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Fauna & flora of your country

Here you can showcase the ecosystem of your countries or some of its peculiarity.

Fauna of Bruuma: the National Animal
The national animal of Bruuma is the rainbow serpent, an endemic terrestrial constrictor snake.It lives in the rainforest and feed mostly on rodents; it can reach up to 2 meters in lenght.
Bruuma has an unusual high concentration of snakes in its wild areas and rainbow serpents are the most common specie; this factor is credited with limiting the diffusion of rats brought by the first ships.
While the colonists regarded snakes as pests, they were held in high regard in the native mythology, a role that was passed to the voodoo faith of the slaves. Snake handling is common during ceremonies and many Bruumans hold them as pets.
[Image: Epicrates%20cenchria%20Rainbow%20Boa-2-L.jpg]

Fauna of Bruuma: conservation efforts; Project Koy
Bruuma was separated from the mainland during the last glaciation and thus many enedemyc subspecies developed.
The apex mammalian predators are the Bruuman subspecies of the jaguar and the spectacled bear, both smaller in size than their mainland counterparts.
In addition to the loss of their habitat in the plains and hills due to the establisment fo plantations, they were extensively hunted by the colonists and when the country became independent in 1956 they survived in small and fragmented populations in the mountains. 
The government soon forbade hunting and established natural reserves; in 1980 the recovery process of the two species was deemed too slow and Project Koy was launched. Still active today, it is articulated in different interventions such as breeding programs, the creation of corridors and defragmentation of the habitat.
Thank to Project Koy, both species conservation status passed from Endangered to Near-Threatened.

[Image: preview_young-jaguar.jpeg]

[Image: 94759412110900941.SsGA1hIO1.jpg]
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

Oooh really nice! Happywide


Also, *endemic and *of. Couldn't help it. >.<



The national animal of Sedunn is the blackbird, long admired for its song. It lives and breeds in most areas of mainland Sedunn and has been successfully introduced to Vastraenn, although in limited numbers. The blackbird occurs in ancient poems and songs, as well as in modern pop music. It is also mentioned in the national anthem and can be found on one of the banknotes.

Another important bird in Sedunn is the emperor penguin, found in most parts of Vastraenn county.

Endemic species
The Sedunnic forest lion, or tivus, is perhaps the most famous species native to Sedunn. Compared to its cousin, the savannah lion, it is much smaller; a normal male savannah lion has a weight of about 175 kg, while a tivus male averages around 106 kg. A notable difference in appearance is that a tivus male has a richer mane, covering most of its belly. The female tivus is smaller than the male, but the difference is not as large as between male and female savannah lions. The tivus is more shy than its distant cousins, avoiding contact with humans. It mainly prays on deer and other lager mammals such as badgers.

The tivus used to occupy most of the Sedunnic lowland plains before the first humans emigrated there about 5,000 years ago, when it was hunted almost to extinction mainly for its skin, but also because they were considered highly dangerous. A small population survived in the deep forests of Annhotem County. Today the lions are protected by law, and their condition is stable.

[Image: majestic-king-of-lions-mane.jpg]

Another distinctive endemic animal is the river seal (or uefflen in Sedunnic), which, as its name indicates, mostly lives the Sedunnic rivers that are connected to the sea. The largest population can be found in the Setru river, where the river seal nurses its young. They can be found resting on the river beaches, and they are surprisingly bold, normally not retreating when a human comes near. This behaviour made them popular pray before the agricultural revolution, and they were almost hunted to extinction. They slowly recovered until they again were severely threatened, by industrialisation, and in particular by the intense barge traffic. They were saved by the construction of the rail roads, reducing the rivers importance as transport routes.

Today the river seal has recovered, and can be found as far upstream river Setru as Lomared. It is closely related to the common grey seal, but it is adapted to a warmer climate with a reduced amount of body fat. It is also normally smaller.

The oak tree
In Sedunn, the oak is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It can be found all over mainland Sedunn, in many lush forests. During the 17th and 18th centuries, many oaks were cut down to be used in naval ships, but a highly successful replantation program was employed early to preserve the oaks. Oak in Sedunnic is "deri", which is the name of the second largest island in Sedunn: Deriess, meaning Oak Island.

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