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[IC] Reizen Civil War

18:44 Seranuma 

Artyom was leading his small group of partisans, Jace, Remus, Ono, and Kinmei on a patrol when they saw the Sedunnic soldier shout something and slowly rose into view. The patrol had stopped and raised their kalashnikovs at the soldiers and shouted with their limited knowledge of Austral “Hands! In Sky! Now!”  

The patrol watched as the soldier comply and raise his hands in the air, Artyom and Ono kept their kalashnikovs trained on the soldier as Jace spoke, “Keep hands in sky Sejunner. We take you to…” he looked back at Artyom and shouted, “Where are we taking this guy Artyom?” “We’ll let the Comrade Captain sort him out.” responded Artyom as he kept the gun trained on the soldier’s heart.  “can we shoot him as a suspected spy?” asked Kinmei. 

Artyom smiled wryly as he responded sarcastically ”Yes Kinmei, let’s act as if we are part of a RIM patrol and call it a day.” Kinmei caught the sarcasm and remained quiet as Artyom continued “If he is a spy we’ll let the experts handle that... Just make sure he doesn’t struggle when we restrain him.

 Jace turned his head back to the Sedunner and said, “Sejunner, We take you to Captain Amari. No Resist Please.” Kinmei and Remus brandish a coffee bag and a pair of cuffs smiling at the Sedunnic soldier and hoping he complies.


18:45 Seranuma

"The bag and cuffs, they won't be necessary... but I will comply. I will do whatever it takes to deliver this to your commanders. Countless lives depend on it", Hip-hop nodded slowly towards the bag that Book had carried.

Like him, it was heavily bloodstained.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator



Artyom's partisans led the Sedunnic soldier carefully back to a staging outpost where they were stopped by a sentry
"Halt! What's the password?" asked the sentry

"What?" responded Artyom

"What's the password?" repeated the Sentry

"Is this necessary comrade?" asked Artyom

"Yes, we've had three attempts by RIM infiltrators now the password or should I shoot you like the infiltrators?" stated the Sentry

"Ugh, by the moon of Seranuma" said Artyom

"Welcome back comrades" said the sentry as he lowered his gun

The Partisans passed the sentry and loaded the soldier onto the truck before hopping on board and driving to their Forward operating base.


Captain Amari was inspecting the Kalashnikovs when a partisan approached her, "Comrade Captain, Artyom's Partisans have returned with an unusual prisoner." "What do you mean unusual prisoner."she asked lowering her clipboard. 

"I don't know something about an infiltrator who says he has an important message for our leaders." replied the partisan,

"Is there something else I should know?"

"Yes comrade Captain, Artyom says that the infiltrator speaks fluent Austral and says he's from Sejun." 

"Thank you Comrade, Have Artyom take the infiltrator to the processing room 1. I would like to meet this infiltrator."

"Understood Comrade Captain," the partisan said as he saluted and left the room.


Captain Amari was sitting ​​​​​​in the room when Artyom's partisans opened the door into the room and guided the soldier onto a chair before pulling the bag off his head. Looking at the foreigner ​the Captain spoke. "Welcome to Seranuma, Sejunner. How can the Worker's Party of Reizen help you?"

Hip-hop blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Actually, ask instead how I can help the Worker's Party and all of Reizen." He didn't wait for Captain Amari to ask the question.

"We...I... brought satellite communication equipment. I don't know exactly what they wish to discuss, but my Headquarters says it is of utmost importance that the WPR leadership here dial 555-645-132 as soon as possible. I only know we have a proposition."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Rain poured in Kinjishi airfield. Heavily controlled by the Broker's men not many knew of the deal that was about to take place. Doctor Kane stood inside the hangar as an jet landed in the airfield, it was his, and out with him are several of his hired men.

Exiting the plane was his notary, a Sriwijayan Lawyer he had the priviledge of sitting next to in high school. Whenever that was. The lawyer carried her briefcase tight, and her black umbrella shadowed her jet black hair and her brown coat.

The lawyer was picked up in one of the broker's cars, and escorted to the hangar. Doctor Kane watched the entire place around him, an empty hangar that carried the echoes of rainfall in its aluminum ceiling. The lights shone the entire hangar, and with it, its emptiness void of anything but a single table his opposition.

Ms Toudou had her hair tied and wore red glasses that masked her ethnically frost eyes, which are notably asian. Her cherry red lips were the result of a markedly red lipstick, one that could reflect the beams of the hangar like a mirror. She looked rather severe, noting that she was the one that would decide the effect of her employer. She does appear to be slightly cold, granted, an empty hangar on a rainy winter noon? One would be daft with wearing a red blouse and black pants without further layers. One mistake his former lover saw.

Indeed Shikabane and Chane stood next to the table where they would be signing the contract. With them are their suitcases, each filled with the belongings they had upon entry to RIM. Shikabane did not wear much apart from his white shirt, brown pants and black trench coat. His burgundy hair has been styled somewhat for his departure. He looked at his former lover, and wondered where it all went wrong between them. How he has managed to loop himself into such a mess, and whether he could go back to the way things were. This, was something that never passed his mind.

Chane held Shikabane's arms tight, the way she's been in the countless of times he's saved her life. Her black dress was the one she always used in the missions. A gown like those the widow wore in funerals, as such she becomes the first to mourn everyone she killed, and the one to look with sorrow without shedding a tear.

Chane and Shikabane knew that what happened after sealing the deal should be forgotten, and Chane had begged for Shikabane's forgiveness for her actions that night. Shikabane did not want to mention anything else, and much prefer for her to cook him some cream pudding. They both looked as Doctor Kane gazed at the arriving car, carrying the lawyer.

"Larasati." Said Doctor Kane as he shook his lawyer's hand
"Doctor." Responded Larasati, "I do think we can make this quick and unnecessary."
"Wise, the papers?"

Larasati went to the table and shook Ms. Toudou's hand, as well as the other lawyers present to ratify the deal. The document to be signed was on the table, while she gave copies to everyone present. After a couple minutes reading, Ms. Toudou took her tablet and photographed the document to be sent to The Broker.

"It is sufficiently written, doctor." Responded Ms. Toudou, "this is merely precaution."
"I am aware, Ms. Toudou." Responded Doctor Kane.
After a couple of minutes, Ms. Toudou checked her tablet once more, and after a careful read, she gave said tablet to her bodyguard, and took the pen nestled on her ear. She approached the table and signed her name as representative of the Broker, bearing glorious orange ink.

Doctor Kane then proceeded to sign the document, until he found out he didn't brought his pen. Larasati sighed, and gave him her fountain pen.

"Thank you." Said Doctor Kane, and he proceeded to sign one of his many signatures.

The document was then stamped by Larasati, and Doctor Kane shook hands with Ms. Toudou. What would be the last time contact with her would be done. Both parties shook hands with their respective opposition, and Chane shook Ms.Toudou's hands.

Shikabane however, after shaking Ms. Toudou's hands, seem to have sparked a certain thought in Ms. Toudou. That when the party walked to the car, she almost thought of calling the man's name.

"I always get to where I am, by walking away from where I've been." Such words then reminded Ms. Toudou, and decided that this line of work is no place to rekindle such relationships.

The car took Doctor Kane, Shikabane, Chane, Larasati and other members of the party unto the jet. And Ms. Toudou watched the plane taxi unto the runway, and flew out the airport. Undetected by the authorities, a promise kept by The Broker. She then went into her car with the copy of the document, going to her next assignment.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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  • Imperial Frost Federation

OOC: I originally meant to take a brief hiatus to recharge, but it got extended further than expected. The post below details a brief overview of the political wrangling that took place after the initial detention of a sedunnic special forces operator during the ongoing siege of Seranuma. 
I'll have an RIM and Frost perspective of their respective theater in the next few days. 

(02-20-2019, 12:31 PM)Qwert Wrote: Hip-hop blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Actually, ask instead how I can help the Worker's Party and all of Reizen." He didn't wait for Captain Amari to ask the question.

"We...I... brought satellite communication equipment. I don't know exactly what they wish to discuss, but my Headquarters says it is of utmost importance that the WPR leadership here dial 555-645-132 as soon as possible. I only know we have a proposition."

Captain Amari looked at the Sejunner skeptically, as she thought the sejunner was lying, but the situation was dire. The Forward operating base the WPR asked her to command was running out of supplies as the RIM slowly encircled the WPR lines. The Captain knew better than to trust the words of a potential infiltrator, but she also couldn't risk verifying the number on her own without fears of reprisal from the politburo. And so she chose to kick the can down the road. 

"Artyom inform the politburo that a Sejunner soldier has relayed a message to the politburo that this soldier's superiors want to discuss an offer to the politburo. In the meantime, we will be detaining and treating the Sejunner as our 'guest' until his claims can be verified by the politburo." the captain said to the partisan behind the Sejunnic soldier who nodded and left the room.

Captain Amari then turned to the Sedunner.
"The Partisan behind you will relay your message to our leadership who will verify your claim. While we wait for their decision. I would like you to answer our questions."

(Some questions asked) "Who are you? How did you evade the RIM patrols? How many of you are in Reizen? etc."

Party secretary Kanda Jiyuu sighed softly as the politburo bickered daily about contacting the Kingdom of Sedunn. The vote was cleanly split down the middle as the politburo divided into two camps. the first led by Politburo leader Alphonse Kirihito who supported the push to contact Sedunn, and Aguri Kokonoe who advocated that they eschew the support of capitalism and rely on the assistance of their socialist compatriots scattered through the region. He himself privately believed that any assistance was welcome in light of the dwindling supplies and noted that every day of delay only pushed the city to the brink. Sighing softly he called in Politburo leader Kirihito. 

Kanda Jiyuu (KJ): Thank you for agreeing to meet with me Alphonse.
Alphonse Kirihito (AK): No, party secretary, it is I who should thank you for allowing us to meet to press the case for contacting the Sedunners.
KJ: Have we verified the source
AK: I am under the impression that our friend Captain Amari confirmed the source while we bickered like headless chickens. 
KJ: I see...
AK: Sir, I know that you must agree with the ideologues of the party to prevent a pro-international movement to seize control, but we must also act pragmatically if we are to survive. I do not intend to spit on the hospitality and support that our socialist brethren in Bruuma and Kai Fa have bestowed upon us in our time of need, but we must also be an independent organization. Free to help the working class of Reizen before focusing on the Region at large and not indebted to foreigners. 
KJ:.... I know, but we must remember that the Sedunners are supporting the Imperialists.
AK: That they are, but it was also we who agreed to invite them in when we had no defenses against the RIM chemical weapons. Mr. Secretary, I know you got flak when the RDC blatantly disregarded the terms of the ceasefire, but this time, I'm willing to take the fall if this gambit fails. 
KJ: what do you mean?
AK: Exactly what it means sir. If this gambit fails and it becomes apparent that it was a foreign sting to take down the WPR, I will happily resign from the politburo and fight on the front lines like everyone else. Unlike those ideologues, I believe that action is necessary to win the revolution. 
KJ: I wish you would stop belittling your comrades Alphonse, we are all on the same side after all.
AK: Indeed but actions speak louder than words, and I intend make good on what I have said both in the politburo and this conversation.
KJ: (sighs) Very well... Since you are keen on making good on your word, you will shoulder the risks in its entirety. you will be henceforth sent to meet with the Sedunnic prisoner and contact their high command under your authority. If you fail, you will be stripped of your position, disavowed and sent to the frontlines like every other partisan.
AK: (smiles) Excellent, despite our disagreements, I am happy to finally be of service to the working people of Reizen and not sitting on a cushy job discussing policy plans in relative safety.

With that the two men shake hands and the Politburo leader left the office leaving the party secretary alone to reflect on what may unfold.

After having answered Amari's questions, time had passed slowly for "Hip-hop". It seemed to take forever, but now it looked like something was finally about to happen. Regardless of what, it would surely be better than having all that time for himself to ponder over what he could have done differently so that "Book" could have surived.

The Sedunnic commando had washed his friend's blood off his face, but he had deliberately done a poor job cleaning his uniform. He wanted it to show what they had been through, comming to the WPR base.

Hip-hop was pleased to see that he was correct. Someone clearly highranking entered.

"I assume this is good news. Have you called Sedunn yet?"
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


(04-17-2019, 04:27 PM)Qwert Wrote: After having answered Amari's questions, time had passed slowly for "Hip-hop". It seemed to take forever, but now it looked like something was finally about to happen. Regardless of what, it would surely be better than having all that time for himself to ponder over what he could have done differently so that "Book" could have surived.

The Sedunnic commando had washed his friend's blood off his face, but he had deliberately done a poor job cleaning his uniform. He wanted it to show what they had been through, comming to the WPR base.

Hip-hop was pleased to see that he was correct. Someone clearly high ranking entered.

"I assume this is good news. Have you called Sedunn yet?"

Politburo leader Alphonse Kirihito entered the room "Hip-Hop" was detained in. He saw the base commander, Captain Amari stand and salute, as the Sedunnic Commando asked if he had contacted Sedunn. Alphonse looked over at the Commando and spoke, "Unfortunately no. The Worker's Council couldn't risk contacting the number you specified until we verified your identity.   However, thanks to the diligence of the Comrade Captain, some of us in the Workers' Council are willing to contact your superiors. She had partisans retrace your route and found the corpse of another Sedunnic Commando." Alphonse paused to let the commando realize that they had recovered his comrade's body before continuing, "Due to... some circumstances, I need to understand how to operate the satellite communications equipment you brought" Gesturing to a partisan behind him who held the equipment.

Operation Zett: Present

Admiral Yamamoto yawned as he read the briefing for the day. The Bzerne forces continued their game of chicken with less frequency over Delta Harbor, while they shifted their efforts on defending the RDC capital from the invading RIM forces. The admiral chuckled as he noted the relative ease with which the rebels exploited the Frost rules of engagement such as the RIM use of their civilian fishing fleet to stage a surprise invasion into Zett island. However, his countenance changed as he read the briefing. According to aerial scouts the RIM controlled a third of Zett Island while the RDC with the help of their Bzern allies mounted a desperate defense of the island. Yamamoto hated the thought of sending the Army to clean up the Navy's blunder if the RIM successfully occupied Zett Island. Yamamoto hoped to take advantage of the fact that the loss of Zett island to the RIM was a conclusion all parties tacitly opposed and opened a small strip of airspace covering the Island. Time would only tell if the Bzern and RDC would capitalize on that small opening to repel the RIM.

Zett Island

Commander Konicki grinned as his Captains walked into the command tent of the RIM Zett Liberation Task Force to give their reports. 
The Commander's audacious plan of stealthily shipping troops across the blockade zone through civilian ships was a resounding success as they secured a firm beach head and marched deep into the island. His Captains had encountered heavy resistance from the local defense force but they were quickly silenced by a few rounds of Mustard canisters. However, their progress to taking care of the weaklings had been stalled by a foreign force, one that was far more competent than their quarry. The reports that his captains told was apparently clear that this new threat was a force to be reckoned with, but one that will inevitably pushed out as the Frost navy fulfilled its role as an inadvertent friend of the RIM.

[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

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