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Approvals for Election Commissioner

(03-23-2015, 03:11 PM)Unibot Wrote: I don't like the idea of giving the Chair the authority to appoint names; the assembly can appoint people without the middleman.

I also don't think 75% is necessary; assuming there's a contradicting vote that takes place, the person who eventually gets chosen will already be the condorcet winner as is against the other possibilities.

We all know that ... practically speaking ... if someone isn't assigned the task, it's not going to get done. I appreciate the optimism but I hardly think it will work.
[forum admin]

Then I suppose that brings us back to Uni's Assembly proposal.


(03-23-2015, 05:58 PM)Tsunamy Wrote:
(03-23-2015, 03:11 PM)Unibot Wrote: I don't like the idea of giving the Chair the authority to appoint names; the assembly can appoint people without the middleman.

I also don't think 75% is necessary; assuming there's a contradicting vote that takes place, the person who eventually gets chosen will already be the condorcet winner as is against the other possibilities.

We all know that ... practically speaking ... if someone isn't assigned the task, it's not going to get done. I appreciate the optimism but I hardly think it will work.

We appoint acting justices, so why not the EC?

But ... say it doesn't get done. Who gets blamed?
[forum admin]

I wonder if we're overthinking it? The current system isn't broken though I do see merit in good reform. I'm not sure we've found that yet though. Nor if I'm honest am I sure this suggestion is the right approach but I thought I'd throw it out there.

How about if the Assembly was to appoint say six names to a pool of EC's with priority based on the number of votes received? That way you'd likely find 1 or 2 names from the list who weren't running for a given office.

(03-20-2015, 05:44 PM)Escade Wrote: I agree with Unibot, I would never support Todd having power as an EC in TSP.

Judging by the amount of flak Hileville's received in the elections, I'd be surprised that anyone wants to be an EC. This isn't an isolated event - if someone doesn't win an election, the EC is the convenient target. In my opinion, that's why we're in this mess to begin with. Admins didn't want to do it, and they couldn't find a guy who'd step up to do it (or one they wanted to step up).

That all being said, the actual act of counting votes and ensuring their validity is something that's rather important. Yes, we all know about Toaster, and how it was abandoned after a few days. But questioning someone's intergrity on actually counting votes and judging if someone is or is not a citizen is a breach of my integrity.

I would never in a million years have any reason to suspect your integrity as you were EC during the election I ran in if you had:

1. Shown more remorse about your actions instead of attacking people surprised and hurt by it.

2. Weren't so vehement in minimizing the gravity of OBT and how it does in fact and rightly so cause people to feel fear and suspicion. Our most recent coup was internally motivated and OBT was led by someone who internally had great power in the region.

3. Had reported this plot at the time to someone in TSP. See if someone plotted against TEP on the TSP forums, I would tell Xoriet right away as soon as I found out.

4. Didn't keep bringing up other regions and their ways of doing things instead of first perceiving how TSP has been operating recently.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

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1. Trust me, I felt remorse. Now I've moved on. Much like others who are here and who have had shifty intentions during their NS career. If you refuse to associate with people who have thought of dastardly plans at least once in NS, you'd have very few people to associate with.
2. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
3. By the time things rolled around, I forgot about it. Others admitted that too.
4. I along with a bunch of others wrote some of those laws. But they've been tangled into oblivion to the point where they're not protocol, they're roadblocks. In many cases they don't make sense. Or there's no backup procedure. Plus I am certainly not alone in bringing up other regions and how they do things.
5. I have zero interest in being an EC. I am pretty sure most people here have little to no interest in serving as an EC too.

Either way, you can continue to not like me. You've made it perfectly clear that if you don't like someone you will do whatever you can to harm them. This makes it rather difficult to do stuff here. Regardless, I'm a citizen, you're a citizen. We're both citizens of TSP. If we're both committed to working in this region and trying to make it better, we're going to find ways to do that, not continue to take pot shots against the people we don't like. That goes nowhere and just starts up arguments no one really needs or wants (well, no one probably wants).

(03-25-2015, 11:54 PM)Todd McCloud Wrote: This isn't an isolated event - if someone doesn't win an election, the EC is the convenient target.

We've conducted several elections on these forums without any of these issues whatsoever. I've been here since 2013, and I don't recall any of these issues, or any EC being in this sort of controversy. This is most certainly as isolated incident.


Give me an example of "you will do whatever you can to harm them." That is character assassination at its finest and to be honest you have been doing it far more then I have. See I point to concrete proof when I bring up OBT and how it shows a lapse in integrity. What proof do you have if any?

As for the backlash from OBT from me, I found out about it recently because I came back recently. I was gone for a while. When I came back Belschaft not only rescinded his apology over it but cowed like a rooster that he got away with it and couldn't be prosecuted for plotting against the coalition. Then other people involved like you attempted to minimize it.

If there's one thing that this region knows from my service to it is that I don't harm people. I protect people even those I disagree with. I am only against those who have harmed this region and that will always be true.

When I see you contributing to this region instead of making posts that are thinly veiled character assassinations or threatening on IRC to take me to court for a common and legal practice (one that has taken place in several elections and in one case one candidate called another one "lazy" in their campaign PMs) in TSP then I will know better, won't I?

If you had just said, "I'm actually quite sorry about OBT" or spoken to me privately as we had when you were EC instead of the passive aggressive tactics you've been engaging in, I would probably have moved on myself.

The burden isn't on me in this situation, its on you.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

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