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[IC] Reizen Civil War

Deriess Island, Sedunn
16:00 UTC+2 (Sedunnic Time)

After a journey from Bzerneleg that took more than 2 days, the Bzerneleg Fourth Fleet, along with the hundreds of aircraft and tanks and the thousands of personnel it carried, finally arrived at their destination. Deriess Island of the Kingdom of Sedunn will be the country's military base during the Reizen Civil War.

Admiral Robert Bostwick walked out of his office room on board RBS George W. Campbell and walked out of the aircraft carrier. He saw 4 other colleagues: Commander of the Bzerneleg Army Southeast Lieutenant General Thomas Rice, Commander of the Bzerneleg Naval Forces Southeast Vice Admiral Martha Bergdorf, Commander of the Bzerneleg Air Force Southeast General George Fairbanks and Commander of the Bzerneleg Marine Corps Southeast Lieutenant General Ann Carter standing on a straight line giving him a salute as he walked down the ship. He then shook hands with all of them and walked with the Commanders to the base, which is a 5-minute walk from the port.

12:00 UTC-2 (Bzerne Time)

[Image: 2013_11_19_02_blog_icon.jpg]  
President Donald Blythe signing the Parliamentary Authorization for the Use of Military Force against the Reizen Independence Movement and Agot Resolution (PAUMF-RIMA) with Members of Parliament watching from behind.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Today, we open a new chapter in Bzerneleg's history book as we fight on foreign soil for the first time in decades to safeguard liberty and democracy. I see in every state on this planet the potential for democracy, and I see that in Reizen. Since the Reizen Civil War broke out, it had made the country an anarchy without a legitimate government. Since then, factions are fighting against each other day after day for the country they all call home. Today, let us say this: Enough is enough! Reizeners both in their country and in other countries living as refugees have suffered enough! We want liberty, democracy and justice now! To my fellow Bzernes: it doesn't matter to me your position in the political spectrum, or which party you are a member of. I ask for your counsel and help to win this war and achieve our goals in Reizen. To the people of the world: Let us march with torches held high and firm in our hands and together shine light to all corners of the world where darkness overfills and fear exists, no matter the challenges we may face along the way, we will persist. For a world of free and happy men and women, we enter the battlefield. Thank you.

The room was then filled with cheers and applause. Then everybody started to sing the national jazz song of Bzerneleg "The Flag Flies High"

I see the men who died so I can sleep at night,
I see the farmers working hard for my cup of tea,
And the men and women fighting for equal rights,
That's my beautiful country,
So let's climb the highest mountain and we fly our flag, oh, high and free,
Oh, ho, ho, Bzerneleg, God shed his grace on thee!

I see the soldiers fight to make sure thing's all right,
I see our Founding Fathers fighting for our liberty,
And the men and women who day by day preserve our democracy,
(That's my lovely country!)
At the end of my time, I see my flag on that mountain (over there) flying high and free,
That's when I know, 
Oh, ho, ho, Bzerneleg, God shed his grace on thee! 
[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

Official Thread • Lampshade Broadcasting Company • The Tsunamy Institution of the Law and Public Policy

Present, Kinjishi, Reizen

Kariya had rewatched the films again, and again until he spotted the suspect. The suspect wore a full partisan disguise used by the garrison at Rimoto Village. To the untrained eye, he would be considered a normal part of the RIM, but not to the Captain. The captain strained his red eyes as he flipped from monitor to monitor watching the suspect blip in and out of the system in a round about route to the suspect's destination. The suspect appeared to stay at a  hotel frequented by Foreign VIPs before the war. Captain Kariya also noticed that the suspect had removed part of his disguise at one point, but merely removing their coat doesn't won't allay suspicions. The Captain grinned as he called over the detective. "Detective, how is the city lock down?" "Captain Kariya, the RIM high council demanded to know why the city was locked down, but once they heard that it was foreigners who were killed, the High Council mobilized the Entire Garrison, and the Kinjishi Military police to assist us sir. Our Cars and vehicles have created makeshift barricades to block access to most of the alleys and the Garrison has set up checkpoints around key intersections." The detective said, "And our sewage, and storm drainage system?" asked Kariya, "Sir our sewers and storm drainage system is a semi-closed loop. the first two levels where the suspect could walk around are sealed off, no way in or out to prevent damage to the local environment. the third level and below are all submerged in waste and storm water, and are drained into the waste treatment plant by the coast. however, there is no way out of the waste treatment plant as they are welded shut, we've had a few issues where someone tried to exit the city through the sewers only to be crushed and dismembered, it took us a good 3 months to identify the poor sod." "Have a few agents there just in case the suspect tries to do so." replied the Captain as he rose. "And what will you be doing, sir?" asked the detective as he also stood up. "I will be heading to the hotel the suspect was last seen in with my unit. He's a pro, but the suspect gravely underestimated our security apparatus..." responded the Captain as he left.


Reizen island, Reizen

Major Yukina Kusanagi sighed as her tank cautiously rolled through an abandoned RDC forward operating base. The pace at which they retook most of the island was too quick as the enemy barely put up a fight. Instead they spent most of the campaign disabling land mines, and shooting down enemy drones. She knew that the Southwest would be easier to defend, and would be a tough fight if the RDC had a back bone. But for now, all she could do was advance cautiously, scout and storm the enemy position when the situation called for it.

"The city is in lockdown, no way in and no way out.” Doctor Kane observed.

"They can't persist doing so, especially in this war." She explained.

"So indeed." Said Doctor Kane as he looked at the city plans, before shifting to his new friend“hey thanks for housing me at your home."

"No problem," She responded
, her clothing is a bit less tighter than the one he saw with Shikabane the night before, still having the aura of a femme fatale.

Doctor Kane calculated the assets he could be using at that present moment. The sewer system is certainly not an option, if RIM is as fanatical as she sets it out to be, then god knows how long he's stuck in this city. He's had worse, but he needs to calculate it carefully.

"Captain Kariya was it? His name?" Doctor Kane asked.

"Spy hunter. Hunts down spies going around RIM as if it was breakfast for him." She posted his picture on the wall. "He's quite strong with the higher ups, and of course the RIM leaders only act tough from the outside. Wanting him to resolve the issue before their heads get bashed in the door. RIM figureheads of the city cling onto him to secure their security."


"I don't like how he waltzed into the club that day demanding answers from my client, of course he doesn't have a warrant yet. So he can't do anything." She mentioned, as she went to the kitchen. “that's the thing about R.I.M, they're so bound with black market dealers that they think they own the entire game, they believe they can get any transaction for free. While the Big boss wants to keep everything sailing smoothly in here with the law, he's not very pleased with how the Captain waltzed into stuff like this. R.I.M needs us more than we need them, the world of under the table weapons trading is far larger than these airheads think."

"Hmm." Doctor Kane mused

"And I don't like his nose, dastardly thing." The girl mentioned as she threw a knife to his picture from the kitchen ”By the way we heard a new player is going to strike R.I.M soon, with Agot gone I guess they're going to start the flames."

"Special Operatives?" Doctor Kane asked.

"They seem official. I can't tell who they're working for though. Just another country that doesn't know its place."

She then laid down on the chart filled table infront of him with a drink on her hand.

"Alright 'Detective', right now from what I can see is that you're invisible to anyone and everyone in my apartment. From what I can see is that you wait the entire thing out, negotiate for your freedom or get your employers to set ya free." She said as she offered him a bottle of water, of which he graciously took.

"I can definitely wait it out,” Doctor Kane said, “they will definitely lose interest soon. Fanatics or not, you can't leave a city embargoed for so long, and once the wheels roll out, I can definitely hitch one up... I am sure Shikabane has also told the Captain of who those squealers are."

"Of course he did, but the captain didn't care.” She mentioned. “He never did, he lost his lead to information of Agot, as if it hasn't been made public already, and he wants his revenge. Besides, unveiling the Agot info would certainly ensure his promotion, if you didnt cockblock him.”

"Someone should put a bullet in his head to knock some sense into him." Doctor Kane responded as he sat on the tabe.

"I'd definitely shoot one through his nose first, provides him an incentive to change it, if he's alive." She said as she drank what was left on that cup of moonshine of hers "What of your employers?"

“What of them?”

“They can help you out?” She asked.

“…..If my employers are involved they would easily bribe the officials to look the other way, or instigate a coup. They can basically do anything imaginable, this issue is nothing to them.” Doctor Kane mentioned, “they can have a nuclear missile delivered to R.I.M right now in exchange for my safety. If needed, they would raze the entire city to the ground had their operation be at risk. They have the assets to do so."

[Image: unbenannt-21.png?w=1024]
"...." She looked at him, a bit drunk.

"Unnecessary deaths are unnecessary." Responded Doctor Kane as he clanged his bottled water to the glass of liquor.

“I can drink to that.” She responds as she took out a game of cards from wherever she’s been holding them, “Whist?”

The MSF camp has been established in Shibuki, and services have already been made to the displaced nationals. Makeshift camps grew larger and operations to visit the other parties are going smoothly.

Professor Zee has already contacted a couple of the parties in play on the field. WPR is definitely alright with having a neutral medical base for its nationals. He needs however, to negotiate with R.I.M if he were to start another camp in the south of Reizen. He has sent a letter to come to the RIM capital, but he heard of a certain lockdown. Which uniquely smells like a past student of his.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hammerstar's post:
  • Imperial Frost Federation

Kinjishi, Reizen

"Captain, we've missed the target at the hotel. Witnesses report that he left with an attractive female." said one of the troops. The Captain grinned, "I take it our poor middle man didn't like my 'friendly' reminder and dispatched his patsy to give us a run for our money." "Sir?" "Mr. Shikabane, the 'owner' of the coffee shop that serves as a speakeasy for illegal narcotics. The poor fool was demanding a warrant when I asked about our suspect and his relation to the victims. Didn't even realize that I had information to trade. Then again its not his fault that he doesn't know that the Broker and I have a mutually beneficial agreement. Nonetheless, I made sure my message went through his thick skull, before he scampered off to the Broker." "And what was your message sir?" "To honor our agreement. I scratched his back over the months it took to set up shop, and he scratched mine by giving me what I wanted." "So you think one of his was involved." "Yes, the timing is too coincidental, and besides I made a hostile first impression to them." he replied as he exited the hotel. "So now what? Do we storm the city buildings one at a time until we find them?"  "that's much to inefficient, and would turn public opinion against the RIM." "But sir, we can't maintain lock down over the city for an extended period of time." said his aide, "Nonsense, we've implemented martial law in all but name. We can wait out the rats as essential personnel continue their business under heavy surveillance. In the meantime, the broker will be looking into our problem and dealing with an in house solution if or rather when he finds out his subordinates took a terrible risk to his business because of their foreign arrogance. And so we will continue our patrols and cast a wide net, and wait." "understood sir, we will continue to be vigilant."

Unknown Location, Tuesday

[Image: JtJOcCyl.jpg]
"Shikagane is going to be here shortly with a pizza." Answered the host.

"What flavor?" Asked Doctor Kane as he took his head off the table.

"Tuesday flavor." Answered the host, while lighting up a cigarette.

"What on earth is tuesday flavor?" Asked Doctor Kane.

"The topping we only order on tuesday. Its our off day."

“Both of you?

"He's my employer afterall" Answered the host, as she puffed her first smoke.

"He's under the big boss?"

"More like we’re contracted by the big boss, Shikabane has his own venture that spans all over the region. But he always pays his tribute to the ruler of the city whenever we need to complete a contract, as with wherever we go.” Answered the host, looking outside the window.

“You seem to gain an understanding of him.” Doctor Kane faced the host.

“….Shikabane, one of his many professional names, is a solipsist. He believes that the entire world is a dream of his own creation, and all the people are fragments of his own rich imagination. Which may explain why he would come off as merciless.” Recalled the host, drifting off to her own narrative. “His ego is so large, he cannot picture the world without him in it, and so in his mind he "can never be killed." If he does die, he'll simply 'wake up' from his dream. His solipsism has led him to eschew the idea of immortality, as "it can do nothing for him". As with everyone, our perspective places us in the center of the world, clearly he takes pride in being so.”

“Fascinating.” Remarked Doctor Kane.

[Image: 0fuhoLvl.jpg]
“Shikabane immensely dislikes it when people attribute his skill to God or natural talent.” Said the host as she took another puff, and points her cigarette at Doctor Kane. “He emphasizes that he worked extremely hard to improve himself, and he wishes people would acknowledge the effort he put in rather than dismissively calling him a prodigy.”

“I have to say that I pine for him a bit.” said Doctor Kane

“Pardon?” Responded the host, quite interested.

[Image: gV4NCWDl.jpg]
“He seems like he does not know where he should release his emotions and so piles it all up inside himself therefore,” he shuffles to sit at the sofa, “he turns all the bloodlust born of his tragedies and hypocrisies towards himself. He has no common sense when it comes to other people's hearts.”

The host looked at Doctor Kane, and looked down a bit to recall some shady memories of her employer.

“That man… He operates outside the law through his own warped sense of justice. He is considerate of those he deems innocent, going out of his way to ensure the safety of people who are not his targets and/or pose no danger. He takes pride in his work, and takes his responsibilities seriously.” She presses the cigarette to the ashtray, and moved to grab another glass of brandy. “Which is why he had gone through lengths to ensure that you are safe from that swine. That man, he is so troubling.”

“And I am grateful for it.” Responded Doctor Kane, nodding when the host offered him another bottle of water, “I’m sure your big boss would mind that he had gone out of his way.”

“I can’t imagine he wouldn’t,” said the host as she threw the bottle towards Doctor Kane. “The big boss really wants to keep things neat with RIM when they took over the city. No silly business and all that. He knows we’re hiding you, and he withheld such information from the captain for reasons I couldn’t see just yet.”

“Perhaps you can give me an insight on the man?” Asked Doctor Kane upon opening the bottle.

“For our operations in Kinjishi, we pay our tribute to the big boss, the man is what you may call the man of the people. When the whole fight broke out he made sure that the population of Kinjinshi are well fed, well cared for and protected.” Recalled the host. “A godfather figure that participated in black market deals to ensure the survival of Kinjinshi. Where we are right now, is just one of his many apartment blocks where his members and their families can live for free, with benefits.”

She continues to ponder about him, looking at the television screen in the room.

“He is however quite mysterious considering his… benevolence.” She continued.

“What else?” Doctor Kane asked.

[Image: 2528166224_60dc6e14f6.jpg]
“Honestly I’ve not a clue on who the man is.” She admitted, “when Shikabane expanded his role as a contractor for the black market in R.I.M, we had to report to him. We only saw his silhouette, let alone a name or a date of birth. What I do know is his mannerism,”

She leaned on the table filled with charts, like a cat on a laptop.

[Image: mafia-with-gun.jpg?w=1200]
“Mild mannered fellow who doesn’t speak much, preferring to let his subordinates to the talk but he commands the air of respect. He also has an impeccable sense of hygiene, in that he would fire people for being unclean.”

“A termination of work, or a termination of life?” Asked Doctor Kane

“Either, or both.” Responded the host, with a straight face. “Anyway, if RIM are to get out of Kinjishi, he would definitely be the one to ensure the city’s survival, one way or another. It’s his hometown of course.”

“Do you know what he deals in?” Inquired Doctor Kane.

“He’s quite expandable in that aspect,” responded the host, as she took another sip. “He’s definitely one that would want to accept opportunities.”

[Image: 23275-731949789.png]
It was then the bell rang, and Doctor Kane took his gun to prepare for a probability for a breach. He walked silently towards the door while the his friend stood by with a knife, ready to be thrown to one’s throat. Doctor Kane looked through the peephole, and took a breath of relief. Upon opening the door Shikabane came inside with a box of pizza.

“Oh good, you’re still alive.” Responded Shikabane, unfazed with the gun pointed on his head.

“I appreciate the gesture.” Thanked Doctor Kane.

[Image: d9fc93c7d8848e0c574b3674237e2937c1474930_hq.gif]
“I can’t make more money out of you if you’re dead my fellow.” Admitted Shikabane.

“Did you bring the pizza?” Asked the host to Shikabane.

“Tuesday flavor.”

“Wine?” Offered Shikabane
“I would take coffee.” Answered Doctor Kane
“I reckon we eat this pizza at peace upon the time we say grace,” said Shikabane, “and once then we can discuss on the plans.”
“Agreed.” Said Doctor Kane.

[Image: Pizza-and-wine-pairings-e1423514169750.jpg]
The three of them sat in silence with drinks on the table and chews of the pizza. Doctor Kane ate the pizza with his hand, while Shikabane ate it with a fork and knife. The femme fatale however, ate the pizza with just a spoon. The only thing passing through Doctor Kane’s mind is trying to guess whatever the topping of this pizza truly is.

He spent his time guessing until the entire pizza is finished. It was then that Shikabane took the plates from the table and washed them, while the femme fatale took the drinks to the coffee table. Doctor Kane threw the pizza box away and wiped the table clean. It went in silence and without unnecessary noise, almost unnerving to be honest.

“Detective.” Said Shikabane, with a tone that broke down the silence “perhaps I can now hear what both of you have got up your sleeves?”

“Well my friend. I certainly do not wish to meet this captain figure.” Responded Doctor Kane as he drank his cup of espresso. “He doesn’t seem to be one to be reasoned with, and his high horse doesn’t leave me much favor with him. I do think it would be better to negotiate with the big boss.”

“They call him “The Broker” in these parts.” Responded Shikabane, sitting down with the chair facing the other way, “Runs things in Kinjishi's underground, and he'd prefer to maintain smooth ties with the RIM. being at war with the law is bad for business. setting the city ablaze will also draw his ire.”

“I’m sure he’s scolded you much huh?” Asked Doctor Kane.

“Damn man!” Shikabane shouted, banged his chair and stood up, shuffling around the room in irritation. “So what if I'd spare you? In my mind, it's the certainty in myself that I possess which allows me to have that kind of mercy or compassion. There's no wavering on that point. It's fixed like the stars. The fact is, I'm never gonna be killed!” He began to shout, “So remember this when they tried to threaten my ass: Mercy and compassion are virtues that only the strong are privileged to possess. And I...am strong.”

“Stop it, you’ll give yourself a tummy ache.” Said the host, as she smacks Shikabane’s head, forcing him to sit back down.

“What would the Broker want in exchange for my escape?” Asked Doctor Kane, slightly interested.

“He is pretty chummy with the captain surprisingly, so what he wants to know are why the city has dead foreigners, who killed them, and if they were spies what information they possessed.” Answered the host.

“Other than that,” continued Shikabane, “unlike me, he perhaps would like classified military secrets, diplomatic coverups, blue prints for prototype technology/weapons, and damaging information on the Peony or Underground mobsters/syndicates, WMDs. etc.”

“The Peony?” Asked Doctor Kane, “why her of all people?”

Shikabane gave a slight chuckle, “Come now, you can fool the captain, but you’re not fooling us, especially once we’ve seen what’s underneath that disguise of yours. You are of Peonic origin, despite I know for sure you are no spy of hers.”

“I’m under employment by neutrals.” Answered Doctor Kane, “That is the only thing I can explain to you.”

“Well my friend, he would be willing to advance his agenda in exchange for your freedom.” Explained Shikabane, as he took another sip of whisky. “Thing is, how can we minimize unnecessary casualties?”

“…..” Doctor Kane was left a bit speechless.

“You can make the decision concerning it my friend.” Answered Shikabane, he clasped his hands. “Now, when do you want to contact the big boss?”

“Tonight.” Answered Doctor Kane.

[Image: 350?cb=20181026020436]
“Alright, then get dressed.” Ordered Shikabane as he flicked his hands, “Chané, can you borrow this man one of my suits?”

“This way, detective.” said the host, now lovingly known as Chané.

As Doctor Kane took another shot of espresso, he made his way to Shikabane’s room. It was then that Shikabane took his cellular, and dialed for the number. A special number to contact the broker.

“Toudou? The detective wants to talk to him.”

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains


“Toudou” sighed as she worked to organize the Broker’s busy schedule and ward off the RIM incursions into the organization. Toudou made full use of her power as gatekeeper  to the Broker to state that Clientele need TO DO certain things before the Broker would consider contacting the client. Her Moniker “Toudou” was given to her by those who tried to contact the broker because she refused to give her name. She didn’t care too much about the moniker, but came to like it because of the power it symbolized over those wretched fools who dared to try.

 She was also in charge of organizing the termination of an associate after he or she fell out of the Organization’s favor. She contemplated on whether or not to push for the termination of Mr. Shikabane and his Associate, but decided against it. She was irritated by Mr. Shikabane’s actions for almost bringing the Organization to the brink of war with the RIM over some foreign small fry, but he had largely redeemed himself by providing information about a Biohazard that could be weaponized. Besides the information, Toudou saw a hard working man whose efforts to improve himself ultimately caused people to mistake the fruits of his labor as nothing more than an expected result of a talented man. She recognized that he was different from those who were proclaimed as progidies, who rested solely on their laurels, and saw that men like him no matter how flawed were far too few and in between. The Broker also took a personal liking to him as well, so it was a shame that neither they nor Shikabane could reveal their true names, but such was the nature of business that they conducted.

 The desk phone rang as Toudou finished the last of her work. Putting the Phone on speaker, she heard, the Voice ask, “Toudou? The detective wants to talk to him.”  “That’s Ms. Toudou, Mr. Shikabane… Our boss, the Broker is currently in the middle of an important conference right now, so he is momentarily unavailable. I will be sure to inform him that your ‘guest’ requests an audience, but his meeting should give you enough time to clean yourselves up to meet with the Broker via teleconference.”


RDC Southeastern Fortress Epsilon, Reizen Island, Reizen
Journal Log of Garrison Commander Garrett Oguchi

The RDC garrison is in low spirits. They have endured constant assault by the Frost Army led by that crazy Major, Kusanagi. She keeps probing and picking at our defenses leaving little time for rest for the garrison. Just Yesterday she attempted to bombard the place into submission through a combination of Artillery fire and napalm air strikes. Morale is stable for now but I expect that it will be dropping by the day as the men begin to feel as if the world abandoned them. I keep reminding the men that they are fighting for a democratic and free Reizen, and our homes. The smell of napalm and burnt bodies of our comrades reinforces hammers home the point that the Empire is only interested in crushing us and not negotiating. For now we have supplies for half a year, but I fear that the Major will pull some crazy assault and seize control of the base. For now I can only pray that our defenses hold and our leader find some friends to repel this undemocratic threat.

"Thank you miss Toudou, we would definitely welcome the wisdom of the broker tonight." Responded Shikabane, "are you going to keep my phone on hold again or would you inform me when everything's ready, miss toudou?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

(11-25-2018, 06:01 AM)Hammerstar Wrote: "Thank you miss Toudou, we would definitely welcome the wisdom of the broker tonight." Responded Shikabane, "are you going to keep my phone on hold again or would you inform me when everything's ready, miss toudou?"

"We are both busy people Mr. Shikabane, but (She checked her schedule) I believe you have a thirty minute window to get yourself and the guest ready to meet the boss. I will send you a the usual message when the boss would like to speak to you. I will see you later Mr. Shikabane" Ms. Toudou said before hanging up. Setting the phone down she yawned softly to herself as she rose from her desk to inform the broker.


RDC Southeastern Fortress Epsilon, Reizen Island, Reizen
Journal Log of Garrison Commander Garrett Oguchi

We just repelled another skirmish against the Frosts, but it doesn't feel like a victory. The Enemy knows they're bleeding us dry as the men fire off rounds like there's no tomorrow. Gradually using up our limited supplies of ammunition.  The Top brass keep saying that the world will come to our rescue, but I don't know if these foreigners would even live up to their promises and help us restore the democracy of our great land.


Location unknown

A monitor located somewhere in Chané's apartment flickered alive as a silhouette of a man and woman appeared on screen, presumably the broker and Ms. Toudou. The woman could be heard audibly as she said, "Hello, Mr. Shikabane, his right hand, and you, the guest or pest of honor... (Toudou lifted the silhouette of two envelopes close to the edge of the screen) Mr. Shikabane, Ms. Right Hand, these are your termination papers, but... (She burned the envelopes before discarding them off screen) The broker, Our Syndicate's Godfather, has decided to not terminate the two of you, despite your selfishness bringing harm to everyone in the Syndicate. He is however, rather curious about the small fry that you've spared. What does he possess that led you to risk your position within the Syndicate? I hope the three of you can explain why Father shouldn't hand him over to the Captain."

Kotci, after withdrawing backing from the rim, has announced that it will be backing the frost army from now on and was mistaken before in backing the rim, not knowing fully their goals due to poor intel

Belmont, Bzerneleg

President Minshu sighed as he tried to maintain a strong face. He had arrived in Bzerneleg on an official visit to convince the country to help the RDC liberate the RDC from its oppressors. However, after stepping off the plane he had heard news of the Frost offensive on Reizen Island against his organization. He worried greatly for his people as they were regular citizens who volunteered to join the Reizen Democratic Coalition (RDC) to pursue their ideals of democracy, freedom and liberty. President Minshu prayed silently that the Bzerneleg President would grant him an audience to plead his case to this great country.

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