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[IC] Reizen Civil War

(05-04-2019, 12:06 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

There was a brief moment of silence as the Lieutenant muted the mic, likely to consult her superiors listening to the conversation in the background. Then she spoke again.

"We expect to hear from the Empire and the RDC soon. Your unofficial support may not be enough to convince them of this plan. Without official endorsement from the Empire, there will be no strike. We will let you know the outcome of these discussions.

We will need to stay in contact. Please keep the satellite phone and contact us at any time when you have any news regarding the official stance of the WPR, or strategic information of mutual interest. We also hope that we can to update you about the progress of this plan in the same manner.

In the meantime, any intel you can relay to us about high-value RIM targets would be useful in the planning of the possible strike packages. We also assume our personnel that delivered the satellite phone will be granted safe passage out of WPR controlled territory?"

(05-04-2019, 12:06 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

Hip-hop put the jacket on as he followed the captain.

"I can assure you Sedunn has no hostile intentions towards the WPR."

He slowly stretched his arms out to relieve the tension that had been building up from the restraints.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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The Peony sat down in her study with tea in her hands, she knew that Ramadhan is going close, and she won't be able to enjoy tea two hours after lunch. She poured another cup for her and the Royal Premier, as they discuss on the agendas of the week down in the tatami floor.

"We have managed to stabilize the continent's tea prices by 3%, the next harvest would greatly maintain our holdings. We must control the transport prices for the migration, and we must have the Siemens locomotives arrive and operational on the second week of Ramadhan. Meat prices also increase, as well as rice and noodle prices, so there should be control over the market." Briefed Royal Sima Yi, he looked at the cup given to him, "thank you."

"How are our holdings outside The Peocracy?" Asked The Peony while she placed her porcelain teapot back on the table.

"The cooperations have been asking further support on infrastructure, as well as further investment on their infrastructure. The water purification plant in Opal Contrie and the Sea farm in Giacarta are going pretty excellent, however increasing the freshness of the seafood in Giacarta and maintaining it to be shipped to the international market is certainly a large challenge for them, as they are unable to have necessary containers to ship large amounts of fresh meals." Reported the Royal Premier, he coughed twice, and continued "the cooperative superintendents are working well with the rest of the heads of states, and the rapport are well."

"What of the Reizen theatre?" Asked The Peony, sipping another cup.

"Our troops are elsewhere, my Peony. However we have exhausted quite an asset in the Reizen theatre trying to maintain the humanitarian crisis. A substantial donor has also provided quite an amount in Reizen, however critique on our involvement in mediating the talks are also somewhat contested." Explained Royal Premier Sima Yi.

"It is difficult, running a country. You may have empathy, but not sympathy.
" Responded The Peony as she closed her eyes to enjoy yet another sip of her tea.

"That is true, my Peony." Nodded the Royal Premier.

"There is something that I wonder, why is the Frost Empire so keen to regaining their territory in Reizen?" Asked The Peony, "Reizen holds no military value, nor does it house lucrative commodities that are worth fighting for. Looking back to the issues that we see in the field, it may seem like the parties are just fighting for the sake of fighting."

"That is correct." Answered Sima Yi.

"Bzerneleg has good intentions, using however a difficult and violent methodology. The people of Reizen must decide to follow up their choice, that their sovereignty is under guidance of the Frost Empire."

"If... They actually did in the first place."

"....Did they not?"
Asked The Peony as she sipped her tea once more, finishing it, and filled up another cup, "I guess you are accurate in that fact."

"What makes you of that?" Asked Royal Premier Sima Yi.

"....The people of Reizen are the ones that must make the decision. If the Frost Empire taken over Reizen by force in the first place, then this war is a way the Reizen population expressing their... opinions. Unfortunately the only way they are introduced by those that took control of them."

The Peony then sipped her tea, and the Royal Premier sighed.

"If that is the case, then the system of government in Reizen must be decided in a referendum, if not taken by force once more by the Frost Empire or any of the sides in the conflict." Explained Sima Yi, "The former is the fairest way, and the most legal and acceptable way. The people of Reizen must be the one that decide where they want to go next."

"I'm afraid you are correct."
Responded The Peony.

"My Peony, if you wish to go through this route, you must understand that Huawan's neutrality shall be contested, and both parties of the conflict shall definitely see the Peocracy in a bad light." Warned the Royal Premier.

".....May the air of Ramadhan calm the hearts and minds of those in this conflict." Prayed The Peony. "Drink your tea, before it is cold."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
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Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Somewhere in Reizen, WPR-controlled territory

When the Vorsican envoy arrived at the rendez-vous point, a seemingly abandoned farmhouse, Yelena couldn't help but think about how often the same situation presented itself in her job. The wearing wait, always paranoid about being discovered or double-crossed; the facade of formalities and the tension lingering behind, with the respective bodyguards ready to fire at any moment. In her case, plain-clothed and well armed Red Jujus. Oh well, same stuff, different day: her was still a job after all.

"Welcome. I'm Agent Rodina" she said, gesturing toward a couple of chairs facing across a table "I have been tasked by my government to act as liason with you and our Company. As you already know, we are willing to buy your weapons, who we will then provide to the WPR, who unfortunately has to keep tight on expenses" she continued as they sat. 

"This is our proposal: we will set up a shell company in a neutral country who will be the official buyer, but the shipments will have to be sent directly to Kai Fa.
We can take care of the shipping entirely or for a tract of the route, if you wish, but that will means extra costs for us that we expect will be compensated by lower prices.

We will buy a first batch initially, with the intention of furthermore acquisition if everything works out. We can pay both in currency, precious - gemstones or gold - or commodities such as oil. To test your good will, the first payment will be delivered after we get the weapons. Further aquisition will be then payed in advance.

We have one binding condition for the deal: you must not sell your weapons directly to WPR. We will be the exclusive handler of the flow.

So, let me hear your response now" she concluded.

Matthew Kyle responded, "I hope for us to have a mutually beneficial relationship, however the people I represent want half of the payment upfront and the other half upon completion of the transaction. Here are some Valkyrian weapons for display and testing. If we receive half of the payment through Pacific credits, we will provide you 150 shotguns, 250 rifles, and 240 handguns in addition to 200 helmets equipped with infrared technology, 675 hand grenades, and 2000 weapon attachments such as scopes, infrared lasers, and suppressors. In later shipments, we can provide you anti-tank missile technology at a higher price. We will agree to your other conditions. We have a war to win and a cause to advance."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

"Fine. We will buy also the relative ammunitions, if the one we produce are not compatible." aswered Yelena, examining the sample weaponry brought by the Voriscan envoy.

She let one of her finger slide all along the barrel of a rifle, barely containing the thrill of laying her hands on new weaponry. Her true obsession, the one that made her the regime's expert for arms deals.

"We will run the necessary tests on these samples, although I'm confident they will turn out fine" she added, a hint of threat discernable in the background of the statement. "You will then receive half of the payment on the account of your choice and the other after the weapons are delivered in Kai Fa". 

She raised her fist in a salute "May the Loas protect your return, comrade[i]. I hope this will be the beginning of a great socialist partnership." [/i]she bid as a farewell, while the Red Jujus calmly collected the sample weapons.

"And may the Loas protect you once your government will see those weapons in the WPR hands " she thought. She had raised the concern with her superiors, but they expressely ordered not to discuss the issue. She had reached her conclusions on the matter anyway: the real objective was controlling the flow of weapons so to keep the WPR depending on Bruuma.
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One of Matthew Kyle's aides asked, "Can we trust that Bruuma is doing this for the cause or do they have an ulterior motive?"

Matthew Kyle replied, "Time will answer that question."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History
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(05-11-2019, 12:55 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"I see... Please let him access the phone to debrief and receive new orders. He will also provide you with the latest intelligence regarding the RIM's chemical weapons.

This will be all for now. Thank you, Politburo Leader Kirihito, for listening to our suggestion. We look forward to hear from you soon."

(05-11-2019, 12:55 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"... and also for Reizen..." added Hip-hop sardonically.

"Tasternine, Transsuniera or now Reizen, I guess any of them could do as a final resting place."

Hip-hop looked at the captain with tired eyes.

"With any luck, our superiors are now discussing a way to end this war."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bayougrad

"Yes Comrade, I am very pleased to hear that, thank you"  Hunt hang up the phone. His secretary, behind his typewriter, looked at him awaiting for instructions. "That was the Ge-Rouge, they sealed the deal with Vorsica" the Minister explained "I knew Agent Rodina could make it. His mentor and I were in the service together back in the days". He seemed to get lost for a spell in his memories, then shook it off and stood up from his chair. "Now put me in communication with Kirihito".

"Good morning Comrade Kirihito. I am pleased to report that we have succesfully negotiated a deal with the same company that approached you in the previous week. We will settle the bill and the comrades in Kai Fa will receive the shipment and then deliver the goods to you" He paused to make sure that the supply chain order settled in the mind of the WPR leader, so to make clear that this flow of weapon too would be controlled by Bruuma. 

"Also we have agreed to a first order as a trial, to test quality and reliability both of the equipment and the supplier, but I'm confident more could follow. We also have made sure that the Empire remain focused on fighting RIM for the time being, as you do too, so that you will not find yourself attacked on two sides. By concentrating on RIM, we believe you will be able to gain control of a wider portion of territory, so to be in a stronger position on the next phase of the conflict, whatever it may be."  'I hope you all see that you have to swallow this pill if you want to have any hope to gain something in the lond end' thought Hunt, refraining from explicitating his considerations to his interlocutor.

"In the spirit of international socialism we are determined to continue and increase our support to your struggle... as long as your dedication and loyalty to the cause remain absolute and unquestionable".
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