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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident

The Sargent was right. Just as the Force secured the building, the black, scarred figures horded and began to attack. The first floor of troops held the creatures back long enough to disable the radio jammer, but, the creatures quickly finished them. The moment the jammer was disabled, one of the radio operators contacted the Sporaltryan Fleet. "Fleet, this is Recon! We're getting torn up here! We need support!" the operator quickly looked over at the stairwell leading to his floor. "Oh my! They've made it here! They got through the first floor!" The operator abandons his radio, and grabs his rifle. "Come get some, you bastards!*Multiple Rifle shots* Come get so-Ahh!" The Operator was mutilated by one of these creatures. *More gunshots* "Oh shit! They just killed the Corporal! Oh my... It's... It's fuckin' eating him!" A Sergeant suddenly yelled, "Everyone, get out of the building! It's a death trap in here, Everyo-" *Screams* "They just got the Sergeant! Run for your lives!" More shooting and screaming is heard, until something smashed the radio. Now, all the Fleet Radio Center can hear is static....

All the Meanwhile, the Resentinian Marine Detachment, designated Helix Platoon, just landed outside of Port Crescent, unaware of what was happening to the Sporaltryan Recon Force.......

OOC:New Objective(will be added to main post): Find any survivors of the Sporaltryan Reconnaissance Force.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The Sporaltryan Fleet will launch a volley of artillery at the general area of the radio signal.

"Might as well put them and the enemy out of their misery." Said the Admiral.

*Back at the Regal Condottieri Base, plot 141. Troops are preparing their swords and guns. A group of scientists and monks along with bionic armies board the hoverplane. Boxes are lifted in levitating platforms, and electricity are infused inside the weapons. The rifles use concentrated air, they suck a part of the air and compress the air into a bullet-like structure, the bullets could pierce through any armor, and almost any material. Another rifle uses a high voltage of electricity, not enough to kill an organic being, but enough to stun them for a couple of weeks. Swords are also filled with a bluish matter able to slice any material with ease, and when controlled, these bluish matter are able to restrain the enemies, tying them up. The CO of this expedition, Commander A, has an electron controller, anything that has electrons can be controlled with ease, don't ask how.*

"Alright, preparations complete Frost?"

"Yes Commander A, we are ready to go."

"Indeed, the reason we are bringing you is that you are the only one who is able to protect the machine that could replenish our electrical supplies. Your skills are needed, god, you have the ability to use the air and control their density, flow and pressure. You are able to make us natural shield, though limited."

"Thank you for trusting me commander, now shall we take flight?"

"We shall."

*Commander loads his handgun with a yellow and red matter. Yellow is for stun, red is for kill. He and his assistants board the planes.*

"Let's take our leave chaps, onto Baliish. Lock on to the Sporal and the Resentinian fleet, we'll be there in no time. Scientists, while we move, we must analyze those documents, maybe they could clue us in to the mysteries of the region."

*Five planes took off vertically from Anastasia airbase, and they adjusted their engines. Their jet engines are powered by 'censored'. flew them to Baliish.*

"Let's hope those books are intact, careful men, any stupidity shall not be taken lightly."

TIK expedition has boarded and en route to join other expeditions.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The Sporaltryan Baliish Fleet, due to the misplacement of target coordinates, manages to completely miss the intended target of the Port Crescent Radio Station, and instead acidentally opens fire at the location of Helix Platoon. As the shells fly over towards the Resentinian Marines one lucky Corporal was able to spot them in time to notify the rest of the Platoon. The entire Platoon runs farther inland, screaming at each other to keep moving as the shells come raining down over them. due to their fast reaction though, they only managed to loose 5 soldiers in the bombardment, with another 5 wounded. The Platoon Leader, Lieutenant Michael Harris, calls his radioman, and contacts Battle Group Command aboard the HMS Dauntless.

Official Transcript, HMS Dauntless Command Center, First Radio Contact with ground platoon, Call-sign Helix

Lt. Michael Harris: This is Helix 1, Calling Dauntless, do you read?

Lt. Emily Goldwater: This is Dauntless, go ahead.

Harris: Dauntless, we just had an artillery barrage come down on our heads, lost about 5 guys in 1-4. You didn't call that in on us, did you?

Goldwater: Negative, Helix. No shots fired here. I'm going to get the Admiral.*Turns to face VA Michael Hauser* Admiral, we have a situation on the ground. Helix just called in about an Artillery Strike on them, lost about 5 men.

VA Michael Hauser: Damn. I knew we couldn't trust those damned Socialists. I want squadrons Able, Echo, and Lima up in the air now. I want all fleet ships on Yellow Alert. Get a recovery team ready to deploy, and send Delta Platoon to Helix's position. Open a line to the Sporaltryans.

Goldwater:*Turns back to her radio* Helix, tend to your wounded, we'll send a recovery team soon, along with reinforcements. Dauntless out.*Changes the radio channel* We have a line open with the Sporaltryans now, sir.

Hauser: Admiral, you have better got a damn good reason you just opened fire on my men.......
[End Transcript]

The 5 Jets from The International Knights would have normally arrived in about 5 days, but, due to some minor engine modifications by the Pilots and extremely good weather, they will be arriving in 3 days.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The lead submarine of the Caasdian deployment, HCMS Formidable, begins to broadcast an encrypted signal throughout the region. At the same time, HCMS Fearsome deploys frogmen to begins searching the seabed at close range.

The first frigate, the Deryjj, was approaching the Baliish coast. It launched two smaller surveillance drones to try to get a better picture of what the shoreline looked like, and if lucky locate debris from the Resentine task force (if that was its fate). The second frigate Famnibd was readied and left port according to plan.

Ground Control was able to regain control over the surveillance satellite and managed to put it in a stable orbit. It was decided to not be used again until the matter of its failure had been thoroughly investigated. Since Sedunn had few other such satellites, and since they were needed elsewhere, it was decided that no satellite support was to be given.

(OOC: Not sure when the first ship will arrive. If it is too far away right now, you may postpone the drone launch)
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"<Esperanton expletives deleted>! Our coordinated were completely off! Our intended bombardment was the radio tower, since that was were our troops were slaughtered! We don't know by what! We're firing one last barrage, then holding off!" Yelled the admiral into the radio microphone.

Jasper Henn

*Meanwhile in the planes. Commander A addresses the TIK expedition using television transmission*

"Gentleman, we have received a message from our allies in the ground forces. They are being attacked just as they went into the shoreline. We may be facing a deadly opponent, those who are ruthless, or mindless. I ask that everyone keep their points checked, and their guns loaded. Ironically, being the high commander of one of the best special forces, I abhor violence. So, if possible stun them, constrain them, be nice to them, rehabilitate them, I don't care! Killing them is our last option. I am asking too much from you my friends, how can you subdue an enemy that would not hesitate to kill you? Especially these kinds of enemies. But please, our late leader, Stephen Pendragon, has told us once: 'Use that sword in your hands to protect yourself, and please, if possible, let no blood be spilt on neither side. We are gentleman, we are knights, we are not beasts.' and besides, this is why we trained you right? are you able to beat them without blood? and protect yourself without bleeding? If bloodlust satisfy you, then you do not deserve that position in the Regal Condottieri, that I can say to you. May Saint Forsaina be with us, back to your stations soldiers!"

*The soldiers took off to their own posts, and the commander turned off the transmission. The commander calls upon his head of reconnaissance, Prodigy First-Class Ar-Rasyid or otherwise known as the eye of the sand. and his head of science, Chief Co-ordinator Zooey Traxflava, the brightest scientist and historian in the University of Fundamental Science in Renoe.*

"Ar-Rasyid, I do not want to arrive in an ambush. The drones we sent a long time ago, have they arrived?"

"Yes, they have arrived early. They are on the other side of the island, land without marks robots are sent to explore the depths of the region. While our flying drones circles the region, camouflaged by the sky, they are searching the remnants, not to mention, our main objective."

"Understood, stay on it, every infromation counts. Ms Trax, what is the progress of analyzing those documents?"

"We are making good progress, we are compiling the entire information now. But we have a backup in this ancient flash-drive, just in case a virus comes along."

"Be wary Ms Trax, our lives are controlled by a gamemaker, and remember. An gamemaker would not hesitate to bring us misery or problems. Take precaution. This goes to you too Rasyid."

"Yes." said both of them.

"Get back to work."

*Rasyid and Zooey got out of Commander A's office. Leaving him to polish his gun and preparing his sword.*

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The Sporaltryan Targeting Officer is sure not to miss again. He checks to coordinates about 3 times before ordering the attack. When the Sporaltryan Baliish Fleet opens up on the Old Radio Station, they do it with complete success, leveling the Station with their artillery, and several buildings directly around it. Nothing in the area could have survived.

The Sedunnic Ships Arrive near the north-eastern end of Baliish, and after sending their Reconnaissance Drones out ahead of them, they do find something sitting on the shoreline; An old carrier. It's flat deck suggests that it was made far before the current time, and it looks like it has been sitting on the shore rusting for several generations. The drone pilots, however, decide not to try to fly any closer, one of them even reported the ship as giving them
"The Creeps." Both drones are returning to the Deryjj.

The Resentinian 2nd Battle Group still cautious of the Sporaltryans after a possible preemptive attack, launch their fighters up to keep an eye on both the Sporaltryan Fleet and on the men and women of Helix Company. The Recovery Team and Delta Platoon have left the HMS Dauntless and are on their way to help Helix.

The International Knights Expedition Reconnaissance Robots are dropped in near Port Crescent and spread out from there along the Northern side of Baliish. Your Robots see the Sporaltryan Fleet firing on the Old Radio Station, along with these black, scarred creatures running around the city. They also see the Resentinian Marines waiting on the shoreline for their reinforcements. The Scouts will continue to spread across the island as the day continues. Ms Trax Is able to get some major files and some names for the minor files in her research, but, unluckily, the Virus was activated and it automatically deleted most of the flies before they could be read.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


*Ms Trax Sprays coffee to computer that had gone ballistic. The electricity spurred all over the computer, and the Commander rushes into the room filled with scientists. He immediately held ms Trax by the shoulder.*

"Are you alright Ms. Trax? Any bruises?"

"No, thank god sir."

*The Commander and Ms Trax analyses the computers.*

"Damn, a virus got in. I don't understand, this is an encrypted computer, how the hell did a virus get in?"

"I...i.... I don't know Commander. We were analysing the final data when suddenly a document opened up by itself."


"Yes, I think it said: 'Turn back, don't do this, you don't want to see what's inside.' ."

"But, these are just naturalist documents and notes. They do not hold anything about troops of a sort. Why did someone take a virus into an encrypted computer and destroy what essentially is a non military document?"

"Commander, perhaps the document did contain something bad, maybe it explained these black creatures."

"You were getting to that part, aren't you?"

"We were, and then the virus came. What scares me is that this computer analyses the paper documents, in order to activate a virus, a code must be written. I fear that the activation code is in these paper documents, and this is what scares me. How the hell did they know an activation code to a virus when the writer hasn't even seen a computer before."

"........We could solve the mysteries later. But now, Ms Trax, please destroy this computer. We don't want anyone to turn it on, luckily it didn't breach our planes and main computer system. Make sure it doesn't escape."

*The Commander gave the sword, Ms Trax took the blue eon sword and slices the computer apart.*

"Now we don't have the computers to make sense of the paper documents, this is old language sir."

"I guess we'll have to do it the hard way. Ms. Trax, take what you can from the flashdrive in my desk, save any information. The rest, we need to decode it piece by piece, using the old dictionary."

"AH DAMN IT! If only I had preserved the data!"

*Ms. Trax kicks the computer, and the commander gripped her shoulder.*

"Get a hold of yourself Ms Trax, this is not your fault. There is always a way, and please be careful next time."

*The commander held Ms. Trax as she sits down and cries.*

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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