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Sit in Lazarus

In what way, my good Delegate?

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Is your alias well known?
[forum admin]

Also guys -- Uni suggested dusting off an old alliance between the democratic feeders/sinkers — namely, Us, TNP, TEP, Osiris and TRR. I think it's a useful idea.

I appointed Kris a special envoy since we don't have an official MoFA currently. I think it'll be useful overall.
[forum admin]

(04-13-2015, 10:47 AM)Tsunamy Wrote: Is your alias well known?

I'm ProfessorHenn there, with a non-WA citizenship and RP Overseer masking. Among RPers, I'm relatively well known. As well as among Senators.

What plans did you have?

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Well, I thought we didn't have the best relationship with TEP lately with the OBT stuff (may be mistaken on that one) and I know we do not have a formal alliance with TEP or Osiris at this stage. No idea on what the relationships are like between the other regions with each other.

Sounds OK in principle, but not convinced you would get all 5 regions to agree to it - would be very tough to do. May also depend on who does win our MoFA election, some of these regions may not want to deal with one or other of the candidates.

Do we have a link to anything on this old treaty? Would be interested to read about it and why it was disbanded.

I agree Aram -- and Todd is taking part in the discussions on behalf of TEP. But, I think at this point we need to let bygones be bygones and move on from here. Since two (three if we consider Laz) of our allies are involved and it would get us better relations with TEP and Osiris, I think it would be a good thing.

Here's the former treaty:

Quote:Treaty of the United Democratic Pacifics
04 / 2015
The signatories reaffirm their desire to preserve democratic practices abroad and to live in peace with all peoples and all governments. They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in their respective regions. They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defense and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this Treaty of the United Democratic Pacifics:

Article 1
The signatories resolve to uphold the principles of the rule of law and popular sovereignty; preserving their region's practice of democratic governance and their commitment to peace, civility and international law.

Article 2
The signatories shall exclusively recognize the democratically elected government of each signatory, and any legal successor governments thereto, as determined by that region's governing law, as their legitimate regional government and resolve to respect and observe their sovereign status.

Article 3
The signatories vow neither to invade the home region of the other party nor to participate in any action with the intent to overthrow their legitimate government as recognised in this signatory. Participation on the opposite sides of a military engagement does not automatically constitute hostility or an attack on either signatory.

Article 4
Each signatory agrees to provide military aid to defend the security and sovereignty of the other party’s region. They will provide this military aid at the request of the other party, or if the signatory believes that a state of emergency exists in which the other party is unable to request military aid, and if the signatory believes that the request comes following a first strike attack against the other party’s region. A signatory, however is always at liberty to refuse receiving military aid.

Article 5
The signatories will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions and promoting the conditions of stability and well-being.

Article 6
In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the signatories, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

Article 7
The signatories will consult together whenever the security of any signatory is threatened. A conference or convention may be called for by any signatory.

Article 8
Each signatory declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the signatories or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.

Article 9
This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the signatories in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the government of each member region. The Treaty shall enter into force between the regions, which have ratified it as soon as the ratification process is complete.

Article 10
This Treaty may be amended from time to time, as the need arises, with the approval of all signatories. A signatory must follow its regional law regarding the amendment of treaties, and if none exists the amendment must be agreed to by the signing and ratifying organs.

Article 11
Following ratification, any 'feeder' or 'sinker' region may be invited to accede to this Treaty, thereby becoming a signatory thereto, with the agreement of all signatories at that time.

Article 12
A signatory may be removed from this treaty with the unanimous agreement of the other Parties. Once an agreement is reached, the signatory's removal is effective immediately. The governmental organs or officials whom may ratify this Treaty also retain the right to withdraw their respective region from it at any time. To achieve this, they must notify all the signatories of their intentions and adhere to their region's legal procedure for withdrawing the region from this Treaty and its obligations.

Article 13
All signatories are expected to express their concerns to the other signatories in advance, in order to seek out a solution before pursuing withdrawal.
[forum admin]

Elegarth has stood down as Senator.

Hey guys ... wanna run this by everyone before I give the rest the go ahead.


Charter of the Parthenon
04 / 2015

Together the sovereign powers of this agreement shall strengthen relations between one another and resolve towards the preservation of democracy, peace and good governance.

Article I - [ Fundamental Principles ]

1 § All signatories shall uphold the rule of law and popular sovereignty; preserving their region's practice of democratic governance and their commitment to peace, civilian rule and international law.

2 § The signatories shall preserve their democratic institutions and civilianised security apparatuses thereof for the sake of democracy, peace and regional security.

Article II - [ Sovereignty ]

1 § All signatories shall recognise all of their respective governments, and any legal successor government thereto, as their legitimate governments.

2 § All signatories shall respect the right of these legitimate governments to govern their respective home regions, and in doing so so, recognize each other as sovereign entities with the sovereign authority to govern themselves.

Article III - [ Peace and Security ]

1 § Each signatory vows neither to invade one other's home regions nor participate in any action with the intent to overthrow their legitimate governments as recognised in this treaty.

2 § The signatories agree to refrain from conspiring, either directly or through a third party, to destabilize or overthrow the legitimate government of any party in this pact.

3 § The signatories shall not undertake any hostile military or intelligence action against one another.

4 § All signatories shall report, in good faith, any known threat or concern related to the other parties' security to the appropriate security organs.

Article IV - [ Mutual Defence ]

1 § The signatories agree to provide military aid to defend the security and sovereignty of one another. Signatories will provide this military aid at the request of any affected party, or if the signatory believes that a state of emergency exists in which one party is unable to request military aid.

2 § A signatory is always at liberty to refuse receiving military aid.

Article V - [ Political ]

1 § All signatories shall maintain open embassies (in-game) with one another, although two signatories may mutually elect to not maintain open embassies with one another.

2 § This treaty shall be deposited in a publicly accessible area of the community forums of all parties.

3 § A conference or convention may be called for, and subsequently hosted by any signatory; additional protocols and agreements may be reached at said conferences and recognized as international law, provided they are ratified by all signatories.

Article VI - [ Treaty Maintenance ]

1§ This treaty may be amended with the approval of all signatories. A signatory must follow its regional law regarding the amendment of treaties, and if none exists the amendment must be agreed to by the ratifying organs.

2§ A signatory may only be removed from this treaty with the unanimous agreement of the other parties.

3§ This treaty shall enter into force immediately upon its ratification by all signatories.

4§ Following ratification, any feeder or sinker region may be invited to accede to this treaty, thereby becoming a signatory thereto, with the agreement of all parties at that time.

5§ The governmental organs or officials whom may ratify this treaty also retain the right to withdraw their respective region from it at any time. All parties are expected to express their concerns to the other signatories in advance, in order to seek out a solution before pursuing withdrawal.


Quote:The Thebes Protocol

The parties to this protocol,

Acknowledging the recent subjugation of Lazarus by the New Pacific Order and the extralegal collusion between former Chairman Stujenske and the New Pacific Order which facilitated this unsanctionable reign of terror,

Concerned for the security and wellbeing of Lazarus,

Resolving to free Lazarus and restore the rule of law, peace, democracy and civilian rule through a coordinated and multilateral effort,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 - Definitions

1. For the purposes of this protocol, the following definitions shall apply as noted.

2. "The Lazarene Underground State" also titled as the "People's Republic of Lazarus" or the "Former People's Republic of Lazarus" refers to a particular group presently asserting a legitimate claim to the delegacy as the government-in-exile.

3. "The New Lazarene Order" means the colonial rule asserted by the current delegate, Stujenske, as having replaced the former People's Republic of Lazarus. Pursuant to recent claims, it is assumed for the purposes of this protocol that the New Pacific Order possesses immediate control over Lazarus and that Lazarus is currently a de facto non-self-governing territory.

Article 2 - Sovereignty and Recognition

1. The parties condemn the New Pacific Order's subjugation of Lazarus and consider it an intolerable act of oppression and unlawful aggression.

2. The parties recognize the Lazarene Underground State as the sole legitimate and representative government of Lazarus thereof, and will continue to recognize its claim as the de jure sovereign state of Lazarus despite the New Pacific Order's ongoing annexation of said irredenta

3. Subsequently, the parties shall not recognize the New Pacific Order's claim over Lazarus as legitimate, nor recognize the New Lazarene Order as the legitimate and representative government of Lazarus.

4.  Pursuant to the Treaty between The Pacific and Lazarus, which commands both parties to, "refrain from conspiring against each other, [...[ report any known threats [...] refuse from acting aggressively towards the counterpart signatory [...]", on all the aforementioned counts, the parties consider the New Pacific Order has having demonstrably violated their agreement to refrain from conspiracy, collusion and aggression against Lazarus.

Article 3 - Diplomatic and Military Action

1. The 'Lazarus Mandate' is hereby established, which specifically calls for, and authorizes the open use of force within Lazarus with the intent to undermine the ongoing subjugation of Lazarus and ultimately return the Lazarene Underground State to power.

2. The parties are encouraged to cooperate with one another diplomatically and militarily to exercise all lawful resources at their disposal to further the Lazarus Mandate.

3. The parties agree to submit diplomatic pressure to all regions which recognize the New Lazarene Order or support the New Pacific Order's subjugation of Lazarus.

4. The parties shall reach out to the wider international community and the World Assembly to seek justice for Lazarus.

5. The parties urge the New Pacific Order to end its subjugation of Lazarus and withdraw its military presence peacefully from the region immediately to facilitate a return to civilian rule and self-government.

I personally don't like the "Thebes Protocol," I think it infringes on our regional independence. But ... thoughts?
[forum admin]

Not a huge fan of the protocol either (although it is just after 4AM, couldn't get to sleep, not going to be a productive day at work...). From a read in this state, I think it is asking us to agree to a little bit much involvement (Article 3 in particular). Not sure if Clause 3 would affect relationships with any of our other allies, that is probably my biggest concern (if it does).

(04-16-2015, 02:14 PM)Aramanchovia Wrote: Not a huge fan of the protocol either (although it is just after 4AM, couldn't get to sleep, not going to be a productive day at work...). From a read in this state, I think it is asking us to agree to a little bit much involvement (Article 3 in particular). Not sure if Clause 3 would affect relationships with any of our other allies, that is probably my biggest concern (if it does).

True. I'm not 100% on Euro's position but I think Balder is recognizing it which might put us in an awkward position.

I've made my opposition to the protocol known, but signaled our support for moving the treaty along.
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