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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident

The helicopter squadron arced over Port Crescent.
"City coming up, dead ahead."
"Get ready to fire missiles. Target the unexplored areas."
The helicopters extended missile racks.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


(05-05-2015, 05:32 PM)Darkstrait Wrote: The helicopter squadron arced over Port Crescent.
"Radio station coming up, dead ahead."
"Fire missiles. Bring it down!"
Dozens of missiles fired, heading for the radio station.
"Prep incendiary bombs for deployment, and radio in for further instructions and locations."

...... OOC: Slow down there, Partner. Henn already leveled the building. Not quite sure if you can destroy a building twice...

Officially being omnipotent via Tapatalk
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


(Fine. We'll blow something else up instead. Smile)
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


"Darktstrait admiral, make sure it is not anything of significance...." radioed Commander A.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The Sporaltryan Navy is notified and begins moving both Naval and Infantry forces to leave for Baliish within 24 hours. In the meantime, however, the Sporaltryan Initial Invasion Force near Port Crescent Successfully clears a "Beachhead" for landing near Docks 1-4. However, two of the landing ships suffer engine problems, and are forced to turn back to fleet for repairs, leaving them with 1/3 of the planned forces. However, they will successfully land.

The International Knights has successfully set up a base outside of the former regional Capital of Dedric, in almost record time, though actual set up of the defenses were stalled for at least two days due to some mechanical failures in the defense set up machinery. In better news, however, the Knights Scientists Sonar Experiment succeeded with flying colors, but, the missing recon robots are still missing, even after several attempts to re-activate them remotely...

Former Port Crescent Radio Tower, Port Crescent, Baliish. Corporal Ariel Jennings, Helix Platoon, 7th Marine Expeditionary Unit
*Device Re-activated*

Corporal Ariel Jennings: This thing workin'?*Checks device again* Ok... Yup, it's workin'. Good to know I've finally gotten the hand of this.

Private Phillip Jenkins: Corporal? You have that recorder thing right? Mind coming over here.

Jennings: Sure thing, Private.*Walks to Pvt. Jenkins, and looks down at the corpses at her feet before quickly stepping away* What. The. Hell. *Takes a quick look around the rubble* These are..... everywhere. Oh my god....*Starts to turn green* I did not sign up for this.

Jenkins: This Camo pattern isn't Resentinian. This must be..*Turns the corpse over*... Yep.... This is the Sporaltryan Recon Force. Damn. Question is, what the hell attacked these guys.

Jennings: I personally don't want to find out.*Still Green*

Jenkins: I'd certainly like to. I was once stationed on the Border with Sporaltryus. They train their troops pretty well, possibly even better than we train ours, so, whatever got them, could very well get us.

Lt. Michael Harris:*Walking up from behind Jenkins, has a corpse over his shoulder* You really want to know, Private?

Jenkins: Yes, sir.

*Harris swings the corpse from over his shoulder, landing on the brick rubble with a loud thud. It is a black creature, with scarred skin, and wearing Resentinian Winter Camouflage*

Harris: There's your answer. We did.

Jennings: *Now holding back vomit* 'Cuse me, sir... *Walks to a former corner of the building, begins puking*

Harris: Whatever this is, it killed all of these troops.

Jenkins: Well... At least they took some with them.....

Harris: Look at those uniforms, private. Seem familiar?

Jenkins: Wait, that's our camo! Sir, are you saying....

Harris: Yes Private. Whatever attacked the Sporaltryans is, or used to be, the Third Expeditionary Force, Royal Naval Marine Corps.

*Jennings walks back over to the pair. She is now extremely pale*

Jennings: I think I'm good now, sir.*Looks to the south, down the road from them* Well, there's Delta. Late to the party as always.

*Radio on an Open Channel*: Resentinian Forces, do you read, over? This is the Darkstrait Recon Helicopters. Do you read?

Jennings: We read you Recon, this is Helix 1. What's happening?

Recon: I could ask you the same thing. Your second group, the one's to the south of where the Radio Station was, they're being chased by something. They look really black. Can't tell much else from up here though. Those things sure are fast though.... Looks like they're gaining on your men.

Jennings: Roger that, Recon, We'll let 'em know. Helix, out. *Changes to Delta's channel* Delta, this is Helix! You saw those helis over ya? They're sayin' you got some bad shit headed your way, so get your asses over here, now!

Cpl. Winston Turner: We already know, and we're going as fast as we can! Just make sure you have a way to get these things off of us when we get there!

Jennings: Roger that Turner, but hurry up god damn it! Helix out!*Changes back to the open channel* Recon, you got anything on board there?

Recon: Yes. We were going to use it on the Radio Station, but that's leveled already. We've got missiles, some incendiary bombs. Why, you got a use... Oh, I see. Will do. Recon out.
*The Recon Helicopters begin to fire on the black creatures following Delta Platoon*

Harris: Jennings, what did you just...

Jennings: Sir, a little allusion is always useful. Or, at least, that's what my language teacher taught me.

Harris: Well, nice job.*Turns to the rubble of the Radio Station, where most of Helix is currently* Marines! Assume Box Formation in the rubble, and find some cover! Delta's bringing some unwelcome company! Quickly, Move, move, move!

The Marines of Helix Platoon take up position in the rubble, while Delta Platoon comes charging right at them, with the horrifying creatures in close pursuit, and Darkstrait's Helicopters providing close air support for the two groups, hoping to make it out alive.....
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


The Deryjj:
Junnare, captain of the Deryjj is speaking to captain Fassunn of the Famnibd over the radio.
"Well, at least there should be no radiation, if it is that old. There seems to be no other poisonous substances leaking either."
"We should board the ship. We'll use the helicopters."
"We should deploy the rangers, just to play it safe."
"Yes, we should also have at least one drone airborne to watch the shoreline."
"Let's deploy now."
"Fassunn, your team will go to the hangar storage. My will go to the bridge."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


*From Aries.*

"Come in, hello? hello?"

"They're busy Max, we need to move back to... Hey, what's going on over there?"

*CO Maxwell points at the resentinian defence.*

"That does not look good."

*Maxwell opens Resentinian radio frequency and talks to Delta CO.

"Delta platoon, you have bogies coming your way."

"We know, we're running for our lives here."

"Do you need assistance?"

"Appreciated Aries, we advise you join Helix Platoon and help us. We're trying to corner these tangos here."

"Copy, hang on tight. Stay on this line, stay with me."

Maxwell takes off microphone, and talks to the Commander.

"Course of action?"

"Prepare the knights in the plane, make sure everything is charged up and loaded. If we are able to land, we'll help them in any way we can."


*CO Maxwell goes behind the plane to address the knights stationed on the plane.*

"Swords up! Guns loaded! Shields ready! Bionic Suits electrified! Everything is ready, we're helping these guys out. We're facing unknowns guys, you better be prepared."

"SIR YES SIR!" shouted the knights.

*The bionic suits are worn and the swords are charged. An officer took hold of the plane and Commander A gets ready for a skirmish. Commander A has an odd armour. He wears the bionic suit underneath a black shirt and black pants. Underneath all that is a black overcoat. His helmet is actually made to look like black russian bomber hat. The golden emblem of the Regal Condottieri shines on his hat.*

"Are you bringing her commander?" Asks CO Maxwell.


*The Commander pulled out a handgun, The feared "KATIA." Made by intelligence, sold by greed, and perfected by madness, and used by reason. It is one of the most advanced weaponry the Condottieri has in its disposal. He cocks up the gun and holds it in his hand. On his right side, a samurai blade is seethed.*

NOTE: Its specifications can be found in the blueprint the author places on the bottom of the screen. The drawing of weapons will come shortly.

"Nice sword sir." complimented Captain II, Orson, while readying his weapons.

"A friend of mine owns it, she has vowed to not let anyone touch it, nor use it. So much that this sword is finger-print activated, when activated, it could slice through any material and discharge the yellow matter, concentrating it to the enemy. But she said that for this occasion, she agreed to temporarily register myself, so that I am allowed to use her sword."

"What happens if say, someone not registered were to hold it?"

"Then it'll be like a timebomb, in just a matter of hours the sword would explode like a radioactive bomb. That may sound harmless, but when the unregistered person continues to hold the sword, the clock would decrease exponentially, and with that, the sword would detonate in less than two minutes."

"...... I am not in the Hammerstar Guardians anymore..."

"The weapons in here are downright fictional, heck, most militaries in the region still uses guns. But our special forces will always have the state of the art guns and technologies. Anything is needed to protect a heritage."

"Couldn't agree more sir."

"DESCENDING, DESCENDING!" shouted the computers.

*20 troops, including Maxwell Frost with his normal weapons and the coated Commander A. Prepares to alight and take their defence. While some troops stay on the Aries and provide air support.*

*Meanwhile in Electra.*

"Hmm...." tested Zooey Trax.

*Sonar experiment failed.*

"Perhaps if we...."

*Sonar experiment failed.*

"What is going on with this, it's been ten times already..... Wait...."

*Ms Trax looks at the blueprints once more time, and decided to change the algorithm. She computes the algorithm to the sonar tracker.*

"Ok, the moment of truth."

*She turns on the Sonar tracker and the results are shown.*

"EUREKA!" shouted Ms. Trax in triumph.

"What may be the problem in the first attempts?" asked Winna.

"The blasted engineers in the University had wrote a three as if it was a two... Well, the sonar tracker is working."

"So what does it actually do Ms. Trax?" asked Winna.

"Well, it'll work like a bat. Bats used sonars and ultrasonic voices to navigate. We are going to make an artificial bat with this sonar system to track down those black creatures, and their friends. It'll follow them to the deepest area and report to us every ten seconds. The sonar system can also be used to track enemies, if these things are as mysterious as they seem, it may be possible that our enemy does not have a heart, or an organic body. So making heat sensors and heartbeat sensors useless. The Sonar system is surely more accurate."

"Shall we send them to our allies."

"No, we need to verify it ourselves wether this system is adequate enough. Let's insert the algorithm to the robotic bat and have them paint a picture of Dedric and its surroundings. We may be able to spot traps and other unfortunalities."

"But... How about if there's an EMP blast?"

"These bats do not run of supplied electricity, they run on reserved powers. They could fly for about an hour and report back to us at the 55th minute. EMP won't help e'm. Hopefully."

*Ms. Trax and her assistant builds several robotic bats and unleashes them towards Dedric.*

"So? what next."

"We wait. Are you interested in a sport of chess while we wait Ms. Winna?"

"Anytime, anyplace."

*Ms. Winna and Ms. Trax sat down and have a sport of chess over tea and soda. Meanwhile back at base, Ar-Rasyid was surprised to see that the recon robots is completely off. Luckily the information has been gathered and a full map of Dedric has been made, he now waits for the artificial bats to make a 3d overview of the city. However, Norva is completely infuriated with the events on the beachhead fortification.*


"I don't know sir, someone placed a baloney in the electrical generator."

"Get that baloney out, put it in a sandwich, and shove it down the throat of the loon that did this! With onion of course."

"Roger sir!"

*Norva knelt down the beachhead. His initial plan was to electrify the beachhead so that anyone who passes the wet sand, would be electrocuted to dust. But seeing the failure, he has no choice but to do the manual thing that he hates most, taking turns on guarding Velocé.*

"I want every regiment patrolling the base and the beachhead until the generator is fixed, man the turrets. We can't afford an ambush at this time. We can't move in yet until we have secured the base and the beachhead. How many hours will the engineer need to fix the generator?"

"We'll have the fortifications running once the Commander comes back."

"....Dismissed..." said Norva.

*Back in Electra, the scientists have completed decrypting the documents and have placed it in the flashdrive, ready to be read into one full story. The IT regiment is still trying to uncover the virus code.*

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"We've got a visual lock on the creatures, sir!"

"Tell the men on the ground to get to cover now!"

"I can't make contact with them. They're almost to the base, though!"

"Radio the base! Tell them all to get to cover!"

"Yes, sir!"

"I think the men have reached the base, Commander!"

"Excellent. Fire missiles now!"

A barrage of missiles and rockets streaked toward the creatures on the ground. As the missiles began to impact, the helicopters began making their way back the way the creatures had come, dropping incendiaries as they went.
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


From the President

Alright, we've got a problem. We got a report in that there's some weird stuff going on in Baliish. Get your forces to the capital. I'll send the two ships as soon as they're ready, at the earliest, tomorrow.

Protect the radio team at all costs. We need to know what the hell is happening over there, if we are ever going to send more reinforcements.

And capture a "Dark One", if you can.

Henn out.

End of Radio transmission

Jasper Henn


Jasper Henn

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