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[IC] Sporaltryan War

On 24 October, 2014, the Federation of Sporaltryus had declared war on the Pacific Republic of Qvait.

In an email, President Jasper Henn of Sporaltryus sent to President Dmitri Buzinsky of Qvait:
Quote:It has been consulted among the high Cabinet of Sporaltryus, that the Federation of Sporaltryus declares War on the Pacific Republic of Qvait.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

State-of-the-art bombers took off from an airbase near Sporaltryus City. They were invisible to almost all forms of radio, in fact, Sporaltryan ground controllers were having a hard time keeping track of them in the air.

They proceeded to the country of Qvait to create a clearing for the beachhead of the Sporaltryan invasion.

The Qvaitican Congress rushes to pass a bill declaring war on Sporaltryus, which the President signs, and the judiciary approves.

The Qvaitican Navy deployed several aircraft carriers and warships to protect the Qvait homeland. The fighter aircraft aboard the aircraft carriers become airborne to fend off the bombers.

Vice President Dominic Frost says, "We are not at war because we want to, but because we have to. The Sporaltryan government believes that they have a say in our domestic policy, but they are wrong. We execute our power to do the bidding of the Qvaitican people, and the Qvaitican people want to have free market, corporations, and the freedom of economic pursuit.

The Sporaltryan government acts like a hegemony, but this war will prove them wrong. They want to enact socialist ideals upon the Qvaitican people, and the Qvaitican people have made it clear that they are capitalist, not socialist. While the government of Sporaltryus governs its people, the government of Qvait is governed by the people.

United States President Abraham Lincoln once said, 'that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.' We will not let Sporaltryus destroy the dream of the Qvaitican people, the pursuit of happiness, and socialism will not bring you there."

Another bill was passed to set up a naval blockade against Sporaltryus, and passed in all three branches of government. Several warships were deployed to establish the blockade.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

The red line consists of the blockade against Sporaltryus. The blue line consists of aircraft carriers and warships defending Qvait.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Message to Sporaltryus and Qvait From the government of Sedunn:

We urge you both to immediately stop hostilities and the government of Sporaltryus must state the reason for initiating the conflict. As the reason for Sporaltryus' declaration of war remains unknown we can not support either side in this conflict, but must strongly protest against further actions leading to an escalation of the conflict.

We hope to see an immediate cease fire, and that leaders from both nations can meet in Grovne for an arbitrary peace conference. The First Flotilla of the Sedunnic Armed Forces' Navy is prepared to set course for the international waters between the two nations to act as a neutral peacekeeping force, and we encourage other nations of the South Pacific to do the same. Do not try to break through its formation.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


The government of the Pacific Republic of Qvait relays a message from President Jasper Henn of Sporaltryus sent on 13 October 2014 to Conservative Presidential nominee Gabrielle West:

Quote:From the Office of the President, to Mr West,

We here in Sporaltryus are a very socialist country. We believe that corporations and businesses have no right to intrude in on government matters, and as such, they have all, but a few, been eradicated from our great country. We support many of the so called "socialist" bills that the current President of Qvait is passing, and will strongly support anything that is related to our own nation. Because of this, if you, sir, are elected to President, and will seek to repeal many of the bills that are anti-business, then the government of Sporaltryus may be seeking to repeal our current treaty, as we will never support pro-business bills.

Thank you.

Jasper Henn, President of Sporaltryus
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

President Dmitri Buzinsky says, "We are willing to sign an armistice." However, Vice President Dominic Frost said, "We not only need an armistice, but we have to make them swear that they will not interfere with Qvaitican domestic policy."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

A meeting was held on 25 October, 2014 with hopes to sign an armistice. The peace talks failed, an ultimatum is given.

The Qvaitican Cascade coverage
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

A Statement from the Government of Kalukmangala:

Attn: Governments of Sporaltryus and Qvait

The Government of Kalukmangala would like to remind the Leaders of Soporaltryus and Qvait that Kalukmangala is a peaceful nation, but not an unarmed one, and it does not wish to participate or facilitate in this affair. We have deployed a small task force of 10,000 troops and support vehicles to patrol our boarders, and our Navy has been put on alert. Should a single unit of your armies enter our Airspace, cross our boarders, or enter our coasts, it will be considered a hostile act against our nation. 

We urge you to reach a peaceful solution to whatever disputes you may have, and would appreciate a more open and personal diplomatic regional communication when it comes to matters of hostility and war. 

We do not appreciate being placed in the position of being a geographical buffer, and would like to encourage the leaders of these two nations to consider diplomatic solutions before military ones, if future disputes may arise. 

Thank you for your time.
United States of Kalukmangala

Former High Court Justice

An official statement from the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma, regarding the Qvait–Sporaltryus War

We express our concern for the state of war between Qvait and Sporaltryus and we hope for a peaceful resolution. Our position is neutral and and we will not modify our relationship with both countries.

However, we must warn the South Pacific community that we will not allow a capitalist overthrow of the socialist government of Sporaltryus and we will provide it with military aid in case of invasion of its homeland.

Any military action voluntary aimed against Bruuman personnel or properties in both countries will be met with proper retaliation.

Socialist greetings,
Dark power to the people!
Signed: The Bruuman Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
representing also The Puerto Polloan Foreign Office
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

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