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[IC] Reizen Civil War

(11-11-2019, 07:16 AM)Hammerstar Wrote: The Peony had her military advisor on her right, as well as the high commodore on her left. She was about to do something rather inquisitive, and perhaps unexpected. With the Valkyrian defence pact nullified, she only has two left, Sedunn and Gi-Land. She needs another ally to replace the Valkyrians, in this time of war, and her mind had thought of Bruuma, but already rejected, she has decided to choose someone close, yet far away.

"Assalamualaikum, Ni Hao Brother Lo Pol. How fares you and the great state of Kai Fa? It is the first time I am able to see you, and I must say that I am deeply interested in negotiation between our two great countries.

"Good evening, Honorable Peony. I thank you for your invitation to this conversation. Our nation enjoys stability and growth, but we are concerned about the unstable situation in our region. I am pleased to hear report that Huawan is been blessed by prosperity too under your guidance. We share perfectly your interest in establishing partnerships between our two countries".

Foreign Minister Kuribayashi sighed softly after finishing the recent reports. Hardline elements in the Frost Assembly and Military have gained ground in the political war to oversee the Frost War effort. They successfully blamed President Kensei claiming that his restraint was just a form of weakness, allowing yet another foreign state to land troops on Frost soil. While she dismissed these claims of restraint as weakness, Kuribayashi was annoyed with how much her hands were tied to two options.

The Hawks demanded the Empire divert assets from the joint offensive to crush the RIM to sweep into Seranuma, remove the Kai Fans with deadly force, and declare war on Kai Fa. They've also demanded that the army not exercise restraint we showed the Bzern Military who are likely to be fighting the RIM on Zett island alongside the RDC. The president of course as usual sought a diplomatic option to see if the Kai Fans would remove their soldiers before the Empire issued an official declaration in response to the invasion. 

Regardless of which path the Empire takes, she still needed to deal with the Bruumans and keep them out of the fight.  

As she continued to ponder her options the phone rang, answering it  she heard Minister Hunt speak.
(11-08-2019, 05:06 AM)VPRB Wrote: "Good morning, Minister Kuribayashi. It is my pleasure to be speaking with you again. As you may imagine, I am contacting you regarding the developments in  Reizen". 

"I wish the same could be said to you Minister Hunt, but recent developments in Reizen have caused unanticipated headaches for both of us." She responded

(11-16-2019, 12:15 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: "I wish the same could be said to you Minister Hunt, but recent developments in Reizen have caused unanticipated headaches for both of us." She responded

"Indeed the situation is troubling, but I believe it can still be salvataged. The threat of RIM can be a catalyst for you and the other factions to lay down the arms, at least temporarily, against each other. We can help in defusing the fear of both the WPR and Kai Fa, but the same must be done with Sedunn and the hardliners in the Empires, otherwise the possibility of negotations will remain at large".

(11-12-2019, 07:01 PM)VPRB Wrote: -snip

"It is our great intention for starting with economic and trade talks after establishing the Peonic trade delegation to Kai Fa. Of course, you have heard the beginning of many trade measures that we have proposed to you." Said The Peony, clearing her throat. "However, with all do respect, honorable Brother, that is not the reason why we have contacted you in this evening. My imperial military advisor shall continue."

"Thank you my Nuwang, honorable brother, we have highlighted your incursion in support of the WPR with worry. We support that both Kai-Fa and Bruuma maintained its diplomatic right to ensure that the Reizen theatre has access to a free election in determining the doors they will open." Said Imperial Military Advisor Lord Roland Young. "However, if Kai-Fa were to lay war against Sedunn, we simply could not afford the risk it would take in both our humanitarian efforts as well as our naval trade routes, if the conflict were to spread in the Reizen theatre and the Eastern waters respectively."

"We must note that with the rising tension of the region. Huawan must assure its allies and stakeholders of its position, as well as assurance that they would commit to any promises and agreements made prior." Continued High Commodore Zheng He, "as such, Huawan would like to offer Kai-Fa a number of defence pacts to ensure the safety of transcontinental trade. Huawan does not wish to support any conflict that may arise between its allies, however, we believe that the region's economy would be in jeopardy if proper connections between states are in tatters."

"This would include a defensive protocol for any vessels coming out of Kai Fa," said Imperial Military Advisor Lord Rolang Young, "Vessels that may be under pressure against conflicts currently going on in the region. The Kalkaran war and the Reizen theatre has made space for mobilization a premium, and therefore we recommend a treaty ensuring our interests are protected."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

(11-18-2019, 08:50 AM)VPRB Wrote:
(11-16-2019, 12:15 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: "I wish the same could be said to you Minister Hunt, but recent developments in Reizen have caused unanticipated headaches for both of us." She responded

"Indeed the situation is troubling, but I believe it can still be salvataged. The threat of RIM can be a catalyst for you and the other factions to lay down the arms, at least temporarily, against each other. We can help in defusing the fear of both the WPR and Kai Fa, but the same must be done with Sedunn and the hardliners in the Empires, otherwise the possibility of negotations will remain at large". 

"It is an assessment that I do not share Minister Hunt. Kai Fa's decision to send ground troops has unfortunately opened pandora's box within our own government and emboldening our more irrational counterparts. You see Minister, it is not the fear of the WPR or Kai Fa that spurs the opposition into action, but their wounded pride. The Empire would have been able to continue to plausibly deny that we have allowed you to help the WPR scrape by against the RIM. However, much like the RDC and their more foreign backers before them, accepting ground forces of a foreign state is something that the Empire cannot permit. Our Offensive would have deliberately allowed the WPR breathing space and time to consider rejoining the ceasefire without conditions, had they not moved so unexpectedly and invited in foreign ground troops. However, because of the WPR's and Kai Fa's irrational actions, I'm afraid we will be forced to move to expel the Kai Fans and take the WPR stronghold before they unintentionally 'invite' more dangerous nations like Ryccia. That being said, Minister if you believe you can salvage this mess, I'm all ears."

(11-20-2019, 04:28 AM)Hammerstar Wrote: -snip- 

"I understand your concerns regarding our move in Reizen; it is a decision we have not taken lightly. I fully share your strategic considerations regarding maritime trade and we would gladly partner with Huawan in this regard. Given our interest in this defence pact, I'd like to ask if you could provide some more details regarding the specifics you have in mind, about the commitment each side is asked to undertake".

(11-20-2019, 08:37 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:
(11-18-2019, 08:50 AM)VPRB Wrote: -snip-

"It is an assessment that I do not share Minister Hunt. Kai Fa's decision to send ground troops has unfortunately opened pandora's box within our own government and emboldening our more irrational counterparts. You see Minister, it is not the fear of the WPR or Kai Fa that spurs the opposition into action, but their wounded pride. The Empire would have been able to continue to plausibly deny that we have allowed you to help the WPR scrape by against the RIM. However, much like the RDC and their more foreign backers before them, accepting ground forces of a foreign state is something that the Empire cannot permit. Our Offensive would have deliberately allowed the WPR breathing space and time to consider rejoining the ceasefire without conditions, had they not moved so unexpectedly and invited in foreign ground troops. However, because of the WPR's and Kai Fa's irrational actions, I'm afraid we will be forced to move to expel the Kai Fans and take the WPR stronghold before they unintentionally 'invite' more dangerous nations like Ryccia. That being said, Minister if you believe you can salvage this mess, I'm all ears."  

"There are hardliners in the WPR too. Without Kai Fa intervention, as you pointed out, they might have reached out of fear toward more dangerous parties, which would have had serious geopolitical consequences for our comrades in Tom Yam, as you can imagine. As it was with us in Sereva, the enemy is not you but other foreign enemies, and your clash with Kai Fa a collateral consequence of this. But we remain realist, our goal is for the WPR to be able to play a political role post-conflict.

I suggest the following plan to at least try to defuse the situation: we convince both Sedunn and Kai Fa to pull out their troops. We, as Bruuma, will take over the role of the guarantor of the WPR safety - politically, without deploying any troop. Strong of this results, we persuade the hardliners to go back to the ceasefire. This, I must stress out, will work only if the Empire renounce to extend the offensive against the WPR. If we manage to get to this point, you will probably be able pressure the RDC to do the same and the you can lead a joint effort against RIM.

I am aware this is not a magic formula, that there are a certain number of odds against a positive outcome. But given our commitment to reason and stability, I beilieve we can have at least a chance of success".

"I'm sorry to inform you, but convincing Sedunn to withdraw their forces is not an option. They are a critical asset in preventing the opposition's demand that the Empire use its own weapons of mass destruction. An outcome you and the WPR would be keen to avoid. That being said," she paused before offering a counter proposal, "Perhaps, if you can convince the Kai Fans to withdraw their ground troops, the Empire will have no reason to move into WPR territory since there are no foreign invaders. Furthermore, if you can convince the hardliners within the WPR to fall in line and return to Grovne ceasefire, then we can discuss logistics and possibly arrange for a similar outcome with the RDC who rely heavily on their Bzern sponsor."

(11-21-2019, 01:01 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: "I'm sorry to inform you, but convincing Sedunn to withdraw their forces is not an option. They are a critical asset in preventing the opposition's demand that the Empire use its own weapons of mass destruction. An outcome you and the WPR would be keen to avoid. That being said," she paused before offering a counter proposal, "Perhaps, if you can convince the Kai Fans to withdraw their ground troops, the Empire will have no reason to move into WPR territory since there are no foreign invaders. Furthermore, if you can convince the hardliners within the WPR to fall in line and return to Grovne ceasefire, then we can discuss logistics and possibly arrange for a similar outcome with the RDC who rely heavily on their Bzern sponsor."

"I see. For any chance of success though, at least the Empire should publicy state that it will not attack WPR-territory if Kai Fa retreat. You can make it sound like an ultimatum-deal, if it better suits your domestic discussion. If you can do that, we will pressure Kai Fa into recalling its troops and the WPR hardliners to go back to the ceasefire. If we achieve this result, we'd expect for our role as political sponsor of the WPR to be recognized at the negotiating table... provided that the Reizen comrades agree to it, of course".

“Now that I played the part of the fool in front of the whole South Pacific, comrade, I’d like to know when we can end this charade?” said Ri, irritation transpiring from his tone despite his proverbial calm manners. 

Don’t let your wounded pride blinds you, comrade” answered Hunt through the speaker, his voice coming from a few thousand miles “We play this game with long-term sight, and it requires some temporary… discomforts. We have kept the WPR hardliners on our side and at the same time now you have a plausible reason to pull out your guys when the right times come. With a bit of luck we’ll get our comrades in Reizen a seat at the table”.

Maybe, but Bruuma will be their sponsor and we’ll get cut out” retorted Ri. “Maybe not, if we play the next hands right” replied calmly Hunt “But even if, it’s little more than a formality. You’ll be the one they will depend on concretely” he paused for effect “Plus, this good cop – bad cop play has helped you winning over the attentions of the Peony, didn’it?” 

I’ll concede to that, comrade” admitted Ri “Still, there is only so much we are willing to risk more. A full-blown war with the Empire and Sedunn is not the note on which I intend to end my career

It won’t be necessary” assured Hunt “The important is making the next moves at the right time. Just a bit more of patience and we’ll start cashing in”.

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