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Embassies in Sedunn

[Image: ZxzxeIi.png]

Embassies in Sedunn

This thread is a registry of embassies (diplomatic missions) and ambassadors in Sedunn, but it can also be used to communicate with the Sedunnic government through your ambassadors. Unless otherwise agreed, presence of an embassy from you nation(s) is assumed regardless if they just were added on the regional map, or have been there for some time already. But for further RP purposes it can be good to know where the embassies are located and who are the ambassadors. If you haven't claimed an address yet for your embassy, feel free to do so, using the form below. Refer to the map. Other locations elsewhere in Grovne or Sedunn are possible too.


Veraenod - embassy area
Most embassies in Sedunn are located in the capital Grovne, and most of them in Veraenod, a mostly 300-400 years old area located a few hundred meters from the parliament downstream. Historically, these buildings where constructed by wealthy merchants and river traders for living and to be used as company headquarters. The government bought the buildings when trading and shipping on the Setru River lost significance as rail roads were constructed, and the offices were moved closer to the harbours. Today, Veraenod is at the centre of Grovne, with good access to most of the city.

[Image: Ug8KlPx.png]
Veraenod Embassy Area. Properties with the number drawn in its middle
are marked with a lighter shade of green; these are empty and are ready for a customizable building.
Please refer to the list below for occupied and free addresses.

Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator



Sedunn is a member of IPSA and SCO.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Nation: Darkstrait
Ambassador: Sybil Ramkin
Plots: none yet, but we're waiting on plot 123 (main) and plot 17 (secondary)
No current treaties or alliances besides the mystery ship hunt group and IPSA
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Official name of nation: Sporaltryus
Name of ambassador(s): John Smith

If applicable:
Plot(s) claimed on the regional map (underline main plot), including colonies: 039, 096
Current treaties (etc) with Sedunn: None.
Current regional alliances and organisations: Founding Member of the Southern Socialist Union, Suspended Member of the Southern Cooperation Organization
Special requests and/or additional important information: No hate crimes, please?

Official name of nation: Karnetvor
Name of ambassador(s): Richard Townsend

If applicable:
Plot(s) claimed on the regional map (underline main plot), including colonies: 45
Current treaties (etc) with Sedunn: None.
Current regional alliances and organisations: Inter-Pacifican Space Agency (IPSA).
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair


Official name of nation: Bruuma

Name of ambassador(s): Andrew Garvey

Plot(s) claimed on the regional map (underline main plot), including colonies: 90 and 91

Current treaties (etc) with Sedunn: None

Current regional alliances and organisations: founding member of the Southern Socialist Union, member of the IPSA
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

A warm welcome to all of you!
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Official name of nation: Pacific Republic of Qvait
Name of ambassador(s): Harold Shaft

If applicable:
Plot(s) claimed on the regional map (underline main plot), including colonies: 64
Current treaties (etc) with Sedunn: None (but looking forward for one)
Current regional alliances and organisations:
  • Democratic Free Market Pacific Union
  • Southern Cooperation Organisation
Special requests and/or additional important information: None at the moment
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator

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