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[IC] Reizen Civil War

"Of course. That is something we will have to deal with later. Anyway, President, Sedunn is ready."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Major Hevv Botnienn felt the familiar pressure on his chest as he initiated a sharp turn to the left. His ASA VOT 14 Hotvemm multirole fighter felt a bit sluggish, but that was expected when carrying such a heavy load. The computer beeped softly, letting him know his course adjustment almost was complete. The display showed that his squadron also had turned south, straight towards Reizen.

Normally they would make their approach flying extremely low to evade the enemy radar, but there was friendly territory between them and the RIM controlled area, and they would be well out of range of any anti-air missiles, and long gone if the RIM decided to scramble any fighters to try and pursue them.

As he had completed the turn, symbols appeared on the display that showed where his squadron would fire their land-attack missiles. Apparently his two missiles had already acquired a target, which could only mean it was something static or large and that the missiles would be guided by satellites. Perhaps a radar?

It didn't take long until they had reached their optimal firing position. He flipped a small switch, making his heads-up display change mode. The word LEM flashed, which was Sedunnic for FIRE, while the computer made another beeping noise to indicate target lock. Botnienn pushed the button. The missile under the left-hand wing accelerated away with a mighty roar. The avionics computer compensated immediately for the imbalance. TheN the second missile roared off. He looked farther out. There were countless white streaks of smoke.


The purpose of the massive exercises conducted by the Air Force was not to tip the RIM off when they would strike for real. Now, basically the entire Sedunnic Air Force, almost 200 fighters, fired cruise missiles from different locations over the sea between Sedunn and Reizen. They were coordinated in time and space with cruise missiles fired from two naval taskforces consisting of a few destroyers and frigates each to the west of Reizen and with a smaller amount of conventional ballistic missiles fired from the Sedunnic mainland. The plan with the massive strike was to saturate RIM systems so that they would not be able to take out the approaching missiles due to lack of time, guaranteeing hits. To further increase the chances, almost fifty independent squads of special forces initiated commando raids on key systems to attempt to take them out even before the missiles arrived and to lead the allotted missiles with lasers. They would also attempt to harass the deployment of key systems in order to delay them.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Politburo leader

Politburo Leader Alphonse Kirihito had finished negotiating with the last vulnerable minister when he received a phone call from Captain Amari.

The Minister sighed as he then dialed another number, this time to minister Hunt of the  Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma.
"Good Day Minister Hunt, it is a pleasure to speak to you again. I have a development I wish to report on behalf of the Workers' Party of Reizen.

As your spies and perhaps my more ideologically driven colleagues have informed you that the Kingdom of Sedunn launched a saturation attack against the RIM.  The Ideologues have reason to believe that the Imperialists may invade Seranuma to crush us, but I believe we can use the Imperialists diplomatic gestures against them by returning to the Grovne Ceasefire, and securing our northern flanks. The Imperialists cannot afford to assault us without threatening to jeopardizing their political capital as a force of 'good', which provides us with some leverage.

Furthermore, by allowing the Imperialists and their allies take the brunt of the fighting we can exploit any gaps in the RIM defenses to further the cause of Socialism while lessening casualties. This will also provide you with small boon of saving your munitions to assist our socialist brethren elsewhere sir while the Imperialists and their friends must replenish their stock allowing you to have superior firepower in the event you have to engage in a war against Imperialism.
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Laying back on his chair, Hunt gazed at the heavy rain falling outside the window of his office while he listened to Kirihito. The timing of the sudden development in Reizen at first annoyed him, considering what was about to happen in Bruuma, but the more he tought about it, the more he convinced himself that actually the internal development could be used at advantage on the situation abroad. He already spoke to his Kai Fa counterpart and they laid out the plan. Now, he needed to get also the softliners of the WPR on board before he called the Empire.

"Good morning, Comrade Kirihito. I am aware of the developing situation: it is certainly worrying, but as the Masters taught us, the people are the master of their destiny. I agree that if we move right, the situation can be turned at your advantage.

Kai Fa has already announced me that they will be sending a first contingent in Seranuma shortly; not too large at first, so to not risk obtaining the reverse effect and actually provoke an imperial attack. 

I think this could be a positive development: it will be read as a signal both to your comrades, especially the ideologues, and to your adversaries that we still have your back. We can then pose with the Empire as the reasonable interlocutor, who could make you return to the ceasefire. Using some internal development as an excuse to stall  a bit the negotiations tough, we should also be able to provide you with some time to exploit the offensive and steal some land from RIM, before the ceasefire is implemented again. 

Should Frost and Sedunn attack you directly, we will of course intervene at our full capability in the area. Outside Reizen and its surroundings though, we will not engage them, unless they do it first. A full, South Pacific-war is not a possibility we can accept.

Unless you have any reservations on this course of action that we can discuss now, I will move forward the proceedings as the events unfold".

Tom Yam

"The paratroopers have took off, Minister" Ri Wang's secretary informed him, while closing the call from the Ministry of Defence. "It is on then" observed Ri, speaking more to himself than to his attendant. He didn't feel so sure about the plan as Hunt did; he would have rather not agreed with the request from the WPR hardliners and instead negotiate it with the Politburo. But Chairman Lo Pol had personally recomended that they indulged Bruuma in this instance, for reasons that apparently would be revealed in a few days. 

"Put me in line with the Sedunnic Minister" he ordered. If he could achieve his goal with the Kingdom, maybe the plan wouldn't waste his work after all.

(11-06-2019, 08:45 AM)VPRB Wrote: Tom Yam
"Put me in line with the Sedunnic Minister" he ordered. If he could achieve his goal with the Kingdom, maybe the plan wouldn't waste his work after all.

Hevv Gjieramm was browsing the web for comments and reactions to the Sedunnic saturation attack when his desk phone rang. The small display gave him a heads-up who was calling, so that he could prepare mentally for the call. This was probably a reaction he would not find in the news.

"Good day, Minister."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


A few hundred meters above land, RIM-controlled area

"All right, seven minutes! 122 Company, gas mask on!" The company commander stood up from his seat and looked out at the crowded cargo compartment of the transport air plane.

"Gas mask on!" the paratroopers repeated in unison.

The paratroopers started pulling out the masks from the bags and putting them on. Normally the regulations stated a maximum 10 seconds to put on the gas mask, but parachuting with the mask on required extra care. The troops took their time.

Private Jimm Timmlu carefully pulled the straps to tighten it, then he blocked the air inlet on the filter with his hand and inhaled. There was no hissing sound along the mask's contact areas with his skin, which meant no gas could leak in. He then inspected the gas mask on the soldier next to him, who returned the favour, doing thumbs up.

When finished, he could hear loud mumbling. The soldiers passed on what the company commander had said. It was hard to make yourself heard from inside the gas mask. It was almost comical. Almost.

"Five minutes, ready to jump!"

Timmlu passed on what he had heard, then he stood up. The ramp opened.


The faint moonlight barely penetrated the dense forest. Hip-hop could barely see the faces of the platoon and company leaders of the airborne companies that had gathered around him. And it was getting harder as they put on the dark masking paint. At least they didn't have to wear the gas mask any more. There was no indication of gas.

"Please continue as I proceed with the briefing" said Hip-hop. "We have scouted two trails, which we should avoid leaving as I can't guarantee there won't be mines. We will lead you to good positions west and south of the airfield as marked on your maps. The deception worked, as late as one hour ago the RIM garrison detached reinforcements to the other airfield. Ours should be manned by a skeleton crew, about two platoons."

"The saturation attack took out the missile battery but not the autocannons. We need to take them out before the airmobile brigade can land their troops."

"I have marked the positions of the IFV's and other dangerous stuff on your maps. I leave it to to company commanders to come up with a battle plan."

"The building marked with the letter A is the main quarters of the garrison. It will take them about one to two minutes to start pouring out and reinforce their positions. The other building, marked with B, is where we suspect they store chemical weapons. Do NOT let the RIMs enter as a contamination will jeopardize the entire operation."

"That concludes my little story time. Questions?"

There weren't any. The commanders returned to their units to plan the attack.


Private Timmlu couldn't believe how lucky they had been. The landing had been unopposed, and there was no gas. The midnight air was nice and clear, making the fast paced 15 km walk towards the RIM airfield that much easier. Still, he had to suppress hard panting as the column signalled 'halt'. Were they finally there? There was almost immediately a hand signal to continue forward. A hundred meters farther down the trail he could see why they had stopped. There were two dead RIM soldiers, both shot in the face, apparently with suppressors. Tough guys, these commandos.


Timmlu followed one of the commandos, crawling to the top of the small ridge overlooking the airfield. It was the one who had introduced himself as 'Hip-hop'. A ridiculous name, just like Operation 'Musical Cartography'.

Hip-hop picked up a large binocular-like device and looked into to it for a few moments. Then he gestured at Timmlu to cover his head.

A few moments of silence followed while the commando continued pointing that binocular thing in the same direction. Then Timmlu remembered, it was a device to guide missiles and artillery. A deafening explosion made the air tremble as what must have been a cruise missile hit something on the airfield.

"Fire!" a sharp voice ordered from somewhere and Timmlu picked up his sniper rifle to start looking for targets on the airfield. He could hear the platoon's recoilless anti-tank rifles opening fire, and some anti-tank missiles joined cacophony. The first thing he could see was some kind of armoured vehicle taking several hits and burning wreckages of what must have been IFVs. Then he saw someone running, trying to get to cover.

He took a deep breath and exhaled a bit, stabilising himself. He followed the soldier with the crosshairs. And took the shot. The soldier collapsed.

"Third platoon, alternately forward!" The sharp voice shouted again. It as a command for his platoon, but his individual order was to remain on the ridge to provide cover fire. He watched half of the platoon advance, then stop to provide cover fire as the other half past them, repeating the same manouvre.

He aimed the crosshairs at the largest entrance of building A. There he saw movement. He shot instinctively and could see how a man collapsed. A fellow RIM soldier tripped on him and fell. Timmlu shot him in the back before he had the chance to get up. He then gazed at his platoon to see how it fared.

They were still advancing towards building B, but he was horrified to see that two of his comrades were laying on the ground. He couldn't see who, but one of them was missing a leg and was squirming, and the other wasn't moving at all. An anxious voice calling for his mother could be heard over the noise of weapons fire.

"Focus on the enemy, ranger! Dammit! Building A, top window!" yelled Hip-hop.

Timmlu swore and aimed his rifle towards the windows of building A. But it was too late. A machine gun salvo mowed down three soldiers from one of the other advancing platoons. He emptied the entire magazine into the window where he could spot the flame from the barrel. The shooting stopped.

Such was private Timmlu's baptism by fire. It would haunt him for the rest of his life. The airborne companies managed to take and hold the airfield without more losses. A few hours later the first strategic transport craft started landing the airmobile brigade, and an airhead had been created.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


(11-06-2019, 01:43 PM)Qwert Wrote: Hevv Gjieramm was browsing the web for comments and reactions to the Sedunnic saturation attack when his desk phone rang. The small display gave him a heads-up who was calling, so that he could prepare mentally for the call. This was probably a reaction he would not find in the news.

"Good day, Minister." 

"Good day to you Minister Gjieramm. As you may imagine, I am calling you regarding the development of the conflict in Reizen. So far, we have been able to defuse potential criticalities through dialogue and it is my hope this can happen on this instance as well. 

Your massive offensive against RIM has caused serious concerns: while the attack is so far aimed at a common enemy, we would defy logic if we did not take into account the possibility of an extension toward the WPR, once that RIM is dispatched. 

Thus, as a precautionary measure, I am now informing you that we are deploying ground troops in Seranuma. For the present moment, the contingent will be of reduced size and will be tasked only with the defence of the territory already under WPR control. 

Should you attack the WPR along with the Empire however, I feel obliged to warn that a confrontation would be inevitable and that the nature of our presence in Reizen would change accordingly

Should you have any necessity to communicate further, you are welcome to contact me at any time. Meanwhile, I wish you a fruitful day".

WPR politburo leader Kirihito listened to Minister Hunt’s response, “I see… While the WPR, and most certainly the ideologues, appreciates Kai Fa’s decision to send volunteers, I am concerned that the decision to reinforce us before we could leverage our positions may lead to… unintended consequences. That being said sir, we are grateful for your continued patronage and agree to move forward with the present plan to have you pose as a reasonable interlocutor while our partisans exploit the Imperialist’s offensive into RIM territory.”


(11-08-2019, 02:12 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: WPR politburo leader Kirihito listened to Minister Hunt’s response, “I see… While the WPR, and most certainly the ideologues, appreciates Kai Fa’s decision to send volunteers, I am concerned that the decision to reinforce us before we could leverage our positions may lead to… unintended consequences. That being said sir, we are grateful for your continued patronage and agree to move forward with the present plan to have you pose as a reasonable interlocutor while our partisans exploit the Imperialist’s offensive into RIM territory.”

"I understand your concerns, but I can see Tom Yam's point of view too: as Reizen lays on the same continent, they worry that if your revolution is crushed they would be encircled furthermore by the imperialists. I am confident that they will handle their next move with the due carefulness.
I suggest you use the next phase both to gain advantage on the ground and to decide what WPR's requests and positions at the negotiating table will be.
We are proud to support your brave struggle, Comrade. We will update as soon as there are news, meanwhile I wish you a good day".

After a cigar break and a quick read of the latest reports, Hunt was back at his desk. "One done, one to go" he thought. "Put me in contact with Minister Kuribayashi" he ordered.

"Good morning, Minister Kuribayashi. It is my pleasure to be speaking with you again. As you may imagine, I am contacting you regarding the developments in  Reizen".

The Peony had her military advisor on her right, as well as the high commodore on her left. She was about to do something rather inquisitive, and perhaps unexpected. With the Valkyrian defence pact nullified, she only has two left, Sedunn and Gi-Land. She needs another ally to replace the Valkyrians, in this time of war, and her mind had thought of Bruuma, but already rejected, she has decided to choose someone close, yet far away.

"Assalamualaikum, Ni Hao Brother Lo Pol. How fares you and the great state of Kai Fa? It is the first time I am able to see you, and I must say that I am deeply interested in negotiation between our two great countries.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

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Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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