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The flower's hand in marriage

Septimus looked at Diao Chan and her friend, almost nodding until she mentioned he had come far too early.

"I-I d-did," he stammered nervously, "Oh no... I knew that I would m-make a mess of this..."  His eyes widened in horror as he blushed.  "Forgive me, my Lady, I did not know when I was supposed to arrive.  My sister merely gave me your message and told me I was to come here to Huawan as soon as possible..."

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself.  "Sorry you had to see that.  I shouldn't have panicked in that fashion. I have rarely left the Imperial Capital my whole life, so I may be a bit..." he paused, searching for the right word, "Less than adept at this sort of thing.  Please forgive my error, Madam."

The prince put down one of his suitcases and put his hand over his heart, giving Diao Chan a polite, if somewhat slight, bow.

"All your money, or your life!" the boy with the red jacket threatened. Sebastien knew walking the streets near the harbour that time of the day could be risky, but couldn't risk missing the Anniverser leaving for Karnetgrad in just half an hour. The boy wearing the red jacket stepped closer, and a friend of his appeared from the dark alley to his left.

"Listen you idiot, I've got nothing you want! Have you ever seen a millionaire wearing a donated jacket? Shoes? Pants, huh?" Sebastien responded nonchalantly.

"What's in that bulging bag of yours then?"

"The mayor's laundry. And my Teffad!*" Sebastion said, a little more irritated this time.

The Red Jacket Boy gazed at the bag for a moment. "I've always wondered what the mayor wears. Give it to me!"

He barely finished his sentence before Sebastien punched him right on his nose. There was a terrible noise as bone broke, and the boy in the red jacket passed out before he hit the ground. Sebastien didn't wait for his companion to swing into action, and started running as fast as he could towards the harbour.

After about a hundred metres, he looked back, satisfied to see that he was alone again.

After having covered the last kilometre in a hasty pace, powered by the adrenalin still raging in his system, Sebastien arrived at the harbour with plenty of time to spare. He reached into his pocket and picked up the 50 Tennle-bill, to confirm that it was safe. It was, but he noticed his knuckles were stained by blood. He needed to wash that off before meeting with someone on the Anniverser that could be persuaded to let him on board for their trip to Karnetvor. That would be the guy in charge of the loading. That was common knowledge among Transsunerians.

* Teffad was Transsunerian slang for emergency rations, originating from the Sedunnic company - Teffarad - that was one of the main suppliers.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"No, you are not at fault. It's just, we have yet to prepare your meeting with the Peony, I was just about to meet The Peony concerning this."

"And of the embassy of Hohenzollern?"

"Yes Cherche, that too. If you'd like my assistant could provide you with a tour before we call you on the meeting with her honorable Peony, or, if you'd like to see The Peony, perhaps you want to come with us?"

"Maybe an ambassadorial application of the Pax Draconian state to the Peocracy?"

"That would be a good side task, yes, what do you say, Lord Septimus?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"I would not want to seem rude, madame, so I will meet the Peony when she is ready to converse.  I will gladly take a tour of this lovely city.  I will also give my sister and the Grand Minister a call regarding the offer of an embassy."

He stooped down to pick up his suitcase, but not before coughing politely into his hand.

"A-and please..." he said with a slight blush, "Just call me Septimus.  I was... never comfortable with titles.  It always made people regard me as inherently better than them, which I disagree with."

Lián, Huawan

"Ah, Huawan"

Finally, he was at the capital of the nation he wished to visit. He stepped out of the plane, suitcases in tow. He went for a bit, 10-20 minutes, to sightsee a bit in Lián, taking pictures. The locals saw this foreigner, well-dressed, taking pictures. Not what you see every day.

His secret intent was to be a tourist, a wandering foreigner looking at the beauty around him. Still, as he was instructed, he must go to the Peony herself, at her home.

And now, he went to the palace. An architectural wonder, just in front of this prince. What could the future bring to him?
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Of course, please follow Cherche and I to my chambers at the palace, I'll arrange for one of my personal assistants to give you a tour around Lián--."

Diao Chan then saw another man, with a suitcase, waiting in front of the palace. She decided to do some

"Septimus, I just remembered a dilemma that I must solve, please follow Cherche to my chambers." Said Diao Chan, she looks at her close friend, "Cherche, please inform Hae-Won, I have briefed her on this matter."

Cherche nods, and faces Septimus.

"Come, lunch is almost over."

As Cherche and Septimus walked towards the palace, Diao Chan then approached the Ryccian.

She approached the young man with suitcases in tow, gazing at the grand palace

"Prince Carl, Duke of Silediane? I am Diao Chan, the person that contacted you about this. You've arrived early."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

*Red text is in mandarin*

As chaos ensued that day, The Peony sat in her room reading a series of embryology journals when someone knocked on her door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Rin.”

“Come in..”

Rin entered the Peony’s chambers, and found the Peony still wearing her pajamas under the Kotatsu.

[Image: kotatsu-proper.jpg?w=580&h=400]

“You’re not going to get out of the manor?”

“Not really, my meeting with Diao Chan will be in a couple of hours.”

“Since dawn you’ve been reading those reports.”

“It piques my interest as to the complexity of the development of an embryo, and its fragility could be both beneficial and a curse. For instance, its benefits could be used to edit the genes, a report signals that you can reverse Huntington’s disease throughthe switching of HTT, codes for huntingtin protein, disrupting the mHTT gene using CRISPR gene editing. Well of course with such fruit, there are some worms, endless of pathogens that could invade the embryo and could impair the child for life. Cognitive, physiological, anatomical, even the balance of the mother’s diet can be the deciding factor between the life of the child afterwards.”

Unlike her milk sister, Rin was does not have a knack for biology, and her sister’s words came like a simple windy breeze, just passing through.


“Huh?” The Peony then broke into laughter, seeing Rin confused. Which made Rin’s cheeks red.

“Ah, I haven’t had a laugh like that in weeks.”

“Hmph.” Said Rin as she folded her hands and looked away.

“Hmm, come Rin, get in the kotatsu with me.”

“I am still in my shift.”

“Then I order you to come here, and close the door. Now you are, at the moment, known not as my courtier, but as my sister.”

Rin shook her head, and came into the kotatsu. It felt snug and warm, compared to the cold outside.

“It has been a long time since both of us are together as sisters.”

“It has, your mother—.”

“Our mother.”

“Yes, our mother. Mama wanted me to protect you ever since Gege died. It never occurred to me that not only I would have to stow away myself with this responsibility. You may have gained a courtier Yan, but you have lost a sister.”

“Rin…” Said The Peony, “you were so close to me when we were children. When the others are busy, you were the one who bought me ice cream.”


“Remember at Mama’s diplomatic tea party? You snuck me some pineapple cookies inside my qipao sleeves and a sugar packet for the tea? I hated bitterness at the time, but of course, mama found us out and scolded us afterwards. You always had my back, Jiejie.”

Rin looked up, as if she was called.

“Jiejie… A call I haven’t heard in years.”

“At least a year.” Dismissed The Peony

“Yes, a year has it been…” Responded Rin, “Yan, what do you think of Dajie?”

“Dajie? Eldest sister? She is in Hammerstar is she not? Married to a Rowena?”

“Yes, Dajie Shizuka. Do you still hold illness towards it?”

“I have no ill towards Dajie, I have ill towards the Hammerstar itself. Such profanity.”


“But… Dajie, she seems so happy, she was so secluded in her own little world of literature, and now… Dajie…”

The Peony then shed a tear, remembering her eldest sister.

“Sorry Jiejie, you have to see me at such an uncouth manner.”

“Think nothing of it, meimei.”

“Meimei… I haven’t heard that name in years.” Pondered The Peony, she continued to open her book once more to continue reading. Rin was preparing herself to bring the topic in question.

“There’s something I have to tell you Meimei.”

“Hm?” Asked The Peony.

“Meimei, we remembered how Dajie was, and how she is now. Maybe you..”



“No, I don’t believe that it is necessary at the moment.”

“What do you think I’m saying?”

“Marriage, isn’t it Jiejie?”


“Yes, Marriage.” The Peony then closed her book .

“Marriage.” Nodded Rin.

“People keep asking, keep on pressuring me, I simply don’t see the reasoning for it right now..” Dismissed The Peony

“Yes, well…”

“Well?” Asked The Peony, “Well Rin?”

Rin felt a bit out of line, especially knowing the time when her younger sister stopped calling her her title.

“I know something is amiss when I see you scratch the back of your head, the scar you received from the military. I operated it.”


“Tell me what’s wrong Rin.”

“Well… There’s an arrangement.”


“…For bachelors around the region, to try and court you…”

“Astaghfirullah! Now everyone knows! Might as well put me on a poster! Call my number if you want me!”


“I told you this is none of your business! So several random strangers are going to show up on my doorstep and woo me?”

“Well, we did a background check and—“


“Oh no..”

“Who’s We?”

“Well… Meimei, Lord Zheng He, and…”

“Stop! I think you’ve said enough, there’s a lot of people in this scheme isn’t there?”

“Your inner circle my Peony.”

The Peony wanted to explode, rage was building inside her, but she does not want to break her fast, and kept on reminding herself of it

“…I’m fasting, I’m fasting, I’m fasting…”


Then a sudden beep came from The Peony’s phone. She took it out from her sleeve.

“This is not over Rin.” Reminded The Peony

The Peony answered the call.”

“Assalamualaikum, Wei…….Now? Alright, I’ll be there.”

The Peony turned off her cell, and got out of the kotatsu and wore her kimono over he pajamas.

“What’s wrong?” Asked Rin.

“They need me in the hospital, an emergency with one of our patients.”

“Do you want me to take you?”

“No, I order you to guard the manor, I’ll go there with Kirana.”

“Yes my Nuwang.”

“Rin..” Said The Peony, “this is not over.”

The Peony rushed outside her chambers with her kimono and immediately seen speeding out from the housing complex on a motorcycle with Kirana. Leaving Rin inside that kotatsu, praying that everything goes well in the end.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Sebastien Lister couldn't wait to get off the Anniverser. Every minute they got closer to the dock in Karnetgrad, Karnetvor, seemed to pass more and more slowly. While the voyage hadn't been all terrible, the old rusty ship represented all that was bad with Transsuniera. It was patched together and poorly built, operated by people who really didn't care, and those in charge only cared about making as much profit as possible with the least amount of effort necessary. Sebastien just wanted to put all that behind.

After a prolonged docking procedure due to poor seamanship and a rudder that probably was about to come loose any minute, the Anniverser could finally lower the gangplank and he rushed off.

Karnetvor was very different from Transsuneria. Clean, orderly and friendly. But he couldn't stay. During the Second Civil War culminating a few years ago, he had been helping his grandfather plough the fields when the air started to tremble from low-flying jet fighters. When they had passed, enormous explosions tore the air apart and what had been a small hill with an old barn on top had ceased to exist. His grandfather was hit by falling debris and died instantly.

Apparently, inside that hill there had been a secret Soormann base, coordinating his small air force. Sebastien didn't know who from the coalition had dropped those bombs. It was either Sedunn or Karnetvor. He didn't care, and couldn't blame them either. But staying in Karnetvor would remind him of the life he was desperate to leave behind.

He hitchhiked all the way to the airport from where he would board a flight to Lián. He spent his last savings on the ticket.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


The Peony got off the motorcycle and rushed inside the hospital, the security guards hastily bowed at their Nuwang, and announced her arrival. She smiled, but did not have time to attend to them, for she had urgent business to attend to.

When she walks, everyone bowed, but she continued faster, she wore sneakers instead of wooden sandals, she was in a rush after all. She then proceeded to open the doors to the urgent care center, pushing the twin doors with such power, a bang to the wall was heard around the entire facility.

"GIVE ME THE UPDATE!" Shouted The Peony

Several nurses and residents surrounded her giving the case report.

"Doctor, patient is a 19 year-old woman, presents at 13 weeks' gestation with vaginal bleeding and a smelly watery discharge. Unwell with fevers for the last 48 hours. All her booking bloods were normal and 11 weeks nuchal scan was reassuring. Previous normal vaginal delivery at 38 weeks gestation. She had no significant gynaecological or general medical history."


"Temperature is 38.1 degree celsius, pulse 96/minute and 110/68 blood pressure. Flushed, peripheries are warm. Chest and cardiac examination are normal. Tender over the uterus, approximately 14' weeks size. No guarding or rebound. On speculum exam, the cervical os is closed, but an offensive blood-stained discharge is seen. Bimanual exam reveals a tender and hot uterus. No adnexal mases are palpable but bilateral adnexal tenderness is evident."

"Alright, suit me up, I hope we're not too late. Hassan, get me blood cultures and liver function tests, Ling, Coagulation screen, and swab. Doctor Mohammed!"

Doctor Mohammed, The Peony's coworker, approached her.

"She's admitted on broad-spectrum IV antibiotics to pend culture. Aggressive, IV depletion due to sepsis and vomiting."

"You people are lucky that I am trained in this, where the hell is Professor Lilliana Zhang?" Asked The Peony.

"The Professor is tending to another emergency,"

"How about Doctor Hulyan Fang?"

"He's handling an emergency as well, we have no one else to send my nuwang"

"Alright, are you going to go in there with me?"

"The other co-assistants are there already."

"Alright. Let's begin."

The Peony briefed her partners in the operation before entry, she talked as she washed her hands with speed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a rare case of septic miscarriage. Fortunately we are able to recognize this earlier,we must evacuate retained products of conception once the first dose of antibiotics are given. We risk uterine perforation and massive haemorrage in the presence of a sepsis. Get a catheter inside to monitor her renal function. We risk a massive haemorrage, hysterectomy and multisystem failure, so let's move with haste."

As she is suited up, she placed on her protective mask and tied her apron together.

"Prayer begin....... Let's move."

It was a bloody procedure, and a tough one. The uterine evacuation was tough and difficult, it was easy if the patient wasn't in such a risk of shock. The Peony was exhausted in her quarters, the patient was alive and recovering from her anesthesia. It was then that The Peony came to deliver her report to the family.

She entered the room, and found her patient looking out the window, face still flushed and red, she had been crying. A man close to her had been weeping as well, he was quite young, and The Peony didn't see anyone that can be called the patient's parents.

"Mrs. Yunma?"


"I assume this is your boyfriend?" Asked The Peony.

"We are going to marry in a couple of weeks."

'I see. Islam?"


"Well, Miss Yunma, it was a rigorous procedure, but we managed to balance out your IV and proceed with your uterine evacuation. You had an intense bleeding, but we managed to seal it just in time. I recommend that you stay in here for a while, and you may feel nausea, bleeding and cramping in the first two weeks starting today."


"Miss Yunma?"

"My baby Doctor... My baby..."

"..... We were too late to save him, the infection took a toll on him, and we needed to evacuate in order to save you. I'm sorry.."

".... Is it you? My Nuwang?"

The Peony was quite weirded out, but then realized she was still wearing her mask.


"It is an honor. I'm terribly sorry that I am here infront of you at such an embarrassing state. Truly, I am not prepared to be received by your grace."

"I... I am your doctor."

The Peony bowed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! If we had attended to you sooner."

"My Peony, please..." Said the man.

The Peony wept a bit, she was never used to this.

"My Peony, you may have saved my life... But I still weep for our little Po, when I found out I was pregnant, the doctor told me that Po is going to be a healthy and smart boy. We took care of him with such care, and secured assets to ensure his future... We dreamt that one day he could be a doctor, or someone that could change this world for the better... How we expected to highly..."

".....I'm sorry."

"My Peony, it's not your fault. It is fate, takdir, that little Po passed away. Allah may believe that we aren't ready for a child yet. Our finances are not yet ready to secure the future of our child, and maybe. it's for the best..."

"Miss Yunma."

"My Peony, I'm sorry, but could you leave us alone for a moment?"

"Of course, you can page the nurse for me."

The Peony moped in her room, still feeling a bit depressed. She didn't want to go back just yet in the case she might get called again. Being a doctor she is trained in breaking down bad news, but it sometimes would help recognizing what they're actually feeling. The Peony never had a child, for she was never wed, and she could not yet comprehend the feeling of loss of a child, or the birth of a baby.

She had thought, maybe she was missing something if she became so headstrong about this. On one hand, the joy of giving birth to a healthy child that she could nurture to become the future of this nation. On the other hand, the grieving loss due to failed expectations, and she knew more than most, that failed expectations is the death of every kind person she knows.

It does gave her something to think about, and as she takes off her pajamas to be changed to her kimono once more, she clocked out, and instead of being picked up by Kirana, she wore sun glasses and a veil, preparing to take a ride on the tram instead.

As she paid the fare, she blended in with the public, deep in thought of what she encountered today.

A Peonic delegation sent by Diao Chan arrived in Mangsten Airport, awaiting the arrival of Sebastian Lister. Diao Chan is still unaware of the motivations of this individual, and would like to explore him even further.

"Is that his flight?" Asked Agent Safa'a

"Yes, it is." answered Aisyah.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Sebastien Lister had finally given into the nagging by one of the air hostesses to fasten his seatbelt. The idea that some thin piece of textile would save him in case of a crash seemed ridiculous. And wasn't it his choice really?

Very few Transsunerians had ever flown and the view from his seat was magnificent, so Sebastien soon forgot about the silly straps. Within a few seconds after clearing the clouds he had probably seen more trees than there was in all of Transsuneria. He hoped he could explore them some day. Maybe that's where he should go after the likely refusal by the Peony?

The plane landed smoothly, and Sebastien followed the other passengers off, closely observing what they did, having no idea at all what to to himself once inside the airport halls. He felt out of place, like spaghetti with fish, and he realised he was being observed by a group of fancy looking people from across the baggage claim area. He stared back at them.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


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