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The Distress Call

The research vessel Letemmo had been surveying and mapping the seabed in the central parts of the South Pacific Ocean for three weeks when the ship received an incomplete distress call.

"This is the [static], our position is 5 degrees east [static]. [Inaudible], require immediate assistance. Mayday Mayday Mayday."

The message was only heard once and no other answers to the distress call other than from the Letemmo was intercepted. Only two ships had been observed on the radar in the vicinity during the two previous days. At the time for the distress call, none of them were present. The distress call and additional important information was relayed to the Sedunnic Coast Guard, which in turn informed the government. The Sedunnic air force dispatched two jet fighters to search the vicinity, but returned without any observations. Marine resources was prepared to be rerouted to the area. Grevve Klarann, head of the coast guard, was put in charge of the operation aiming to find the lost ship. He soon appeared in several extra broadcasts.

"[...] I now want to inform our friends in the South Pacific community about this mysterious event. We will share everything we know so far and hope that as many as possible can help to find the ship and possibly save the lives of the lost crew! We must act quickly, bad weather is expected".
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Sporaltryus will rescind any hostilities against Sedunn to help search for the missing ship. We will send a destroyer and 2 frigates to comb the seas. They are already relatively nearby, and will proceed en route as soon as their current mission is wrapped up within the next hour.

Operations Coordinator Grevve Klarann:

"Your prompt response is most welcome, every hour matters. Please report to your designated area. The courses of the two missing ships are being analysed and we expect to receive an extrapolation of their headings soon. Is Sporaltryus aware of any ship not arriving at its designated Sporaltryan port? Also, bad weather is to be expected, air recognizance will be grounded. So far the participating Sedunnic units are the Letemmo, the civilian tanker Alexandria and a military a sea surveillance craft. Additional naval units are on their way."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Karnetvor will send the destroyers KSS Spirit, KSS Liberty and KSS Endurance to help find the missing ships. The destroyers should arrive in a few hours. If the weather improves we offer to send reconnaissance aircraft to the site. 
Representative of the Federal Republic of Karnetvor
Resident Venezuelan/Lampshade Bar & Grill Manager- The South Pacific
Soldier, South Pacific Special Forces

 "You're talkin' to the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin', wheelin' n' dealin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', son of a gun, and I'm having a hard time keeping these alligators down!"
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

The Farengeto destroyers RSS Eclipse and RSS Hurricane, and the Farengeto carrier RSS Galaxy are currently eight hours out on a routine transfer. They have been rerouted to allow a passover of the search location. The Republic will allow friendly aircraft to use the carrier as a staging point whilst in the vicinity of the search area. Nations may be fairly billed for any fuel expenses incurred.

Farengeto reserves the right to turn away any aircraft during this time, and any aircraft believed to be using this offer for military or espionage purposes will be turned away or held for interrogation.

As more and more units arrived to their designated sectors, a storm was building up south of the operations area.

Operations Coordinator Grevve Klarann:
"The units from Karnetvor may have the sector directly east of the Sporaltryans and will be reinforced with the Sedunnic frigate Lannyod when it arrives. The units from Farengeto can begin their search in the sector nearest to them. This is great, we will soon have all the ships we need to find the missing ship!
To all units: data from the Letemmo's radar has successfully been analysed, it indicates that one of the ships was headed directly to Sporaltryus, possibly Sporaltryus City. The other ship did seem to go in circles. We hope Sporaltryan authorities could investigate if there is a ship that didn't arrive in its port as planned."

Sporaltryus' Units:
With the help of its sonar system, the destroyer picked up an echo close to the ship. From the bridge it soon became clear what it was, dead dolphins afloat.

Karnetvor's and Farengeto's Units:
The storm was making it harder to use the sonar systems, but some echoes were picked up. Analyses indicated that there were some metallic objects at various depths.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


The Ryccian Government will send 3 teams in the sea and 3 fleets of air search teams. We offer our condolences to the families and to the Sedunnic Government.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Sporaltryus confirms that a ship scheduled to arrive at Sporaltryus City did not dock. The ship scheduled to arrive, however, seems to be non-existent. No record of the nameless ship existed, and very little information was input. We are investigating this manner.

Detecting positive readings the Farengeto ships slowed their trajectory through the area, maneuvering themselves around the storm.

Privately, the satellite Farengeto had redirected began its first pass of the search area, snapping its first photos of the area. Concurrently a Farengeto submarine that had been redirected to follow was now 6 hours out diving towards its maximum depths though its maximum depth was still only a few hundred meters.

A storm was raging in the search area creating high waves making the operation harder.

Operations Coordinator Grevve Klarann:
"We are glad to see the Ryccians here as well! We're getting reports about metallic objects in the area and it seems they are being dispersed by the wind and the currents. I believe we should investigate some of them, as they may tell us something about what might have happened."

Karnetvor's and Farengeto's Units:
The storm made it harder for the sonar and other sensory systems to detect underwater and surface objects at a reasonable distance. Because of this there was not time for evasive manoeuvres, the KSS Spirit and the RSS [i]Hurricane [/i]both sailed almost straight into something that exploded on contact. Fortunately, the blasts were not severe enough to penetrate the hulls.

Sporaltryus' Units
A small orange object with flashing lights could be seen being carried by a larger wave.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


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