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Ryccia Post-War Planning Conference

(03-24-2015, 10:14 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: We support Resentine's idea.

We do not believe in full demilitarization, but very close to it.

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We would like the Committee to dismiss Mr. Reddicker's letter, as it dismisses the Constitution of the Federation, and ignores the preset the determination of the Federation that it is the duty of the King and his selected staff to determine the nation's foreign policy.

We do apologize for the disturbance, and assure the committee that it will not happen again.

, Foreign Minister Marko Ramius
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


We ask for forgiveness, Mr. Ramius.

We do not know the constitution of Resentine, and were unable to make a good decision.

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(03-24-2015, 10:24 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: We ask for forgiveness, Mr. Ramius.

We do not know the constitution of Resentine, and were unable to make a good decision.

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It is not your fault. Ti's the fault of Mr. Reddicker. We will be seeking his active exclusion from any involvement in the negotiation proccess, and possibly consider bring about his censorship on this subject in front of Parliament.

, Foreign Minister Marko Ramius
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Karnetvor agrees that the Ryccian military must be reduced, but we do not think full demilitarization is the answer. We propose:
  • Reducing the military from 30 million to 5 million including reserve.
  • Reducing Ryccia's nuclear capacity to 1,000 warheads.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

President Dominic Frost said, instead of taking all power away from Ryccia and setting up a mutinational force, how about we give the power back to the people, who wanted Prime Minister Dave Isvou out of office, to elect a new official? We cannot punish all Ryccians for one Ryccian's actions. What message would we send if we oppress the same people that were oppressed by this Prime Minister?"
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

The Delegation of The Federation would find all terms of the Delegation of Qvait's idea acceptable, but we still feel that Ryccia's military is far too large without representing a significant threat to all nations of the South Pacific. We still would seek a significant reduction of these forces, though not complete elimination or having multinational forces occupy Ryccia. If Multinational forces were to do this, Resentine believes that the Ryccian People would only see this as a trade of one form of oppression for another.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Karnetvor agrees with the Resentine delegation's statement.
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

The Kringalian Delegation proposes that this Conference collectively sign Resolution 001 of the Southern Cooperation Organisation, which provides for the comprehensive reforms to the Ryccian military and government, and the establishment of an International Oversight Commission to supervise the compliance with the Resolution.

While this Conference can indeed have different standards, we believe that the conditions set forth in the Resolution are the minimum conditions that should be met in order for any meaningful negotiation to be held. Hopefully, international pressure will allow Ryccia to accept these minimum terms, and negotiated additional ones.

Lisa Scott
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Kringalia
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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The Delegation of Resentine finds this mostly agreeable, but, we also need to figure out what allowed the "Prime Minister" of Ryccia to take over the country and need make sure such an action can never occur in Ryccia again.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The Ryccian system is clearly flawed. We must set up a better democracy there, and occupy the country until it is ready.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."

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