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[IC] Reizen Civil War

The Sedunner wanted to ask if they had burried his fallen friend already and if his corpse had been plundered by the RIM, but all that would have to wait.

"Unfortunately, the interface is in Sedunnic, but it is rather intuitive. Unless you have removed the battery it should be in locked mode. To unlock the device, press and hold the key with the star for three seconds. The screen will then light up. Dial 555-645-132. Doing this will connect you with the headquarters of the Sedunnic Armed Forces. They have a strategic suggestion that you will be interested in learning more about."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


OOC: I've tried to tone down the despair of the RDC perspective below, but reader discretion is still advised.

"The meeting will commence shortly, will it not?" Asked Doctor Sienna.
"Yes doctor."
"Please ensure that no one are to interrupt."
Answered Ducane.

It was then that doctor Sienna's pager rung, and made her jump to rush outside her office.

"The man we rushed in, book, he woke up."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

After having asked who was calling, the voice, clearly belonging to a woman, thanked Alphonse Kirihito for taking the time to listen to the Sedunnic suggestion.

"I am lieutenant Braienn", she continued, "and I will convey exactly the same message to you as the Frost Empire and the RDC already have recieved. Please listen to what I have to say, and I will be happy to answer any and all questions when I have finished the message."

"Sedunn is very concerned about the situation in Reizen. The humanitarian situation is dire, and more and more foreign powers with their own agendas to expand their influence are about to intervene. We believe that should the conflict be allowed to continue, there would be a risk of a second Great War. We must act quickly and resolutly."

"We believe that the solution is a unified Reizen front against the RIM, like the Grovne Pact of Non-Agression, combined with a swift stroke against the RIM's ability to wage war. Sedunn has the capability to conduct a saturation attack against RIM AA units and command centres. The strike would open up much of Reizen for Signatory forces and redeployment of forces to combat the RIM."

"In return, Sedunn asks that the people of Reizen be allowed to choose their own future after the RIM has been defeated, by a free and fair referendum. Sedunn has no interest in seeing a specific faction win because it has a certain name or label, we only want it to be the choice of the people who live there. We believe this is the fastest way to peace in Reizen and stability for the whole region."

"In addition to said strikes against the RIM, Sedunn can initially offer the equivalent of two strike fighter squadrons, one regiment-size airomobile battlegroup, one regiment-size marine battlegroup, field artillery and naval units to aid a unified Reizen front against the RIM."

"This concludes the message."

"We can provide a link to the Empire and the RDC if you wish to discus our suggestion with them. Questions or comments, respected Politburo leader?"
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator



Using a private channel, Vorsica representative Matthew Kyle reached out to a member of the WPR hoping to secure an arrangement to provide weapons and training.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

(04-26-2019, 12:02 AM)Qvait Wrote: Using a private channel, Vorsica representative Matthew Kyle reached out to a member of the WPR hoping to secure an arrangement to provide weapons and training.

WPR Communications officer Keiki Kono had been assigned as the point of contact for Vorsica by the authority of Politburo member Aguri Kokonoe.  Keiki relayed the Aguri's statement expressing interest in securing a mutually beneficial arrangement between the socialist leaning Vorsica and the WPR.

Matthew Kyle spoke, "Hello, the people I work with are interested in helping comrades in Reizen who want to build a better world for our children. We can guarantee you a steady supply of weapons designed for use by the Valkyrian Defence Forces. These weapons that our oppressive state have manufactured have never been used by anyone who wasn't Valkyrian. Tomorrow and for the rest of all time, these weapons can be used against these oppressors and to advance the cause. Here is a list of weapons that we can procure for your organisation."
  • V2 handguns
  • V9 carbines
  • V34 sniper rifles
  • V55 machine guns
  • V67 shotguns
  • V154 anti-tank missiles
  • V545 mortars
  • Weapon attachments
  • Ammunition
"In return for the procurement and delivery of these weapons, Vorsica will need money to continue operating under the capitalist regime that we find ourselves under. Other than weapons, we have former members of the Valkyrian Defence Forces, Qvaitican Armed Forces, and/or Winstonian Defence Forces who can train members of your organisation to better fight against your oppressors. An annual payment of fifty million Pacific dollars or 4.17 million Pacific dollars per month, with conversion of foreign currency taken into account, will be enough to procure you a sufficient stream of weaponry that can take down an empire."
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

Official Thread • Lampshade Broadcasting Company • The Tsunamy Institution of the Law and Public Policy


Admiral Yamamoto opened comms on an open frequency. "Attention Aggressors. This is the Imperial Frost Navy 6th Fleet Commander, Admiral Yamamoto. You have illegally invaded the sovereign nation of the Frost Empire and sided with a insurgency that wishes to revive old discriminatory practices under the ruse of democracy. You have committed war crimes by obstructing rescue vessels from recovering sailors who have abandoned ship, and by also killing those who abandoned ship. Admiral Bostwick or whomever is responsible for this invasion, I can promise you one thing. We will fight you in the seas. We will fight you in the air. And we will continue to fight until you leave our country. And we will prosecute you as war criminals once this war is over for the crimes committed against the people of the Frost Empire. Justice is on our side War criminals, and we will execute her will. out."

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