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Citizenship and Posting

I propose a character count requirement for citizenship! /sarcasm
The Third Imperium
Journalist, South Pacific Independent News Network (SPINN)

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Foreign Affairs Minister, The West Pacific

If there was a post requirement for citizenship then I think 20 is a bit too high. 10 or 15 would be better.

(04-24-2014, 12:50 PM)Escade Wrote: Once I process applications at some point today, we'll have 100+ citizens. I'd rather have 50 people on that list who were active then 103.

I vehemently oppose this line of thought. We should work to be more inclusive, not less. The Assembly of the South Pacific is not an exclusive club. It is a body that deliberates on the best course of action for this region. Denying people access to that government because they do not fit an arbitrary level of "activity" is indefensible.

Here's a second issue: this proposal is unlikely to actually help activity. How do we know that requiring 20 posts will suddenly spike activity? I also am curious to know why the activity threshold is 20 posts. Why not 10 posts? 15 posts? 30? I fear that this is actually a shot in the dark unsupported by evidence. It will not fix our activity problem.

I have a third objection: will these posts have to have some level of cogent thought, or can they just be inane spam? Is the Vice Delegate going to be tasked with combing through everybody's posts making sure they make 20 posts that "contribute" to the discourse of the region in some way? I fear that this higher posting limit will only give the illusion that there is activity and will give us a lot of posts that lack substance.

Escade, I think your statement that "inactivity is the scourge of NationStates" is spot-on. Unfortunately, I don't think it's something we can fix by forcing people to be active. You encourage people to be active by creating a stimulating and welcoming environment (which I think we have). Chaining them to a computer and mandating that they post a lot will only work to drive them away.

I think that we should work to be more inclusive, but I do not believe letting people become citizens immediately is necessarily something that makes TSP more inclusive. TSP is inclusive because of its openness and the engagement it enables citizens to have, but I believe that providing that the requirements of citizenship are not too onerous or elitist, and I do not believe a post minimum of 20 or 10 or 15 or whatever is unreasonable, then I do not believe that we effect our openness. What we do do, however, is make sure that our citizens at least have showed in the past a bare minimum of activity and that is a good indication of future activity.

On your second point, I believe that the principle does not guarantee future activity and even asking for 1,000 posts would not do that. However, I would argue that if you were to take a pool of TSP citizens that had 20+ posts before being made Citizens and those that had less before being made Citizens, then those with 20+ posts would on average be more likely to stay around and contribute.

On your third point, I am not concerned where the posts are per se.

I do not believe a handful of posts is chaining people to a computer, but it certainly will show that there are activity responsibilities for citizenship.

TSP rightly gives its citizens access to this Assembly and is inclusiveness, but with that right of participation comes responsibility, and a believe that this measure would make that clear to those that wish to be TSP citizens.

(04-24-2014, 04:39 PM)Sir Pitt Wrote: TSP is inclusive because of its openness and the engagement it enables citizens to have, but I believe that providing that the requirements of citizenship are not too onerous or elitist, and I do not believe a post minimum of 20 or 10 or 15 or whatever is unreasonable, then I do not believe that we effect our openness.

Actually, a post minimum like the one being proposed by Escade would be quite onerous. I am a member of the cabinet and I am fairly active on these forums. I average about 2 posts a day. These forums were created on March 31st. Assuming that I posted two posts per day, I would not have been eligible for citizenship until (roughly) April 10th. The average person might have lost interest by the time they would have been able to accrue 20 posts. That's pretty damn onerous to me.

(04-24-2014, 04:39 PM)Sir Pitt Wrote: On your second point, I believe that the principle does not guarantee future activity and even asking for 1,000 posts would not do that. However, I would argue that if you were to take a pool of TSP citizens that had 20+ posts before being made Citizens and those that had less before being made Citizens, then those with 20+ posts would on average be more likely to stay around and contribute.

I would bet you all the money that I have that in the history of our government that there has been less than 15 people EVER who have written 20+ posts before becoming citizens. If it actually took 20 posts for people to become citizens, they would probably lose interest and move on to something else that doesn't have such stringent requirements for citizenship. They probably wouldn't stay around and contribute.

I feel like this argument is starting to go in circles. I suggest that those in favor of this policy draft a a charter amendment and motion for a vote.

I think if we were to pursue this path, we'd need to have two sets of citizens. One of voting members -- who have more than 20 posts; and one non-voting members, who are still in the process of getting the votes. Otherwise, yes, people would get bored before being able to become full citizens.

Rebeltopia, I'm pointing out factual statements that can be proved. What are you taking about? Instead of beating around the bush, why don't you have the guts to make factual statements?

I complained heavily about my treatment by an individual who has yet to show any proof to the character assassination attempted. Do you have any proof? Does he? If not then its called slander and defamation and a despicable sort of political vitriol.

Go ahead and make factual statements that you can prove. I've no qualms about that, nor any fear whatsoever.


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Tsunamy 20 posts including in the Assembly, it was a number chosen that ....wait for it...can be discussed.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
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~ The Sparkly One ~

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(04-24-2014, 05:20 PM)Escade Wrote: Tsunamy 20 posts including in the Assembly, it was a number chosen that ....wait for it...can be discussed.

Why do you propose 20 posts? Is there a reason or is it just an arbitrary number?

I think that the two tier Citizenship proposal is an interesting one - I think that it meets the views of both sides of this debate.

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