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Abolish the Local Council

No. I'm sorry, but you can't just guess out of thin air that the CSS appoints moderators and not expect to be asked to take the minimum effort of going to the Operations Centre and looking at the threads that say who are our administrators and what is the process they follow to appoint moderators. If you are going to engage in a discussion then the least you can do is make sure that you have the right facts.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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(07-21-2022, 10:18 AM)sandaoguo Wrote: You need to at the very least put in the effort to understand how this region, the Charter, our laws, and community management work before you start throwing out questions like “So the CRS is going to appoint mods?”

The answer to that is no. Community management (administration and moderation) is not a political function. No branch of government appoints admins or mods, and community management isn’t a branch of the government either.

Thanks... I do know how our Charter and our laws and how the offsite moderation team works.

I appreciate I'm using language that I'm trying to draft with and my mixing up of language is clearly leading to misunderstandings. For which will try and be more careful...

Thankfully Evinea seemed to understand my ramblings.

(07-21-2022, 10:20 AM)Kris Kringle Wrote: No. I'm sorry, but you can't just guess out of thin air that the CSS appoints moderators and not expect to be asked to take the minimum effort of going to the Operations Centre and looking at the threads that say who are our administrators and what is the process they follow to appoint moderators. If you are going to engage in a discussion then the least you can do is make sure that you have the right facts.

Let's move the discussion on Would you intend that the process for choosing a LC would be similar to the way junior moderators are chosen?

I'm using the tetm LC to be what the "new moderation group or whatever we're going to call them is."

I believe that LC's should be elected by the people because they work for and communicate for the people. We shouldn't "appoint" them or even get rid of the Council itself.
minister of culture
ambassador to lazarus

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Glen, can you clarify what your issue is with options to provide on site liaisons/promoters/mentors/advocates? Not as a moderation system, but as an outreach system. I'm open to hearing your argument.

(07-21-2022, 10:49 AM)The Lile Ulie Islands Wrote: I believe that LC's should be elected by the people because they work for and communicate for the people. We shouldn't "appoint" them or even get rid of the Council itself.
Why is this desirable beyond the idea that it will be more democratic?
Minister of Foreign Affairs
General of the South Pacific Special Forces
Ambassador to Balder
Former Prime Minister and Minister of Defense

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(07-21-2022, 11:08 AM)HumanSanity Wrote: Glen, can you clarify what your issue is with options to provide on site liaisons/promoters/mentors/advocates? Not as a moderation system, but as an outreach system. I'm open to hearing your argument.
(07-21-2022, 10:49 AM)The Lile Ulie Islands Wrote: I believe that LC's should be elected by the people because they work for and communicate for the people. We shouldn't "appoint" them or even get rid of the Council itself.
Why is this desirable beyond the idea that it will be more democratic?

Well, first, I love democracy. Also, I try to be active with the current LC's, Evinea, Canadian Dominion, and Drystar on the gameside RMB. They like their jobs working for, representing, and talking to the people of TSP. Usually LC's will be candidates active on the RMB. The people should elect them so they can decide who their NS-side representative is. The people should elect them also because the LC's work for their voters, for the people. (if this makes any sense whatsoever).
minister of culture
ambassador to lazarus

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(07-21-2022, 11:27 AM)The Lile Ulie Islands Wrote: I love democracy.
I love the Republic Coalition.

More generally speaking, I'm not sure I understand the notion that the RMB is its own unique community that should function as its own unique electorate.

For a long time now, RMB 'governance' has been framed around moderation. We establish rules to prevent the discussion there from getting out of hand. And those rules are often necessary! At the end of the day, however, a government framed around moderation is aimed at protecting the status quo. Unlike our government ministries — which are established with ministries specifically focused on engaging with new and existing South Pacificans — the Local Council has ended up with a focus on welcoming newcomers by informing them of our rules. How many new South Pacificans discover the RMB and promptly have a post suppressed for double posting? How many of them might feel intimidated by a message informing them that they have received a DEPUTY COUNCILLOR WARNING: LEVEL 1?

Rules for RMB moderation are undoubtedly well-intentioned and necessary. That doesn't mean they must be enforced by an elected, in-character government entity. I'm grateful to our administration and moderation team that, while I can have fun participating in our ministries, they work behind the scenes to enforce the ground rules that keep our community safe and allow us to play this game with each other. That's why, to be honest, I'm confused why this seems like such a sticking point. Would you rather spend your time on telling people not to double post, or would you rather spend it on an event like SwanVision?

Unless we just find it really fun to tell people they're breaking our rules, the RMB doesn't need its own government. There's nothing unique to the RMB that doesn't relate to our government functions elsewhere. The 'forumside' community doesn't need its own government either, before anyone brings that up. But our region does need a government. The region should elect their government, and the government should work for the region. And that gives us much more flexibility. It's much easier for a truly regional government — not a regional government with an asterisk for 'gameside' home rule — to actually serve the region. For instance, it would be much easier for a part of our government focused on culture and events to announce off-site that it will be hosting an event by, say, regional poll. And it would be much easier for that government entity to announce on-site that it will be hosting an event, say, on Discord.

We all love democracy here, even if we're not all Palpatine. But when we think about democracy, we ought to frame our mindset around building a democracy that represents our regional community, not one particular aspect of it.
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[-] The following 4 users Like Pronoun's post:
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Normally I don't post "full support/agreement", but Pronoun is basically just saying true things right now. I'll try to post a proposal when I get a chance that operates within the framework/ideas that Pronoun has proposed and accomplishes the necessary tasks.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
General of the South Pacific Special Forces
Ambassador to Balder
Former Prime Minister and Minister of Defense

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[Image: ykXEqbU.png]

(07-21-2022, 11:08 AM)HumanSanity Wrote: Why is this desirable beyond the idea that it will be more democratic?
It is an idea that it would be more democratic, but the implications of even asking why that would be desirable are worrisome.
If striving for democracy and rule of law as tenants of The Coalition are not enough of a justified desire, we might as well abolish The Coalition and form a new entity.
[-] The following 1 user Likes A bee's post:
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The LC should be abolished. The reason is simple, it is elected from the RMB. Why we would trust the RMB with decision power is beyond me. 
(07-21-2022, 04:38 PM)The Allied States of Bistritza Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 11:08 AM)HumanSanity Wrote: Why is this desirable beyond the idea that it will be more democratic?
It is an idea that it would be more democratic, but the implications of even asking why that would be desirable are worrisome.
If striving for democracy and rule of law as tenants of The Coalition are not enough of a justified desire, we might as well abolish The Coalition and form a new entity.
Do you know what's equally democratic? Creating a forum account and participating off-site. It's not that hard, people.

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