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Bzerneleg Diplomacy (Embassies in Bzerneleg)

Establishment of Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts in Bzerneleg

Foreign states wishing to establish diplomatic or consular premises in Bzerneleg must obtain approval from the Government of Bzerneleg. This section contains information on the requirements and procedures involved in opening an embassy or consular post.
The Department of State, which conducts Bzerneleg’s diplomatic and consular relations and is responsible for official communication between the Government of Bzerneleg and the government of any other country, delegates to its Office of Protocol [1] responsibility for processing requests from foreign states to open diplomatic or consular premises.

Embassy and Consulate Establishment Procedure

1. The Department of State or its equivalent of the sending state must send a request to the Office of Protocol by way of private message or post in this thread and must contain the following information:
  • fully completed embassy establishment form 
  • detailed justification of the need and importance of establishing such embassy
2. The Office of Protocol will relay the Bzerne government’s decision, normally within one week.

3. Once a foreign state has received permission to open a diplomatic mission or consular post, they shall identify its location, that is, the real property to be used as its premises, that state must obtain written approval from the Bzerne government to purchase the property.

Important Information
  • A foreign state may only establish the premises of an embassy in the City of Belmont (capital city of Bzerneleg).
  • A foreign state may only establish the premises of a consular post in the State of Belfort if that state does not have a diplomatic mission/embassy.
  • A foreign state may establish only one consular post per city.

Application of Establishment of an Embassy in the Republic of Bzerneleg
[center][b]APPLICATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EMBASSY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BZERNELEG[/b][/center][center][b]APPLICATION POUR L'ÉTABLISSEMENT D'UN AMBASSADE À LA RÉPUBLIQUE DU BZERNELEG[/b][/center][b]BASIC INFORMATION[/b][b]Official name of nation:[/b][b]Demonym:[/b][b]Form of Government:[/b][b]Incumbent Head of State:[/b][b]Incumbent Vice Head of State:[/b][b]Incumbent Head of Government:[/b][b]Incumbent Secretary of State or similar:[/b][b]OFFICERS INFORMATION[/b][b]Total number of workers in the embassy (please specify)*:[/b][b]AMBASSADOR INFORMATION (Recommended: Ambassador, Minister Plenipotentiary/Vice Ambassador, Minister of Foreign Affairs), list in this format:[/b]

Picture of person:*
Full name:*
Languages known:*
Job history:*

Ambassador's family (if any): 
Are there any health, mental or security issues associated with the Ambassador that the Bzerne government should be aware of?:

[b]Location of Embassy:[/b] 
- Belmont (mandatory) 
- maximum: 3 embassies, no limits for consulates


Preference of location:
Special requests (if any):
Why would [NATION] want to establish an embassy in Bzerneleg?
Would you like us to establish an embassy in your country? (If so, please link you embassy program here if it exists)
Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation?
Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation?
Is there any additional information we should know?


[Image: 9pR4Wzn.png]



Basic Information

Location of Embassy: 
- Belmont (mandatory)
- Gaffney (Consulate)
- Normandie (Consulate)
- Burlington (Consulate)
Official name of nation: Federal Republic of GI-Land
Demonym: GI/GI-landian/Gianlucian
Form of Government: Dictatorial Democracy
Current Head of State: Leader of GI-Land and King of Atlantis Gianluca IV.
Current Vice Head of State: If the Leader should be temporarily unable to govern, his tasks will get distributed on the Königspalast (Parliament), the current chancellor (Tom Kirchmann), the counsil and the current minister of defense (Thorben Recke).
Current Head of Government: Leader of GI-Land and King of Atlantis Gianluca IV.
Current Minister/Secretary of Foreign Affairs/State: Marja Sanddorn (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Would you consider your nation an ally of the Republic of Bzerneleg: We aren't enemies.

[b]Officers Information

Total number of workers in the embassy (please specify)*: [/b]34 (Ambassador, 2 janitors, 5 housekeepers, 6 official employees, 20 security guards
Furthermore for each consulate 19 more workers (2 janitors, 3 housekeepers, 4 official employees, 10 security guards each).

[b]Ambassador Information (Recommended: Ambassador, Minister Plenipotentiary/Vice Ambassador, Minister of Foreign Affairs), list in this format:


Picture of person:[/b]
[Image: 2014%20Russian%20American%20Person%20Yea...iyEp5l.jpg]
Full name:
Gregor Kleng
Age: 57
Education: Made A-Levels, afterwards apprenticeship at the Gianlucian Post.
Languages known: German, English
Job history:
1978-1981 Apprenticeship at the Gianlucian Post
1981-2001 Worker and since 1989 manager of a post office
2001-2007 Vice-Manager of Gianlucian Post International (GPI)
2008-2013 Manager of GPI
2013-9th September 2017 Registered lobbyist for GPI in the Königspalast
since 9th September 2017 Applicant for being an Ambassador for GI-Land 

Ambassador's family (if any): 
Gisela Kleng (Wife since 1987)
Bertram (Dog since 2013)

Are there any health, mental or security issues associated with the Ambassador that the Bzerne government should be aware of?:
We don't know anything that could be problematic.

Vice Ambassador: We won't send a vice ambassador to Bzerneleg.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: 

Picture of person
Full name:
Marja Sanddorn
Age: 30
Education: Master's Degree in environmental science
Languages known: German, English, Atlantic
Job history: Did only small jobs until getting elected into parliament. Minister of Foreign Affairs since 16th September 2017.


Preference of location: Near a big railway station; doesn't need to be a new building.
Special requests (if any): None
Why would GI-Land want to establish an embassy in Bzerneleg?: Embassies are the first step for working together.
Would you like us to establish an embassy in your country?: Of course
Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation?: Yes
Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation?: Yes
Is there any additional information we should know?: Like every ambassador Mr. Kleng will bring a cocoa machine for personal use to Bzerneleg. Please tell us if, for whatever reason, this is problematic.

Yours sincerely,

Marja Sanddorn
Minister of Foreign Affairs of GI-Land
[Image: ba7kdo86.png]

(09-21-2017, 11:20 AM)GI-Land Wrote:
To His Excellency Mr. GREGOR KLENG
      Ambassador of GI-Land to the Republic of Bzerneleg
      The Honourable 
      Minister of Foreign Affairs of GI-Land

Mr. Ambassador and Ms. Minister,

First of all, we would like to express our appreciation towards the Embassy Request of the Federal Republic of GI-Land. Having carefully accessed your Request, it is a great honour for us to announce that the Request of the Federal Republic of GI-Land has been accepted and approved by the President of the Republic.
Since the preference of a building near a big railway station, we have chosen and presented several buildings that would fit your preference. If you wish to select one of them, please notify us as soon as possible. 

List of Building:

[Image: 85951399_o.jpg]

Name: Hôtel Matignon
The Hôtel Matignon is formerly used as the residence of the Prime Minister, however, the position was abolished after the new Constitution of 1982 was passed. The building was designed by a famous Bzerne architect Laurent Fabius. This building is just 4.5 km from Belmont North Railway Station and 12 km away from the stadium of Belmont Mayors, a professional basketball team in the BBA (Bzerneleg Basketball Association). The price of all paintings inside the Hôtel Matignon is $ 31 million. 

[Image: Attica_06-13_Athens_08_French_Embassy.jpg]

Name: Résidence de l'Été
The Résidence de l'Été (English: Summer Residence) is located in the Beaumont-Pelletier district, according to the Bzerneleg Institute of Meteorology, "Beaumont-Pelletier has the best weather out of all districts in Belmont." It is 9 km away from the Belmont South Railway Station and 3 km away from the Donald Blythe Monument. This building is a mixture of elegance and relaxation, influenced by French-style architecture.
The President looks forward to welcoming and meeting Ambassador Gregor Kleng at the Élysée Palace, discuss the relations between our two countries and administer his Oath before he enters his Office.
The Ambassador will be escorted to the Élysée Palace and the Embassy by the Bzerneleg Secret Service or the GI-Land Secret Service if you may choose otherwise. The Ambassador has the right to choose the date of his arrival, if the Ambassador has chosen, please notify us as soon as possible. Preparations for his arrival are underway, the President of the Republic and I are content and would look forward to meeting you at the Élysée Palace.

Oath of Office:

Will the Ambassador choose to include the phrase "So help me God" in his oath?

Catherine Delano Blanco
Secretary of Foreign Affair

To whom it may concern,

we want to inform you that our choice for an embassy building is the Résidence d'Été.
Mr. Kleng will arrive at 27th September 2017 and looks forward to meet the honourable president of Bzerneleg and give his oath. He wants to include the "So help me God"-phrase.
Thank you for your kindness!

Yours sincerely,

Marja Sanddorn
Minister of Foreign Affairs of GI-Land
[Image: ba7kdo86.png]
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)


Basic Information

Location of Embassy:
- Belmont
Official name of nation: Kingdom of Sedunn
Demonym: Sedunnic
Form of Government: Parliamentary democracy
Current Head of State: King Vimmru II
Current Vice Head of State: Minister of Foreign Affairs Hevv Gjieramm (peacetime), Speaker of the Parliament Gety Flutslok (wartime)
Current Head of Government: King Vimmru II
Current Minister/Secretary of Foreign Affairs/State: Hevv Gjieramm
Would you consider your nation an ally of the Republic of Bzerneleg No formal relations yet.

Officers Information

Total number of workers in the embassy (please specify)*: 22

Ambassador Information (Recommended: Ambassador, Minister Plenipotentiary/Vice Ambassador, Minister of Foreign Affairs), list in this format:

Full name: Lenn Imniy
Age: 34
Education: No tertiary education
Languages known: Sedunnic, Austral (English), Resentinian
Job history:
2003-2006: Chairperson of the youth wing of the Hafvanled (Conservatives)
2006-2009: Member of the parliament (King Gram III cabinet)
2009-2016: Envoy to the Sedunnic embassy in the Resentine Kingdom

Ambassador's family (if any): Fiancé Marrk Aone
Are there any health, mental or security issues associated with the Ambassador that the Bzerne government should be aware of?: All Sedunnic ambassadors are fit for service.


Preference of location: None
Special requests (if any): Garden surrounding the embassy building
Why would Sedunn want to establish an embassy in Bzerneleg? Sedunn always strives to establish and maintain good relations with other nations.
Would you like us to establish an embassy in your country? Yes
Are our citizens allowed to travel to your nation? Yes
Are your citizens allowed to travel to our nation? Yes
Is there any additional information we should know? No
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


(09-22-2017, 08:23 AM)GI-Land Wrote: [Image: ba7kdo86.png]
To The Honourable Ms. Marja Sanddorn
      Minister of Foreign Affairs of GI-Land

Ms. Minister,
Your choice for an Embassy Building has been recognized and preparations for the building are now underway. The Ambassador is expected to land at Joint Base Maryland for maximum security, as it is where the presidential plane takes off and land. But if he may choose otherwise, please notify us of which airport he will be landing at and at which time.

Since the choice of including the phrase "So help me God" is chosen, the Oath of Office will be as follows:
"I, Gregor Kleng, do solemnly swear that I will respect the Constitution of the Republic of Bzerneleg and its laws; that I take this oath freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and strengthen the relations between our two nations. So help me God. "   

After all preparations are done and you have notified us of the time that Ambassador will land and where, we will provide you with the timeline of the Ambassador's arrival day.
[Image: 3C1900FDBDDB0DA662F9C97CB9448DC7.png]
Catherine Delano Blanco
Secretary of Foreign Affairs

(09-22-2017, 03:38 PM)Qwert Wrote:
To His Excellency Mr. Lenn Imniy
      Ambassador of Sedunn to the Republic of Bzerneleg
      The Honourable Ms. Hevv Gjieramm

Mr. Ambassador and Ms. Minister,
First of all, we would like to express our appreciation towards the Embassy Request of the Kingdom of Sedunn. Having carefully accessed your Request, it is a great honour for us to announce that the Request of the Kingdom of Sedunn has been accepted and approved by the President of the Republic.
Since the preference of a building surrounded by a garden, we have chosen and presented several buildings that would fit your preference. If you wish to select one of them, please notify us as soon as possible. 

List of Buildings:

[Image: 800px-Rezidence_velvyslance_USA_v_Praze.jpg]

Name: Petschek Villa

The Petschek Villa was built in the late 1920’s, when King Nicolas II ruled this country, by Florian Petschek, the patriarch of one of the wealthiest families in the country. The Petscheks were a French-speaking Catholic family, and their wealth was in large part from coal mine holdings and banking. Due to Petschek's love of trees and flowers, it was estimated that there are 6 different types of trees and more than 100 species of flower.

[Image: 85951399_o.jpg] 

Name: Hôtel Matignon
The Hôtel Matignon is formerly used as the residence of the Prime Minister, however, the position was abolished after the new Constitution of 1982 was passed. The building was designed by a famous Bzerne architect Laurent Fabius. This building is just 4.5 km from Belmont North Railway Station and 12 km away from the stadium of Belmont Mayors, a professional basketball team in the BBA (Bzerneleg Basketball Association). The price of all paintings inside the Hôtel Matignon is $ 31 million. This elegant building is surrounded by 0.5 ha of garden, a place with fresh air that everyone enjoys. 

The President looks forward to welcoming and meeting Ambassador Lenn Imniy at the Élysée Palace, discuss the relations between our two countries and administer his Oath before he enters his Office.
The Ambassador will be escorted to the Élysée Palace and the Embassy by the Bzerneleg Secret Service or the Sedunn Secret Service if you may choose otherwise. The Ambassador has the right to choose the date of his arrival, if the Ambassador has chosen, please notify us as soon as possible. Preparations for his arrival are underway, the President of the Republic and I are content and would look forward to meeting you at the Élysée Palace.

Oath of Office:

Will the Ambassador choose to include the phrase "So help me God" in his oath?

[Image: 3C1900FDBDDB0DA662F9C97CB9448DC7.png]
Catherine Delano Blanco
Secretary of Foreign Affairs

(09-22-2017, 08:57 PM)palaisbellevuebz Wrote: After all preparations are done and you have notified us of the time that Ambassador will land and where, we will provide you with the timeline of the Ambassador's arrival day.[/align]

[Image: ba7kdo86.png]
Dear Ms. Blanco,

Mr. Kleng will arrive at around 4 p.m. local time, if that's okay. Please tell us, if he should arrive earlier or later.

Yours sincerely,

Marja Sanddorn
Minister of Foreign Affairs of GI-Land
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

(09-23-2017, 12:07 PM)GI-Land Wrote: [Image: ba7kdo86.png]
Since the Ambassador will arrive at around 16:00, 27 September, the Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs will greet him at Joint Base Maryland and the Bzerneleg Secret Service will escort him to the Élysée Palace where he will meet with the President.
16:00 - Arrival of the Ambassador
16:25 - Ambassador arrives at the Élysée Palace
16:30 - Honours (GI-Land anthem, 10-gun salute, Bzerneleg anthem)
 16:50 - Short meeting (20 - 30 minutes)
17:20 - Ambassador takes Oath of Office
17:30 - Press Briefing (under the approval of the Ambassador)
[Image: 3C1900FDBDDB0DA662F9C97CB9448DC7.png]
Catherine Delano Blanco
Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Government of Sedunn - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Secretary of Foreign Affairs Delano Blanco,

Establishment of a Sedunnic Diplomatic Mission in the Republic of Bzerneleg
Thank you for the swift application process. We have reviewed the building alternatives You provided and will choose the Petschek Villa. We wish to get started as soon as possible, and me and parts of the staff will make a first trip to Belmont this coming Wednesday to inspect the building, and we hope the President and You will be able to meet us then.

I am not religious so I prefer not to include the phrase "So help me God".

I look forward getting to work,

[Image: tvZ9rCY.png]
Lenn Imniy
Sedunnic Ambassador to the Republic of Bzerneleg
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator

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