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The Daily Cat
(International Edition)

Today, 2114/04/20

Breaking News | Breaking News | Breaking News | Breaking News | Breaking News | Breaking News |

Premier Huang assassinated; 761 dead, 1841 injured so far

Alexandria, Lands of Headington - Less than 60 minutes ago, a bomb exploded at the Heisz Theatre killing, among others, the Premier of Lands of Headington, Lin Huang. So far, the number of deaths reached 761 and nearly 1850 people were injured. The crowd, gathered in and outside Heisz Theatre, waited for the already popular young Premier. The bomb exploded seconds after the Premier appeared.

An emergency meeting is currently taking place at the Tribunate, the seat of the Magisterium. Minutes ago, information was released, confirming the theory of "terrorist attack". The state of emergency has been declared and the country is on "Red Alert", the highest.

More updates as soon as possible

Updated: Riots take place


Civil protests concerning the general lack of security and demanding a stronger government, taking place at Alexander's Square, went out of control after a policeman attacked an innocent woman. As of now, bitter street fighting between the police and protesters is taking place at Alexander's Square and surrounding streets. The police seems to be unable to control the situation. Several stores have been looted and at least 6 are being consumed by flames.

Historically, extremely violent riots took place several times in Alexandria. Among the bloodiest, the riots of 45 BC, 474, 530, 1989, 2039, 2085 and 2103 are known for having lasted more than 1 week and resulted in more than 1000 deaths (record of 20 000 deaths in 474).
Support The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

"In most cases, those who want power probably shouldn't have it, those who enjoy it probably do so for the wrong reasons, and those who want most to hold on to it don't understand that it's only temporary." - J.C. Maxwell

The Daily Cat
(International Edition)

Today, 2114/04/24

Thousands attend state funeral of Huang

Alexandria, Lands of Headington - Yesterday, thousands of people attended the state funeral of the late Premier Lin Huang, assassinated 4 days ago. Those unable to find a spot at the Yeddin Cemetery had to follow on tv. In Alexandria, the huge screens, usually showing ads of all kinds, also broadcasted the ceremony.

After 3 days of riots, 67 dead and 611 injured, the situation is now calm. The Magisterium declared 7 days of national mourning in honor of Huang. Also yesterday, the Magisterium made clear that they intend to approve the NSCP (New Society Creation Plan), supported by Huang, sooner than expected.

The restoration of the monarchy is now a real possibility, supported by 77% of the people, according to the latest survey.
Support The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

"In most cases, those who want power probably shouldn't have it, those who enjoy it probably do so for the wrong reasons, and those who want most to hold on to it don't understand that it's only temporary." - J.C. Maxwell

Ryccian News: Ryccia's National News
Incident! Trocho invades Niritia
Today at 6:30 AM, 120 Trochian Soldiers occupied the little island of Niritia, disputed throught history between Ryccia and Trocho. Ryccia is the sovereign nation of Niritia, but Trocho invaded it. 300 Ryccian Soldiers have been sent to remove the Trochian Occupation of the island. The etnies of the island are 68% Ryccian and 32% Trochian and the population is 1,000.

Terrorist attack of Al-Qaeda
Today at 7:15 AM, 30 arab terrorists attacked the US Embassy in Minns. These arabs were identified as Al-Qaeda Terrorists, mainly syrians. The Ryccian Police has been sent to stop this, deploying 70 policemen to raid the occupied embassy.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Home page > News> Article: Fewer ferries in the future

Sedunn Today
Sedunnic news in English | SVGH Media Group

Fewer ferries in the future
Ullenst. Seifev dre Vetem OM (SV), the public company that handles ferry traffic
in the Vetem Bay, released their long term budget plan today. It caused immediate
uproar in Ullenst and Deriess Island, as SV do not plan to replace all the older
"car & train" ferries. Today twelve larger ferries handle the traffic, but only nine
of them will be replaced with the new Jinnen Hyted class.

-Yes, there will be fewer ferries and fewer departures daily, but the total capacity
will increase. The ferries have a larger capacity, 15%, and are even safer than the
current ferries. The total capacity will increase. Despite the fact that we will have
all new ferries, the ticket price will be lower, says Hugre Poksevv, CEO, at the press release.

Seifev dre Vetem OM has a long history, managing transportation to Deriess Island
since early 18th century. In early 20th century the number of boats peaked, as dozens
of steam ships sailed the Vetem Sound. Today the company competes with the domestic
airlines for passengers.

-It is madness, islanders have always had the comfort of knowing there would be
a boat departing at a convenient time, now we will have to replan our lives!
says an upset woman living in Aeffer on the island.

-I fail to see the logic in this. We struggle today to lower CO2 emissions,
and now people will choose flying instead, which is far worse. We would like to see more
ferry transportation, not less, says party leader Kjenn of UT.

Later today the CEO responded.
-It is not our ambition to change people's opinions. An increasing number of passengers
choose to fly, and we have to adapt. We are pleased to be able to offer a 20% increased
heavy transport capacity despite using fewer ferries. I call that environmentally friendly.

The first ferry will be launched 2016, followed by another every six months. A poll on this site
earlier today showed that 53% are negative to the plans, while 36% are positive.
11% are neutral. It remains to be seen if the public opinion will have the same effect on
the budget plan as in 1980 when SV wanted to cancel the Grovne-Aeffer line.

Written by Ati Lyssmiv

See also:
  • Sraved growing
  • Vivid UN debate
  • French state visit
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


The Daily Cat
(International Edition)

Today, 2114/05/04

"We shouldn't restore the monarchy" - says Miwaegel

Alexandria, Lands of Headington - Today, during an informal interview at the Miwaegel Tower, the residence of the Miwaegel family, in the district of Cleopatra, the most luxurious of the capital, Sena Miwaegel, known member of the family, said Lands of Headington shouldn't restore the monarchy: "I think we Cattish shouldn't restore the monarchy. Having an emperor or empress as head of state again will remind us of the imperialist traditions and everything that was abolished during the civil war." said the young woman. "The Cattish monarchy lasted almost 2100 years. True, it's part of our history but, we must not forget that before the monarchy, we were a republic. Democracy was also born here in the 5th century before the common era. That's what should inspire us."

If the monarchy is restored, the Miwaegel family would be the one producing monarchs, as they are the only surviving relatives of the Pagoi Dynasty. Sena Miwaegel, however, dismissed this issue: "I can say that we don't really care about our past royal connections. We would refuse the red*".

The Cattish monarchy lasted from 52 BC until it was abolished during the civil war, in 2039. The coming days and weeks will tell which way the Cattish people want their country to be ruled, as discussions concerning the NSCP (New Society Creation Plan) continue. It is very likely, however, that the Miwaegel will be somehow involved in the government soon.

The Miwaegel family is considered to be the most powerful and influential of the country, as well one of the most rich in the world. They are founders and owners of DEM (Deux Ex Machina) Industries, the largest Cattish conglomerate, currently headed by CEO Ska Miwaegel.

*Red - Refering to the color mostly used by monarchs in official ceremonies; gained imperial meaning after AD 395.
Support The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

"In most cases, those who want power probably shouldn't have it, those who enjoy it probably do so for the wrong reasons, and those who want most to hold on to it don't understand that it's only temporary." - J.C. Maxwell

The Daily Cat
(International Edition)

Today, 2114/05/08

Oldest Cattish alive celebrates 170th birthday

Alexandria, Lands of Headington - Christine Willensfogg, the oldest Cattish alive, celebrates today her 170th birthday. Born on May 8, 1944 in Alexandria, Christine claims the secret of her longevity is happiness: "Nothing is better than a good laugh" Christine once said. She stopped smoking when she was 126 years old, having started when she was only 15. She never married.

Christine was born during World War II, witnessed events like the First Sino-Cattish War (1991-1993), the Russian-Cattish War (1999-2000), World War III (2019-2023), the Cattish Civil War (2039-2043), the Second Sino-Cattish War (2064-2067), the collapse and partition of Russia (2088) or the atomic bombings of Saudi Arabia (2095). So far, she witnessed 33 Cattish Governments and 28 personalities ruling as "Premier". Despiste her age, Christine still worries about her country politics. She is strongly against monarchy and was happy when it was abolished in 2039.

We at The Daily Cat wish happy birthday to miss Willensfogg, and may she be healthy enough to continue stretching the boundaries of longevity.
Support The Ice-creamist Movement for Peaceful Unification of Desserts

"In most cases, those who want power probably shouldn't have it, those who enjoy it probably do so for the wrong reasons, and those who want most to hold on to it don't understand that it's only temporary." - J.C. Maxwell

EUREKA, DISTRICT OF VICTORIA Thurs. May 8th, 2014, 18:09pm WST

The Fort Jameson D.V. City Congress decided yesterday to officially change the name of the capital of Minuitia to Eureka. This change was made to reflect the history of the city, which was itself originally named Eureka. The change in name also excludes the suffix of "D.V.", used in the previous name to indicate that the city was a Federal District and not a State, although Prime Minister Franz Wilders Cohen (CN-Humboldt State) has made it clear that the city's status has not changed, and it still remains a Federal District.

The name of the District was changed in 1822 from Eureka to Fort Jameson, D.V. amid a controversy arising over newly arrived English settlers and the original Jewish, Dutch, and French, colonizers. The name Fort Jameson arose from the fort in Eureka called Fort Jameson, named after Luitenant-Generaal George Adam Jameson, a mercenary-turned-general under the command of the Dutch Crown.

The first colonizers of Minuitia preferred the name Eureka, but were overruled by English settlers who fraudulently voted themselves into all positions on the city congress in a bid to pry power from the Federal Government, even going so far as to hold a secession referendum. They were later deposed by the Federal Government and replaced with a temporary governor.

The name of Eureka was preferred over Fort Jameson, D.V., as it was the name of the second colony founded by Sir Duncan Boyd on behalf of the Scottish crown. President of the District Edward Danlie released an official statement on behalf of the congress which said:

"The name Eureka hold much more relevance for this city than the previous Fort Jameson. The connotations of the previous name draw back to a colonialist period in history, where racism, native genocide, and coups were a regular ordeal. We wish to undo that, not to hold a reminder of that terrible time as the name each and every one of us has to know and speak, the name of our capital. We hope this symbolic gesture can become more than a symbol."

Ryccian News: Ryccia's National News

Ryccia raids Trocho Bases in Niritia
Publisher: The Ryccian Bulletin(Channel)
Reporter: Monica Dalios
Place: Niritia Island

Monica: Well, we are here near of one of the Trochian Bases in Niritia, where the Ryccian Military has surrounded the base. Let's see what happens...

Ryccian Soldier(RS): We have you surrounded. Please retreat from the base.

*Trochian Soldier(TS) looks and runs into the base*.

RS: Well, what it will be?

TS: We surrender. Please let us go to Trocho.

RS: Okay, just retreat to Trocho on your Navy Ships. But remember, no surprise attacks.

TS: Okay. Let's go!

Monica: There you have it. Not much of a conflict, more of an agreement. Stay tuned for more! This was Monica Dalios, and this is The Ryccian Bulletin!

Prision Rebellion: Police and Military had to work this out
Publisher: The National Paper(Newspaper)
Writer: David Monegascolt
Place: Chateau Doom Prision, Fort Yalk

Earlier today a prision outrage broke out in one of Ryccia's most important prisions, Chateau Doom. Over 8,000 prisioners out of 10,000 attacked the 3,500 guard and took over the prision. The police arrived on the scene and they could not control the situation. So they had to call the military to help them. The military surrounded the prision with tanks, threathening to attack. The prisioners said no and they began to fight outside. Over 570 prisioners died. "We had no choice. They had guns and everything" said a policeman. The prision is being rebuilt and the prisioners were sent to other prisions.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Geertwilders Wins Presidential Elections, Protests Ensue

EUREKA, DISTRICT OF VICTORIA Thurs. May 9th, 2014, 19:17pm EST

Presidential candidate Johaanes Franz Geertwilders has won the presidential election with a landslide victory, with over 80% of the votes going to Fascistische Partij van Minuitië. The elections results have been met with much skepticism and protest ever since they were announced.

Opponents to Geertwilders have been calling for the Supreme Court of Minuitia to temporarily impeach him and mandate a recount of the votes, among allegations of corruption against Fascistische Partij van Minuitië, Prime Minister Franz Cohen, half a dozen MPs, two Imperators of the Supreme Court, and Director of the Office of Internal Affairs Harold Weisenberg.

President-Elect Geertwilders appeared before a crowd of thousands of citizens chanting anti-Fascist slogans, looking unwavered in the face of countless protesters.

He congratulated his main opponent Conner Orlanduex in a speech, and said, "In the weeks ahead I am looking forward to sitting down and take a long break, now that the elections finally over."

Click HERE to watch President Geertwilders's full acceptance speech.

In a victory speech studded with soaring rhetoric, Geertwilders reminded the citizens what was still on his agenda -- dissolution of parliament, expansion of the military, and deportation of immigrants.

"Tonight, you voted for action, not politics as usual." he told supporters. "You elected us to focus on your job, not ours. You elected us to expand our government, and expand our government we will. I thank you for your support."

He added, "I enter the presidency more determined, and more inspired than ever."

Geertwilders built a coalition of increasingly militant Fascists, nationalists, and right-wing politicians, and won by turning out supporters with a carefully calibrated ground operation to get votes in crucial states like Humboldt, Manchester, and New Dublin.

Prior to the Geetwilders' speech, Conner Orlanduex spoke resiliently in Bosenton.

"I will not concede this victory to my opponent. This elections was not won fairly, and we must keep on fighting for a better tomorrow. We must not let Geertwilders get away with this" Orlanduex told heart broken supporters at his Bosenton headquarters.

"I will keep on fighting for what is right, against Fascism and against everything that it stands for. It is our right to be able to vote or whom we want," Orlanduex said.

Supporters of Orlanduex rallied outside the Socialist Party headquarters in Bosenton, chanting slogans and burning Fascist Party flags in protest of election results.

"This man forced his way into our government through bribes and lies. He violated our rights as citizens of this nation, and we must force him out!" a young woman told us.

Many echo this view, pushing for Parliament and the Supreme Court to act before Geertwilders can dissolve them. In the meantime, protesters promise that they will keep "organizing opposition and pushing for justice".

(Reporting by Daniel Wester, Amanda Ellis, and Neville Forester)

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Home page > News> Article: Increasing Offensive Capabilities

Sedunn Today
Sedunnic news in English | SVGH Media Group

Increasing Offensive Capabilities
Grovne. The dangerous tensions in the Vannin Sea region and recent
war games and simulations revealed a lack of remote offensive
capabilities in the Sedunnic Armed Forces (SAF), and in the navy
in particular. The doctrine of SAF is based on local fire supremacy,
involving use of the army, navy and the air force simultaneously.
To do this, the enemy is engaged relatively close to the shores
(including some medium-range preempitve strikes). This is still a
valid strategy, especially regarding the territorial defence of Sedunn.
However, as the recent analyses show, SAF lacks in the ability
to operate in the blue-water areas between mainland Sedunn and
Vastraenn colony (limiting relief efforts for example).

-The southern continent is not a likely future war zone, but the whole
country must be defended. Vastraenn has sufficient local defensive
capabilities and is thanks to the ice and glaciers a tricky target,
but we should not oversee anything, says admiral Gef Bosstem.

The increased likelihood of war (not to be over-exaggerated) also
demands revising of the protection of intercontinental merchant shipping.
The headquarters of all forces and Defence Material branch is expected
to hand over a plan to increase offensive blue-water capabiliteis to the
government next year.

Alternatives being revised are:
  • increased number of submarines with cruise missiles
  • a second navy flotilla in Vastraenn
  • aircraft carriers
  • long range bombers.
Analysts believe alternatives one or two are the only likely and are
economically motivated.

Written by Ati Lyssmiv

See also:
  • Hotvem fighters perform very well
  • Allies for Sedunn?
  • Grovne's tallest building so far
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


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