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[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Lukas Rahgen
31st December 2017, 21:22 h

Updates on Atlantis and Sereva

Around 1 1/2 h after the shooting at the Erinoran embassy in Atlantis the criminal is still on the loose. The Atlantic Public Transport Company AVG stopped its service on all lines as well as the Gianlucian Railway Company Gianlucische Bahn.
The police warns the people about a heavily armed man, around 30 years old, skinny and with a height of around 1,80 m. 
He wears black and green clothes and is most likely still in the area of Central or Southern Atlantis.
The current deaht toll lies at 12, at least 40 more people got heavily injured and 120 more slightly injured, mainly through the by the shooting induced panic.

Also we've got news about the explosion in Northern Ramica. Gianlucian forces managed to get in contact with other soldiers in the base of Northern Sereva and in GI-Land. They talk about a big explosion during a fight against Bafuto Serevai rebels and at least 31 dead soldiers and around 60 injured ones, plus 5 more dead and 7 more injured soldiers caused by the normal fighting.
The Bundesarmee had to withdraw and now only secured the area between their base in Northern Sereva and a new provisional camp just outside of Ramica.
Why the explosion happened and who can get blamed for the explosion is not clear yet, except that the casualties on the side of the rebels were much lower than on the Gianlucian side.

We keep you updated.

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Lukas Rahgen
01st January 2018, 18:20 h

A Summary of New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve 2017 was perhaps the most shocking and horrible one for GI-Land since the Great War.
GI-Land got hit by three terroristic attacks at one day and it has to get investigated, how all this could happen. Here are the most recent numbers and facts we can give to the public.

31st December 2017, ~11:30 h

King and Leader Gianluca IV. leaves GI-Land with his private jet to travel to Erinor. He will attend the funeral of former Ura'sia Yena and the opening of the memorial for the victims of the Cirian earthquake last year, in which the former Gianlucian ambassador to Erinor got killed by falling debris.

31st December 2017, ~15 h

Gianlucian troops arrive, after a week of marching through Serevan territory and only meeting little resistance, in Northern Ramica (Sereva, Erinor), where they come almost instantly under fire of Bafuto Serevai rebels. A little camp can get built up at around 15:40 h.

31st December 2017, ~17:10 h

Still fighting against the rebels, a big explosion occured that killed 31 soldiers and injured 60.
The Bundesarmee withdraws behind the borders of the city of Ramica to their camp to recover.
In total 36 soldiers got killed and 67 soldiers got injured that day.

31st December 2017, 19:50 h

Hundreds of people (between 500 and 850) stand in front of the Erinoran embassy and lay down bouquets and candles in remembrance of former Ura'sia Yena and the Cirian earthquake last year.
They gather to participate in the minute of silence at 20 h.

31st December 2017, 20 h

The bells of the St. Peter's Church, which is nearby, begin to ring. Only around 20 seconds into the minute of silence, shots can be heard. A terrorist, who is still on the loose and whose identity or motive is still not clear, shoots with an automatic rifle inside the crowd of people in front of the embassy and kills 12 people instantly. 160 more get injured, 40 of them heavily.
The death toll of those victims will rise to 20 throughout the night.

31st December 2017, 20:30 h

The Atlantic Public Transport Company AVG and the Gianlucische Bahn stop their services until midnight.

31st December 2017, 21:20 h

The Atlantic police warns the public about an big, skinny and armed man of around 30 years, who wears dark clothes. The department suspects the terrorist's location to be somewhere in Central or Southern Atlantis.

31st December 2017, 22 h

The NYE party mile in Atlantis between the main station and the stadium opens. Visitors from all around the world want to celebrate the change of the year together and want to watch the fireworks prepared by professionals.

01st January 2018, 0 h

The AVG and Gianlucische Bahn start operating their services again with permission by the police. Everywhere throughout the world the beginning of 2018 gets celebrated.

01st January 2018, ~1 h

A truck drives into a party mile exit, where hundreds of people gathered, with around 65 km/h.
Currently we talk about 37 dead people, who got hit by the truck, and 6 more dead people, including the terrorist, who committed suicide, who got killed by an automatic rifle.
213 more people got injured, 27 heavily.

The overall death toll rises with this to 99, the overall number of injured people by all attacks combined to 432, 59 of them heavily. 

Without a doubt it can be said, that this day will be remembered all throughout GI-Land and the region.
Tonight Gianluca IV. will speak to the nation in his New Year's Address and one can only hope, he'll find the right words for the current state of shock GI-Land is in.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Lukas Rahgen
13th January 2018, 01:38 h

The Terrorist has spoken!

It took almost two weeks in which politicians still haven't made any new security measures come into reality.
Almost two weeks until the Atlantic police could finally announce, that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack on the Erinoran embassy in Atlantis has spoken about his motives.
Many people have already thought about it, but no one dared to speak it out loud, but the terrorist indeed wanted to "take revenge" on GI-Land for "bombing my home country and having a pact with the imperialist wrong-doers of Erinor".
He furthermore stated that the terrorist, who drove a truck into a crowd near the Königspalast on NYE was his partner.

Statements regarding the attack on Gianlucian soldiers with a bomb in Northern Ramica, he rejects to make currently.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
17th January 2018, 01:12 h
by Johana Ginci

Late night movement in the Königspalast

After a long week of debating, the Königspalast could finally vote tonight on new security measures for GI-Land, closing down the borders temporarily to all foreigners. Unfortunately for all participants this bill didn't pass due to votes from almost all parties being against the law.

Also the KPHA dared to make a bold move and brought up a motion calling for the abolishment of the "Death Penalty Abolishment Act", due to "seeing we got currently a political prisoner in our country, who has nothing else deserved than death. Look at Ryccia, they can do it too! Why can't we?".
The motion got totally destroyed by most members of the parliament, even a majority of the KPHA, voting against the motion.
"We live in a progressive country, which doesn't need such a thing like a death penalty anymore. Furthermore such a motion, as you might see, would have been against our current constitutional law anyway, which is why I ask myself, why you even brought this up in the first place", said Siegfried Hentzsch (SDP) during the short debate on this motion.

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Lukas Rahgen
4th June 2018, 13:45 h

The official Results of the Census and National Day

There were celebrations, demonstrations and many persons writing news releases in the last few days after the Gianlucian National Day on 1st June, which can be seen as a successful one. According to the various police departments, there were no difficulties and even no persons having gotten taken into custody during the protests against the government or the upcoming Football World Cup in the major cities of GI-Land.
The festivities for GI-Land's 713th anniversary were very peaceful and brought fun and joy to the inhabitants of the federal republic, especially due to state funded entertainment programs that included top stars of the Gianlucian music charts like Mark Köthe or the band "21Evergreens". 

On the political side another topic was more interesting though: The results of the census that was done in the middle of May, especially as GI-Land's population number had to get corrected upwards and because everyone was eager to see, how the populace answered on the poll questions that were mandatory to get filled out.
Good things first:
The approval of the King and Leader Gianluca IV. is at around 73% throughout the political spectrum, so it seems at least he isn't the problem most people see in Gianlucian politics, although IF they do, the accusations are severe ones. He would've destroyed GI-Land's reputation due to not fulfilling the speakership term in the WF e.g. or would be the cause of having not the full political spectrum getting represented in the Königspalast.
This anger normally doesn't show against him, but against the new election system (PMMP - Preferential Mixed-Member Proportional), which only gets an approval of around 29%. Most people would like to get back to MMP or another, easier voting system, and even ask for re-elections soon to make the parliament represent the people better again.
The political system itself, the Dictatorial Democracy, gets still backed by over 80% of the interviewed persons, so in the end it's really only about HOW the representatives get elected and not about who exactly those are and how much power they have in GI-Land.

Also today were again a few thousand protesters in front of the Königspalast, knowing about those poll results and asking the parliament to make a move. If we will see a re-election at some point and if it'll use the new or old system is still a pending decision, but it would be good, if the Gianlucian democracy decides on this matter soon.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Mark Geffa
21st June 2018, 00:12 h

Start of the Women's FWC 2018!

[Image: 2491265_w2.jpg]
Karanta after the FWC final 2014 with the trophy

Only a few more hours are left until 16 nations and autonomous regions start into the 8th Women's Football World Championship (FWC)!
After GI-Land has won once again the Men's tournament just a few days ago, all eyes are on the Gianlucian Women naturally now. Can they defend their title as well as the men did?
"We will see", Lena Karanta, head coach of the female national team, says and promises that, not important how far GI-Land will get, "we will always see nice and technically advanced matches".
The tournament starts in today's afternoon with the opening game GI-Land vs. Sereva. The men lost 0-5 to their Serevan counterparts, "but we will do better", Karanta tells us confidently.
We look forward to it!
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Johana Ginci
15th July 2018, 23:55 h

The Government wants more of Your Money!

Very quietly it happened, you almost couldn't hear it, but the law has gone through the parliament.
In the middle of the evening the arms of several politicians rose into the air to vote for yet another tax aiming to make our life better.
A new CO2-tax should do the trick, because due to climate change and our consumption behaviour politicians feel the need to meddle in our lives. While fortunately the motion of the Green Party to ban all new diesel and petrol cars as of 2030 has failed, the new tax got through the parliament. It seeks to support innovation in our nation, that companies are forced to produce cars that need less diesel or petrol and that emit less CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Also it should make flying or even (daily) meat consumption less attractive. Those are the arguments of the coalition led by the so called "Social Liberals", while opponents of the new law only see a new way for the government to earn some money that the Gianlucians have earned through hard work.
"They don't care about the normal person, that doesn't want to suddenly get restricted in its eating behaviours or maybe wants to fly to Erinor for vacations. They only want to have more and more money and put more tax pressure on the lower and middle classes", the KPHA party whip Prince Triton of Atlantis explains to us after the motion passed in the parliament.
The new tax should start to get raised as of the 1st January 2019. The KPHA already announced to start a petition against the new tax and put pressure on the Leader, so he vetoes against the new law.

Motion of the Green Party to ban Selling and Registrations of Diesel and Petrol Cars as of 2030

Motion of Big Parts of the Green-Liberal Coalition regarding a CO2-Tax
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Andrea Byt
13th May 2019, 21:13 h

Movement on important Matters

The Königspalast and the government in general get criticised recently by the opposition and the people itself for being too ineffective and not doing enough. In fact it's correct that there were not many laws passed up until now by the Green-Liberal coalition under the leadership of Tom Kirchmann. Maybe they noticed that themselves and in the recent few days they made huge decisions on very important matters.
The CO2-tax that was introduced in the beginning of this year e.g. will not get increased (at the moment only 3 Tacks/ton CO2, new law would have set it to 20 Tacks/ton as of 2020). At least yet. Vice chancellor Sanddorn as well as Leader Gianluca have already criticised that decision by the coalition and the parliament and asked the MPs to see the situation correctly and that such a tax needs to be higher to even work in the desired way.
Opponents argued that this tax is especially bad for small companies and people without much money. "You can't let the poorest people pay that much more so suddenly", Katharina Grall, head of the leftist LGI-fraction, said to the press as explanation why she voted against that law. "Maybe you could increase the wealth tax to at least 60% first, before you put a higher price on the living for people, who can't even afford living right now."

Voting Results of 3rd May 2019 regarding the increase of the CO2-tax

A tax increase that got met far more positive was the 7% increase on the plastic tax as of 1st January 2020 (currently 10%). "We want people to use less plastic overall. It's not easy to see the polluted waters in our nearby oceans that destroy the environment and kill the animals without mercy. We need to stop that and furthermore - which is why we don't ban it - need to animate companies to look for alternatives to plastic as much as possible and to maybe develop something equally good or better that's even eco-friendly", Emre Klehn (Grüne), minister for agriculture, nutrition, environment and nature protection, told the parliament.
Opposing voices could only be heard from the conservative KPHA, but not about the increase itself, but more about whether it needs to be as high as 7%. The suggestion to make the increase only as high as 4% did not get a majority in the parliament.

Voting Results of 3rd May 2019 regarding the increase of the plastic tax

The KPHA produced commotion in some other aspect though. The suggestion of the parliamentary vice president Prince Triton of Atlantis to intervene with the Bundesarmee in Reizen was met with disgust by most MPs, even by his own father - the former king of Atlantis Ikaros VIII. of Atlantis. "You want to see Atlantic blood in the world! That's an unbearable suggestion! Weren't the Serevan war and the following terrorist attacks by subversive elements enough for you?!" he asked in rage and got applause by all fractions of the parliament for it.

Voting Results of 13th May 2019 regarding intervening into the Reizen conflict militarily
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)
[-] The following 5 users Like GI-Land's post:
  • Bzerneleg, Imperial Frost Federation, Jay Coop, Qwert, Rebeltopia

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Johana Ginci
14th May 2019, 20:58 h

The Attempt

It was a difficult time for the Free Democratic Party (FDP) after the elections in 2017. They were not able to motivate enough people to vote for them and to be honest, no one really cried when they had to leave the parliament. The glorious times of the FDP date back to the 80s, where they were in a coalition with the Social Democrats once as well as several times with the old conservative party that was dissolved after their spectacular downfall in the elections of 2013. Since then the general opinion has vastly changed.
Gianlucians are more left-leaning than ever and they got a left-liberal party they can vote for: The Social-Liberal Party (SLP) of the Leader Gianluca IV. And the young voters feel at home at another left, but liberal party: The Pirates (PPG). Together with the rise of a new moderate-conservative party (KPHA) the entire voter potential of the FDP got melted to a minimum. But now this time shall be over!
[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbs.com.au%2Fnews%2F...rs.jpg&f=1]
The new head of the new party: Leroy Urbach

Today all important old and promising new faces came together in Tragas and decided to refound the FDP. The new name is already found: Freiheitspartei GI-Lands (Freedom Party of GI-Land; FPG). The new head of the party got elected also. His name is Leroy Urbach (see above). A 35-year-old management consultant from Neustadt. The program should be basically the same as before though and a logo is still missing.

It will be exciting to see, whether they can get back into the national or at least state parliaments again in 2021. The latest polls look promising at first.
Like mentioned yesterday the coalition parties get criticised for working too ineffectively. The SLP and PPG lose heavily, while the Grüne can gain some percentages. Another party that loses are the Social Democrats. They get seen as quite spiritless and not functioning as a good opposition. A small plus exists for the KPHA and LGI as well as for the big parties outside of the parliament, the AVP and FPG/FDP.
[Image: DrDp40X.png]
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)
[-] The following 2 users Like GI-Land's post:
  • Qwert, Rebeltopia

[Image: tcdiyoze.png]
by Andrea Byt
30th May 2019, 20:52 h

Sanctions against SEFTA

That's probably something the nations in the SEFTA-agreement didn't see coming. Not even 48 h after it got suggested to take actions against the member states for Fauderland's intervention, the Königspalast decided today to impose those. "Nations, who think, it's smart to get into this crazy conflict still as a new party, seem to not have understood that this is not the right thing to do. The right thing to do is keeping the problem in Frost and working towards a peaceful solution together with the official government of the IFF", said foreign minister Sanddorn in front of the parliament.
An amendment to the bill proposed by the KPHA to only sanction Fauderland was denied. "We want to give a sign to the world, that this conflict needs to end. That needs to include pressure on partner states of the conflict parties, that will talk them out of their plans of intervention", argued Lara Sieg, minister for economy, labour and consumer protection.

Voting Results of Vote 13 "Sanctions against SEFTA". The amendment to it - Vote 13a - proposed by the KPHA failed with 100-399-151. The SDP abstained and all other parties except the KPHA and LGI were against that proposal.
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)
[-] The following 4 users Like GI-Land's post:
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