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[IC] Reizen Civil War

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"You must be detective Naruhodou."

"Gonta Shikabane. The best of the best in black market trade in Reizen. It certainly is simpler running guns when the entire nation is engulfed in flames." Said Doctor Kane.

"Are you in this field as well detective?" Asked Shikabane, somewhat intrigued.

"You hear the sound of trees and the talks of streets. It is quite a network the underground.“

“So indeed, and I’m sure a man like you would know how profitable this field is.”

“I’ve retired already, became a PI working for both sides of the coin.”

“You must be quite crafty to evade my sight detective. I’m impressed, there isn’t a single backhand deal that I wouldn’t know in Reizen.”

“I make myself known to friends, of my presence.” Doctor Kane gave a smile.

“Am I not?”

“Why would I face you here if you aren’t?”

“A denizen of the underworld are you?” Scoffed Shikabane

“I try to make ends meet.”

Shikabane knocked his hand on the table, and the bartender gave him a couple of drinks.

“I thought we can have a drink, detective.” Mentioned Shikabane as some whisky are presented on the table.

“I try to be sober when we negotiate.” Rebutted Doctor Kane.

“Has it become your principle or an excuse?”

“My lord does not want me to partake in alcholism. Besides, it leaves my deduction… rusty.”

“Good man.” Shikabane took a cigarette from his pocket and his callgirl lit it up. “Detective, I assure you I know the information you’re looking for.”

“I wouldn’t come forth if you didn’t.” Answered Doctor Kane.

“You have my payment?” Asked Shikabane.

Doctor Kane lifted his head to see Shikabane.

“How much?”

“Just one.” Responded Shikabane.

“Friendship?” Asked Doctor Kane.

“Something I may covet but I’m going to need another commodity.”

“Name the price”

“That’s not what I’m looking for.”

“A target?”

“Tempting, but this is not how I deal, detective.”

“How do you suppose?” Asked Doctor Kane, interested.

“Something of equal value, detective. Information.”

“Hmph, you can’t put price on an information.” Scoffed Doctor Kane

“It is a variable, 1 information that I can certainly put to good use.” Responded Shikabane.

[Image: iStock_000005812863XSmall.jpg]
“……..Lower your guns.” Responded Doctor Kane, upon immediate observation.

“Only a single order to kill you.”

“This entire district is a killbox, either we come out or we dont.”

“How good are your men?”

“The best.” Responded Doctor Kane.

“Hmph…. Kill the best.” Scoffed Shikabane.

“Enough. I want guarantees. That or we all go home in buckets, nobody leaves the Danganropa alive.”

“You strike a hard bargain. Now my information?” Asked Shikabane, prompting Doctor Kane to slide a disk to Shikabane.

“….C4 adenovirus. Currently unnamed, and a strand deviation imminent. Inactive, it’s worthless, active Its immuno-compromising properties and capacity to inflame the heart at a record pace. Providing a silent death. Incredibly Volatile. Asymptomatic upon first day of exposure and undetectable using any examinatory means. High transmission rates and high reproductibility. Currently immune to any drugs known to man, therapeutical drugs would probably last you until…. 3 days?”


“Weaponizable, if an outbreak doesn’t occur first. Catra death is nothing compared to this.” Responded Doctor Kane.

“………I had my suspicions that Peonic biochemical warfare assets are high.”

“This is free for the taking, nothing on what Lotus has is as great as this?”

“Do they?” Asked Shikabane, somewhat lured.

“That, is not related to the payment.” Scoffed Doctor Kane.

“Now sir, where are my files?”

Shikabane whispered to his callgirl, who immediately slid her bangle across the table.

“A flash drive. The exchange will be done in the Agot-Kotci border, where a unit will escort the weapons to RIM and WPR. A truck convoy with some weapons and first aid equipment shall arrive in the Agot-Kotci border tonight so I doubt you’ll catch them to the border. Kotci shall provide the goods through the RIM border by aircraft, where a RIM craft shall definitely receive it. For the WPR? We assume Kotci shall present them similarly.” Briefed Shikabane, “For the stockpiles? In Agot, but I can’t say where, only the head of the operation is Agot Colonel Mustardgas. A funny name do you not think? Anyway, everything you need of the shipment is in the flash drive.”

“You seem awfully chatty about this.” Responded Doctor Kane

“I shouldn’t?” Scoffeed Shikabane, “Gas masks are never something I traded in, and I would certainly make more money if the soldiers are dead by bullets.”

“Indeed. Oh, and my other transaction?”

“The barista has it for you.”

“Thank you, Shikabane.” Doctor Kane stood up, “It’s a pleasure to do business with you.”

[Image: 30a099a157b2c100bf6d4abec4b9eea9.jpg]
“I’m sure this won’t be our last transaction.” Shikabane looked at Doctor Kane, “I’m sure of it.”

Doctor Kane went out of the club still with blaring music, through the crowds until he found himself in the care of the barista. The Barista didn’t say another word, and took out a large briefcase.

[Image: wake-firo.jpg]

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The shipment of Catra Death has arrived atana unknown military base in the mountains bordering reizen. Unbeknownst to anyone but the highest officials of Kotci, the shipments are currently about to undergo testing in a secure chemical weapons lab.

as the weapons are being tested, one of our scientists urgently called the president to say "one of these shipments has been contaminated! and is full of catra death, loose in the box, how should we proceed"

Dmitrov Yaskulo replys. "which package?"
the scientist replied. "the package adressed to the RIM."

Dmitrov Yaskulo "shit shit shit, those filthy agot scumbags trying to trick us, we should have known something was off from the start!!!, cancel the shipment and destroy the faulty weapons. NOWWWW!!!!, also we will keep the other package for ourselves, now if you dont mind me, i have some buisness to attend to"

Dear, Agot Leadership,
we have tested your shipments at one of our facilities, and have detected an anomaly with the packag bound for the RIM, and have some severe doubts about your loyalty to the cause, especially as the WPR package was all secured. and you told us that the rim box was safe and the WPR was contaminated. Explain yourself now. or else.

Dmitrov Yaskulo, President of Kotci

Dear RIM Leadership

The package we were meant to deliver to you has been cancelled, due to an anomaly detected in the shipment, we believe that agot has switched the two packages around, one was bound for you, and the other for the WPR.
Agot has attempted to send you the one with damaged and faulty weapons, and the WPR the clean ones. 
We would highly suggest not trusting Agot. and trust us, Please still meet us at our border at 0700 hrs where we have military equipment ready for you, and some elite soldiers ready to train you to use it.
Please accept samples and lab results enclosed.

Chuck-Ray- "Ah, shit, shit, shit, shit! We've walked into this one! Jack, as the head of Military Affairs, what is your advice?"
He hits a cabinet in his office

Jack- "Well, we need to get the full support of Bruuma and the WPR... As for the RIM, we can't get out of that. We have the Catra Death being produced on a massive scale, but not enough ways to spread it. I say if we get some, uh, beserker troops, arm them with foggers, we could push our way into Reizen. We can outfit a lot of our weapons with this awful stuff, but it still doesn't put us toe to toe. If you want my advice, have it. We are doomed. Doesn't matter how many people we kill, we are not good enough. We need Bruuma's support and a major break through."
The one-eyed general waltzed out of the room, throwing down his bottle of whiskey.

The young chancellor of Agot had much to think about; he knew that he has to help the WPR, but his country is not prepared. He only one ace up his sleeve.


In the club, Danganronpa, a man in a tan thrench coat sat the bar. He heard the whole conversation. "More powerful than the Catra Death, aye?" He finished his drink, got up and left. The bartender yelled after the mysterious figure, as he only payed in golden rod.
The man did not care; he just followed Doctor Kane out of the club, into the quaint, little coffee shop. He must alert the Chancellor of this and get more of this virus.


Dear Bruuman Leadership,

If you may or may not know, the country of Agot is actually in support of the WPR. We only supported the RIM to push the Frost Empire out, but now that relationship has crumbled. We need your involvement has the RIM and Kotci now have the Catra Death. We also need you to smuggle the Catra Death to the WPR, as Kotci is now against us. You are the WPR's only hope. Save them.

Chuck-Ray Chickenpicker Moses III

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

Operation Cutthroat has been intiated. To bypass Kotci, Agootian forces will march around Kotci to the sea. There they will attempt to cross the sea into Reizen. Catra Death has been fitted onto everything, and the Agot Air Force has taken off, ready to bomb Reizen. They will be taking the long way around as well. Diplomats have been sent to Kotci in order to straighten this ordeal out.


More Harm-Gord troops have been dispatched in response to Agot's agresssion. They will land south of Agot and will do the same as the Agot troops. The navy is also sailing around Pacifica to breach Reizen from behind. Lieutenant Dan has been ordered to stay and try and work it out with the Frost Empire.

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

Doctor Kane was an expert in his field, and he would always know when he's being followed with someone that's definitely not from Reizen. How could he not? With such a curfew it would be weird to have a tourist running around. The Doctor has not compromised himself yet, so he decided to clear his trail

He went in an alley where the RIM watch would be blind, something the drunk would indeed not realize. Danganronpa's drinks are all laced with narcotics one way or another if you're a tourist. He took his time to snipe all the lights.

As the man went inside the alley, a bit fuzzed out due to the drinks, Doctor Kane waited if there are more. Apparently, some more men came after him. Whether they are related to the other, he's not sure. He definitely couldn't understand their words, but the man following him seems to know the group. That's confirmation enough. They decided to fan out, and Doctor Kane went out of his hiding spot. The man who followed him came closer.

He strikes, and they all tried to disable him from the rear. They don't have an intent to kill him, so it probably means information.

"Witnesses? I hate witnesses."

[Image: B8kAMIq.gif]

He took out the group following him and managed to hit their occipital lobes, a certain spot that once hit, makes them blind. At least one of the assailants didn't want to die, so he got out from his hiding spot with a knife. Doctor Kane knew better, and he didn't mind gripping so tightly to such a brazen knife. The assailant couldnt retract, Doctor Kane was somewhat stronger.

[Image: UepL2TS.png]

"You'll be the first to die."

Doctor Kane hit his lobe and severely paralyzed the man. He then did the most silent method of assassination he thought. With his assailants paralyzed, he took out the items in their pockets.

"Hmph, datafiles. Agot documents, maybe they're the first team deployed to see the effects Catra Death had on RIM." Doctor Kane thought, at least one of the documents had some ideas on where to go next once the shipment in Kotci has been destroyed. He's going to have to cross analyze it with the data Shikabane gave him though.

He took his syringes. Filled a part with nerve toxins and a part merely with air. He knew the emboly is going to do them good and the nerve toxins would done them in before they are able to be examined. He injected them all to the collarbone of his assailants, and stabbed them. Recreated the scene as if a drunk struck them all.

He killed them all, with a price for a smudge of blood on his coat.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

OOC Note: This is a secure transmission. Resentinian Activities in area are not yet known
[Image: Sm3ldI6.png]
Instruction memo: translated
TO : Zero City Operations Chief Matis Poškus "Deadpan"
FROM : Central Office, RIS Eastern Field Office
Communication Verification Code : 573E152S


New word from Wolfhead and Blackheart.
The situation in Reizen is quickly spiraling out of control.
Foriegn interests, hostile and non-hostile, are taking action that threatens the long term stability of the region.
The nationalist threat from Reizen Independence Movement is particularly concerning in regards to Sedunn and international obligations to the SPTO.
Reizen Democratic Coalition dependency on foreign powers represents potential long term threat to Reizen's stability.
Worker's Party of Reizen is bogged down in strongholds, but has high potential as stable post-war government.
If the civil war drags on for much longer, Reizen's population could starve, population already fleeing en-masse, making major crisis imminent.
RIM victory would mean new hostile power in region, threat to Sedunnic-Resentinian trade, martial dominance in region.
Due to minimal foreign interest and political leanings, Central Office has determined WPR is likely best option for long term stability, even at the risk of losing more capitalist economic elements.
Close work with allies required for successful operations.
Objectives are as follows :

1. Contact and Coordinate with local Sedunnic Intelligence Unit. Use codewords "Barlow" "Minx", "Rain", "Parachute", in order of 1, 3, 2, 4. Meeting point will be given once Blackheart has received word.
2. Contact local WPR Rebels. Offer Food, Medical Supplies, eventually arms, all under the table. Leave it to Cent to worry about evading the blockade.
3. Secure WPR Position in region. Their success will be key to long term stability and peace.
4. Once WPR position is secure, reach out to RDC, attempt to make amends between factions.
4a. If all else fails, eliminate RDC, extreme prejudice.
5. Under no circumstances should RIM be allowed to succeed. All force and operations are authorized.
6. Any captured agents should be removed by any means necessary before classified intel is surrendered.

Should you or any of your agents be compromised, the Service will disavow you and your actions.

Good luck,

Mailman, Director, RIS Eastern Office
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


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Sailors on board the aircraft carrier RBS George W. Campbell as the ship passes through The Navian Islands on the way towards Deriess Island, Sedunn.

27°S, 12°E, South Pacific Ocean

Admiral Robert Bostwick and Vice Admiral Martha Bergdorf had breakfast along with fellow Navy members and sat together with them.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: So this is our second day off shore, we're gonna arrive in Sedunn within 12 hours or something like that. I don't know actually, gotta check again. How are you guys feeling?

SAILORS: Very good, sir.


SAILORS: Yes, ma'am!

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: It's great to hear you all saying that. Enjoy your time on board RBS Campbell.

SAILORS: Thank you, sir.

Admiral Bostwick and Vice Admiral Bergdorf then left the cafeteria for the meeting room. The two are the highest-ranking Navy members in the Bzerneleg Naval Forces Southeast (BNASE), with Admiral Bostwick being both the Commander of the Bzerneleg Southeastern Command (head of the country's military presence in Southeastern TSP) and Commander of Bzerneleg Naval Forces Southeast (head of Bzerne naval forces in Southeastern TSP), and Vice Admiral Bergdorf being the BNASE Deputy Commander and Commander of the Bzerneleg Fourth Fleet.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Time to call the President. We need to brief him on what's happening.

Admiral Bostwick then calls the Presidential Mansion through a conference speakerphone.


ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Good afternoon, this is Admiral Robert E. Bostwick. I'd like to connect with the President.

PRESIDENTIAL MANSION TELECOMMUNICATIONS STAFF: Good afternoon, sir. Please wait a moment as we connect you with the President.

A busy President going through the bills awaiting for his signature to become law with his policy advisors suddenly gets interrupted as the sound of his desk telephone erupts.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: I'm sorry but could you please excuse me for a few minutes? Thank you.

The President's advisors then left the First Office, workplace of the President.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Hello Admiral! How are you?

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: I'm fine, sir. I'm with Vice Admiral Bergdorf.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Oh, hello there Vice Admiral Bergdorf!

VICE ADMIRAL BERGDORF: Good afternoon, Mr. President. How are you?

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: I'm all good, thank you. I guess the time zone where you are at currently is different.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Yes, it's 3 hours ahead of Bzerneleg.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Not that much of a difference, isn't it? Missing home?

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Oh, yes. Definitely.

VICE ADMIRAL BERGDORF: We're currently near The Navian Islands, 330km from Deriess Island, sir.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: How fast is the fleet going?

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: At 21.6 knots or 40 km/h, sir. We try to keep it at not such a fast speed so that we would arrive not too early that preparations on the island are not yet finished.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: So within 9 hours, correct?

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: That's correct. 

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Okay. Well, we expect the RDC is flying to Belmont in a few days. And we just got news that they got kicked out of Shibuki and the Frosts expanded their blockade. We should not get away from our original intention to engage in the Civil War which is to promote liberty and democracy in Reizen.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Yes, sir. And by all costs, we shall prevent the WPR from making Reizen a communist regime. Our goal for this is a Reizen controlled by the Frost Empire and under democratic rule. We cannot allow this communist virus to transmit to other countries.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Exactly, it would shift the political and strategic balance of the region if Reizen turns red.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: That's correct. I'd like to also brief you on the Southeastern Command, sir. The aircraft are on our ships right now and more troops and equipment will be brought over with the military transport aircraft back home. Part of the Marines will be transported by a Navy-owned cruise ship later on.

PRESIDENT BLYTHE: Okay, thank you for your brief, Admiral. Have a good day.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Thank you, sir. You too.

Note: This is a secure private call.
[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

Official Thread • Lampshade Broadcasting Company • The Tsunamy Institution of the Law and Public Policy

Doctor Kane took the nuclear option by killing his pursuers, which is an enormous risk in RIM controlled Kinjishi. He had done worse, and this was certainly nothing to him. He had thought that he should've disposed the body better, but he needs to exit right away to Kotci.

He looked at his coat. Of course it was stained a bit with blood, it was quite difficult to stab the people and make it look like they died. His nerve agent was at such a small dosage that it would be difficult to detect, and would require a long time as well to conclude. If the emboly did not take them, the massive haemorhage might.

The seaside was quite cold that night, and he spotted a couple of people huddling around a barrel of fire. He joined in to keep himself warm a bit, something that the others are unusual of seeing.

[Image: this-entry-was-posted-in-shop-by-admin-b...c76fb6.jpg]

"The fire is getting smaller." Said a man.
"Anymore newspaper?" Said another.
"They're all wet!" Said the other.

"Please, allow me." Said Doctor Kane.

Afterwards Doctor Kane decided to take his coat and take out the wad of cash with him. He made sure that he threw the coat to the fire and gave the money to the people surrounding him.

"It won't be wise to burn it, but it may keep you guys warm."

After the group of people accepted it, they fought over the wad of cash. It was then that Doctor Kane snuck away with the briefcase. Passing the alleys back to his hotel.

Doctor Kane went to his room and took another bottle of water from the minibar. It was then that a call was issued to his cell.

"Doctor, have you read the recent development?"
"We have retrieved the location of the drop points."
"Scrap that, it appears that Kotci backstabbed Agot and got the shipment of Catra Death for themselves."
"So onto Kotci?"
"Apparently not, they analyzed it and leaked it all to the international press. Your friend has accepted it to the cure research cause."
"Apparently Yan decided to institute sanctions to Agot, this in turn made Agot release the full data on the weapon and provide the cure to the World Forum."
"The data on the weapon and the cure has been made public, and if it has.... We can't do anything now."
"Apart from politics, now pull back, the next mission shall be in Hohenzollern."
"Alright milady."
"And Doctor, do not repeat old mistakes."

Doctor Kane planned his way out. The safest route would be through Kotci of course, so the next order of business was to find a way out of the heavily guarded border. Getting out of the city is definitely a walk in the park.

It won't be long until the RIM guards did an investigation, and certainly the past should only be left there, in the past. Hopefully not repeated.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

1 Hour after the scuffle 

The Alley was cordoned off as Kinjishi Police officers took pictures of the corpses and the alley after a RIM patrol found the corpses 30 minutes ago. At first glance the scene looked like an aftermath of a drunken brawl and the police treated as a routine homicide until they showed up… RIM Paramilitary Police Unit 237, the Wolves of RIM. Their leader, Captain Ulf Kariya, walked over to the scene as the Police quickly snapped to attention dropping everything they were doing. The Captain surveyed the area and grimaced, “At ease gentlemen… Who is in charge here?” he said. “I am sir” said a police officer, “Detective Aldo Ren, Kinjishi Homicide Unit, sir!” “Well detective tell me about this scene.” “Well sir, about a half hour ago one of our boys came across this blood bath during our patrol routes to cover the eyes.” The captain gestured in the general locations of the nearby cameras. “I’m not sure what happened but we believe that they’ve been killed by that knife there” (Ren gestured to the knife left at the scene). “I see... “ said Kariya as he walked past the Detective and began to look at them closely. “Hm…. strange…” he murmured as the detective asked, “What is sir?” “I recognize these men on the network’s cams.” “Yes sir, they are but what is strange about that?” asked the detective. The Captain sighed, “These men were spotted exiting a suspected Speakeasy run by the Broker.” “They were what?!” said the Detective, “As I said, they were exiting a suspected speakeasy that foreigners and Reizeners go to buy illicit drugs, and we were just wondering what had happened to them after they vanished from the Network.. Now we know what happened… A damn shame too, We would have been able to dress them down and seize their assets for the war effort.” “What do you mean?” the Detective asked concerned about what the Captain was implying. “Well… That’s classified. In any case we’ll need to review video footage and interview the foot men tasked with patrolling the area” Kariya then kneels at one of the corpses and starts to remove the victim’s top clothes. “Sir, you musn’t tamper with the evidence!” shouted the Detective as Kariya raised a hand to indicate that he wanted the Detective’s patience. As he checked the still bleeding corpse he found something unusual a small needle like incision towards the victims collar bone. Hm… “Detective,” Kariya said, as he stood and looked at the detective. “Yes sir?” he asked. “This is hereby under the command of Unit 237 and we formally ask that you cooperate with us to apprehend this murderer.” “Understood sir, how can the Kinjishi PD be of assistance. “Well Detective  first we will need to lockdown the City. No one goes in or out without the Council’s says so. We will also need a thorough autopsy of the corpses and check the feeds. Maybe we’ll find someone who also disappeared from our eyes..” “I would hope so sir,” responded the Detective. The Captain rose as he looked at the detective and said, “I will be off leading the rest of the Unit to track down the perpetrator, but in the meantime, please finish the investigation of the crime scene, I’d like autopsies and video footage as soon as possible.” And he exited the Alley heading into Dagan Ropa.

Residence N° 55, somewhere in Bayougrad 
Papa Unclepear strolled in the luscious garden of the mansion, a couple of pet snakes trailing him, pondering on the recent developments in Reizen. His aides followed respectfully, a couple of step behind so to give the Eternal Leader enough space but remaining at hearing distance. “We have lead the cause of communism in the South Pacific for decades” he spoke, more to himself than to his underlings “We have survived and partook in wars, crisis and intrigues of every kind, yet rarely developments have been so worrying. When devils play with fire, you can at least expect them to be able to control. Even us and Ryccia have never pushed the game this far. But Agot and Kotci…” he paused, brooding “…they are like kids toying with gasoline and matches. This weaponized disease is not much a game changer as a game ender”. He resumed his silence for a couple of minutes. “We have to intervene: I don’t trust Agotians a bit, but we cannot risk them to either instigate an international backlash against the socialist bloc, or worse erode our leadership of the cause” he turned to his following “Send the answer. And tell our comrades in Kai Fa that the deal is on!”

To Comrade Chuck-Ray Chickenpicker Moses III,
You have been too optimistic in trusting the RIM reactionaries: you do not chase out mice with rats from a home. But we can still remedy, if we act more cautiously from now on. We are already supplying WPR with bio-warfare suits and equipment, but unless we develop a cure from Catra Death they have no chance. We need a shipment of the weapon to work on the cure and to use it as a deterrent to protect the WPR. We have struck a deal with our comrades in Kai Fa to establish bases in their country: have the shipment delivered there, and we’ll take it on from here.
I’d like to suggest, due to your proximity, that you try to supply WPR with more conventional weaponry if you want to support their noble causes. 

Signed: Papa Unclepear, Eternal Leader of the Voodoo People’s Republic of Bruuma

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