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SPSF Review - May

This thread will never be productive unless we all take a long look at our own behavior. I think there is good reason why we have a review, and I am someone who would love to see the SPSF succeed and while I dont have a WA, I might have something to offer.

Using this thread to grandstand political points will not help us review the SPSF. Being combative with every response will not result in allowing us to review the SPSF.

If there is a communication issue between the MoFA and MoA, I suggest they use the cabinet forum that they have for that express purpose. And I think Kris hit the phrase 'good faith' on the head. The two ministers won't have a relationship if grandstanding for political points is how you choose to build it.
The 16th Delegate of The South Pacific

Perhaps this discussion would be more protective then if we offered specific examples of what has the SPSF done, what it still needs to do and what it could do about it.

Emphasis on specific examples.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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Well, the raid on Atlantic is a good specific example. I'll go digging through my logs to see what happened and give a nice playback in forum sentences. If not that, I'm certain some SPSF member has the logs.

Jasper Henn

Yeah, this is why Wolf got the reception he did and this is why he'll continue to face the reception if he keeps it up.

Sorry, this is TSP not whatever other region\organization\etc. Attacking the people or ways this region works doesn't get you any points. Taking an attitude with people trying to give you a chance and attacking them, whether politically or through sarcasm, not going to be well-received.

I suggest Wolf not post unless he gets some advice from SB or Henn on how not to come off in a way that is offensive. I'm trying to reset to zero with him but like anyone if you attack the people I care about in groundless ways and try to demean them I'm not going to be happy.

Kris, about this review - what I'm thinking is a log of past missions perhaps that were completed? Something like:

Allies (if any) Involved:
TSP Soldiers Involved:

It's possible this log would be updated continuously in the private military section which maybe the CSS can see as well?

And then some time after missions or are complete then the Assembly reviews them?

Also, Henn. I can help with missions that take place on certain Saturdays - can you put me on some reserve list and let me know about those missions?


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(05-08-2015, 09:37 AM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Goddamn it Wolf, stop. You've pissed me off, with your posting here, and when you piss off the guy who appointed you to your high position, that's either an immense loss or a win depending on your outlook.

Wolf, this is an order, stop posting here unless you are specifically asked a question or you are invited to speak here. Thank you for this Atlantic raid, but you're not helping our case at ALL.

Jasper Henn

Id like to get on record here and publicly commend the MoA for his best and sincere efforts at making this review work. I was highly skeptical during his campaign that he was going to engage with the Assembly, be an agent of reform for the SPSF and listen to outside opinions. He has so far proven those doubts to be false. The jury is still out on these reviews and engagement with the Assembly bear fruit but with his attitude there is better chance it will succeed.
King of Haldilwe

Thanks Henn, I really appreciate your willingness to engage. If we can all keep that attitude, I think this review will be worth the effort.

I am happy that we are slowly increasing the activity of the Special Forces. My concern is to ensure that that activity remains constant, mainly by having an influx of newcomers that get appropriate training and motivation, so that they can eventually become leaders of the military.

@Escade: I think a well-maintained log would be great, but at the same time time I have two comments on that:
- First, I would love to see SPSF communications be more user-friendly. A missions log should definitely be kept, but it'd be great to also see regular communications that are more accessible to the public and that let see the SPSF as an engaging platform for activity, hence my previous suggestion for a newsletter as well.
- Second, I don't want to leave the impression that reviews are only about saying what missions we've been on, since the real objective is to ensure that the SPSF has a coherent and working strategy for its development. We might be having lots of missions, but no real recruitment or training strategy (example, isn't necessarily true), so that is something we should be discussing in a review.

Henn, as Communications Deputy I am thinking of some rather exciting projects, namely increasing Journal activity and developing regular interviews and panels on regional issues. Perhaps we could work together to develop a good communications strategy for the SPSF?
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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I'm all for it. Let's talk in the IRC channel for the SPSF about this, so we can iron out the details a bit quicker.

Jasper Henn

(05-08-2015, 09:59 AM)southern bellz Wrote: Using this thread to grandstand political points will not help us review the SPSF.  Being combative with every response will not result in allowing us to review the SPSF.

There is only one person grandstanding and being combative with every post. Wolf has had an attitude since the very beginning, responding to rather straightforward questions with snark and pettiness, and deflecting questions by attacking those who have asked them. I ask him what he's been up to-- he responds by complaining that the Admin Team is purposefully ignoring him. I say that MoA-MoFA communication is nonexistent and could be a place for better coordination, and he attacks me and uses a "review" of MoFA as a political threat. Let's not get into that dumb kind of false equivalence, SB.

I'd like to thank Henn for being reasonable and answering the questions that have been posed to him. One thing that I want to make clear, though, is that these reviews are meant to be critical. The law was written with the intent of finding ways the SPSF can be better. That means looking at it with a critical eye, finding failures, and turning those failures into successes. It's not a cheerleading routine. So SPSF leadership and Assembly members need to make a conscious effort to not be defensive, and stop treating criticism like personal attacks or "embarrassing" behavior.

That being said, there are number of issues that have been brought up:

  1. MoA should communicate with MoFA on missions that have the potential to impact alliances or be generally controversial.
  2. The General Corps is legally subordinate to the region's foreign affairs, and must not engage in activity abroad that harm it.
  3. Centralized mission logs.
  4. The need for a recruitment and retention strategy.
  5. What is the long-term vision?
  6. Be more open to critical oversight.

You and Wolf are doing the exact same thing. You even both use the same logic to justify your aggression towards each other.

Your not just asking harmless questions and he's not just giving harmless answers. You're both acting like children.
The 16th Delegate of The South Pacific

I am glad to inform that Henn and I are currently discussing steps that we could take towards a more effective communications strategy. We might take some time to fully implement everything, but I think we are both seeing a lot of potential in the plan we are drawing up.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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