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Corrupt a Wish

Granted, but you personally won't be paranoid.

I wish TSP did a 1984 RP.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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Granted, but you are not a member of the Party. Big Brother is watching.

Adorable Creatures Killed By Kris's Wish's:3378

I wish TSP did a traditional, DnDesque, dungeon crawling RP.
"Liberty is the Gate and the Key to Prosperity"
My threads:
Philosophers Corner
The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

Granted, but you won't notice it.
I wish I could wish everything I could no matter its quantity or quality without any consequences.
The Lord of Space and Protector of the TARDIS Keys of
The Solar System Scope


Granted, but before you get to make your first wish, you are swarmed by a mob of angry poodles, who chase you down a stairwell, you trip and tumble down seven flights of stairs into an open elevator shaft, which wouldn't have been so bad, if it wasn't for the rabid shaft raccoons. When at last the elevator rises up and near crushes you against the sealing, you think yourself lucky, until the roof of the elevator collapses, and you fall on top of a rather rich looking woman. Her husband proceeds to pick you up and throw you out of the elevator into a salad bar, you roll off and land with your head in a bucket of pork chops. As you bump around blindly you stumble over yet another set of stairs, all the way down to the ground floor. You are greeted by the sound of howling coyotes. You run, full tilt, still blinded by the pork chop bucket. You trip over a curb and land belly down what feels like a road, and the last thing you hear before the welcoming whisper of death is the sound of an eighteen wheelers horn approaching you rapidly.

I wish for the Crimea.
"Liberty is the Gate and the Key to Prosperity"
My threads:
Philosophers Corner
The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

Granted, but Russia invades it.

I wish again we did a 1984 RP in which I was a member of the Inner Party.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

Legal Resources:
THE MATT-DUCK Law Archive | Mavenu Diplomatic Archive | Rules of the High Court | Case Submission System | Online Rulings Consultation System

Granted, you are immediately executed for treason.

Adorable Creatures Killed By Kris's Wish's:3489

I wish to notice the dungeon crawling forum role play.
"Liberty is the Gate and the Key to Prosperity"
My threads:
Philosophers Corner
The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

Granted, but you also notice that you have been banned from Role-Play Central

I wish that TSP did either a cowboy, mob/gangster, or a ninja RP.

Granted, in however it is all of them, the cowboys shoot the ninjas, the ninjas assassinate the mobsters bosses, and the mobster goons shoot the cowboys, leaving the only characters available being ex mobster goons.

I wish we would stop posting ideas for RPs in corrupt-a-wish and actually make them in RP central.
"Liberty is the Gate and the Key to Prosperity"
My threads:
Philosophers Corner
The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

Granted, but nobody ever joins them.

I wish for Christmas to come early.

Granted, but your birthday comes late.

I wish for Pieists to stop being persecuted by Cakeists.
"Liberty is the Gate and the Key to Prosperity"
My threads:
Philosophers Corner
The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

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