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tense negotiations, A new Continent

Grand Admiral Guren stood at the bridge of the lone Diplomatic Ship, Harbinger of Frost as it sailed to the unclaimed island north of Lukas Archipel. Sighing softly to himself the Admiral wondered whether any of the foreigners would bite at the terse statement calling for negotiations or war. He had betted that the foolish naivety of foreign politicians in a land where law and order ceased to exist would prevent them from negotiating on a barren island. He also lamented the foolish notion of foreigners that the Frost Empire was some kind of monolith when the reality showed that the various high commands pursued vastly different policies, with the Senran islands being the most militant given the lack of law and order. However, given the pressures of the joint Frost-Reizen High command, the Council of Senran Isles had little choice but to offer a small olive branch rather than beat the war drums to force the foreigners into submission. Still, the high command was still negotiating from a position of power as the Senran Fleet dominated the Eastern Seas within the claimed zones and long range mobile missile, artillery and radar platforms were being deployed to the claimed islands.  Plus they had instituted a crippling blockade of New Dracon Peninsula and parts of the Lukas Archipel. The Northern New Erinor Island was nominally monitored by IB-001 planes with war ships rerouted to handle imperial Union and Ryccian incursions into Frost Waters. Still, he was worried that the lack of war ships north of the island would embolden the Erinorans, but the missile systems of IB-005 (the island closest to New Erinor Island from Senran Island), would warn them of any Erinoran incursion towards Senran Island (IB-001). As he was lost in thought the helmsman gently tapped the admiral and said, “Sir, we’ve arrived at Point November Echo. Shall we deploy landing parties sir?” “No, helmsman take us to the eastern shores and drop anchors. Contact the fleet and have them loosen the blockades of New Drakon Peninsula, New Erinor Island's Northwest and Lukas Archipel. Also tell the fleet to prepare a small escort task force in the event that negotiations go south. That is, if the negotiations happen at all.” Replied the Admiral, “Aye sir, moving to designated coordinates.”

"Governor Titaria!  A missive from the Senran Isles," an aide cried out as he rushed through the marble halls of Pavonis' capital building.

Nodding at the aide, she took the touchpad from him and opened the file.  For a few tense moments, the room was silent as she read it.  Her expression changed from hopeful to enraged as the wording became clear.

"Submission?!  Does the Senran Council must think we are fools? The Imperium shall not be bullied like this!"

A man in a military uniform, clearly a high ranking officer, stepped forward.  "How shall we reply governor?  The Senate has all potential outcomes at your disposal."

"In the hopes of securing peace, I will be attending these negotiations personally, but I shall come as an equal.  Not as a fearful child."  She looked up from the message.  "General Artorian, you and your best troops shall accompany me to this neutral isle aboard the I.S.V. Augustus.  We will be negotiating from a place of strength just as these warmongers are."

The officer blinked in surprise.  "The dreadnought?  If that is your wish... you heard the governor!  Get a move on!"  The room became a flurry of activity as a result.  Within hours, Titaria, Artorian, and two hundred legionnaires boarded the Nimitz-sized battleship and set sail to the coordinates provided.

The Grand Admiral was still at the bridge when a communications officer shouted, “Sir, Blockade ships report that an extremely large dreadnought is approaching the blockade. Should the blockade fleet engage?” The Grand Admiral’s lips curled into a smug grin as he said, “no, let it pass. I’m sure it’s just the negotiator from Pax Dracon.” “But sir the dread-” said the officer as he was silenced by Guren’s gesture, “Is an obsolete ship that is of no concern to the Empire. The fact that they would prepare such a large target is astounding. I wonder if this is meant to be some sort of cheap ploy to intimidate the geezers back in Senran Command? What do you think Captain Daruk?” asked the Grand Admiral “Well sir, I believe you're somewhat right,” said chief weapons officer, Daruk, “Given its potential use as a mobile missile platform, the Pax Draconian dreadnought can be a dangerous nuisance. However, given its sheer size the dreadnought is practically begging to be sunk as it is nothing more than a bloated target. So long as the fleet and Senran High Command is notified and prepared to deploy dive bombers and land-based anti-ship missiles, there is nothing to worry about.” 

“In any case, deploy hunter killer submarine pair to stalk the vessel, and have an AWACS escorted by fighter/bombers to monitor the dreadnought. Have the subs and planes paint the dreadnought so they don’t get any funny ideas. Any word on Gi-landian or Erinoran vessels?” said the Grand Admiral nonchalantly, “aye sir, the awacs Sky eye and the 212th squadron has been dispatched. The FNS dagger and venom have also been dispatched as well. However, there is no word on Erinor or Gi-Land sir.” replied the officer. “Then we will wait for our guests to arrive.”

Martin Wensger, the ambassador of GI-Land in the IFF, had the task to negotiate for GI-Land at this meetup organised by Senran officials.
Therefore he was arriving in a Bundesarmee-warship from GI-Land at the island above the Lukas-Archipel, where the meeting would take place.
That they would violate areas of interest of the IFF was clear, but how else could he get to this place?

He lay in a bunk inside the ship and played some mobile games on his smartphone, when the admiral Thork Sünnkann told him: "We will arrive shortly in Senran-waters, so it's only a question of time, when we get chased by some IFF-warships, but don't worry, we have everything under control."
"Very good", Martin said, "I'll get some sleep, so I'm relaxed, when arriving at that island. Could you close the door behind you?"
"Of course", Thork said, closed the door and went back to the bridge.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

Guren was in the strategy room of the small diplomatic ship when his aide knocked on the door. "sir, there's a report from the AWACS Thunderhead of an incoming Gi-Landian warship. Thunderhead also reports that the warship is coming from the lightly guarded Sen-Erinor corridor. Shall we force them to move to a different corridor?" "No," replied Guren, "Have Thunderhead redirect the nearest fighter/bomber squadron and monitor them. Also have both Sky eye and Thunderhead open comms to the Pax Draconian and Gi-Landian ships. Have them move to Channel 3 and 8 respectively. Lets see who we're dealing with. Also when the Erinorans begin to move, extend them the same courtesy if they also decide to arrive in a warship." "Yes sir, but what if they don't arrive in a warship?" asked the aide. "On the extremely rare chance that the other parties decide not to go in a war ship, depending on the approach vector designate Thunderhead or Sky eye to monitor them and order the fleets not to engage. If you need me, I'll be in the bridge waiting for any potential arrivals" said the Grand Admiral as he left the room leaving the aide to relay his commands.

Marcoro te'si Qendujino nwikheo IV was not on a military vessel. He had made his decision on the matter very clear. Whilst military personnel accompanied him, whilst his movements were closely monitored by the first fleet of the Qassumarconin Erinead, and whilst he made sure he was dressed in his old ceremonial uniform, complete with broadsword, he wanted the very first impression made to be one of relative weakness and humility, because it was far better to be under-estimated and lead one's enemy into a trap, than to be overconfident and fall into one oneself.

They sailed in directly from New Erinor Island and soon saw the Drakari and GI ships sitting in the water alongside the Frost vessel. The Marcoro te'si was somewhat surprised by the size of the Drakari vessel, but was generally pleased to remember that they were on his side if things went sour.

Grand Admiral Guren was waiting patiently in the bridge when a report came in, “Sir, we have visual confirmation of the Erinoran ship, it appears to corroborate AWACS Thunderhead’s initial report of the Erinorans using an unarmed ship instead of a warship.” Said of the the officers. “Good, contact Thunderhead and Sky eye, transfer, and transfer comms to Thunderhead. Redeploy Sky eye to monitor the Ryccians and have Thunderhead relay the following message. The rest of you will remain here and coordinate with our reinforcements when the negotiations fail.” He hands his aide a note and then turns to another officer, “Captain Ren, prepare a debarkation party. We shall meet them on the beaches, and I shall meet you once I don the spare armor.” Captain Ren silently nods and goes to fulfill his commands. The Grand Admiral then strolled out of the bridge.
Meanwhile AWACS Thunderhead, “Attention, Pax Draconian, GiaLandian, and Erinoran delegates, this is Senran AWACS Thunderhead relaying the following message from Senran High Command. Grand Admiral Guren will be meeting with you on the beaches of the island. He will be establishing a simple negotiating tent to ensure fairness. If you wish to speak with the Grand Admiral before he debarks I will be waiting to relay your messages.”

Several hours later in a makeshift tent

The Senran Delegation sat waiting for the other delegates to debark, the officer sitting down wore a simple visor partially masking his face while two soldiers in full combat gear stood at attention. Meanwhile several other Senran soldiers established a perimeter around the beach.

Governor Titaria and General Artorian stood within the bridge of the Augustus, quietly talking among themselves as the various navigators, officers, and other sailors brought the massive ship within a short distance from the island.  They could see the tent being set up, as well as the Senran troops making a loose perimeter.  Titaria personally hoped that Senran High Command would back down and end this foolish campaign of aggression, but acknowledged the path to peace would be difficult.

She was, however, not surprised to learn that the Senrans had sent planes to harass them as they traveled to the meeting place.  What did surprise her, on the other hand, was the discovery of submersible vehicles on the dreadnought's sonar system, not that she would show that surprise.

"Governor," the helmsman called out, "We've arrived at the site the Senran Isles requested to use as a place for negotiations.  We shall drop anchor and ready ourselves for whatever outcome that results from these talks."

She nodded.  "Excellent job, sailor."  She turned to Artorian, who was now clad in the standard armor for Drakari Legionnaires, his pistol strapped to his thigh and a short blade at his waist.  "General, have all but four of your troops remain here to defend the ship.  I am not going into this unprotected, but see to it that our guards keep the safeties of their rifles on.  Hopefully this nightmare ends peacefully."

"As you command, Governor.  Come what may, I am certain that you will remind the Frost delegation that this new land belongs to all, not solely them.  Ex Ordinis Iusitia!"

She smiled at his confidence as he proclaimed the words of the Imperial Family.  "Ex Ordinis Iustitia..." she replied before they set out to meet the Frost negotiators on the beach, accompanied by the four requested soldiers.

It took a few more hours, but finally the GI-landian ship was near the island, where the negotiations shall take place.
Admiral Sünnkann went to the decks again to wake ambassador Wensger up, but as he saw when he arrived there, he already sat at his table, preparing some notes.

"Ah, Admiral Sünnkann! When will we arrive?"
-"You can get off the ship in approximately three minutes, Sir!"
"Okay. I made some notes, what the GI-landians want and how we think, the Senran command should act in the New World. Could you look over this sheet of paper please and tell me what you think?"
-"Of course!"

Thork took the paper out of Martin's hand and looked over the scribbled notes. Of course GI-Land wanted a peaceful Senran Command and they wanted to get free access to the Lukas-Archipel and Ydertuhr, but then he stumbled over the keywords "Otherwise: War".

-"Uhm, Mr. Wensger. Have you reported our Leader, what you would do, if Senran isn't giving in to our conditions?"
"No, Sir. But let me calm you down: I'm of course open for compromises, but if Senran really can't give in, this is the last chance, how we perhaps can change their mind. In an emergency case, I'm sure Erinor, Pax Dracon or at least Ryccia would help us anyway and the Leader can understand that too."
"Hopefully", he added in his mind.
-"Ok, if you say so." Thork gave the paper back and lead the ambassador the way out to the ship's boat. 

-"You and 5 of my men will get into the boat and drive to the coast, where you get on land. You'll then proceed to this tent there."
He pointed on it with his index finger. After the explanation, both saluted to each other.
-"Good luck, ambassador!"
"Thank you, Admiral!"

And so Martin Wensger and five armed soldiers got into the boat and drove to the beach. One of the soldiers waited at the boat and guarded it, while Mr. Wensger and the other four men walked towards the tent. "I guess, the other delegates are already inside", thought Martin as he saw ships of the other countries and soldiers, but no delegates.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

They travelled the short distance from the yacht to the island's scraggly little beach using a motorised dinghy large enough to hold the Marcoro te'si , his chief diplomatic aide, a squad of six soldiers and the pilot.  Qendujino nwikheo IV let himself enjoy the sensation of the salty breeze in his hair.  He wore it at mid-length, as was common amongst those of noble heritage and the way the air lifted it and cooled his scalp and the back of the neck was both soothing and exhilarating.  It took him back to his own days in the Saratyarumarconin Erinead .

And then the dinghy was riding onto the sand and the soldiers were leaping into the surf to drag it safely ashore.  The Governor stepped onto the dry sand with careful dignity as his aide scrambled after him and, together with the soldiers, made their way over to the meeting tent.

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