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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) War in Ryccia

As allies, Qvait urges Punchwood to stand down. President Dominic Frost said, "Rest assured, the people of Ryccia will get their rights back."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Official Transcript from F111, "Echo 1", Preparing to engage Punchwoodian Fleet
Location: Just off the Eastern Coast of Ryccia
Time7:45 Theron Time

Captain Michael Godfrey: That is a lot of ships..... We're only going to be able to make one, maybe two runs..... That'll be enough. Alright Echoes, get ready to drop in 30 seconds.

Echo 5: Roger that boss.

Godfrey: [hanges radio frequency] All Squadrons, this is Echo 1. Current estimate is one to two runs, so drop all of your payloads quick and make them count.

Foxtrot 1: Copy that, Echo. Prepping to drop in 25.

Geronimo 1: Copy that lead, Dropping in 31.

Godfrey: Roger that. Delta and Coyote, keep their fighters and AA guns occupied. Once we make our runs, we'll be clear of their fire in five, maybe ten seconds. Bug out immediately after. Go full afterburners. No heroics here, I want as many pilots to come back as possible.

Delta 1: Copy that, sir.

Coyote 1: Roger.

Foxtrot 1:[Foxtrot Squadron begins dropping Napalm and ASMs against enemy AA frigates] This is Foxtrot 1, we are going for our run.

Delta 1: I just lost D3. Confirm, one pilot down.

Godfrey: Copy.[Switches Channel] Echo in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, NOW! NOW! NOW! DROP PAYLOAD, DROP PAYLOAD![Cluster Bombs fall upon the Punchwoodian Destroyer and the surrounding ships] Echoes, bug, bug bug! Full Afterburner!

Echo 5: This is 5, I've got a fighter on my tail!

Coyote 6: [Jumps on Echo Channel] Echo 5, I'm engaging that fighter. [Explosion behind Echo 5]

Echo 5: Thank you, C6.

Coyote 6: Just doing my job. C6, out. [Jumps back to Coyote Channel]

Echo 2: Sir, I think we lost 7 in the run. 4 looks pretty banged up as well.

Godfrey: Damn. Alright, let's RTB. [Switches back to Command Channel] Geronimo, what's your status?

Geronimo 1: Making our run in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, NOW! [Geronimo Drops Cluster and Napalm bombs onto the Punchwoodian Carrier] GOOD HIT! GOOD HIT! GOOD HIT! I think she's sinking! Holy shit sir! [Explosion in Geronimo 1's wing] Oh shit..... I'm not gonna make it.

Godfrey: Gods be damned! Geronimo, you WILL make it! Hurry! Full afterburner!

Geronimo 1: That's a Negative Captain.... I think... I think I see their command ship.... [Angles bomber to PSS Woodea] Captain, It's been an honor... I think I'm bleeding......

Godfrey: I said no heroics, dammit! You will turn that Bomber around this instant! That's an ord-

Geronimo 1: Sir.. Screw your orders.... Once again, it's been an ho-[Passes out]

Godfrey: Wake Up, dammit! Wake-[Geronimo 1 crashes into PSS Woodea's bridge] Dammit! Geronimo 1! Geronimo 1!

Geronimo 3: He's... He's gone sir. This is Geronimo 3, assuming command.

Godfrey: Copy that 3. is Geronimo clear?

Geronimo 3: Affirmative sir. We lost 5, 1 and 4, but we're clear.

Godfrey: Copy that. Delta, Coyote, Pull out and Return to base. I repeat, pull out and RTB, over.

Delta 1: Copy sir. Just got me, 3, 6, and 4 left. RTBing now.

Coyote 1: Roger that sir. Only list 5 and 4. We are a clean slate sir. Bugging out.

Godfrey: Keep on alert, Squad leads. They might just try to follow us home.

Foxtrot 1: Copy that sir. We'll watch your backs.

Godfrey: [To himself] Bloody heroics.[Changes back to Echo Channel] Echo 2, remind me when Air Command is making it's next run.

Echo 2: Later tonight sir. But those guys have it easy. They're getting Naval support.

Godfrey: You're joking.

Echo 2: Negative captain.

Godfrey: Alright. Radio silence until we get home. Echo 1, out. [Turns off radio] I'm getting too old for this.....

Even though they had sustained many losses, The 5 squadrons that took on the Punchwoodian fleet managed to make it home with no incident. It was clear that the damage done to the Punchwoodians was significant, but, the official losses to the fleet remained unconfirmed until the squadrons were able to look at their plane's tactical logs in the "Black Boxes". When Godfrey returned to base, he was immediately informed by Hardeck himself that Godfrey was promoted to Colonel. Geronimo 1 had a King's Cross and a Purple Heart awarded in his honor for his actions.The next flight would be engaging at night, with support from the Royal Navy this time.
[OOC: I'm sorry it took so long to post this. I got caught at a party for a while.]
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


In regards to the Punchwoodian-led insurrection, the Pacific Republic of Qvait urges both parties in the conflict to show restraint.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

Eastern Coast, Ryccia
"We're approaching the Punchwoodian fleet", said Admiral Yezhov. "All of you, get to your positions!" He ordered.

Ten minutes later, five squadrons of F-16 took off from the aircraft carriers KSS Hoffmann and KSS Wexell. Supported by three destroyers, a cruiser, a submarine, and various other ships, they attacked the Punchwoodian fleet.

Mainland, Ryccia 
Bombers of the Karnetvorian Air Force (KAF), escorted by at least two fighter planes, have started dropping these leaflets on Ryccia's population centers:

"People of Ryccia, the occupation forces are here to help you; we will not harm you, nor threaten you in any way. The occupation is only temporary, we will organize elections so you can choose your own government. We assure you; we are not conquerors".
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Official Transcript from the Carrier HMS Talloran Bridge, Preparing to engage the Punchwoodian Fleet
Location: Carrier HMS Talloran, 2nd Battle Group, Eastern Ryccian Coast
Time: 1:31 AM, Theron Time

Vice Admiral Marcus Reilly: Captain, I want a double check on all systems. Make sure everything is running properly before we engage.

Captain Renard Kerris: Sir, we've done this twice already. The Fighters are already on the run-

Reilly: Captain. Double check all systems.

Kerris: Yes, sir.[Activates ship radio] All Systems, this is the captain. Run a diagnostic of all systems and send reports to the bridge immediately. Kerris, out.[deactivates radio] Orders sent sir, reports should arrive in 5 minutes.

Reilly: Very good, captain. [Begins to go out onto Bridge walkway] Captain, walk with me.

[Reilly and Kerris Step out onto the bridge's outer walkway, Reilly pulls out his cigarette case from his left pocket. He opens it, takes one, and offers one to Kerris. Kerris takes it]

Reilly: [Pulling out a lighter] Son, do you know why I wanted double checks on the systems?[Lights his cigarette]

Kerris:[Pulling out his own lighter] Yes, sir.[Lights his cigarette]

[Both men are now smoking]

Reilly: Tell me.

Kerris: You know how big it is. You know what's at stake here. You're not interested in any risks or errors.

Reilly: Correct. Why else?

Kerris: There was another reason?

Reilly: Yes. We needed to stall. Our Fighters and Bombers can reach Punchwood's fleet in five minutes. The Air Force will need fifteen before they reach the fleet.

Kerris: Pincer Maneuver? With jets?

Reilly: Close. Buffalo's Horns.

Kerris: Who's the reserves?

Reilly: Us.

Kerris: Huh. Guess that's why you're the Admiral.

Reilly: No. I'm the Admiral because I'm thirteen years older and wiser. Now, [Noticing his Cigarette is burnt out, he drops it on the walkway] Get on the radio, and let the fleet know what we're going to do. It'll take ten minutes to get the fleet into position by the time you get in there, and when their done, the Air Force will be five minutes out, so then we'll start launching jets seven minutes into maneuvers.

Kerris:[Also noticing his cigarette is out, but throws it into the water just beyond the walkway] Gods, Day said you were a thinker, but jeez, you did all the calculations too?[Begins to walk back into the Command Center] Oh, and Admiral, I'd appreciate it if in the future you didn't leave cigarettes on my walkway. [Goes into the Command Center and goes to the radio]

Reilly: Of course, my bad.[Picks up the cigarette butt, and throws it into the water] This will be one spectacle to watch. All the guns lighting up in the night. Reminds me of my days back in the Civil War.....[Walks into the Command Center]

Kerris:[On Radio]-ships, this is the HMS Talloran. The Fleet is to move to these coordinates immediately. On your combat maps, we need to move into grid 04, 07. and prepare to press north into the Punchwood Fleet. Fighters are going up in seven minutes and will be going into grid 04, 08. The Air Force will be coming in at Grid 03, 06. Targets are at Grid 03, 07. Fighters are to stay in their groups and make one run before returning to the Talloran. You will drop all payloads on that fleet. Squadron Leaders have already been sent their targets. All fleet ships will coordinate their fire on the first one-third of enemy ships. Those are the orders, good luck, ladies and gents. I'll let you know when to engage.[deactivates radio] Well, Admiral?

Reilly: Now, we wait.

[Silence strikes the Command Center for almost 5 miutes, as all command crew are either pre-occupied or too tense to speak. Suddenly, the silence is broken]

Flight Deck Officer: Sir, Raptor Squadron is requesting clearance for take-off.

Kerris: Admiral? Are we ahead of schedule.

Reilly: They're clear to launch.

FDO: Yes, sir.[To Radio] Raptor 1, you're squadron is clear for take-off. Happy hunting.

[4 Tornado F.2s, launching in pairs, take off from the Talloran. When all of the Tornados have taken off, Navy Harrier Bombers position to take off]

FDO: Admi-

Reilly: Address the Captain, Lieutenant. It's his ship, you need his authorization.

FDO: Sorry, sir. Captain. Tango Squadron is requesting take-off. How do we proceed.

Kerris: They have authorization. In fact, any other flights attempting to take off have authorization.

FDO: Yes, sir. [Goes back to radio]

Reilly: Now the real show begins.

Kerris, indeed Admiral. Let's just hope they all make it back.

[Five more squadrons take off from the Carrier. The moment the Air Force gets five minutes from the Punchwoodian Fleet, Navy Fighters and Bombers turn and begin closing on the enemy, as the Battle Group follows suit.]

Reilly: We engage now, Captain.

Kerris: Aye, Admiral. [Activates Radio] All Ships and squadrons, this is the Talloran. Engage at will!

The Battle Group suddenly lights up with the sound of artillery and missiles. All Batteries pound into the Punchwoodian Fleet, while Fighters and Bombers scream down from the sky doing as much damage as they can to the Punchwood Fleet] As Bombers from both the Air Force and Navy disengage, the Battle Group and Fighters begin to disengage. While there were losses on both sides, Punchwood has taken a significant amount of damage to it's fleet. Exact numbers are unknown for the moment, but it is believed that a ground assault may have been prevented, or at least stalled enough for the Royal Army to set up on the Eastern Coast of Ryccia.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


"Sir, we have the coordinates of the Punchwood ships!"
"Distribute them to the missile silos immediately!"
Blast doors opened. Engines flared. A dozen ballistic misses screeched across the sky, heading for their targets: the Punchwood fleet.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


(03-27-2015, 04:29 PM)Darkstrait Wrote: Secret Message to the Sedunnic Government
We would like to know your long-term plan for the RATSPT. We doubt that you will be able to maintain control of it long-term, due to international demand to occupy it and remove valuable military resources, such as nuclear weapons.

The Darkstraitese government would support a sudden 'anschluss' of the RATSPT, as long as certain resources were made available to us, including a single port city to call our own.

Secret answer to the Government of Darkstrait:
Substantial forces, as your intelligence may suggest, have been placed in the eastern parts of the Southern Continent, denying any unauthorized access to the RATSPT. The forces will guard the nuclear weapons and maintain the fragile stability of colony, with the long-term goal of returning control to a stable and free Ryccia. Sedunn will request the international community to send observers, peacekeeping units and seek common ground on what to do with the nuclear weapons. We belive the International Oversight Commission proposed by Kringalia is good start, but all details are not yet in place.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


In a public statement, President Dominic Frost said, "I believe that a peaceful resolution can be reached between the Punchwood-led insurrection and the other parties. This is why the QDF will not fight Puchwoodian forces and affiliated Ryccian civilians."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys, I've been really busy. I was try to do a piece now however I really need to get some sleep now. I promise I will have a piece done by tomorrow. Look you can have a little taster now of I have been doing!

Bridge of the PSS Wodia

Captain Eddard: Fuck sake, Darkstrait, the Resnetinians and now Karnetvor. Hell this quarter of the fleet is lost however the East coast will be ours.
Navel Commander: I've contacted the remains of the fleet they will be here in 15 minutes, good what about Jessica she said.....
Captain Eddard: She said what man? What!!!!
Navel Commander: L l look s s sir a bomber is is going to crash into into the bridge!!!
Captain Eddard: WHAT!!! *he looked round* FUCK! GET DOWN< GET DOWN!!! *he quickly threw himself out of room.

The damage to the bridge was not as big as you would have thought, a few monitors and such were destroyed and the glass was all smash and most of the roof was gone too, however apart from that the Bridge held firm.

Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

President Dominic Frost said, "If asked to join the fight whether for or against Punchwood or the other party, I will say no. My successor, President Elect West, had told me that he will hold my position on this."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

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