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[IC]JKOM 2017

Iš Resentine Karalystės Federacija

The Federation of the Resentine Kingdom


Jungtinis Karinių Operacijų Mokymo 2017-JKOM 2017

Joint Military Operations Training 2017-Austral Version

10 March, 2017

Hello Allies and Friends,

The JKOM exercise was created in 1982 by Marshall-Admiral Andrei Bernotas(1980-1994) to attempt to remedy several failures in Resentinian Grand Strategy during Resentine’s Civil War(1884-1914, 1939-1974), most notably being coordination between the different military branches. Before the Civil War, Resentine’s Military Branches(Royal Army and Royal Navy) operated independently of each other, receiving separate orders from the King and with different, rarely communicating chains of command. This lack of communication led to several early defeats during the first portion of the Civil War, with the Army being unable to call upon naval support during operations and the navy being unable to coordinate with army logistics when in need of critical resupply.

Resentine Royal Army Scouts in 1942

This failure of communication led to the establishment of the Karinė vadovybė Taryba(Military Command Council) in 1915 under King Julius II. the KvT’s duty was to ensure the coordination and communication of the Royal Military Branches, which is led by the Marshall of the Royal Military out of Military Central Command in Theron. Though there were still several recorded failures in the newly established chain of command(See Operation: Blue Gullet, 1942-48), the creation of the KvT is often looked at as a key part to the success of the Royal Military during the Second Half of the Civil War, with coordinated forces preventing the fall of Theron in 1950(Operation: Lockdown) and ultimately ensuring the defeat of the Nationalist Rebels in 1974(Operation: Steel Hammer, 1971-1974).

Resentine Royal Army troops at JKOM 2016
It is in that spirit of coordination and cooperation that JKOM was created, and why the exercise continues to happen to this day. JKOM ensures that Resentine’s Military remains one of Pacifica’s most well trained and effective militaries, and assures our allies that the Royal Resentinian Military remains on constant readiness should we need to come to their aid.  With all of that said, welcome to JKOM 2017.


Marshall-General Phillip K. Braddock

Important Notes about the JKOM exercise before it begins:

1. Forces will be divided into two main groups: REDFOR and BLUFOR. REDFOR will be charged with attacking with attacking BLUFOR first with a naval assault, and then pushing across the coast to capture BLUFOR Command in Barden before Overwhelming BLUFOR “Reinforcements” arrive in 10 days. After the initial Naval Assault by REDFOR, BLUFOR Naval units will also join the fight in an attempt to remove the REDFOR Navy from the area. Victory will be secured if either side runs out of “local” reinforcements, the BLUFOR Command and command staff is captured, or if BLUFOR holds off the REDFOR Assault in 10 days.

2.The reason the Barden-area has been selected as the stage for the JKOM exercise is due to its relatively low population and minimal effect on the Resentine Economy due to years of practice. As expected, large scale exercises like JKOM take time to plan and execute, requiring the cooperation between both military and civilian personnel to ensure that civilian life remains unhindered and the local economy continues to grow. Through years of cooperation, members of Royal Military Command and members of the Barden and Anton community have seen that JKOM has run smoothly throughout it’s years of existence. We would like to thank all of Barden, Anton, and the surrounding townships for continuing to allow us to host JKOM in your towns and cities, and helping us foster a strong military-civilian relationship over the 35 years that the JKOM exercise has existed.

3. The Enviroment Around Anton and Barden is Subtropical, meaning it will be warm, and it will be muggy. Ensure that your troops are prepared to operate in this type of environment.

4. JKOM is not a live-fire exercise. Though Resentine does perform live-fire training exercises, it does not do so with large scale, multi-level warfare exercises like these due to the high injury risk if such were to occur. It instead uses are electronic/laser hit detection systems, which sends information to a Military Computer Farm in Anton to calculate hit/miss ratios and individual unit losses. The technology used for this is highly adaptable and should be able to be equipped to weapons large and small of any nation. If it doesn’t immediately, our engineers will begin quick work to find a way. Weapons will be equipped with “blank” rounds, while vehicles and ships will be equipped with smoke rounds to ensure that the simulation/training feels as realistic as possible.

5. Each unit leader is given a Bkt-909 Force Status Updater computer, which is used to keep track of your unit’s status. It tracks the individual unit’s status, such as hit/miss ratios and losses, and it can also be used to track nearby allied units, detected enemy units, and their force strength. These computers are similar to the size of a civilian tablet computer. Each member of a unit will also be carrying a Bkt-202 hit detection pocket computer, which will create a hit-detection field around the user by wirelessly connecting to other computers, will indicate to the user their individual status as Healthy, Wounded, Critically Wounded, or KIA. If the user is Critically Wounded or KIA, the Bkt-202 will vibrate and flash, and any shots detected from the user past that point until they head back to the nearest base or field "medic" will be rendered null and not register on their individual score. Critically Wounded or KIA members are required to disengage from combat until they have been "healed" or "re-spawn" at a designated FOB or re-spawn point. If an entire unit is eliminated, the unit will radio in their Faction and Unit Number, and clarify that the unit is KIA, for a pick up by a neutral vehicle back to their FOB or re-spawn point.

6. With the invitation of allied forces to join Resentine for JKOM, the operation has been given a 5 day extension to allow these forces to arrive, practice with our forces, and learn about the environment they are going to be training in.
General Thread Rules
1.This is the IC Thread. OOC Convos and Applications to join and observe will be done on the OOC Thread here: http://tspforums.xyz/thread-4940.html

2. There will be "daily" updates in regards to the situation between the REDFOR and BLUFOR forces. Depending on your position(participating or observing) you will be allowed to make in character comments.
  1. The Updates will follow a format in this specific order:
  2. Operation Name, Day Number
  3. Situation Map
  4. Operation Summary
  5. Notable Units and their Specifics
Any post not done by me(Resentine) in this fashion is not a daily update, and should not be regarded as such.

3. In Character posting will be done here and only here. Comments not done in-character will be strictly reserved for the OOC Thread. Any OOC comment posted here will be deleted by the OP.
  1. Notes for IC posting:
  2. Updates will mark a 12 Hour cycle for JKOM. One Day Update, One Night Update. That means there should be 20 updates by the time JKOM "closes". The map will be using standard NATO Symbols for units.
  3. Location and timing is important in your writing. Writing will be based on the most recent update. If the last update was a night update and your unit was ordered to go ambush a REDFOR FOB in the middle of the jungle, I expect to see in your writing about your troops crawling through the jungle in the middle of the night. And a General who is here to observe will feel the denseness of CQC fighting, just like an infantry grunt would not watch a SpecForce unit get ambushed by an Artillery Strike on a Computer Screen in the Central Command Bunker. Understanding and defining location is key to being able to effectively tell the stories of characters, and is as important as crafting personalities.
  4. Going against orders will mean reprimands. Though your units are free to operate within the bounds of their orders, and you a free to expand on what they are doing, this is at the end of the day, a Resentine run, Resentine Commanded Training Operation. If the REDFOR Commander ordered your troops to go patrol the Jungle to protect from a SpecForce raid, and they chose not to, just like in a real military, they will be reprimanded for disobeying orders, regardless of nation. If the characters you create choose to disrespect Resentine authority, there will be in-character consequences.
  5. I would like to minimize the use of pictures in this thread as much as possible. If you're going to use pictures, anything larger than 500x500 is going to require spoiler tag so folks can choose to scroll past them if they don't want to see them. All pictures must include a brief, one sentence explanation as to what the picture is, after the spoiler tag. The OP would look favorably on all center aligned pictures. The only exception to the Spoiler tag rule is the Operational Map itself.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The MASH was all set up and soldiers were bustling back and forth, unpacking equipment and putting them all in place. The two operating rooms were ready, as was the triage section, the pre-op ward and most of the post-op ward as well.
"Uh, sir. There are some Resentine representatives here to see you" the company clerk say, jogging after Col. Blakk to keep up the pace. "They mentioned something about a tour?"
Henry stop and think for a second "Oh, yeah! I promised some of their medical staff and some of their officers a tour of this place once we were up and running. Show them how we do things!" he say and snap his fingers "Just stall for a minute, okay? I have to go get changed. Can't recieve guests while looking like this, you know" he say, wearing a hawaii shirt over his olive drap t-shirt instead of the uniform jacket.
The clerk nod and hurry towards the main entrance "Just send them in to my office in ten minutes!" Henry shout after him as he walk inside his tent and change in a hurry.
He slip into his office soon after and smile as the Resentine representatives walk in.
"Hello, guys! Welcome!" He salute before holding out his hand "usually we try not to be too formal when we're out in the field, but for you, I'll make an exception. Welcome to our little corner. We'll try as good as we can to patch up anyone who come here.
Come on. I'll show you around" he say, walking out.
"We have two operating rooms, each with its own pre-op and shock treatment facility. There's the ICU with room for fourteen patients and the triage area over there, right by the x-ray unit.
We have the four usual cathegories. Red is immediate care, yellow is urgent care, green can wait, so called "walking wounded" and black. Either dead or, you know. Circling the drain" He say and walk outside.
"We have all the basic amenities. We have a laundry trailer, a kitchen, a mess tent, toilets, you name it. We have a total capacity of 200 patients, so we have to make sure they're somewhat catered for" he say and chuckle a bit. "I also managed to get a movie projector down here as well, so we can show some movies if we get the time.
We have two ambulances on site. Usually we have twice as many and a chopper as well, but this is kind of our rapid response set up. One of the ambu's is unarmored. We use it mainly to transport people here from aid stations or away to more suitable hospitals or for reconvalesence once they're done here. The other one, the one over there, is armored. Can withstand 14.7 mm AP, so we use that to take soldiers directly from the front. Usually, special evac orders are given for that, so usually it's used to transport officers who's been wounded. Some of the guys call it "The Limo" for that reason."
After touring the facility for around an hour and a half, they return to his office. "And off course, we'd be delighted to have some of your guys stay here for the duration of the exercise. It'd be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences and procedures" Henry open a box of cigars, passing it around. "Take one if you want. The rest of the facility is a no smoking area, but this tent isn't" He say with a grin.

Meanwhile, onboard the KTM Sveinung, the CO, captain Henrik Jensen is standing on the bridge, looking our through a pair of binoculars.
"Captain! Incoming helicopter!" The radar operator say through the radio. He lower the binoculars and sigh a bit. "Well, they don't waste any time, do they? I like that. The resentine are efficient."
He grab a radio handset. "Attention! Attention! This is captain Jensen speaking!" His voice is heard through speakers all over the vessel. "We have some brass incoming! I want all off duty personnel in whites on the helo deck in ten minutes!"
"Whites", being a refferal to the white dress uniform, in contrast to the "blue", which were their navy blue work uniforms.
Not long after, around 100 men were gathered on the helicopter deck on the aft of the ship, standing in attention as the helicopter land, making sleeves and pant legs flutter.
Captain Jensen is standing in front of the men, saluting as the Resentine delegation come out.
"Welcome aboard KTM Sveinung" He say and take a step forwards. "I am Captain Henrik Jensen. I am looking forwards to cooperating with you." He show them inside the men slamming their heels together and salute as they walk past.
"Sveinung is the newest vessen in the navy. The first vessel of any size we've gotten for almost forty years now" he say and chuckle a bit. "I know it might not look very impressive, with the single deck gun and all that, but we've got 96 vertical launch cells packet with cruise missiles, ASROCs, that's anti submarine rockets. Basically a torpedo strapped to a rocket.
The AA missiles are quad packet. Four in each cell. We're carrying ten cells worth of those.
We also have anti ballistic missiles and four separate launchers with anti ship missiles and six torpedo tubes in all, so we can pack quite a punch sir" He say with a discreete smile.
He show them into the Combad Information Centre. "This is the CIC. The heart of the ship. Everything can be carried out from here and during combat, the weapons officer basically takes control of everything."
A tall man with glasses turn around and salute. "Welcome, gentlemen. I am lieutenant Karlsen. I'm the one in charge when things get rough" he say with a chuckle.
The room was dark, the only lights coming from red bulbs in the ceiling and from the glowing monitors around the room, lighting up the faces of the 25 or so men, sitting around at different work stations, monitoring everything from sonar to radar and hydrophones. Jensen show them around the ship, showing them the engines, the weapon systems and round the tour off on the bridge.
"Would you like something to drink, gentlemen? The captain's reserve is in the officer's mess, if you want to have an informal chat before we conclude the tour?" he say, taking out a silver key attached to a chain from his pocket.

The Peonic manor was brimming with people coming in and out, they had wanted to meet with The Peony to discuss about some items regarding to the state. However, after just three meetings, The Peony ordered her knight, Rin, to tell everyone to leave their proposals on the front table and not try to approach her in her house with such vulgarity ever again.

Her guest was waiting in her study, and The Peony got back to her guest with a plate of muttabaq. Her guest had been sipping quite some tea and Gi-Lanndian chocolate.

“Thank you for waiting a couple of minutes Caitlin.”

“I could not impose on you, Yan” answered Caitlin, “and I have to say this chocolate is quite lovely.”

“Thank you, you taught me how to make it, and I had imported the finest cocoa from Gi-Land.”

“I may have to check that country out sometime.”

The Peony drank some more tea, and told Caitlin about the JKOM.

“What are your opinions about it?” Asked The Peony

“What you can do is entirely up to you, Yan.”

“I’m asking your advice, who should I send out?”

“For one, you should not send out your navy. You may have one of the most prominent largest naval powers in the region, but one should not flaunt it.”


“They would ask for numbers and the amount of assets the navy has, do not give it to them, it would be best if your foes do not know the cards that we play the most, let them open theirs.” Answered Caitlin.

“On the other hand, we must not be too secretive as well.” Rebuked The Peony, “The state would need to look as if they are open with grand arms, however, little they know, we proceed with caution.”

“Correct. You’ve learned” answered Caitlin.

The Peony then gave a brief thought, and after she gulped a bolus of muttabaq, she provided an answer.

“Field and PRiM2. That should be enough to do the job.”

“I could help choosing the companies for you, Yan.”

“No thanks, Caitlin. I already have some in mind.”

The Peony grabbed a clean brush, and wrote two sets of characters on the table. “Hikari” and “Tánxìng”

Doctor Aminah Teh had just arrived with her troupe of forces, she had decided to inspect both BLUFOR and REDFOR placements as well as the terrain she would be working on. The Army doctor led Tánxìng, a medical regiment of PRiM2 that is well enough to be acclaimed but it is most certainly not the best nor the largest. She had snooped around all the armies and checked their medical preparedness, and so far, they were mediocre to Peonic standards. Though Doctor Teh had never tasted war, she had tasted combat and disasters both natural and manmade, where she successfully led Tánxìng to aid the fallen with swiftness and grace.

She had wondered on the usefulness of Tánxìng being in this exercise when it is not live-fire. Then there would be no one to cure or tend to. No airways to be checked, no stretchers to be used and definitely no circulation examinations to be done. Why should they? Unless a soldier is truly met with a disease, every palpation in the carotid artery would always end up with a pulse showing.

Nevertheless, Doctor Aminah Teh took her headscarf and twirled it, she continues to look at battle plans and oversee the preparations made by Tánxìng, who shall carry the most complete set of medical gear and equipment on this field. They must not forget the strategy of the game, however.

“Insya allah, things will go smoothly in this.”

Not far from there, Captain Maku Kamui stood on the tallest tree that overlooked the entire area. He was chosen by General Rem Kara Hara to lead the Hikari. He was confused as to why Hikari was chosen for this game as well, there are certainly much more proficient troupes than Hikari, and there are dozens of commanders significantly more talented than Kamui.

Nevertheless, Make Kamui surveyed the lands and the area, leaving no stone unturned and turned to marking trees. The forests are their forte, and it has been noted in history that the barriers of nature has served the Peonic soldiers well. For Huawan is a country where, by land use, had the most amount of nature than anywhere else in the region. It did not waste time to utilize the gifts of nature, thus the Peonic infantry are versatile in jungle warfare, unlike these “foreign people with their pale skins and their long noses.”

Maku dangled on a tree and waited for the results of their team alignment. He had decided that in the first few hours, his troops will complete “preparations”.

Admiral Xi Ma noted on the amount of ships and naval power brought by nations across the region. It hopes to know the enemy’s movements and decide on wether they may be a threat that can be heavily exploited in times of war, or great allies in times of need.

General Rem had decided to oversee the lands by foot himself, taking visits to Doctor Teh and Captain Kamui, as well as giving them briefings on what should be done.

Of course, by The Peony’s request from Lord Zheng He, General Gunter of Nohr, a general from the Knightisian Alliance, also came to survey the proceedings along with the Admiral. Gunter was not accustomed with the tropical jungle warfare as being a Zollern, he was more versed in winter warfare, that does not mean that he is inadequate.

Those of the Peony were awfully quiet, and did little to no contact with other teams until the colors were drawn.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The Sedunnic observer delegation completely filled the specially chartered corporate jet from the state-owned Cross-Pacific Airlines. The flights to Resentine was routine. Sedunn and Resentine had been good partners for long, and since the founding of the SPTO, he, as head of the Integration and Coordination Section in the Sedunnic Armed Forces Command, had frequented Theron, and Barden. Brigadier General Annderrs Hieppt knew several of the high-ranking Resentine commanders on a more personal level and expected a laid-back visit, a welcome brake from the hectic work on interoperability in Niulandsheim, Transsuneria.

He knew this kind of less formal events was a good way of networking and hoped to get the chance to get to know more about the militaries from the nations that Sedunn didn't have such well developed relations with yet. He wasn't nervous about the performance of the Sedunnic units. The ULos had been crucial to the success of the operations in Tasternine, Transsuneria and Baliish, and expected the whole business would be smooth sailing.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


One of the many uniform LOHP government planes could be seen overhead, carrying eight passengers to the Resentime Kingdom. Tomas Steele, a retired reigning officer, sat inside drinking a cup of bitter coffee at a table, while looking out the window at the breath taking sky. His younger brother, Erin Steele, was pacing around the center of the small plane. 

    "Sit down, would you?" asked Tomas, speaking to Erin. "I can't man, this whole JKOM event has me nervous." replied Erin. Junior Crispany spoke up before Tomas could get a word in, saying "What for? It's just like military training back home. Just more... large scale, organized, official, and serious." Erin continued pacing. Tomas took another sip of his coffee, making him a tad less tired as the coffee flowed down his throat. "Sit down, brother. You have got nothing to worry about. Your only task is to observe the event. You don't have to command a unit. Besides, your coffee is getting cold," Tomas said, noticing the coffee cup in his hand. 

    Erin sat down in the seat opposite to Tomas and set his coffee down. "No one likes your coffee Tomas. It's too bitter, we have to pour a pound of sugar in to get it sweet for goodness sake!" Exclaimed Junior, who always declined Tomas' efforts to get him to drink his coffee. "Wakes me up better," replied Tomas, who then asked Erin why he was so worried. "Politics, mainly. Knowing me, I'll make the wrong person mad making a joke or something of the sort. That or disappointing our country. Both options would suck," replied Erin, taking a cautious sip from his coffee. It took all his effort not to spit it back out. "Follow my lead, don't make offensive jokes, you will be fine. Stop worrying, it will make things worse," said Tomas, patting his younger brother on the shoulder as he got up to refill his coffee. 

    He was silently excited for the event, he had always found joy in studying military tactics and watching how other people's mind ticked. He was somewhat nervous too, though. He knew how social Erin and Junior could be, and it tended to get them both in trouble. Erin, who was sitting at the table trying to control his fidgeting, was worried that he wouldn't fit in with the big leagues. He had never been to any huge events like this, and even though he was the youngest High General in LOHP history, he still saw himself as an amateur. He was looking forward to seeing the Resentime Kingdom though, as he hadn't previously been there before. Junior was looking forward to meeting all the foreign generals, as well as witnessing how the tactics in the books would translate to a live situation. Junior had been in the infantry for many years, but has never seen any large scale battles. 

    A flight attendant came  and let the passengers know that they were about to land. Tomas took one last sip of his coffee before depositing the paper coffee cup into the nearest garbage can. Erin took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill his lungs and calm his nerves. Junior made sure his sunglasses were on the right way, and made sure his tie was fitted around his neck in just the right fashion.

Central Command Bunker, Anton, Resentine - March 10, 0900 Theron Time

Rear Admiral Ilona Simonavičienė strode confidently through the Central Command Bunker in Anton as Field Operations began testing communications in preparation for this year’s JKOM exercise. Ilona had been serving in the Royal Navy for just over two decades, and had been serving as Vice-Director of the JKOM exercise for the last 3 years. When she was promoted to Rear Admiral 5 years ago, and assumed command of the Logistics and Operations arm of the Navy, she never could’ve imagined herself being put in such a prestigious position. To play a role in the JKOM exercise was the dream of every officer at the Royal Naval Academy in Anton, and here she was, at the heart of it. She only imagined how proud her father, Admiral Jokūbas Simonavičius, would be of her if he’d seen her.

Ilona entered her office in the Central Command Bunker and sat down at her desk to look over the final plans for REDFOR and BLUFOR. Though motions were already in place for both plans, they still needed the approval of both herself and Lieutenant General Lukas Varnas, Director of the JKOM Exercises. Though much of these plans would be improvised and changed as things went along and the situation escalated, but general plans had to be prepared so all divisions on either side had a basic idea of how they were going to operate. Both of these plans are rather facinating, she thought, It’ll be most interesting to see how the units respond to the situations. After completing her study of them, she signed them and called an aide in to have the plans delivered to General Varnas. After sending the aide off, she walked into the Central Command Room. She looked out at the crowd in front of her, all Comms and Operations officers with years of experience, about to participate in the most important joint operation in Resentine’s modern history.

“Ladies and Gentlemen”, Ilona called, addressing the room as they turned to her, “Welcome, all of you, to JKOM 2017. This will be the first time we have ever had other nations cooperating and watching us, so I expect every one of you to make a strong impression on our guests. Though this is a mere exercise, there will be moments of stress, there will be breakdowns in communication, there will be tenuous moments. I expect you all to solve them and power through. Our troops, and our allies are relying on you to make sure they can get what they need in the field during this exercise. I expect you to put your all into this, as though it were the real thing. With that said, begin the Comm Stress Test in 5 minutes. I want to see communications bouncing between our ships and our bases in the area as soon as possible. Good luck to all of you, and Gods save the King.” The room responded in kind and began sending communications in between the FOBs on the mainland and ships at sea to begin testing comm channels and begin training movements for all forces. Ilona returned to her office and began monitoring the comms situation and the strategic map from her main computer, as units began moving in basic training exercises with their newfound comrades from abroad.

Friends and Allies,

We have finalized the initial plans for REDFOR and BLUFOR and have divided your forces as such:

REDFOR - Attacking Barden
Sedunn: The Ressem Attack Submarine; ULo70308 Special Reconnaissance Unit

IFF: 141st Imperial Naval Battalion; 145th Combined Arms Company

Karnetvor: 1st Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment "Republika"; 2nd Company, 10th Infantry Regiment "Alexander Veliky"

Resentine: 3rd Marine-Infantry Battalion; 6th Marine-Infantry Battalion; 2nd Mechanized Battalion and 4th Infantry Battalion, 5th Infantry Brigade "Objeżdżać"; 4th and 6th Tank Battalion, 2nd Armored Brigade "Dvi Poros"; 7th ACAV Scouts Company, 2nd Armored Brigade "Laimingas 7."; 2nd Artillery Company, 5th Infantry Brigade; 9th Anti-Air Company, 5th Infantry Brigade; 1st Medical Support Battalion; K.o.p. 1st Fighter Squadron, "Rudas Juostelėmis"; K.o.p. 9th Attack Squadron; 1st Naval Squadron(2 Destroyers, 10 Frigates, 2 Attack Submarines, 5 Missile Boats, 3 Patrol Boats), Navy Group North;  JDI Adm. Bernotas Amphibious Assault Ship and Helicopter(10 Attack, 15 Light Transport/Anti-ship) Group, Navy 1st Expeditionary Force

BLUFOR - Defending Barden
Erinor: 3rd Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment "Akhorn", 1st Brigade "Syarkhumorcerar"

Troenia: KTM Sveinung Frey class DDG, 3rd MASH unit

Huawan: 4th Infantry Company "Hikari", 1st Regiment, 2nd Division; 1st Company, 1st Medical Regiment, Peonic Royal Military Medical Corps (PRiM2), "Tánxìng"

Resentine: 1st Infantry Battalion, 5th Infantry Brigade; 2nd Engineers Regiment "Buldogai"; 1st Tank Battalion, 2nd Armored Brigade "Ietgalis"; 2nd Special Forces Platoon, 1st Commando Battalion, 1st Special Forces Brigade; 3rd Reconnaissance Company, 5th Infantry Brigade, 4th Attack Helicopter Company, 4th Airborne Brigade; 9th Air Assault Infantry Battalion, 4th Airborne Brigade; 9th Artillery Company, 6th Support Battalion; 4th Anti-Air Company, 6th Support Battalion; 2nd Naval Squadron(1 Destroyer, 7 Frigates, 3 Attack Submarines, 8 Missile Boats, 8 Patrol Boats), Navy Group West; JDI Theron Aircraft Carrier and Fighter(25 IV-gen Fighter/Bombers, 2 AWACS, 8 Anti-Sub/Ship Helicopter)  Group, Navy Group North
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Onboard the KTM Sveinung, there was utter silence as they waiter for their orders to come through.

"Sir! They've begun stress testing the comms!" One of the radio operators say and look up at cpt. Jensen.

"Good. Respond to their messages like normal" He say as he's handed a stack of papers

"These just got through, sir!" A young radio operator say. "The orders for the exercise!"

"Ah. Excellent. So we'll be defending this place. Makes sense, since we already have Blakk and his lot on land" He say, mostly to himself as he read through it, walking to the CIC.

"Listen up, people! Orders have come through! We're on the defending team, so let's try make the attack as hard as possible for them, okay? We can expect heavy surface and subsurface attacks. Let the AEGIS system deal with the airspace. XO Bendiksen! Come with me to the bridge! I want to plan our position and defensive area! Comms! Get me 1st Naval Squadron and Navy Group West on the horn as soon as you can!"

"Yes sir!" The brige radio operator say and jump up in his chair. "It's a bit difficult to raise them! All the lines are extremelly busy, due to the stress test!" He look over at Jensen and Bendiksen, who are standing by the chart table.

"Keep trying! It's a stress test, isn't it? Let's give them some more. See how bad of a headache they get. I want to group up and make sure we're all up to speed on this one" Jensen say, looking over at the radio operator, before looking back at his maps.


At the 3rd MASH, Col. Blakk is on his back on a sunbed outside his tent. The clerk come running, holding a clipboard with some papers on it. "Sir! Sir! The orders are here!"

The colonel barely open one of his eyes. "So? It doesn't start for three more days! We have plenty of time. Calm down. Let's enjoy the weather while we still can"

"But shouldn't we plan and give orders and stuff? I mean. You haven't even finished the duty rosters yet!"

Blakk sigh and slowly get up. "Give me those" He grumble and flip through it. "Huh. It seems like these guys have a lot more sense than our own. You remember that exercise a couple of years back when we were ordered to assault that hill?"

The clerk chuckle a bit. "Yeah! You were furious! You kept shouting into the radio: "What am I supposed to do!? Chuck bedpans at them!?" That was hilarious"

They walk into the administration tent and Blakk grab a microphone. "Attention everyone! This is colonel Blakk! I want to see the senior surgical staff, the head nurse, the company clerk and the guard commander in my office in fifteen minutes. Orders have come through and I want to make sure this goes as smoothly as a... uh. Something really smooth" He say and put down the microphone again, sitting down by his desk. a few moments later, they are all gathered by his desk.

"Okay. So it seems we'll be defending Barden with the rest of the BLUFOR. They expect REDFOR to throw everything they have at us. Luckily, we have a lot of friendly forces, but most importantly artillery, air support and naval support. Hopefully, they'll be able to stop most of them before they're able to make land, or at least force them to land somewhere else outside Barden"

"Don't worry. I am prepared if they come our way" Doctor Monchon say with a grin, waving a small white flag

"Cut it out" Blakk reply, trying to sound stern. "Reidar. I want you to get hold of... What was her name again?" He flip through a stack of papers on his desk. "Ah! Doctor Aminah Teh. She's in charge of Tánxìng medical regiment. I'd prefer a meeting, but I guess a phone call could work as well. As long as we can coordinate our positions. Find out if she have any special capacities we can use. And vice versa. Our max capacity is 600 wounded per 24 hours. Find out hers"

The clerk nod and walk out, starting to work the radio as the others get up from their seats, Blakk handing out duty rosters before they start working out details.

"This special session of the Armed Service Committee will come to order. The Chair recognizes Secretary of Defense Maddison Imperio."
"Thak you Mr.Chairman. I would like to ask this Committee's permission to attend JKOM 2017."
"Why do you wish to attend?"
"I believe that is we are to become a modern nation we must have a modern military. By attending JKOM I can learn how to modernize our military so if we must defend our country we will not be at an immediate disadvantage."
"The committee will send you along with the members of the Joint Chief's to Resentine for these exercises. The Committee stands adjourned."

"Welcome to Resetnine Madam Secretary" began Ambassador Gilbert. "I know y'all arrived a few days early so I would encourage you to go and try some of the food downtown. I have found it to be terrific. Should you run into any problems, here is my direct line and I will do whatever I can to aid you. I hope you all have a great trip!"
"Thank you Mr. Ambassador. Now we must be on our way. I will be sure to have lunch with you one day though. Gentleman, I believe we can begin to go over these points drafted by the Committee over dinner. I found section 5 b rather...." and she trailed off as they walked toward the transport that would get them to their hotel.
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
Has Been
What's Next?
CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021

What have I gotten myself into?

I'm in over my head. I thought I could do this, but it's a whole other world for me.

Marcoro yeruntureo Virakha Vrassa-Adaro stared down at her phone and wished she could reply. In truth, she shouldn't even have been looking at it, but, despite this training exercise, despite the immense distance between Barden and Akhorn, the thought of her sister's first day at her first proper job since graduating from Yanuvallano Akhorid in November weighed heavily on her.

You'll be okay, Adara, she thought, then added, please, Revanim, let her be okay! and switched her phone off, before stuffing it into the depths of her duffle bag as she heard footsteps outside the room. She stood up, smoothed the lapels of her uniform and called for whoever-it-was to enter.

The callow Anturo - he was even younger than her sister and had got into more scrapes with his squad than most would get away with - stepped in and gave a quick and slightly sloppy salute.

"At ease, Isyema-Nyavo."

"Marcoro Itia-Khendo wanted me to inform you that the company is ready to commence mixed training exercises upon your order, Marcoroe."

"Then I will be out with him immediately. You may return."

Anturo Isyema-Nyavo seemed uncertain for a moment, then disappeared out the door as if he were running from a fire, and given the scoldings he had received in her office at the base outside Akhorn, perhaps he thought he was.

She glanced down at the duffle bag one more time, said another brief prayer to the Dreamers, then stepped out into the deserted barracks and made her way to the training field.

Commander Arai Toyohisa sat confidently on the captain’s chair of the I-403, designation Shinryuu, while the crew mapped out the underwater topography of Barden Bay. Arai was honored that he and Major Kusanagi were given the honor of representing the Empire.  Arai spent over 2 decades in the Imperial Frost Navy before rising in the ranks to take command of an I-400 class submersible aircraft carrier.  He worked for an additional 3 years before earning the respect and command of his own wolf pack, 2 Suiryuu class attack submarines commanded by captains Mirai Shakku and Nerima Kinjishi, and partnership with the 145th combined arms company led by Major Yukina Kusanagi. As the radio operator relayed the Resentine transmission, Arai smiled, “Excellent, have the fleet move into the designated comm channels and finish mapping the bay. Once you move into the designated channels follow protocol 08 and establish a combined chain of command with the Redfor base and fleet flagship. Once we establish chain of command we will change our designation to the 141st wolf pack following the detachment and integration of the 145th company into Redfor’s command structure.” “Aye, Sir.” Replied the bridge crew as they set about to fulfill their orders.


                Major Yukina Kusanagi yawned as her men contacted Redfor command via radio. She and her unit had previously kept to themselves while acclimating to the terrain of the combat zone. While the men of the 145th trained, she had to take certain precautions that wouldn’t tip their hands to any potential foes. This was the largely the result of the Major having the unfortunate displeasure of seeing some of the participating officers attempt to spy on the capabilities of her men before they were divided into either force. However, now that they were finally divided, Yukina smiled mischievously as she could finally exert her attention into crushing the opposition when the time came. Furthermore, she had to figure out a way to contact Redfor when communications become undoubtedly jammed by Blufor operatives in order to follow their orders at a timely manner.

Looking over at her Adjutant who finished organizing the idle troops, the Major said, "By now Commander Toyo should be executing protocol 08 and bringing the battalion into Redfor's naval chain of command. We will do the same and detach from the 141st and integrate ourselves with Redfor's overall command. Despite the fact that this is nothing more than a military exercise, I do hope that you maggots won't stain the pride of the Empire. I expect each and everyone of you to perform as if we are in actual combat and show these foreigners not to underestimate the Frost Empire. Get ready and I expect you on board the sub at 0300 hours. Dismissed."

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