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A Dawn of the Stars

Su thought of something she might need. She was parched. Perhaps she could utilize some dihydrogen monoxide?

"I do not know how you call it, so I shall just use the scientific term: may I acquire some liquid dihydrogen monoxide in a vial I can drink from while walking? I do hope it is not a bother"

Su then proceeded to ask something. In order to waste the less time possible in this diplomatic mission, she would inquire on a key issue. The Imperial Grand Assembly would certainly hear of this, after all.

"Along the way, may we discuss the treatment of the various species across our respective nations?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Ict't nodded to his aide to have him order some water for his guest for when they arrived. He turned back to Su.

"That is always an interesting subject, it can tell you a great deal of the nature a civilisation. Or rather, it defines a civilisation. In the Treecuu Star Empire, we strongly believe in the right to freely shape and preserve your own culture, as long as it does not threaten the existence of other races or cultures. The central government and authorities always strive to limit their involvement in internal affairs of the different civilisations within the Empire. The central authorities have also made it a priority to fight diseases and poverty. In the latest report I received, we have managed to eradicate over 90 % of all diseases known within the Empire."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Su did a certain, slight movement with her thumb, signalling something. It was a diplomatic code, and her Velpan secretary instantly put "d" along with the claim, which meant "disputed", "doubtful", or something similar. Indeed, it was so subtle, the Treecuu most possibly did not notice this.

Su then proceeded to speak, thinking of her country and its name.

"Interesting...well, Governor, we have a similar, yet different approach to our subjects: all species are equal to the law, and, especially in the frontiers of our Empire, species and cultures are free to intermingle. Indeed, ever since the Democratic Revolution, each citizen, no matter the species, has equal rights, and may vote for whomever they desire in local and national elections. Whilst we do not have a literal view of equality, as nature tells us otherwise, we have a meritocratic point of view: do not consider their species, but their actions. We believe that any individual, no matter the species, can do anything they wish, as long as it does not violate the rights of other beings around them. We might have our biological differences, but most of us consider our actions, our character, and our potential, not what race you are"

"The national government intervenes in some aspects, but planets and their peoples are allowed to govern themselves. Some planets even receive subsidies and aid from mostly human planets, as these planets were the target of genocide from the days of the absolute monarchy, although there are isolated cases where non-human planets also give this aid. It is a way for the past aggressors to eternally repent to those they threatened to annihilate, or so they put it"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The vessel made a wide turn and approached a wide landing platform close to the silvery dome, called Hall of Springs, and was seat of the local Mandate Government.

"Interesting... These 'humans', do they also atone indefinitely for what could be considered more normal crimes?" Ict't asked.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


At this, Su pondered. What did he mean by this statement? She proceeded to answer, weary of what "ethics" might mean here.

"If you mean crimes similar to murder, sexual assault, theft, and the like, there are, of course, prison sentences if one is found guilty of them, not eternal banishment. Interestingly, there was an ancient human religion, I believe it was...what was it..."

That religion was now forgotten, lost long ago, although a few isolated cases of the faithful did happen, mostly fanatics from the Core worlds. What was it now...?

"Ah, yes! My apologies, Governor, I now recall. It was very, very ancient, you see. It was two religions: Christianity and Islam. A Christian sect whose name I cannot recall, Katolism, perhaps, had this concept of a religious leader, and that some sins, something similar to moral faults, are unforgivable, no matter how much you repent. Few know of these religions. Books on them are prohibitedly expensive, but my high standing on society allowed me to get one I read months ago"

"Other than the cases I have provided, I have no knowledge of a human's eternal atonement. Unless you may define what, in your society, constitutes these crimes?"

Su then gracefully pointed out at an ambassador, who was a human. By the tone of his voice, the Governor seemed to have little idea on what humans were.

"This specimen, one of the lower-ranking diplomats in this mission, is a human, for future reference"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Ah", Ict't said when Su pointed at what apparently was a human. They looked similar to the Treecuu amphibians, but their skin wasn't pebbly and yellow. He nodded politely to acknowledge the human.

"The different cultures in the Empire are free to make their own laws, based on their own values, beliefs and customs, with a few exceptions. There are special laws, that for example control interplanetary space flight. In the mostly Treecuu worlds, we believe that rehabilitation, rather than punishment, is the most efficient means of making a criminal atone" Ict't answered to Su's previous question.

There was a sharp hiss as the landing struts of the vessel deployed. It landed smoothly on a platform made of a silvery stone material. The platform seemed ridiculously big for their small vessel, and the surrounding skyscrapers made it seem even smaller. Had they landed in the middle, they would have had to walk for several minutes to reach the entrance to the Hall of Springs, but now they only had a few steps there. The doors opened, letting a cold breeze inside.

"Welcome to the Hall of Springs, High Ambassador. I hope you will find my office suitable for our historic discussions!"

Ict't nodded towards the exit. "After You."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"Ah, now here we are. Thank you, Governor"

Lak Su looked at the Hall of Springs, never having seen such alien architecture before. She had seen the city from afar, but now she could observe it up close, taking in its majesty.

And yet, she was not amazed. She respected the work, but she was not thrilled to see something new. What practicality was there in admiration? No, respect for their advancement is a better and equal arrangement. But, if she had to feign it, she would, as a diplomat ought to do.

"Impressive architecture, Governor" said Su "When was it created, if I may inquire, and why?"

"Also, if you may answer, what are these "special laws" that regulate interplanetary flight?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Ict't answered Su's questions as they and the other Ryccians walked the short distance to the entrance and the express elevator that would take them to the governor's office.

"The Hall of Springs and the structures in its surroundings were built when the Treecuu state was reformed approximately two hundred standard years ago. With this reform, the mandate system we have today was introduced, and the Thoov Mandate was founded. The purpose of these buildings is to serve the local government and to facilitate interaction between the systems in the mandate."

"Since every world in the Treecuu Star Empire has extensive autonomy, with varying laws and customs, we need a common framework for how these worlds interact. The "special laws" are a common set of laws that applies in the space between the planets, concerning for example safety systems, traffic rules, and also unified communications systems."

After a fast ride with the elevator, the doors opened and revealed a bright spacious room with large windows. In the middle was a crest-shaped desk, with the open part facing the elevator doors.

"Welcome to my office. Please, we have prepared a selection of water for you" Ict't said pointing at the desk.

"We can offer a selection of water: local spring water, local mineral water and ultra-pure water. I hope you will find something you like. We have kept the spring and mineral waters at the same temperature as in the source itself, at about three hundreds of the temperature range between the local freezing and boiling points. The ultra-pure water is about double as warm."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Su was a bit confused, although she did not let the Governor see it in her face. Diplomatic training serves well to show the proper expressions, not those weak ones of shock, which makes you look vulnerable and off-guard. She still inquired respectfully into these strange customs that she had never observed before. Water described in such detail? How curious...great data for the mission.

As the secretary dilligently scribbled this attitude down, she did not need to do so herself. Helpful persons, these secretaries are. As they should be.

"Intriguing...not in my long career have I not heard water offered to me with such attention to detail. Is this a particular custom of the locals, or of the elite? Or is this rare? I mean no offense to your generosity and meticulous eye to this detail, but I have no particular preferences regarding water. Please, do serve any you believe would suffice for my thirst, if it is possible"

Wishing to efficiently make use of the time, and waiting for her glass of water, she proceeded to speak. The discussion had begun.

"And now to business. Our first item in the agenda is on the possibility of establishing clear and reliable diplomatic communication between our two nations. If you wish it for any reason, however, we could shift to another topic altogether and take care of this later"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Ict't walked over to the desk and started pouring a glass of the local spring water from an elaborate pitcher for Su.

"No. Establishing good means of communication for future diplomacy is the natural first step."

He put the pitcher back on the table and walked over to Su.

"I take it you have technology that enables you to communicate more or less instantly with your nation over distances such as this? If so, a direct line to our president or minister for foreign affairs could be easily arranged."

Ict't offered the glass to Su.

"The Treecuu amphibians have evolved a delicate sensitivity to the quality of water. Sampling and discussing different water sources is one of their great indulgences. They say, just by tasting the water, they can tell you the health of the source and the local environment. This is the local spring water."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


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