean no harm to TSP. I am deeply concerned by how the current Cabinet of TSP is regarded as the most dramatic of all the GCR Cabinets. I easily would have thought that TNP or Osiris would have been that, but given the amount of propaganda, vitriol, confusion, and drama coming out of certain elements of this Cabinet, then I certainly agree that at present, this is the most dramatic GCR of the moment. And I do not mean that in a good way.

It saddens me, it really does. When I first started in 2004, I saw TSP as being a reasonable force in the GCRs, able to talk to both the "democratic" and "francoist" Pacifics, while maintaining a stable and functional structure. We used to joke that TSP was an "old boys club". TSP protected itself from legitimate threats, but allowed anyone who wanted to contribute - regardless of ideology - and allowed the time and space to do so. If they put themselves before the region, then they'd be put to task.

I want to see a TSP like that again.

TSP has certainly faced many challenges. Sedge and Milo, to Bel and others. What it needs to do is find the strength again to realize that these certainly were challenges, but needs to move on towards a more positive and TSP-focused direction.

To Unibot - My activities, be it coup or counter-coup (as you would know if you were not grandstanding) were due to internal political factors of the region in a different time period. Politiking is lovely, but those "answers" were not about you. They are intended to answer to all TSPers on what the Cabinet feels are the proper answers to those questions.

As you have noted that The Empire is not a Prohibited Organization, then I question the perceived violation of my rights via : 4. The freedom of association, including the freedom of peaceful assembly.

The purpose of my introductory paragraph on the subject of "The Empire" was to detail what it was. You may wish to extrapolate it to be the bogeyman for everything, but The Empire was only concerned with The East Pacific in 2008. If you are comfortable with charging people with laws designed this year to "crimes" that were "committed" in previous years, then give us a better reason why "The Empire" should be Prohibited, and why I should be considered a "security risk".

Furthermore, I had nothing to do with Operation Brave Toaster. You are clearly grasping at straws.
When I found out about it (due to Cormac's leaks), I informed those who would listen to me that it was an idiotic idea which should never have taken place.

Ladies, gentlemen, and folks who don't identify with gender normatives, again I am at a loss, for I have no proof from a member of the Cabinet that I am a security threat in which I could try to defend myself against. I will happily defend myself if there is some evidence which claims to state that I am a threat. Yet, there does not seem to be any.

I will note for the second time, that I do not seek the Delegacy, a Cabinet-level position, nor an Administrative-level position. If I were a legitimate threat, I would seek one of those. But frankly, I wish for none of those posts.

This brings us to the question which matters the most: Why do I want to be a citizen of TSP? If not for a famous position of power, then why?

I genuinely like TSP. Although I was, back in the day, never really a member of TSP, I loved some of the folks here, like Fudgie, Mav, Lady Rebels, and plenty of others. They brought a certain class to the GCRs. I like many of the people here, and it disgusts me to see that the region is so dramatic and almost childish about certain events. Defend yourselves from attackers, and move on. So, I want to be here to see that I can help TSP go back to being the South Pacific that I knew and loved.

Thank you all again for your consideration.
Delegate (Ret.) of The North Pacific
Delegate (Ret.) of Osiris
Folk Hero of the Pacifics
Member of the Ex-Feeder Tyrant Club
TSP's Best Mall

Dalimar Wrote:this is the most dramatic GCR of the moment.

That's what I like about TSP. I certainly wouldn't want things to be stagnant and boring Tounge


As someone who has served in TSP's cabinet many times over the course of six years, I can safely say that I do not recall any instance where we had a security concern over Dali, Nee, or BGP, the three most recent individuals who have been nicked for security concenrs. I know my vote doesn't count in any of these, but I felt it necessary to bring it up.

If we didn't give Neenee citizenship I don't see why we should give Dali. He admits to being a part of coups. We didn't give Neenee citizenship because she was a member of The Empire and took part in coups, why are we allowing Dail to enter then?
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

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