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Festival with Albion


I am happy to say we will hold a festival with Albion. While dates have not been discussed yet, I would hope to do it later this month or early next month. Based on informal talks with the Fellowship staff and the Albion cultural team, we have decided this festival will have a discovery/exploration theme.

We still need to sort out the specifics of that theme and how to apply it to the different games and activities we will hold throughout the festival. Albion was kind enough to provide a list of possible activities for us to hold during the festival:

Albion Wrote:1. The film festival you guys did previously was definitely liked.
2. An avatar contest
3. Short poem contest, the silly four-line limerick kind and/or politically related ones. Then we can have a poll vote for which was the favourite and/or funniest.
4. Community short story (the whole, each person adds a line/paragraph)
5. A market stall.
6. A CYOA adventure RP. (SevenDeaths said he'd happily run it, if it's a go ahead.)
7. Salem.

Some thoughts of my own or that I have discussed with Bono:
  • If we do hold the film festival, we need to ensure we had a good number of submissions in time, to avoid the extremely long duration of the previous one. Ideally we should begin advertising that particular event days before the festival begins.
  • A state visit would be quite nice, so we can get to know a bit more about Albion, and Albion can get to know a bit more about us.
  • During our previous Regional Games we have a Scavenger Hunt. We don't have to do it, but if we did want a gameside component, Bono and I agree that, with some changes, it would be a really nice addition.
  • How would we do this? All in our forum, or (my preferred choice) similar activities in both our forums, encouraging our citizens to check out the other side's festival too?
As always, I welcome all input on the matter.
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Using both forums would be best.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
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I know what would be fun! Happywide

a silly improv in the RMB! ^u^

[Image: W9Gx775.png?2]
Wintreath Thane of Diplomatic Officers

Fmr. Local Councillor (9/9/15 - c. 10/15)


Hi guys,

Thought I'd say a quick hello and let you that Albion has infiltrated this thread. WinkI'll take a read and add some thoughts this evening. In the meantime if you have any questions or pebbles to throw at me, feel free to do so.

Looking forward to getting this started!


Thank you, happy to be here. Smile

I like the scavenger hunt idea, it'll be somewhat new for us over at Albion too. We've thrown the idea around a few times but I don't think it's actually been turned into a proper event, I really only recall it being discussed, so I'm interested to hear how you run it. I'm also very keen on the state visit, as I know we would genuinely like to get to know TSP better than what we do currently.

Quote:a silly improv in the RMB! ^u^

I'd love to hear where your thoughts were (or are) going with this. I love improv. It's 100 times better than scripted, at least in my opinion anyway.

I also think the split forum is the best of the two too. For game ideas such as community story, it can start on one forum, and then continued on the other, and same with other joint activities of a similar vein (RMB improv would fit in here too!) Unless of course, it'd be preferable to run two (one on each forum) and then bring them all together at the end. Speaking of, what do you guys think of the activity suggestions we put forward? Any questions or such about them? If you don't like something too, don't be shy to 'meh' at it, I won't be offended.

Out of the 7 that were originally suggested, I like the sound of an avatar contest.

[Image: W9Gx775.png?2]
Wintreath Thane of Diplomatic Officers

Fmr. Local Councillor (9/9/15 - c. 10/15)


Greetings, everybody, and welcome, Olivia.

As Kris mentioned, we've been discussing about a few of the activities suggested by Albion, and this is what I can say or reiterate about them:

1. The film festival you guys did previously was definitely liked.
As previously mentioned, this festival would need to be advertised and even have the scripts handed in beforehand if possible. It can be very entertaining although being time-consuming.

2. An avatar contest
As always, it's fun to have it. Also, a Caption Contest could be run as well.

3. Short poem contest, the silly four-line limerick kind and/or politically related ones. Then we can have a poll vote for which was the favourite and/or funniest.
I really like this idea, even whilst not being skilled in poetry, it's enjoyable to read some works.

4. Community short story (the whole, each person adds a line/paragraph)
Short Stories are among my favourite activities. And, as it says, it can be run in diversty of ways... Which could lead to have a thread for each kind, for example: one for those written a sentence per turn, either in teams or openly; another for a contest of short stories, like those Six-Word Stories.

5. A market stall.
I'm not well aware of how are they run. Would you like to enlighten me on this?

6. A CYOA adventure RP. (SevenDeaths said he'd happily run it, if it's a go ahead.)
Is this like the mafia games we've been running or does it have a different gameplay? Either way, it would be good to try, considering you already got somebody to host it.

7. Salem.
Personally, I couldn't play it so far due some issues in my laptop. However, I've been told it's fun... So, I'm ok with this.

(09-11-2015, 05:46 AM)Olivia Wrote: Thank you, happy to be here. Smile

I like the scavenger hunt idea, it'll be somewhat new for us over at Albion too. We've thrown the idea around a few times but I don't think it's  actually been turned into a proper event, I really only recall it being discussed, so I'm interested to hear how you run it. I'm also very keen on the state visit, as I know we would genuinely like to get to know TSP better than what we do currently.

Quote:a silly improv in the RMB! ^u^

I'd love to hear where your thoughts were (or are) going with this. I love improv. It's 100 times better than scripted, at least in my opinion anyway.

I also think the split forum is the best of the two too. For game ideas such as community story, it can start on one forum, and then continued on the other, and same with other joint activities of a similar vein (RMB improv would fit in here too!) Unless of course, it'd be preferable to run two (one on each forum) and then bring them all together at the end. Speaking of, what do you guys think of the activity suggestions we put forward? Any questions or such about them? If you don't like something too, don't be shy to 'meh' at it, I won't be offended.

Regarding the Scavenger Hunt, it's been run during the South Pacific Regional Games as an in-game activity. I'd like to see how can we apply it to this festival, as well as the RMB Improvs along with some other in-game activities, without adding too much complexity to the festival.

As for the festival being shared in both forums, it can be done by creating the respective threads for each forum, in a way they have different activities (maybe a half of the activities' list in one whilst the other half in the other forums), and then linking them to one another forums by 'redirected threads'. This way we can have improve forum activity in both regions.

"Find a way or make one."

Better known as Bon.

Sorry, had to restart. I don't think your forums are a fan of me, haha.


Questions answered first:

1. A market stall is pretty much a cross between RP and spam gaming. A person 'sets up a stall' lets say, for example, a cake stall. They do a brief blurb and mention what they have for sale (whether pictures or text). People come and go to socialise/buy from said merchant the things for sale, with 'imaginary currency.' The merchant can add or subtract products as it goes a long should they wish to do so, etc. That's about the gist of it.

2. I've only ever played one game of Mafia, and a CYOA is somewhat different. It's basically an already written short story or adventure, whereby those participating will be given options throughout it which will affect what way the story goes. They're generally given 3 choices, everyone says which choice they like best, and the one with the most votes wins, and that's the direction it goes. It's primarily written entirely by the GM, and the adventurers can act themselves out during it. Have you heard of (or have you read) the likes of Edward Packard or R.A Montgomery? If so, similar to that.

Other stuff:

The caption contest is a wonderful idea, and a good one for those who don't feel they can write silly little limericks. Smile

Quote:As for the festival being shared in both forums, it can be done by creating the respective threads for each forum, in a way they have different activities (maybe a half of the activities' list in one whilst the other half in the other forums), and then linking them to one another forums by 'redirected threads'. This way we can have improve forum activity in both regions.

I actually really like this. I originally imagined it'd be split in two. ie: x days in TSP then x days in Albion, but this sounds a lot better. It is a good way to encourage people to actually hop over to the other region instead of just waiting for it to arrive in theirs.

I can understand the Film Contest time consumption, and getting in submissions before hand is also understandable, I don't think it's a bad thing though. If anything it helps build up anticipation for the festival itself. I imagine the winners and such for it would be announced last?

And yes, I always try to follow the K.I.S.S rule. Things can get complicated fast otherwise.

I love the ideas being presented so far, this seems like it'll be a fun festival!

I have two ideas for in-game activities, the first to help with the publicity of the event, and the second to involve both regions as well. The first idea is to have the announcement (not exclusively) in dispatch format. Whichever region's dispatch gets more upvotes wins. Then, we host a fun, competitive poll of some sort (like, rock-paper scissors, but something new). Then, we hold some kind of third in-game event. Whichever region wins two of the three events gets a fun prize of some kind, like the winner gets to choose the loser's WFE for a day.

Thoughts? This was a completely random idea I just came up with, so I don't care if you all hate it. Tounge

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