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Recall: Minister of Foreign Affairs

Glen, what you've said here is a lot of conjecture about my motives. You can't prove any of it, and as noted on the Gameplay forum I recently voted in favor of TSP's treaty with Lazarus. You can go check the vote record. That wasn't in Osiris' interests even at the time, and yet I put aside Osiris' interests which shouldn't be a consideration for me here and voted how I believed was best for TSP. So not only can you not prove your latest round of libel, but there is actually evidence to the contrary. I guess this is how citizens should expect to be treated if they oppose your crusade.

But enough about me. Let's talk about you.

Since you've accused me of pursuing foreign interests here without any evidence that I'm doing that, and in fact with evidence existing to the contrary, let's talk about whose interests you're pursuing. Can you explain to the Assembly how any of your recent conduct has been in the interests of this region? How is it in the interests of this region to post as much incendiary rhetoric as you can, to utter words and take actions that result in termination of two treaties, non-defender regions previously interested in treaty alliances backing away from you as quickly as they can, and rumors buzzing of more treaty terminations to come? How is it in the interests of this region for you to run to the Gameplay forum and suggest, in the absence of any evidence, that a well respected citizen and admin of a sister Feeder who is also a deputy official in a Sinker may have been about to commit the universally reviled act of forum destruction?

Can you explain how your conduct is in the interests of this region? How has your tenure as Minister of Foreign Affairs diplomatically strengthened TSP? And if you can't explain it, can you tell us, since you're so quick to suggest others are serving foreign interests, which interests you are serving if you are not serving the interests of TSP?

The legacy of your tenure as Minister of Foreign Affairs is as follows: Existing imperialist allies have terminated their alliances. Other independent and imperialist allies are privately uncomfortable with the extremism you're pursuing, using this region's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to pursue it. Non-defender regions that aren't currently in alliance with TSP have zero interest in pursuing an alliance with TSP because of you. All you have to show for your tenure, aside from the obliteration of relations with non-defender regions, are two treaties with defender TRR and Lazarus and the elimination of diplomatic communication from TSP to embassy regions. The only communication the world is seeing from TSP is your incendiary commentary in Gameplay.

Recalling you isn't just a good idea, at this point, it's a downright necessity. You are destroying TSP's diplomatic standing in an almost systematic way, shoving it into a corner with defender regions and ensuring it stays there by being as hostile to non-defender regions as you can. The jig is up, man.

I believe it is more likely that the "allies" 's termination of relations was an orchestrated event to create a climate of frustration. G-R has been very reasonable throughout. We need to expect better than coercion from our allies.

I supposed you'd also like evidence that our "allies" have been coercive, yes?

This "extremism" I'm pursuing is entirely in the heads of whoever believes I'm pursuing it. The interesting thing about imperialist regions cutting ties is that *they* cut the ties, Cormac. We did not. For as much of an "extremist" as I am, I have never proposed repealing any treaties in my tenure, even when the Cabinet was so disillusioned that it would have been very possible to do so.

In fact, I had proposed not too long ago that we reach out specifically to non-defender regions. Osiris was one of those regions, despite the fact that even the most ardent Independents and raider-leaners in TSP had regularly ruled out relations with Osiris for the foreseeable future. In reality, I have been consistently working towards creating alliances with GCRs. In the minds of other Independent and imperialist regions, signing treaties with TRR and Lazarus meant I was enacting a dastardly plan to turn TSP defender. In reality, TRR approached *us* and Lazarus was always intended to be brought back to full ally status. Those treaties were pursued because the opportunities existed. The avenues to other GCRs were closed long before I was MOFA. If you actually knew anything of TSP's foreign affairs, instead of concocting some self-fulfilling prophetic conspiracy, you would know that TEP had shelved negotiations of a treaty when Hileville was MOFA, that TWP is likely to never sign a treaty with us, and Osiris was near universally considered to be too unstable to be an ally. We were already allied with TNP and Balder. So the reality is that TRR and Lazarus were the only open avenues for striking new alliances.

But it's far more convenient for other Independents and imperialists, who already don't like me, to make up theories about me pulling the strings behind the scene to trick TSP into becoming defender. It doesn't fit their political narrative to believe that I genuinely have been working towards the GCR Security Network I've been talking about, despite the fact that anybody who has paid attention to my opinions on GCR politics knows that I've long supported pan-GCR alliances.

And so, with that narrative built and propagating (as you and others have confirmed) throughout the entire Independent and imperialist sphere, any little comment I make anywhere is one more piece of smoking gun evidence of this mastermind defender plot. So you see your opening -- you being one of the most rash and reckless people in this game -- with Hobbes, thinking that the confluence of Hobbes being in TEP and you being able to twist my words into accusing him of forum destruction (despite, if not in spite, of Hobbes not wanting this to blow out of control, as he's stated in this thread no less), you come here and use your TSP citizenship to try to oust me. Not because you're a concerned TSP citizen, but because you believe in a made-up conspiracy that I'm turning TSP defender, and that happening would be bad for imperialist regions like Osiris.

This is absolutely shameful. That other Independent and imperialist regions have not castigated you for even thinking about it is absurd. If I went into Osiris and tried to recall Douria, it would be part of some defender plot and Osiris would be declaring war on TSP.

Just leaving this here;
Hobbesistan;p="21510803 Wrote:just for clarification, I never asked for any of this to escalate the way it has, and I don't want any involvement of it.

Whatever PR goals both sides are trying to achieve, I ask you leave me out of it, i'm just trying to enjoy the penguins.



I am very disappointed to see the current state of affairs. I would advise the Minister of Foreign Affairs that should he be asked to provide technical assistance to another region in future that he maintains radio silence on Gameplay/public areas rather than getting into a pissing contest with people so we can try to avoid such recall votes in future.

This is the second time we've had the joy of seeing a "Recall Sandaoguo" in whatever capacity he holds at the time and is the second time too many. Given the instability between Osiris and Lazarus at this time it would be prudent for the Foreign Minister to steer clear of anything relating to the two regions unless he wants The South Pacific to be accused of favouring one side in the conflict and suffer the inevitable fallout that will come from it. If Lazarus and Osiris move any closer to war - by whatever method, the last thing The South Pacific needs as an independent region is to be in the firing line between the two parties.

All too often the words of people sitting in Government speaking in Gameplay are taken as gospel truth and the region/government is treated accordingly. Right or wrong, it happens and The South Pacific does not need to be exposed to what will be a tedious, ad nauseam based battle of ideology on the international battlefield that is Gameplay.

I do feel though that the comments of the Minister, from what I've read have not presented The South Pacific in the best light, and have actually gotten me concerned for the region's foreign relations. Very sad circumstances, unfortunate for all involved. I'm very sorry to see Hobbes being treated so shoddily as well by all involved.

This whole line of argument is just bunk. Nobody else in this game is ever attacked with such veracity as I am for what they say in NS Gameplay.

Cormac's actions here are wholly inappropriate. No amount of spinning will ever make this okay.

I don't understand the accusation that I'm here representing foreign interests. I was a citizen of TSP before I recently rejoined, and I left during the forum conflict that really drained me and made me not want to participate not only here but in GCR communities in general. I came back because I like the TSP community and I care about this region. I've always tried to do what I think is in the best interests of TSP and I would love to see some history, some actual evidence, presented by the Minister indicating otherwise. Otherwise he's just attacking a citizen and voter who opposes his approach to foreign affairs. I see that he has completely ignored that I voted in favor of the treaty with Lazarus. I suppose that's inconvenient for his narrative.

Whatever the Minister wants to claim about his tenure, the results are there for everyone to see. Terminated treaties, rumors of terminations to come, regions that want nothing at all to do with TSP anymore because of its MoFA and his incendiary rhetoric, dismantling of diplomatic communication from TSP to embassy regions, and TSP pigeon-holed into alliances with defenders. That record speaks for itself and I'm going to let it go ahead and speak for itself, as I would prefer not to be further attacked for dissenting from the Minister's approach and being concerned that it's damaging TSP's interregional standing. I hope other citizens will see that this approach is damaging TSP and vote to recall him.

The South Pacific is an independent region, and the choice on whether to remain so is down to the citizens and government of the region. It is expected that the Foreign Minister will act in the best interests of the region whilst holding the office, and not bring the office or region into disrepute amongst other regions. It is also important, for an independent region to keep open lines of conversation civil and friendly with other game created regions, and to maintain such a line in public. Image, whether we like it or not, is important.

I will not go into the "what has happened under your tenure", my focus is more on the present. Right now, I cannot say for certain (whereas I normally can) that you could be impartial should war come to two sinkers, one of whom is a treatied ally, the other who was a treatied ally in the past. Could you, if the South Pacific was called as per its treaty with the Peoples Republic of Lazarus to give military aid should it go to war against Osiris, out-rightly say to the Assembly that you had absolutely nothing to do with Lazarus outside of your declared interest?

I do not doubt your ability or dedication to the job, but at this point, your ability to remain impartial during what looks to be a time of great tension approaching the feeders and sinkers.

Whilst I have hovered around Equilism, TNGE (the only two regions besides TSP that I am part of) and the various irc channels recently, I only returned to the South Pacific today, after a discussion with Kris, I had already seen from gameplay that you were being recalled - but seeing it was a surprise. The Assembly will decide whether you retain your role or not, but whatever the result, it is vital that the South Pacific has a Foreign Minister who can work to maintain its adopted standpoint in the international arena, even if it is at a cost to the Minister's personal ideology.

Excuse me, but if the focus ought to be TSP's interests, why would the MoFA prioritize Osiris, a "former" ally (not since the days of the KRO) over Lazarus, a currently treatied ally? Osiris has already told us they have no intention of pursuing relations with us.

Surely our interests lie in standing behind our allies, not leaving our treatied allies in the cold to back Osiris, because of some misplaced affection for their regional ideology.

You too, Lord Ravenclaw, have a major CoI here. Can you be trusted to put TSP's interests above your affection and loyalty to Osiris - given you were a former Pharaoh of Osiris?

(08-26-2014, 06:22 PM)Cormac Wrote: I don't understand the accusation that I'm here representing foreign interests.

You're the delegate that proposed the Osiran war against Lazarus.

In terms of CoI, that's a large red flag.

Everyone will keep accusing each other of having conflicts of interest. Let's skip that part of the discussion and move on.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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