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Being Banned from IRC

Why or how? I mean you have to explain it Hileville, because it's not always easy to see the repercussions of things. So can you give an example of why or how?


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(04-15-2015, 11:07 PM)Hileville Wrote: I can't even express how dangerous that would be.

Yes, please explain. Because right now, we treat IRC like the great wild beyond where some things are allowed to be brought to the forums, but others are not.

I personally find it strange defamation only occurs when it's on the forums as oppose to on IRC when the different because the communication is negligible.
[forum admin]

As one of the SOPs on #the_south_pacific with Todd and Raven for a year now, and a long time TSPer first, and as someone who has done IRC outside of #the_south_pacific for years, I just want to add my two cents here. Escade, think of that ban as a time out, not being excluded forever. IRC is a place where many people, from many regions, (average people in the room is 40ish) come to relax and hang out and talk with the fear of getting banned for getting things off their minds. Why the MoFA at any given time doesn't live there, boogles my mind. The politics of the game come up very rarely, and when it DOES come up, it can be about issues WITH the government and it gives a person a place to "vent" without fear of retribution. Some people, at some times, get passionate and cross the line where 40 other people don't want to hear it. It's called moderation. That's what moderators do. Given time to let things cool down, you were let back in. The statements you made that on that night YOU were banned/kicked from two different channels, in two different regions points to you having a bad night. We ALL have them.
There is now reason to put it under government control, and frankly, impossible to do. The fact that most of the ops are not from the region, makes moderation more fair because no one is getting DUE TO in game politics. The only way to get shown the door is to come in and repeatedly cause issues and go after individuals. It takes several "time outs" before it's just not worth doing it again.
It can be a fun place. We try and keep it that way. The only people that go away for long times are people who don't get it. It's NOT a place for individual soapboxes. It, in itself, is a community within Nation States. We have a forum crowd. We have an RMB crowd, we have an IRC crowd. Three worlds. Three sets of people where some overlap. Being "big" in one, does not make you "big" in all.

I am sure we can find perfectly impartial and fair individuals right here in the region. The fact that out of the SOPs only one is a citizen, and out of the OPs, only three are long-term citizens, is contradictory at best.

Every other day someone else is getting banned or otherwise mistreated from this channel. If that is your definition of fun, then I'm glad I stopped visiting it. My time on IRC has been significantly more pleasant, as a result.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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Sorry. But that's just not totally accurate. Usually cabinet members get autoops during their tenure. Bans are not that frequent and permabans rarely happen. Are people banned for an evening? Yes, it happens. Most often because they are in the room and either on a soapbox or whining that people aren't playing the IRC game the way THEY want it played. In the past 3 months, there are 3 bans that I know of. One was a person that found the room during when we were oping everyone and decided to start banning EVERYONE. One was Escade, which has been lifted, due to disagreements with someone (never argue with someone with a gun), and one was another player who doesn't get it that his beliefs on acceptable language and actions does not fly in the group that frequents the room. Do we kick people? All the time, but usually in the name of fun. NO ONE has every been banned without knowing why.
As for only three ops being long term citizens, There are only three people with auto ops besides the founder and SOPS. So there goes that logic.

(04-15-2015, 11:07 PM)Hileville Wrote: I can't even express how dangerous that would be.

It's true, he can't. If he did we might do it.  :s

If the owners and operators of this private channel want to continue to run the channel in the way that they do and continue to use a 'don't like it? Get out' method of responding to criticism, I really don't think we should publicize this private channel everywhere in public spaces as our 'regional channel' - it's not our regional channel. 

We can create a public channel and advertise it as a public channel without interfering with #thesouthpacific - the only reason they're complaining and saying it's the end of the world is because they know despite their channel's private ownership, the only reason why it is a successful channel is because it is treated by everyone (but them) as a public channel of a major NS region. If we were to remove the faux 'official status' from this private channel, there'd be no point to hanging around there really. 

Let me rephrase. Out of nine people with SOP or OP, only four are long-term, continuous citizens. Others have only been citizens for the past few months or are not citizens at all. So no, that logic does not go there.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Let's be fair here — no one on the RMB or the forums has (recently if ever) been forcibly silenced due to their political beliefs. Period. End of story.

Let me go on record to say that I personally like the way things are currently set up — but I don't understand the logic that IRC cannot be overseen by the government. Considering the other two "areas" QD set out are, it makes little sense that the IRC channel isn't, too. (And, lets be fair, in moderation the political aspect is always a red herring to what is really going on.)

That said, I don't think we should totally pull up stakes and leave. I think if we have major concerns, the first step would be to talk to Asta and go from there.
[forum admin]

Sorry QuietDad, I wasn't banned because I was having a bad night. In fact you've had more bad nights then I have but I doubt you would be banned for it. If that were so then transcripts would be posted for why and then then I would post transcripts about how if you're the right person you can be a complete and utter rude person and get away with it. I didn't cross any lines that people have been getting away with including referring to people as bastards and bastardettes. Venting is okay selectively? I don't think so.

So the reality is that the current IRC ops is polticized to a high degree and if you disagree with someone, the wrong someone then you get banned but if you trash talk the right people you can refer to them in the most despicable ways and get away with it. This isn't fair or impartial and it's a growing trend that TSP IRC is being used against political enemies.

We should have a regional channel that as Tsu suggested has clear guidelines and impartial Ops. I'm also open to working with Asta but the government should have some control over OPs. I'm also open to having an official channel covered by the government.

Some of the things people say or imply are quite rough in IRC but its okay as long you're in the right group? Some of the Ops stay out of it because they aren't hypocritical but when rules are applied selectively you invite abuse of power and anarchy.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
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~ The Sparkly One ~

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(04-16-2015, 01:13 PM)Escade Wrote: We should have a regional channel that as Tsu suggested has clear guidelines and impartial Ops. I'm also open to working with Asta but the government should have some control over OPs.  I'm also open to having an official channel covered by the government.

Let's be clear. Asta is quite good of taking care of stuff in an impartial way.
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