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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident

Both Resentinian and Sporaltryan forces have agreed to a Non-Agression Pact. Both sides are standing down. The Sporaltryan Invasion Force will be leaving Baliish by Sunday. Both sides are standing down, but, the border between them shall remain closed. There is still much work to be done in Baliish.......
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


*As night falls, Commander A sets up a conference call with the Commanding Officers in Dedric, Velocé and Novac. He also invited governor Amelia Francesca Elena, Supreme General Reginald LeClés, and Lord of Culture Ferdinand Pendragon.*

"Ladies and gentlemen. We have succeeded in securing Dedric and Novac. Our allies are in our doorstep at this instant, and talks about launching a Sporaltryus nuclear strike got this entire affair out of control. We ask, what should we accomplish next?" Introduced Commander A in the Callaway.

"This is a circus, a circus indeed. All it took was someone moving a gun, and the entire issue became viral. Talks are proceeding as we speak, and I fear that they would be too distracted." responded Supreme General Reginald, sipping dragontea.

"I talked to Lord Volver….. From what he told me, it was a hellhole in here. Before we proceed I would like to say sorry to the Regal Condottieri, for my orders have made you suffer." said Lord Ferdinand Pendragon.

"We appreciate it." responded Top Gun, Maxwell Frost aboard on the Velocé.

"I advise that you haul ass from there immediately, I do not want anything to happen to our finest troops. It begins to turn into a climax, what happens in climaxes? Something bad shall happen." said Supreme General Reginald LeCles

"But let us discuss the first matter, Sporaltryus may launch a nuclear bomb. We do not know the specification of the bomb, but we must decide on wether we should shield ourselves from the bomb, and risk our enemies getting mutated due to the nuclear blast. Or we would try neutralising the radioactive material inside the bomb." stated Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena.

"Maxwell has prepared a machine that would shoot electrons until the uranium or plutonium is finally neutralised. There would still be an explosion, at least it isn't radioactive." said Titanium Prodigy Norvani Grechovitch.

"I don't like it…. It's impossible that King Claudius nor Jasper Henn had actually agreed to this. Both sides are standing down, Sporaltryans are leaving now as we speak…. But if the tension rose at this rate, who knows what'll happen. It could be that the Sporaltryus are going to annex Baliish, and kicking off with the nuclear bomb." Said Head of Biomedical Sciences, OttoLynn Sinclair

"Speculations are not permitted. Facts are key, nevertheless, we must remain vigilant. I want every troops prepared for any sudden attacks or blasts. Otto, it is best if you get some engineers to keep the bionic suits in great shape. Make sure that the gamma ray could not penetrate our troops." Ordered Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena

"The engineers are preparing it as we speak, we have fitted a piece which would shield the user from radiation for a certain amount of time. Long enough for them to escape, or get a reception and call for help. Radiation poisoning are the toughest to cure, the algorithm is to complicated, until this day I am working for the cure." Said Head of Biomedical Sciences, OttoLynn Sinclair

"Well that has been established. The nuclear bomb shall be neutralised in the case of it being launched, and several precautions has been made in our exo-suits." Concluded Supreme Commander A.

*Beeping at Governor's side, it was Paladin Amelia's phone.*

"Hello?......oh my......."

"Who was it?" asked Expert First-Class Ar-Rasyid

"T'was Paladin Hannelore Trump. Recent news said that the nuclear bomb has been stolen.... Details have been sent to your computers. Jasper Henn sent letters asking for a joint operation." responded Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena

"Does it eliminate the posibility of a nuclear strike?" asked Lord of Culture Ferdinand Pendragon

"It does not change a thing, if they acquired he nuclear bomb back. Are they going to resume? There is still a posibility that they would launch it to Baliish anyway. Hopefully we are finished before they acquire the nuclear bomb back." claimed Supreme General Reginald LeClés

"I believe that we need to sent help Sporaltryus get their toy back. Shall Condottieri respond?" asked Chief Coordinator Leonie Gratin.

"No, we will not. But the army will. answered Supreme Commander A.

"Covert ops..." thought over Supreme General Reginald LeClés "Remember, some of our best spies are in the Condottieri."

"Ah...... I know what you mean. Get them in the field, at least we'll have an update on the nuclear bomb." responded Supreme Commander A.

"Moving on to the next order of business, the talks of a biological weapon. What is going on?" asked Supreme General Reginald LeCles. "The documents recovered in the library…"

"My scientists are researching them as we speak. One of the perpetrators had used the library to write up the information about the biological weapon. We are trying to decode the old resentinian in the journal, so far. What we can tell is that the person who wrote it was one of the major stakeholders, and no doubt one of the perpetrators. We are not sure who this person is or where did this person come from, let alone his sponsors." responded Chief Scientist Zooey Traxflava

"Great job Trax. On a side note, we liked your sonar bats. Able to take a complete 3d picture of a city in no time. Every item, every movement, every room has not been left undiscovered. Now back to the topic at hand, Gratin?" asked Expert First-Class Ar-Rasyid

"Ah yes, the chemical documents are a tad bit hard to understand. We made it just in time, another mon…no, another week would completely dissolve the ink. The chemical components are quite easy to understand, we may be able to know the cure faster….." Leonie then gave a pause

"What's with the pause Commander?" prompted Supreme Commander A.

"Oh… Nothing…. Something that came to my mind for a second." responded Chief Coordinator Leonie Gratin

"Say it or forever hold your peace." remarked Lord of Culture Ferdinand Pendragon.

"Hmmm, its weird. Because the molecular structure is somewhat….Basic, it is as basic as H2O. However, the structure is shaped quite differently, usually the shape does not completely revise the characteristics of the chemical substances as long as the formula is the same… But this…. This isn't…. We would need more tests." said Chief Coordinator Leonie Gratin

"Be fast Leonie, sunrise is coming. We must give the information back to the Resentinians when they come to Dedric. We must milk out every single information we have before they have the chance to." said Supreme Commander A.

"We are working on it as fast as we can, the only thing that's stopping me, Otto and Zooey is this conference call." said Chief Coordinator Leonie Gratin.

"Sorry to halt you. Now, next order of business?" asked Supreme General Reginald Leclés.

"Ah, the matter of Dedric and Novac." said Expert First-Class Ar-Rasyid. "We have secured the cities and have completed defensive measures. The survivors have been accounted for and they are properly fed and taken care of."

"It would be best if you'd ship them back to where they came from. The resentinians shall be returned back to their expedition, but in case, we've prepared a plane that would get them back to Resentinian lands. The Sporaltryans should have left Baliish by now, so it would be best that you send their survivors to Sporal lands." said Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena.

"But Ell-- I mean, Paladin Amelia!" Interrupted Supreme Commander A, "That would mean that we must cut back two of our planes so that they can transport the survivors. We could not risk any provisions we have left."

"Which is why you have allies, and which is why I propose that we send two other planes filled with more Condottieri." said Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena

"Are you going to partake in this? or will it be Tao or Strauss?" asked Top Gun, Maxwell Frost.

"It shall be decided, nevertheless. This is not a normal expedition anymore, we must aid the troops present." said Supreme General Reginald LeClés. "I also propose that we send some heavy duty equipments, say, our battle tanks."

"I disagree, a battle tank would simply raise the tensions. Our troops must remain light, and our cavaliers are large enough." remarked Titanium Prodigy Norvani Grechovitch.

"So, General, your proposal is overruled.. Now, nevertheless we must send some Condottieri to Baliish, hopefully by the time the two planes had already returned. We have secured a large portion of the island. The reinforcements would prove useful when defending Dedric and Novac." said Supreme Commander A.

"On a sidenote, you must acquire every bit of the puzzle from Volver. He knows more things than any of you about this island. Find out the patterns of our enemies, and the danger zones. Once that you can have every single information, send him back to Broadsword in one of those planes." said Lord of Culture Ferdinand Pendragon.

"Indeed… Well, any objections?" asked Valiant Governor Amelia Francesca Elena. "None I suppose. Let us continue."

"Nuclear bomb… Survivors…. Documents….. Reinforcements…. Now about the library." said Supreme General Reginald LeClés

*Everyone stayed silent for a minute.*

"I fear that if the library was like what Lord Volver said, that it received hard defence, it would be difficult to find it, and when we do, it would be difficult to liberate it." said Expert First-Class Ar-Rasyid

"Crystal of knowledge…. A library so famous even it has enchanted King Stephen Pendragon and her eminence grace, Saint Forsaina. Chock full of information of the secrets of the world, studying it is our best action." said Lord of Culture Ferdinand Pendragon.

"If we do find the library, what should be our course of action?" asked OttoLynn Sinclair.

"We must hold our ground, and transport every single piece of information through airborne. We shall discuss about the fate of the library with the Resentinians, once we have actually secured the library." answered Top Gun, Maxwell Frost

"…….Regal Condottieri. the only mercenary force in the world who is incredibly advanced in warfare, even today its technology is unparalleled by any other nation. It is the only mercenary force that's sole purpose is to protect cultural sites and human achievements." Said Chief Coordinator Leonie Gratin. "Countries continuously hire us to secure relics and cultural sites… No casualties to date, and accomplishment rate is 99.99%. To this day, in the charge of Regal Condottieri. Not a single cathedral is bombed, not a single mosque is tampered with, not a single school is corrupted, not a single library is destroyed, not a single book is burnt… But you must know, that above all, we must protect our troops and that not a single one would die. We are pacifists, of course."

"… How important is this library?" asked Supreme General Reginald LeClés.

"To be honest General, it has the same value as any other libraries in this world. Every one of them must be protected at all costs, and preserved. I believe that each of them has a certain importance, each of them are unique in their own special way. Scholars spent days, months, even years to compile the information in that library, and to leave it unknown? to leave it unpreserved? Oh no…. I could not bear to witness such thing. Every book has a story that wove the present as every story intertwines with each other to create events that shape the future…" Responded Supreme Commander A.

"Do… Do all of you feel the same way about this?"

*Everyone nodded, the Commanding Officers in Baliish had a spark in their eyes. A sign of confidence and willpower.*

"………. Casualty report." said Supreme General Reginald LeClés.

"No casualties up to date in the expedition, lost of assets have reached up to 300.000 Platinums. Nevetheless, we still have some assets left." answered Titanium Prodigy Norvani Grechovitch.

"… Commander A." called Supreme General Reginald LeClés.

"Yes?" responded Supreme Commander A.

"I want you to do your damn job, find that library, and secure its contents. You all seem to understand the certain calibre of the issue at stake, and the lives at risk. Nevertheless, if all of the troops feel that way. Then finish your work, and get back home." answered Supreme General Reginald LeClés.

"Remember, number one priority. Secure that library, and help the Resentinians in any way they can." concluded Lord of Culture, Ferdinand Pendragon

"That concludes it, dismissed." ordered Supreme Commander A.

As all the screens are turned off, a private call was sent to Commander A. He ran to a quiet corner to answer the phone.


"Aaron… Be careful… These creatures…. these events… Oh, do I need to come there? Should I? I don't want anything to happen to you, and anyone."

"Ellie…. As Governor a burden rests upon your shoulders. The citizens need you for their decision, they need you, other knights need you, even High Paladin Dietrich Fillo Do Xeo, needs his mentor… Believe me Ellie, I'll come back safe, and I'll tell you about the book you gave me."

"Oh… You knew huh?"

"You slipped a book inside by overcoat, Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Original copy, with many tears and spots. Some leaves and crumbs are present between the pages, the chapters are yellow as tea. The book of your childhood. It smells nice…. So, when I come back, I'll bring you the book you've always wanted."

"……. Excuse me?"

"20.000 leagues under the sea, Jules Verne, the original print with signatures from Jules Verne himself. French… so the thrills remain intact."

"You…. You remembered, all these years…."

"I swear, when I come back, I'll bring this book, and take you out to dinner."


"I…. thank you Ellie, for being there for me.."

"Aaron… I'd like to sa--"

*Turned off, Reception down*

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

((Have you at all been following the news? Or are your troops totally unknowing of the fact that the nuke was stolen? Plus, Sporaltryan is the denonym. Sporaltryus is the correct word.))

Jasper Henn

The admiral raced to the bridge. He had just heard of the Sporaltryan nuclear theft.
"Prepare to intercept nuclear warheads!" he snapped. "Sporaltryus had one stolen."
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Aboard the Sporaltryan Command Ship, The ship has been rigged to blow, and the crew has rushed to the life boats on either side of the ship. The members of the crew that have made it to the life boats can still hear the screams of their comrades grow ever closer to them as the Dark One slaughters them. The Admiral boards the first life boat, along with members of the Command Staff. Just before boarding, the captain of the ship is approached by an ensign, who hands him the detonator for the ship's explosives. However, just before the boat is let down into the sea, the Dark One darts out of one of the doors. Several Navy Soldiers shoot at it, but it quickly butchers them. The creature turns and locks eyes with the Admiral. The Admiral begins yelling at the two ensigns who are letting the boat down to hurry. The Dark One speeds across the deck of the ship, towards the life boat. The ensigns go as fast as they can, but not before the creature leaps off of the deck, just barely over the life boat, and grabs the Admiral before falling into the sea. Both the creature and the Admiral sink into the sea, but shortly after, red blood comes up from the sea, right where the Admiral and the creature went in. All of the Life boats hurry away from the ship, in anticipation of the Captain blowing it up........

The Naval Forces of Darkstrait have seen it's reinforcements arrive. In fear of the missing Sporaltryan Nuclear Weapon, it has prepared it's forces to intercept any launched nuclear weapon that is sent to Baliish. The question that remains is whether the device is deployed to Baliish or elsewhere......

The Forces of The International Knights have quickly deployed a Reconnaissance Drone, and it's pilot's are awaiting further orders when they arrive at the intended target. The Knight's Science team begins analyzing documents about the Biological weapons gathered from Dedric, and are not able to gather much, but, the are able to conclude a few things successfully: The weapons were designed by Resentinian Rebels, and the technology used was not Resentinian, based on similar documents from the time. In an attempted analysis of a diary of a Rebel Commander, a majority of the pages in it are burned or ripped out, and the few that remain contain insane ramblings of the "Dark Ones Coming" and a "Bad Temple". And the Scientists have failed once again in an attempt to develop a cure, causing several to believe it impossible given the technology available. The Sonic Bats have also been unable to locate locate the Library as well. However, Reinforcements have been cleared and are moving quickly, arriving in five days time, and the Forces in Dedric have found time and successfully upgraded several of their Combat Mechs.

The Sedunnese Rangers quickly divert to Novac to help the survivors of the Resentinian Third Royal Marines Expeditionary Force and the Sporaltryan Reconnaissance Force. The Spotting Drone has been been able to give accurate locations, effectively driving the Dark Ones away from the Survivors and the International Knights force. Sedunn Military Command has been made aware of the current situation, and have planned for Reinforcements to arrive in four days......

Meanwhile, aboard the Dauntless.......

Official Transcript, HMS Dauntless Command Center, just off the coast of Southern Baliish

Lt. Emily Goldwater: All ships are reporting a completed maneuver, and all are standing by for further orders.

Va Michael Hauser: That will be unnecessary. We need not go any farther.

Goldwater: Understood sir.

Hauser: What's the current status of the all forces, at the moment.

Goldwater: Helix and Delta Platoons have confirmed that Sporaltryan Forces are leaving the island, and are awaiting further orders. Phoenix and Baker Platoons have regrouped but are waiting a day before making their way to Novac. FOB Indigo is reporting only a few casualties to some of the creatures, but have reported that activity in Port Crescent has decreased significantly since Darkstrait burned the city. Indigo is also reporting the presence of several civilian survivors, however, they have not approached the FOB. We are getting reports of survivors in Novac from both The Knights and Sedunn. Apparently a Lieutenant Cedric Walters of the Third is alive and leading a significant amount of survivors, including Sporaltryans.

Hauser: Hmmm......*Begins muttering to himself* So if we..... No, wait, we'd have to.... Alright, I guess that'll have to due....*Turns and looks toward Lt. Goldwater* Alright, tell Phoenix and Baker to get moving now, there's no time to waste. Have Captain Harris take a Platoon into Dedric and gather intel from the Knights Forces stationed there, see if there's anything they can tell us that will help. Have Gregor send a squad out to contact these Survivors, the King will want a head count by the end of this, so the more people we can keep alive the better. Have we heard anything from the other Sporaltryan fleet?

Goldwater: No sir. Not a sound. It's almost eerie.

Hauser: Try and contact them again. If they don't respond, we'll send Able flight up to go look for them, understood?

Goldwater: Yes sir. I'll let them know. *Starts going through the radio channels*

There is a great calm across the Resentinian Fleet. With the fear of being turned into irradiated waste off their minds, the begin to focus more on the task at hand. Morale across the fleet has seen a general improvement, as both Navy and Marine personnel see a little bit more hope in their situation......

OOC: Sorry this came so late! It's been a hectic week. Cheers! Smile -RK
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Broadcast on a loop around the Sporaltryan Fleet, Automated Voice

The Flagship of the fleet is lost. Explosives are set to detonate. The Admiral has been killed in action, with the final order to pull back to Sporaltryus. Return to your shipyards, the mission is lost. Repeat, return to your shipyards, the mission is lost. Code HF-13, YF-84, NR-27, OS-13, Hype GLE-07.

End of message.

"The situation is escalating, sir. Sporaltryus has withdrawn their ships."
"Well, that at least prevents a war for now," the admiral said with relief. "Send out a helicopter reconnaissance squadron to monitor the situation. Should they find anything over Baliish, they are to call in the gunships to destroy it. Have the gunships check with ground forces before they take off, though."
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


*Meanwhile, in TIK base at Dedric*

"Ms Otto...."


"Permission to speak freely..."

"Go on.."

"Test 131#, it failed ms... I don't think that the technology available to us right now is.... Adequate enough."

"Then build it.."


"If you have really concluded that every path explorable at this moment could not lead to the desired outcome, then you must make another path.."

"I'm sorry?"

"DON'T GIVE UP! I want all those documents known, decoded and translated! We need to milk out every information we can find about this!" Shouted Otto-Lynn

The entire science faction are working day and night to decode all the information they had. Plus, the computers had been working non-stop to find the cure for the dark creatures. OttoLynn is not a sort of person to simply give up, neither is Ms. Trax

"The algorithms we got from the documents recovered could be compared with the naturalist documents.

"Indeed, I hope we can get a better result."

"I.... I want a cure, there is always a cure.... I don't want to kill them...."

"I know how you feel Ms. Trax."

While Otto and Trax made sense of the documents. Leonie establishes contact with the reinforcements. The reinforcement plane is known as Layton, named after the group of engineers who had to delay the building up to 4 days because they are too busy completing a 20.000 piece puzzle, and solve 100 riddles. Since then, they named the plane to honour the greatest puzzle master, Professor Layton.

"Calling Layton.. Calling Layton.."

"Layton here..."

"Patch me up with you CO."


"..... This is Adrian Cooper..."


"Is that you Ms. Gratin."

*Adrian Cooper is the most junior of high commanding officers, unlike other members of Commander A's inner circle, Adrian Cooper was a captain (Which is on par with PFC). He is incredibly skilled in combat and tactics, but his attitude and personality does not fit the other commanding officers.*

"This... This is a dream right? Ms Elena.... She sent you?"

"Tao and Strauss has been busy tracking the missing nuke, and Isabella is training some new recruits. So to be concluded, I am the only commanding officer left to actually send reinforcements to Baliish."

"Great.. I'm working with a kid that's still got a bedtime..."

"H..Hey! I heard that you know.."

"Hahaha, just kidding.. Maybe.. So, how's progress?"

"Strong weather and our troops are prepped, we are ready for combat."

"........Well, it's better if you all see it first hand anyway.."


"The commander wants you to keep posting. Alright?"

"Yes Ms. Gratin.."

Meanwhile, the Commander asks the recon troops to scour the island and report anything they can find. Especially regarding information on the Library itself. As he was sipping tea in his office, he was reading through the reports.

""Dark Ones Coming" and a "Bad Temple"........ Temple? What could they possibly mean..."

After that he issued an order and asks to find anything that looked like a temple, wether it is sitting in plain sight, covered in vegetation, or built inside a mountain.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The captain of the Sporaltryan Command Ship hits the remote detonator's trigger, and watches as his former ship explodes in a fiery blaze before sinking to the bottom of the ocean. The surviving crew members are rescued by the other ships in the fleet, and with all injuries among the survivors addressed properly, the fleet sails quietly home to Sporaltryus.......

Darkstrait's Helicopter Reconnaissance Teams take off from the deck of the carrier, and into the night above Baliish. While there is nothing over Baliish, the teams do manage to spot survivors in several of the Island's mountain passes. However, it remains unclear who these survivors are, or their intentions on the island. The spot is radioed back to toe Carrier.

The Science Team of the International Knights has once again failed to find a cure, leading many on the team to conclude that there may very well not be a cure for whatever has infected all of Dark Ones. The have also, after analyzing the documents they gathered in Dedric, have concluded that these Biological weapons were not originally Resentinian Technology. Several have concluded that the documents prove the existence of the Library, even though they have not found it yet. On the other side of the Knight's base, The Drone Command] located a large, unknown structure near the top of one of the Island's mountains. While they have not flown close enough to identify the structure, they have determined that it is not Resentinian in origin. The other drones have spread out all over the main island, and now have a full geographic map of the island itself. The Knights' reinforcements have also arrived, bringing with them fresh supplies, weapons, and bodies to help conclude the fight on Baliish.

Aboard the Dauntless........

Official Transcript, HMS Dauntless Command Center, just off the coast of Southern Baliish

*Vice Admiral Hauser walks into the command center after getting a good night's rest. As he walks in, all crew members stand and salute*

Capt. Alexander Neiman: Officer on Deck!

VA Michael Hauser: At Ease.*All crew return to stations* Alright, Neiman, you're relieved. Go get some rest.

Neiman: Thanks Mike. It's been one hell of a time. We got real lucky back there. Let's hope we won't need that again.

Hauser: Yea. That was too close, even for my liking. *Neiman begins to leave, but Hauser stops him* Actually, Al there is one thing I need you to do for me. *Neiman leans in to listen* stop by the Force Recon teams, and give the CO of Able and Bravo this. *Hands Neiman a folded paper*

Neiman: Will do sir. Good night.

Hauser: Good night, captain. *Neiman leaves the Command Center, Hauser turns to Lt. Goldwater* What's our current troop status, Lieutenant?

Lt. Emily Goldwater: All troops are on the move or have arrived already. Helix and Delta arrived in Dedric, and are currently discussing information with The International Knights. Phoenix and Baker have arrived in Novac, but are requesting evacuation.

Hauser: Why? I thought they were all good?

Goldwater: They appearantly have found survivors of the Original Sporaltryan Recon team, and, most amazingly, members of the 3rd.

Hauser: You're kidding? The 3rd. Was Captain Barnes with them?

Goldwater: From what I'm aware of, a Lieutenant Cedric Walters has reported him as KIA, and he was not seen with the survivors. However, we have not found his body.

Hauser: Damn..... That horrible. I understand that Day was on the verge of making him an Admiral before he sent him out here. And what about Indigo and Gregor? Have they made contact with these "survivors".

Goldwater: They did, however, it was a bit primitive how they were contacted.

Hauser: How so?

Goldwater: They couldn't raise them on radio, so, Gregor's radioman did it the old fashioned way; Flashlights and Civilian Code.

Hauser: Wow.... do we have a line of communication with them yet?

Goldwater: No, but Gregor platoon is working on it. They'll have an update soon, last I heard.

Hauser: Good. And last but not least, the Sporaltryan Fleet. Did we contact them?

Goldwater: We sent out hails, and we got nothing back. But, our last radar signatures had them on a course home, and I haven't heard anything to the contrary from Navy CentCom.

Hauser: Good. Alright, Tell all platoons other than Gregor to begin searching Rebel controlled bunkers for any weapons. Those would be the safest place to keep them, especially from the old military. Have Gregor keep trying to contact the survivors, determine if they are Resentinian or not.

Goldwater: I'll get right on it, sir.

[End Transcript]

As the Resentinian Navy sits off the coast of southern Baliish, the fleet prepares to find, secure, and destroy any biological weapons that may remain on the island. The fleet also prepares to begin evacuating any survivors of the 3rd Royal Marines, while establishing contact with any non-military survivors on the island. Force Recon teams however, are preparing to go deeper into the island, beyond Novac, however, what they are looking for remains even unclear to the teams, as they prepare to deploy....
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Operation command decides to have the rangers in Novac stay and hold the city, while the new reinforcements are to locate and secure the rebel bunkers found on the old maps. They are also to search for any dead Dark One, to be handed over for further research.

The Sedunnic navy dispatches one hospital ship with personnel both from the Defence Medicine Centre and Grovne National Medical Research Institute to help injured soldiers and do research on the Dark Ones, if any are found.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


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