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[IC] Vamapin Siread sutaciraduinea - The Feast of Created Light - 14th December 2016

The atmosphere of the Temple was almost overwhelming, but Foreign Minister Gjieramm kept a neutral face. He accepted the Sedunnic prayer stick from one of the Amlassar and studied it with excitement. He recognised the Grovne Bridge, marking the nation's foundation, followed by some iconic buildings and inventions during the Nevesum era. Then he found the Tapparad, the ship that crossed the Pacific Ocean and initiated the first contact with the western continents, indeed one of the most important events in Sedunnic history. Then followed a series of ships and other more or less identifiable Sedunnic inventions, marking the nation's place in the world as one of the trading and exploring powers.

The Amlassar had also managed to delicately illustrate the two unfortunate wars of the first half of the 20th century, but he was unsure what the last image was meant to represent and hoped for a chance to ask this later. He started thinking about what to say when putting the stick into the flames of the furnace.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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The vast sanctuary of the Mena[i/] fell silent as the [i]Amlasso vaelyareo raised his hands and intoned an ancient Revaran blessing upon those assembled. There followed a series of lengthy prayers in Syaqin aren, for which translations were, unfortunately, not able to be provided and Yena watched the foreign delegates with unease, well concealed, as she hoped they were not too bored.

Then, almost without warning, a choir of Amlassar broke into glorious song, proclaiming the beauty of daylight and the bright, hot hours of summer, all in praise of the Revanim. When the music came to a peaceful, but joyous conclusion, the Amlasso vaelyareo took centre stage once more as he announced the burning of the prayer sticks. At once, a group of the gray-clad Amlassar cam to the front carrying the branch of an old tree, upon which had been carved the story of the last year. Yena could see a stylised version of herself taking office and an image of the whole of Pacifica as if viewed on the horizon from Ciria, but there were too many images to pick out more than just a few. As the branch was carried forward, the Amlasso vaelyareo came around behind it and, placing a hand where the axe had done its deed, he gently pushed as the Amlassar fed it into the furnace. The fires roared within, bringing the statuary about them to life in strange ways, even as the sacred branch glowed golden within the maw of the beast.

Then it was Yena's turn. Her own prayer stick was a personal one, the images upon it carved for her by her cousin, an Amlasso at the Mena Qassod in Akhorn. It depicted images from her life, her home and her partner, and from the political life she had built around her. Like the great bough still burning in the furnace, it too showed a vision of Erinor at the heart of a new global Pacifica, one she hoped to see within her lifetime. She pondered the strange absurdity of it all as she made her way out of her seat, up the aisle and the railings at the edge of the furnace - for an atheist to allow someone else to do so much for her religious observance, and for herself to have a care about what happened to it. She made a wish as she tossed it in, then scolded herself for her foolishness even as she turned and smiled at the assembled throng.

She stepped aside and the Amlassar gestured for others to come to the front, if they so wished, starting with the foreign delegates.

Foreign Minister Gjieramm had decided what to say, inspired by the solemness. He tossed the stick into the furnace, realising the throw must have looked more sporty than befitting of a serious ceremony. He pretended like nothing.

"Skion jufe attsu tun jemeledo lanle, avve vrass simmle" he whispered. Let us walk in the tracks of our fathers, for future victories, taken from the national motto. He felt ridiculous and good at the same time. If someone asked, he would say that what he said was between him and the Dreamers.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Gianluca went to the procedure next and, deeply in thought, almost laid down the stick into the furnace, before realising there was a fire burning inside it.

"Ihr Träumer, ich habe noch nicht viel von euch gehört, aber habt Dank, dass ich dieser Zeremonie beiwohnen darf und gebt mir bitte Kraft für jegliche Herausforderung, die auf meinen Staat und mich zukommen sollten", he said.
("You Dreamers, I haven't heard much of you yet, but thanks, that I can be part of this ceremony and please give me power to take on all challenges my country and I will encounter".)

He went back to the delegates after doing so.
Gianluca IV

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Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

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Aurora Markatt (Maura)

The Peony decided to stand up and stand in front of the furnace. She held the stick, which was engraved with flying Ceo Birds over a humongous ship. The ship of her ancestor.

She kissed the stick, and threw it in the fire. She then grasped her collar stand, which was a button open, and smiled. She prayed for mercy if what she did was wrong, and got back to her seat.

No one knew exactly what her prayer was.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
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Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Isara looked around the temple in awe as she marveled at its beauty. As Isara was overwhelmed by atmosphere of the temple, the assembly chair, Oda, beckoned the foreign minister to receive the prayer stick on her behalf. The Foreign minister, Nagisa, then walked up to the Amlassar, and received the prayer stick on princess Isara’s behalf. After receiving the stick Nagisa bowed to the Amlassar thanking him and studied the stick. Studying the prayer stick she recognized the seals of the high nobles supporting the royal family. She noticed something weird about the prayer stick, however. Her family’s seal was torn into five different pieces with one of the fragments within the distorted seal of clan Kensei. She also noticed that the Imperial seal also had a small red tear below it. Chuckling softly to herself, she thought, “someone was busy talking about the history of our clans pre-isolation.” She then noticed a crude outline of the empire engulfed in black followed by another surrounded by a blue veil indicating the period of isolation. Keeping her smile to herself, Nagisa then handed the prayer stick to her Majesty who proceeded to join the others up front.
Once it was her turn, Isara’s face became somber. Her stance shifted to reflect her status as a member of the Royal Family, regal and fair. When she came to a stop at the railing, she muttered something inaudible before she tossed the stick. After tossing the stick into the furnace, Isara clapped her hands together and whispered, “May we dream of a better tomorrow, and fly forever in peace.”
She then went back to the other delegates. 

(*Red denotes foreign language)

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