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[Treaty Proposal/PASSED] Treaty of Capricorn (with The Pacific)

After many months of work dating back to Escade's second term, the FA Team is proud to present the Treaty of Capricorn, a bilateral treaty with our fellow Feeder, the Pacific.

We feel that TP is a great partner. The Game of Thrones Festival we held with them at the end of last year was a huge success, as was the UPPERCUT alliance together with TP and TNP for Z-Day. The South Pacific Special Forces and the Legio Pacificus have frequently collaborated, especially in missions targeting nazis, fascists, and other such hateful groups.

Much care has been taken in drafting to ensure that the unique paradigms of each signatory are taken into account. I will be happy to answer any and all questions about this (Tim is currently on LoA, but will also pop in when he has a moment to do the same).

The treaty was presented to the Cabinet on March 7 and received unanimous support. I, as duly appointed surrogate for MoFA Tim in this matter, hereby present this treaty proposal to the Assembly for discussion and ratification as per Article VI.2 of the Charter.

And now, without further ado, here is the treaty text:

[Image: CIXrnMg.png]
Treaty of Capricorn


The South Pacific and The Pacific, endeavoring to promote the ideals of peace and unity among amiable GCRs, ensure good relations and cooperation between our two great regions, and recognize the legitimate governments of each other, have agreed to the following Treaty of Capricorn.

Article I. Mutual Recognition of Government Legitimacy.

Section 1. The signatories to this treaty recognize as legitimate governments that government espoused by the authoritative representatives of each region, and will not extend that recognition to any government otherwise represented.

Section 2. The Pacific shall be authoritatively represented by the Emperor in their function as authoritarian head of its governance, or in their absence by the Regent as the Emperor-appointed deputy of the Emperor.

Section 3. The South Pacific shall be authoritatively represented by the government of the Coalition of the South Pacific, embodied principally for these purposes jointly by the Prime Minister as head of government and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, unless the Council of Regional Security, as the Coalition’s security institution, lawfully declares a state of emergency, in which case it shall be authoritative for the duration of the state of emergency.

Section 4. Should the government of either signatory change, authoritative representation will be performed by the corresponding functionally equivalent positions or institutions.

Article II. Security and Decorum.

Section 1. The signatories shall not attack the home region or any territory of the other signatory.

Section 2. The signatories shall not seek to destabilize or overthrow, either directly or through a third party, the governance of the home region or any territory of the other signatory.

Section 3. The signatories shall not conduct clandestine operations, espionage, or other forms of spying against the other signatory.

Section 4. The signatories shall not publicly censure the other signatory. Views expressed by individual members of the signatories, who are not speaking on behalf of the government, are not to be considered reflective of the government’s stance.

Section 5. The signatories shall not vote for or against a Security Council resolution if doing so directly damages the home region or any territory of the other signatory. The signatories shall always oppose condemnations and support repeals of condemnations of the other signatory unless explicitly requested by that other signatory.

Section 6: The signatories shall not conspire to commit any of the acts proscribed herein.

Section 7. The signatories shall, in good faith, report any known threat or concern related to the other signatory's security, to the other signatory.

Article III. Mutual Defense.

Section 1. The signatories to this treaty may seek assistance for their self-defense by lodging an official request with the authoritative representative. Unless otherwise specified herein, aid is optional and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Section 2. Both signatories agree to aid each other against attempts or acts to illegally overthrow the in-game Delegate of their respective home regions and territories. The signatories will meet for discussions on any matters when, in the opinion of either signatory, the stability or sovereignty of either signatory is threatened.

Section 3. All other requests for aid will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Article IV. Cooperation.

Section 1. The signatories will endeavor to conduct communal cultural activities, to the benefit of the people of both signatories.

Section 2. The signatories shall share in-game and off-site embassies in order to allow cross-posting. If an illegal delegate of a signatory region closes the in-game embassy with the signatory region's counterpart, embassies shall be restored immediately following the restoration of the legitimate delegate.

Article V. Military Affairs.

Section 1. The signatories to this treaty agree to work with each other, from time to time, and as circumstances permit, on mutually beneficial military operations, including training missions and confidence-building measures.

Section 2. In pursuing cooperation in military operations, both signatories agree that:
a. Participation on opposite sides of a military engagement does not automatically constitute any hostility or attack on either signatory by the other.
b. Should the signatories participate on opposite sides of a military engagement, they will meet for the purposes of discussing the engagement, and resolving any conflict, within a week of its happening.
c. Should there be no compromise or definite conclusion as result to the discussions regarding the military engagement in question, the signatories agree to re-evaluate the significance of this treaty up to the point of suspension and termination in goodwill.

Section 3. Both signatories agree to keep classified any information regarding military cooperation, and only publish such information in a manner mutually agreed upon.

Section 4. Both signatories agree to share intelligence as circumstances permit.

Article VI. Deposit and Clarification.

Section 1. This treaty shall be deposited in the community forums of each signatory such that the authoritative representatives can access it.

Section 2. The signatories to this treaty undertake to settle any and all disputes between them through peaceful means and to refrain from using the threat of force or sanction against one another while this treaty is in force.

Section 3. The signatories to this treaty will meet at least once a year to discuss the merits of this treaty. If both signatories agree that it is no longer merited, it will become void immediately.

Section 4. At any time, the signatories may meet to clarify the terms of this treaty through memorandums of understanding, which shall be posted alongside the treaty.

Article VII. Suspension of Terms and Termination of the Treaty.

Section 1. Either signatory may suspend the terms of the treaty, if the other signatory has materially breached its terms, until such a time that both signatories peacefully settle the dispute and adopt a memorandum of understanding that the treaty is again in force.

Section 2. Either signatory may terminate the treaty with a public notice to the other signatory, effective after five days.

And again, I'm ready and eager for all of your questions and comments (and I am sure there will be many)!
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

I'm really excited about this treaty!  I think it's another prime example of culture and cooperation being key to developing relationships. We've slowly and over time built this relationship and gotten to know the people.  I really enjoyed the Game of Thrones festival where TSPers and TPers and others got to hang out and get know each other.  Uppercut was also pretty amazing because last N-day TSP was in the bottom rankings but this N-day we were in the top and the TP-TNP-TSP alliance (and TSPers in command) made it happen. Working with TP as a N-day commander was also really awesome because we handled a lot of time\pressure really well!

Please do ask questions and also yay TSP <3


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


The NPO has been highly mistrusted for over a decade, for their parts in infiltrations and puppeteering in other regions. Going into alliance with them is rather outside the framework of what our alliance structure has been for the past few years. There must be a compelling reason why the Cabinet is seeking this alliance.

In light of that, what is the strategic value of this alliance?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm going to echo Glen here. There's a lot to mistrust with the NPO, and for good reason. I'm not sure I see the value in something like this either.

On a secondary note, this is more of that secret out of nowhere diplomatic stuff there were issues over during the election. Something so far out of our normal relations is pretty much out of nowhere, with no warning.

Whilst I do not oppose friendship with the Pacific, given the controversial history and non-democratic values they hold, I am somewhat uncomfortable with committing ourselves to an actual, formal alliance.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


I mean I'm going to question the whole "secrecy" aspect that is brought up because to state that requires ignorance of FA.  In fact, it tells me that you are not following or caring about TSP's FA announcements\discussions in our own channels and the embassy thread on NSGP (as well as other places where this conversation spills over such as the NSGP Discord).  

Several months ago, TSP held a cultural event with TP\NPO to establish what common relations, if any, we had. This was advertised as such and in our embassy thread on NSGP treated as such by the wider community.  In fact, certain individuals such as Cormac and Sygian publicly went all over the place decrying a potential relationship between TSP and TP (including on our Discord and during my second term campaign for FA).  It's all there, you can go back and look it up.

Therefore, I'm going to shut that conversation down  at least. Nothing has been done in secrecy and well before when this was an exploratory aim rather than a solid goal, I've been fending off attacks by enemies of TSP about it.


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


In light of the explanation on Discord that an alliance with the NPO would strengthen us against attacks by the sphere including Balder, Osiris, Lazarus, and the like — the Independent/Imperialist/Raider sphere, or whatever you’d like to call it—

I campaigned on taking bold and provocative steps in our foreign affairs to combat against that sphere of NS. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, when asked directly how he viewed that call to action, said this:

“I’ll be blunt. I would like to avoid The South Pacific hoisting ourselves with our own petard. I believe that it would be neither sustainable nor beneficial for The South Pacific to go on some sort of campaign against the Independent Sphere.”

Aligning with the NPO would send an obvious message to that sphere that we are bolstering against them. That is obvious to those who are intimately familiar with Gameplay/GCR politics, and the Assembly should be aware of that. This is basically a shot across the bow.

Is the Cabinet now, only 2 months later, reversing the MoFA’s clear statement against antagonizing that sphere? If so, why? If not... what’s the purpose?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

TSP has historically been fairly friendly with NPO, and has been allied with them before. Excluding the 2013-15 period between Milo's coup of TSP and the creation and collapse of the "NLO" we've never been particularly hostile to them, or them to us; the purges it led to cleared out most of the people in NPO we had problems with, and relations have consistently improved since then.

I can see an argument that TSP shouldn't ally with non-democratic regions (though it's not one I would support) but beyond this there aren't really strong arguments against it. NPO is no more "dodgy" than the other GCR's.
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

[Image: B9ytUsy.png]

The NPO has been a valuable partner in many of our military operations and some cultural things - however I understand the concerns about its government. The NPO is in many ways the exact opposite of what we normally seek out in a potential ally region's government, and that needs to be discussed (and I have no doubt it will! Tounge).

Proponents of this treaty should consider if their personal connections to members of the NPO might be affecting their support for the treaty, even if as a whole the South Pacifican and NPO governments do not align appropriately - a treaty should connect regions and maintain that connection regardless of who are the members of each region; to form a treaty based on FA Team's current friends is foolhardy.

We should also consider whether trying to appear strong to the Imp/Raider/Ind sphere, or as Escade said on discord, "[this treaty] is about bolstering TSP and our image and our strength", is enough of a reason for us to form a major treaty with a major GCR. If that's the real driving reason that FA has given, is that really the right level of connection necessary for a stable and willing alliance?

Opponents of this treaty should consider if, given all the cooperation and willingness to participate NPO has shown recently, immediately rejecting them based on past actions might be a bit naïve. All around, it's important to come to this with new eyes on the matter.
[Image: AfI6yZX.png]
Aumeltopia ~
[Image: fKnK6O4.png]
Auphelia Wrote:Raccoons are bandits! First they steal your food . . .
and then your heart/identity!

If we're not going to ally with the NPO, then our enemies will, as they have been doing since the signing of the GCR Sovereignty Accords. It's as simple as that.

I'm as much of an admirer of democracy and freedom for the GCRs as the next guy, but you've got be pragmatic and realistic too; the NPO is not going to change its governmental status regardless of whether or not we ally with it, and acting like it is beyond the control of outside regions is speaking of the era when the Meritocracy was the greatest place to be for a politician and the West Pacific was a pillar of the ADN. But what we do have a degree of control over is what values the NPO will support abroad - the ideals of democracy, sovereignty and freedom that we stand for, or the ideals of imperialism and monarchism that our enemies stand for.

We've been presented with a golden opportunity; the NPO extending out its hand and completely willing to ally with us and by extension allow us to bring them closer to our sphere and ideals, at least in international relations (again, the domestic policy of the NPO is something that's never going to be changed for very obvious reasons). We shouldn't squander that opportunity by voting against ratifying this treaty.

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