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Map of the South Pacific

Brutland and Norden updates the map at the end of every month.

He's very picky that way.

Hmm, it seems we were removed when CTE.

Nation in the South Pacific: Vibrant Coconuts
Nation name: Vibrant Coconuts
Desired Plot: 001
Capital: Grand Coconut
Location of Capital: There are four islands, Grand Coconut is on the largest island second from West
Customization: Please name the four islands (from West): Western Coconuts, Interior Coconuts, Meridian Coconuts, Eastern Coconuts

Nation in the South Pacific: Santarcia
Nation name: Santarcia
Desired Plot: 017
Capital: McAllen Outpost
Location of Capital: At the inside most point of the bay.
Customization: N/A

This is the first of two secondary plot claims for my main nation Sanden.

Nation in the South Pacific: Scalten
Nation name: Scalten
Desired Plot: 109
Capital: Port Delfino
Location of Capital: On the largest island, in the bay facing south, on its right side.
Customization: The largest island is named Isle Delfino

This is the second of two secondary claims for my main nation Sanden.

(01-25-2015, 03:02 PM)Corporal Clegg Wrote: Excuse me...am I in? Tounge

B&N always takes a while to update the map. It's annoying, but you learn to live with it.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


Would it be possible for me to change my second claim (Sundöarna, 118) to plot 208 that previously was a secondary claim as well?
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Nation in the South Pacific: Paranagua
Nation name: Paranagua
Desired Plot: 105
Capital: Akvoburg
Location of Capital: I'm not sure how I'd describe it, so I made this image: http://i.imgur.com/C23UfMf.png
Customization: N/A

Nation in the South Pacific*: LiliRey
Nation name*: The Empire of LiliRey
Desired Plot*: 013
Capital*: Tiger Lily
Location of Capital*: On the sharp corner where the two rivers meet to become a single river.
Customization: Hope this isn't too much. The body of water b/n the islands and the mainland would be called Lilith Pond. The river to the right of the capital is named Harmony, to its left is Rhythm, and lastly the river heading to Lilith Pond be called River of Refuge. The large islands would be named W. Anther and E. Anther. On the southern tip of W. Anther (next to the northern tip of E. Anther) would be the City of Rey. The peninsula below the southern tip of E. Anther will be the City of Liliput. And where the River of Refuge opens to Lilith Pond (on the western side of the river) is the City of Anima. Sorry if this were a lot...
"You will probably miss the sunrise many times,
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSd7wKIYI5w-iADXsVZyCC...5qVI2jxvWQ]
but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the sunset!"

- someone from pinterest.

Nation in the South Pacific*: Phlontopia
Nation name*: Phlontopia
Desired Plot*: 147
Capital*: Phlontopia City
Location of Capital*: Middle of the bay of the small island
Customization: City of Airadel: located in the middle of the northern bay on the larger island. Mount Sarah: located to the right of Airadel. City of Janestown: Located to the left of the southern bay on the large island.

Nation in the South Pacific: The United Kingdom of Sibardand
Nation name: Sibardan
Desired Plot: 148
Capital: Allerton
Location of Capital: (I've made a drawing of where I want things to make it easier) http://img.ragea.net/uploads/1425498699.jpg
Customization: Green italics are for the names of geological places. Blue is for rivers. Everything else is cities. I'd like the body of water near the shore to be named King George Bay.

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