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[IC] Vamapin Siread sutaciraduinea - The Feast of Created Light - 14th December 2016

The Peony and her bodyguards gave a bow infront of the Ura'sia.

"Assalamualaikum, Ni Hao. I am sorry, my english is not that good, honorable Ura'sia I presume?" She gave a smile as she tightened her hijab and shook the hands of the Ura'sia, "it is an honour to finally meet her excellency Head of State of Erinor."

She looked around her environment, and realised that the Ura'sia herself had taken considerable attention from the crowd.

"I guess it would be best if we could walk to the executive lounge, and somewhere more.. Calm, Honorable host?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Gianluca answered Sirea's question.

"You know, we had a quite rough start, when engaging diplomatic relations with the Peony, compared with the start we had with Sedunn and Erinor. That's why I want to speak with the Peony and see, if our first impression we made, sticked negatively or, if the Peony is open-minded enough to turn a blind-eye on it and engage for a better start of our relations.
Plus, like you maybe know, the Peony sent tea from her country at least to the Ura'sia, maybe to you too, and it's pretty delicious and I've to admit, that I would want to ask her for more tea".

Gianluca grinned on the last statement, that seemed quite hilarious, although he meant it totally serious.

"By the way: The drink here, Qassora cafulila or something like that? It's pretty good. Is there a cultural reason, why you give out those drinks at this time of year for persons you welcome in Erinor?"
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

Nagisa yawned softly as she waited in the pilot’s seat for the Erinoran authorities to clear their small F78 Jet for landing. Her Imperial highness, Isara F. Firenze was softly asleep in the cabin behind them, while the Assembly Chair sat in the co-pilot’s chair next to her. Their body guards were also in the same cabin as Princess Isara, but they made sure to position themselves in strategic areas to protect both the cockpit and princess.

As the delegation waited on the clearance she began to recall the events of the previous weeks and wondered how Assembly Chair Oda had managed to convince both the President and Emperor to not send them in one of their AF-150s considering how overprotective the men were when it came to citizens of Frost including their own kin. The last time Nagisa attempted to convince the President and Emperor that the delegation didn’t need a submersible task force to get them to Sedunn ended miserably for her. As she lightly dove into her thoughts she felt a light tap on the shoulder, “While this wait may seem like an ideal moment to collect your thought, you must remember that you are not a passenger this time around and must care for the safety of your passengers.” Said Shizuka with a soft grin.

Nodding in agreement Nagisa replied, “You’re correct Sir Oda. However, I couldn’t help but remember my last reprimand when I see that we are in the F78 instead of an SF-212 Super fortress or being surrounded by several squadrons of fighters and bombers. How were you able to convince Sir Kensei and his majesty to allow her Imperial Highness to go to Erinor without an escort when the last delegation had a strike force as an escort to Sedunn?”

The Assembly chair chuckled softly as he said, “You should realize that it was Isara-sama’s idea to come to Erinor without the fighter escort or using a gunship. She had always wanted to visit other countries, but it was quite difficult due to the hectic preparations for the Sky festival. In fact, she took matters into her own hands and barged into a meeting and asked to leave for Erinor. However, both the President and his majesty was about to refuse due to them being unable to leave their duties as well as sought to punish her for her own selfish actions. Fortunately for the little princess I had happened to be in a meeting with his majesty when this occurred and I simply offered my counsel.”

“I see, so then they accepted it then?”

“Not quite, since her highness had to accept several conditions in exchange for less security, she had to be accompanied by you for the duration of the trip, we must accept the protection of the Public Security Bureau Section 09, and that my plane had to exceed a specific speed to evade perceived enemies.”

“I see, so then this time the Emperor and President Kensei were receptive.”

“Receptive? Did something happen prior to this?” inquired the assembly chair.

Nagisa sighed, “Let’s just say that my attempt at convince the two that a naval strike fleet was overkill when transporting the delegation to Sedunn was a nightmare.”

“That is unlike the two… who was a part of the delegation that time?” asked Oda

“The Crown Princess Remilia Alice Firenze, Prince Itami Fanalis Firenze and 6 Submarine commanders from different fleets.” replied Nagisa

The Assembly Chair laughed, “I should have known better than to ask, the two become very zealous when it comes to the safety of multiple Frosts.”
(hears the authorities grant clearance to land) “Looks like we have permission to land,”

“Indeed Sir Oda, I'll begin the landing sequence” replied the Foreign minister before she spoke into the mic, “Copy that tower, we will proceed to the directed runway, Sky fox out.”

With that the plane descended into Ciria airport and after waking up the princess proceeded to disembark unaware of what they’ll find.

Sirea smiled once more as she addressed Gianluca's question.

"Qassora cafulilea was a traditional drink amongst the peasantry of the Kingdom for eight hundred years before the revolution. Whilst royalty and the nobility drank expensive imported wines and spirits, the poor folk had to make do with what they could find growing in the rainforest, and this is what they came up with. It was always shared neat with any guests who arrived as a gesture of hospitality and then, as the summer wore on and things got hotter, what they had would be watered down and made more refreshing with citrus fruit so it could continue to be used the same way.

"Since the revolution Qassora cafulilea has taken off as our national drink and even the wealthy buy artisan versions of it, infused with all sorts of other ingredients. But for Vamapin as this feast is sometimes known as, because it has no equal, the traditional summer way of serving it remains the most popular."

She glanced out the window for a second, gathering her thoughts, then added, "There is an excellent brewer of artisan Qassori in Ciria. I could arrange for them to send some to Atlantis for you?"

* * *

Yena lead the way (behind security and a number of aides, at least) through the airport terminal towards the executive lounge, doing her best to talk to the Peony, despite the language barrier. She made a mental note to call in one of the translators. Indeed, there would probably be someone proficient in Mandarin amongst the staff in the lounge, but until then...

Another aide sidled over to her whilst they walked and leaned in.

"Her Imperial Highness, Princess Isara F. Firenze of the Frost Empire has arrived. They are waiting to disembark the jet."

Yena sighed, although she wasn't really annoyed. It was just that the timing of everything seemed so inconvenient today of all days. She was sure everything would run more smoothly once all the guests had arrived however. She turned to the Peony.

"I'm very sorry your excellency, but I must greet another of our guests on the tarmac, so to speak. My aide here will continue to lead you on towards the executive lounge and introduce you to my Foreign Minister, Sirea Fasya-Arkhando. I should be back with you shortly." She gave another slight bow and then, with a small detachment of bodyguards, took a shortcut to the executive gate.

She was nearly out of breath by the time they reached the patterned carpet laid out for their visitors beneath the baking sun, but there was a glass of water waiting for her and the door to the jet was only just opening, so she had a moment to compose herself.

Amused by Sirea's offer, that, as he would interpret it, clearly was put up as a concurrence to Gianluca's plan of talking with the Peony about huawanian tea, he answered:

"Maybe. But if I'm already here in Ciria, maybe you can even arrange a meeting with the brewer? It's, at the moment, with no trade deals between Erinor and GI-Land, a bit easier, if I take products personally into my plane, than you shipping it over the border and then we've got the problem with the customs etc., you know?"

As far as he ended the sentence, the Peony came into the lounge with the security staff.
Instantly, Sirea and Gianluca jumped up from the sofa.

The staff introduced Sirea to the Peony and the Peony to Sirea and Gianluca, before the King could manage to greet her.
One hand at his stomach and the other arm stretched away from his body behind his back, he bowed in front of the Peony.
He stood up and said to her:

"Assalam Alaikum, Majesty. I'm the Leader of GI-Land and King of Atlantis Gianluca IV. and I'm honored to meet you here. Was your flight pleasant?"
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

ST003, the official transport aircraft of the Sedunnic government, sharply reflected the bright light as it came clear of a woolly cloud, initiating its long landing procedures. Hevv Gjieramm, mostly known as the Sedunnic Minister of Foreign Affairs, had spent most of the flight reading, as usual. The fact that he did enjoy reading often came as a surprise to people who didn't know him personally. He had always been the outgoing, footloose kind. At least 20 years ago.

The book he had brought for this trip hadn't been a particularly good one. He had read the first 150 or so pages dutifully, but then his mind had wandered off too frequently, making him put away the book. It was not likely he would pick it up again. He was now going through the latest news from Sedunn with his smartphone. Topping the news were several articles about the preparations for the National Day and the ongoing large military exercise south of Grovne. He smiled when he found an article about King Vimmru drinking the tea that the Peony had sent him. He wondered what would top the news tomorrow. Hopefully the thing Vimmru would do during his speech. It was actually a really cool idea. Typical Vimmru.

The seatbelt sign lit up. Gjieramm turned off the phone and put it in his suit jacket on the empty seat next to him and buckled up.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator



*When walking with the Ura'sia*

"A pleasure, we understand that it is quite a burden for an excellent leader like yourself to shuffle into such a crowd. I was going to tell you that I would be arriving by bullet train, however our honorable ambassador, Artist Han Yuan, had informed us that most of the diplomatic party shall be arriving from the skies, therefore at a moment's notice, I took the flight en route to Erinor. Venerable leader, Thank you for your lenience and understanding of our choice."

The Peony, modest and polite as ever, shook the hands of the Ura'sia after she pardoned herself. With both her two male and two female bodyguards, dressed in linen martial arts uniform colored in red and white. The entry to the lounge is quite grand and certainly well guarded, and before entering, she decided to take off her scarf and fit a Peony flower on top of her head, like always. The delegacy made their way to the lounge, and an immediate jump from the other delegates ensued.

Of course, immediate greets were uncommon in Huawan, thus the bodyguards jumped infront of their Peony and made a stance, preparing to strike.

"謝謝" said the Peony as she pardoned her bodyguards from performing such stances infront of honorable delegates. Her bodyguards encircled her while giving considerable distance, facing the opposing delegates, they gave quite a low bow, and did not stop until ordered.

"對不起, we are not accustomed to direct approaches such as that." greeted the Peony.

Before she was able to say anything however, the Erinorian staff introduced her to the opposing delegates. He saw Sirea, a woman of coffee-coloured skin, greenish eyes and dark blonde hair. Age, perhaps 40, significantly restrained in professional attire, she could be a flower, but that might not be her choice.

The other, Gianluca, she had saw his photo in the news many times, compared to the 178cm tall Peony, the King was quite short and young, she had heard that the King was young but King Gianluca, seems too young, perhaps in his teenage years? However, despite his youthful persona, he has an uncanny aire around him, an aura of power and eminence. He seemed quite front on his approaches, and is eager to know more about the Peocracy.

Nevertheless, most of the people in that room are significantly much more mature than her, The Peony, only being in her 20's and amazingly young and beautiful. She had decided today that those of the opposite sex, who tried to pursue contact, would not be responded accordingly, she won't touch or shake the hands of those of the opposite sex.

As the leader bowed. The Peony placed her soft palms are pressed together, fingers point upwards, hands high on her chest, and gave curtsey.

"Waalaikumsalam, Venerable leaders, Der Präsident und König Gianluca IV, Sityara Sirea Fasya-Arkhando, and staff. I am the humble guardian and trusted leader of the Blooming Peocracy of Huawan, I am The Peony of Huawan. We are delighted to make your acquaintance."

As she finished her introductions, her bodyguards got back up, and guarded the perimeter surrounding their Peony. The Peony turned to Gianluca IV.

"Yes, our flight was quite lovely. There was turbulence, but looking at the clouds is simply lovely. It is certainly different when you are flying with your people."

She provided attention to both Sirea and Gianluca now. "How about both of you? I trust you are all well? Come, let us all sit down."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Sirea let the Peony lead the way to the nearest seats, but gestured for the waiting staff to follow so that, as they sat down, the Peony was presented with a glass of Qassora cafulilea. Sirea also gestured for her own aide, Tesa, who had been tasked with acquiring one of the Erinoran lace shawls from the royal carpet area to present to the Peony. She scurried over and handed the gift to Sirea, who turned to the Peony.

"And this is a special gift of Erinoran lace, a white shawl, as we know you like to wear those, made in the traditional Erinoran style incorporating ancient Varsan patterns. Please accept it with our compliments."

She handed the shawl over.

"As for your own enquiries, I am well, thank you. Preparing for today has been tiring, but rewarding, and even more so for the chance to meet so many fine people for the first time." She said, extending her gaze to Gianluca IV also. "We are all very much looking forward to sharing some of our most ancient traditions with you today.

"With that in mind, do you have any questions?"

"Ah! A white shawl, such beautious markings" accepted The Peony, "Indeed, when it comes to hijab, I'd prefer a white shawl, one could wear it with almost all colours, and it would bode well against the sunshine. Many thanks Sityara. We in return, have prepared some tea leaves and rice, if you'd like however, I could perform a medical checkup on you and your delegates."

When The Peony got her glass of Qassora cafulilea, she made no hesitation to ask.

"Yes." Asked The Peony while looking at Sirea, "May I ask the indgredients inside this drink? I am afraid I would have to pass if alcohol is present."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The first to exit the plane was a woman wearing a black western business suit who escorted a teen who was wearing a light blue kimono over a white shirt and what appeared to be white hand guards. Meanwhile an elderly man wearing a ceremonial kimono exited shortly after the teen held a small parcel with 4 black suited soldiers in tow. The trio made their way down the steps and bowed in front of the Ura’sia, “Greetings, Honorable Ura’sia. I apologize on my sudden declaration and arrival. My father and Sir Kensei express their warmest greetings despite being unable to attend due to the Winter Sky Festival. We are honored that the esteemed leader of Erinor meet us on the tarmac.” Said Isara as she extended her right hand towards the Ura’sia mildly shocking the Foreign minister who softly said, “Your majesty please follow Imperial protocol when traveling, you shou-” “Now, now, Nagisa, it’s just a handshake nothing to be worked up over. In any case I’m sure her majesty is tired of some of the more outdated practices of the Royal Family.” Interrupted the elderly fellow. Turning over to the Ura’sia the elderly fellow said, “Hello honorable Ura’sia, I am Shizuka Oda, Assembly Chair of the Frost Empire.” “And I am Foreign Minister Nagisa Kuribayashi your eminence. We apologize for the delay in delivering her majesty’s intent to attend your event as the sky festival preparations had become unusually hectic to prepare for the arrival of Emperor Albert of the Imperial Union.”

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