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[IC] A July Trip

Too bad there wasn't a buffet, so I could sample all of the dishes, Qwerty thought to himself. He looked up from the menu and responded.

"I've had those prawns on my mind since you mentioned them. I'll have those."

He closed the menu and said "Ready when you are".
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Before Remiro could reply, Roja, the ever-attentive and efficient hostess, came and took their order, writing so quickly and so briefly that Remiro wondered how she could ever interpret her own notes, but of course, she had never made any errors on any of his previous visits. Once she had taken note of all that they wished to eat and had carefully taken back all of the menus she disappeared off to the kitchens and a companionable silence enveloped the table.

"Well," Remiro said, refocussing his mind on the business at hand, "you contacted us because you were interested in working with us on a motion picture project. It was an interesting request, one that had my attention from the moment I received it. Erinor's entertainment industry is growing at an incredible rate, especially in the video games sector, as you obviously know very well, but our film industry has never been big outside of Erinor itself. The fact that most of our output is filmed in Syaqin are doesn't help, of course. Audiences seem no more inclined to watch a film with subtitles than they ever did."

"We want to change that, however. A big part of my remit when I was chosen for this post was to encourage the international spread of Erinoran culture. We have a unique culture and a fascinating history, all of which is ripe for overseas interest, we also have a beautiful landscape and are working on a number of tax incentives for international film companies, but, until now, there haven't been any bites on the line, so to speak. So, if I may ask, what is it about Erinor that made you want to consider it, not just as a filming location, but as a partner in your project?"

"With all these conflicts and wars going on, Erinor, which is not connected or associated with these, would be a nice change of... pace. The last few years, many Sedunnic movies have been focused around important historical events. One example is the 1915. Satt., that is nineteen fifteen Stop, or Halt. It's about the Sedunno-Ubesiian War. I don't know if you've seen it. And then there is the 7' Tektamm, or The 7th Alliance, about an alien intruder provoking a war between nations on our planet. Don't get me wrong, they are both good, but people are getting weary of this genre." Qwerty looked at a colourful flower pot next to him and continued.

"The fact that Erinoran culture is both rich and rather unexplored abroad, in Sedunn for sure, but also in general, makes the potential."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Remiro smiled, "I haven't seen much Sedunnic cinema, but I did enjoy 1915. Satt.. Historical films are my favourite." He took a sip of his Qassora cafulilea, then tipped the rest of the shot glass back before placing it back on the table. "If you're wanting to move away from the historical genre, then what kind of film did you have in mind to shoot here?"

"Not necessarily historical movies, but war movies" Qwerty responded. "Otherwise, I'm open to most ideas. Did you have any ideas for a historical setting?"
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"Erinor has a long and varied history," Remiro replied slowly, "but we've had just as much war and internal strife as the next land. Of course, conflict is at the heart of any good story, but there are many different kinds of conflict, like the battle to better oneself, or the struggle over one's own heart."

Remiro paused, as he saw Roja appear through the kitchen doors with a trayful of plates.

"It seems our meal has arrived," he said with a smile and watched as the dishes were laid out before them, steaming and aromatic.

Lerwo bowed his head for a moment and Remiro waited respectfully, then, when his aide had opened his eyes once more, he picked up his fork and continued. "A favourite story of mine when I was growing up was Asa Khriani, 'The Two Scythes'. It tells the tale of the forbidden love between the first King of Erinor, Syarkho Qenarid and the daughter of the castle gardener and how they tore each other apart in their passion. Figuratively of course. The title comes from the fact that both the claws of a dragon and the thorns of a rose are called Khriani, 'scythes' in Syaqin aren."

"Historians still debate how much really happened and how much was invented for the elaborate courtly fiction of the later Middle Ages," Lerwo added, "but I agree that it is certainly a great tale."

"But of course, there are many more such tales in Erinor," Remiro continued, "and more still untold amongst the Serevans, for their voice is rarely heard outside of these shores, and, perhaps, rare even then. You would do well to explore a little for your inspiration, I think."

When the dish was put in front of him, Qwerty examined it from multiple angles. Pleased with what he saw, he a forkful of steaming food. "I was planning to do that", he responded and took his first bite.

"Before that, we should establish a basic storyline..." He picked up another shrimp and continued. "Delicious, this... So, a plot relating to your history and the Asa Khriani story. How about a 21st century version? The story would be recognisable, yet feature a whole new set of characters. Perhaps involve a Sedunner?" He had yet another shrimp.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"Ah," said Remiro, between mouthfuls of his own, "a contemporary twist on a classic tale. Very good. Given the Erinoran nature of the story, it would make sense to keep our modern dragon Erinoran - a fictional businessman, celebrity or politician, perhaps? But the rose, how fitting that the foreign flower should be a foreigner, eh?"

"It would also leave room for a commentary on contemporary immigration issues," Lerwo added. "I'm not sure how things are in Sedunn, but there have been tensions over the current government plans to make it somewhat easier for foreigners to live, work and study here. Not that I think your film should be used for political propaganda, of course," he amended, rather sheepishly.

Qwerty chewed intensely while listening to Remiro and swallowed before answering. "Immigration to Sedunn is normally rather limited. However, after one of the never ending Ryccian crises, some 50,000 refugees where granted asylum. Emigrating from Sedunn is not very common either, but of course not unheard of." He paused as he was about pierce another shrimp but put his fork down deep in thought.

"An idea..." He continued slowly. "How about the 'foreign flower' being the daughter of the Sedunnic ambassador? Not the current one of course, whoever he is. The 'dragon' could be someone from from a poor, less fortunate background? Criminal perhaps? Roles reversed. We could have them run away to be together, giving rise to a political crisis, for example." Qwerty smiled and continued, as more ideas popped up.

"The Sedunnic ambassadorial delegation and Erinoran authorities believe she has been kidnapped, and some local gangsters, reading about it in the news get inspired to actually kidnap her. This leads to the couple having to run from both the authorities, and the gangsters." Qwerty looked pleased with his idea and waited for a response.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Remiro smiled once more. He liked working with creatives and he liked this Opalen. "That sounds like an excellent idea," he agreed, "it would work better for a Sedunnic audience, whilst at the same time providing a pleasantly surprising twist on a traditional tale for Erinorans. I think it would work very well, indeed."

Lerwo nodded in agreement, "Yes. I think we could pencil this in as a draft storyline and use it to convince investors, and to encourage local production companies to provide support wherever it might help."

"I think it is certainly an excellent place to start," Remiro concluded, "now, how are you enjoying your meal?"

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