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[IC] Reizen Civil War

(04-01-2020, 05:10 PM)VPRB Wrote:
(03-25-2020, 07:53 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: "I see... however, partial integration, such as establishing a firm command structure is a necessary component of the joint offensive. Otherwise we'll face issues of cooperation as neither party will recognize the other's authority. And for one, I do believe that you and members of the WPR's political/military leadership would not tolerate their officers being disrespected because their ranks didn't reflect their proper authority, much like how we ourselves wouldn't appreciate the same being done." she replied as a matter of fact. 

"I understand" replied Hunt, examining a cigar with his free hand "Let's at least try to keep going what we have now. I wish you good day and good work, Minister". 

"I wish you a good day and good work as well Minister Hunt." replied Kuribayashi.


Undisclosed Airfield, Ikireijin, Reizen Province, Frost Empire

Major Kusanagi yawned softly as she sat atop her tank while awaiting the Finixian delegation to land. Her unit, the 901st Battalion, was cycled out of the front lines in order to rest and recover. However, she and a detachment of the Battalion was ordered to escort the "Imperial Welcome Wagon" (IWW), comprised of mid-level diplomats led by Captain Kai Amino, who awaited the Finixi Delegation on the tarmac.

While in times of peace the Administration would have welcomed foreign delegations at the capital Oured, the president and parts of the Cabinet had moved their offices to the city in a symbolic gesture for loyalists who feared they would be abandoned in the early days of the civil war. Furthermore, Ikireijin International Airport was repurposed to be used exclusively by fleeing refugees and incoming medical personnel that all non-essential travel was relegated to undisclosed makeshift airfields such as the one the Finixian delegation were expected to land in.
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"Ki Ha'Coron', we are landing in the designated airfield. Would you like-"

"Thank you for letting me know. I am in need of nothing at the moment." Finix gave a half-hearted half smile, not looking up from her phone, until the plane came to a halt. She stood up, grabbing a small orange hibiscus flower from the spot next to her.

"Ki Ha'Coron', is this flower for me? You're too kind-"

"Apologies, sir. This is actually for the Frost representatives. A sign of goodwill and friendship, of course. Always paired with some tea- I forgot the tea..." Finix frantically looked around back in the seat, trying to locate certain things.

"Oh no, this is a diplomatic catastrophe!!! I forgot the tea!"

"Ki Ha'Coron', perhaps they don't know Finixi customs? No matter, they're waiting for you."

Finix took a deep breath, resuming her typical cold, calculating demeanor. She stepped out of the plane alone, the pilots and her attendant remaining in the plane, as they were of no importance to diplomacy.

Battle For Credence Airfield

Third Battle Group Field Command

Commander Gore sighed as he listened to the messenger's response from the First Battle Group. "Bloody Warmonger, can't even think straight..." He muttered before looking up to the poor messenger. "This battle is lost. We're only going to waste the rest of our veterans at the rate this battle drags on. The Third will be retreating and heading back to friendly lines in a few hours."

"Sir, would you like me to relay that information to the First Battle Group first?" the messenger asked,

"No, lad, you look like you need rest. I'll send another officer to inform the reckless bastard my decision."

"But sir..." the messenger started to say before being silenced when the Commander raised his right hand as though to stop him. 

Commander Gore looked at the messenger's shoulder pad for his rank and spoke aware of his intentions, "Now Corporal. I know you've been verbally abused by the First Battle Group Commander and hope to spare your replacement. However, you do not need to subject yourself when you clearly need rest and chow. Also get a corpsman to take a look at you. You walked for several kilometers back in the mud, and the last thing I need is another man with trench foot. Do you understand my orders?"

"Crystal sir," the Messenger replied almost dejectedly, before saluting the Commander and taking his leave.

As the Messenger exited the room, the Second Battle Group Commander, Captain Niji Raizou, entered the tent. "Well?" the 2nd Battle Group Commander asked Gore. "Commander Ikko accuses us of being cowards while He ordered the First to fight to the last man."

"That so..." Raizou replied before continuing, "Well that'll spare my men from being the rear guard and holding them back. Is there a messenger going to inform Ikko?"

"No, I'll tell him directly that we're pulling out. In the meantime, I'd like you to oversee the withdrawal here." said Gore.

"No sir, It would be better for me to inform that moron before he gets his entire Battle Group Killed." replied Raizou,

"You don't think I can handle a reckless officer?" asked Gore as his visage turned stern.

"No, sir, I think you can handle a reckless idiot, but that is a waste of your time considering the fact that you are still the Commanding Officer of the Third Battle Group. However, Commander Ikko of the First Battle Group still has command over elements of the Second Battle Group, which are MY men sir. And if push comes to shove and someone needs to relieve that idiot of command, I would like to take charge of MY MEN and conduct rear guard operations to secure your withdrawal." replied Raizou.

Gore thought about Raizou's words briefly and responded, "Fine, I'll let you handle it."
"Thank you Commander Gore, I will take a detachment of the Second and leave immediately." Raizou said as he saluted and swiftly exited the room.


Somewhere near the front lines

Corporal Maz Yamada crawled behind the wreckage of a technical after barely surviving the enemy rocket artillery barrage. In the distance he could hear the signal for the wave to pull back and reform, while another wave assaulted a different position. However, as he rested behind the wreckage, Yamada observed the hellish landscape around him. Bodies half buried in the mud as the force of the blast forcefully twisted the dead into eerie poses. Their arms reaching up towards the heavens as if to beg for mercy and forgiveness.

Limbs strewn across the "killing fields" as his comrades were torn to shreds by the enemy artillery barrages. As he observed the wounded who lay abandoned by his fellow soldiers he could hear the various cries for help, for their loved ones... and moans for someone to end their misery and suffering. From the cries of anguish he could make out a familiar but muffled voice, The Sergeant, Corporal Yamada's mentor and partner for the battle. 

"Thank the Goddess, he's alive..." muttered the Corporal as he fumbled forward and crawled in the direction of the Sergeant. As he continued to crawl, each second felt like an eternity as his mind tormented him with thoughts of death and failure. Despite these thoughts, Yamada pressed on until he found his partner pleading for death repeatedly. Yamada could see that the sergeant was partially buried in the mud while his right arm was mangled by shrapnel and exposed to the Mustard gas that settled at the bottom of the crater.  

"Oh... hell... I'm going to get you out of there sarge." shouted Yamada as he slid down the crater towards the Sergeant. "Sarge," Yamada said again as he reached the Sergeant. "Its me. Corporal Yamada, I'm going to get you out of this hell sir." Yamada digs the sergeant out of the mud as the sergeant protested weakly repeating his cry for death. "Please... Kill.... me..."

After successfully digging him out of the dirt, Yamada dragged the sergeant out of the crater muttering "I'm sorry" repeatedly as the Sergeant howled in pain and demanded to be killed. Yamada stopped caring about whether he was exposed to the enemy's line of fire as he focused solely on getting his mentor to safety...

Captain Kai Amino and the rest of the IWW stood at attention as they watched the Finixian leader step out of the plane alone. The Captain smiled as he spoke politely, "We humbly welcome you to the Frost Empire's Reizen Province, Chief Finixi. We do apologize for having you land in a makeshift airfield instead of Ikireijin International Airport or Oured International as well as the absence of our Heads of Government. However, (one of the IWW staff walks forward with a large basket of customary gifts) We do hope that you can accept this as a small token friendship."

Meanwhile Major Kusanagi ordered the men to "Present Arms" and await the IWW and the Lone Foreign Chief.
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(04-11-2020, 12:49 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"Thank you for your kindness, honorable friends" Finix nodded, taking the gift into her hands. She maintained a stone-cold stare, though the unmistakable flush of color on her face gave away her embarassment as she handed the staff that approached her the singular flower. "I hope that you would accept this gift as well, as it is traditional to gift it in Finixi culture, as a sign of friendship, I believe you call it."

"Also, there is no need for formality either. I am called Finix. Now, I assume, if you are not the honorable person I am here to speak to, you are here to lead me to them?"

Finix shifted her gaze between the captain and the IWW staff quickly, crossing her arms as she did over the basket so as to hug it.
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  • Imperial Frost Federation

Outskirts of Credence Airfield
122nd Parachute Company

All Visa, all Visa: from Visa Yses, be advised, we will try the megaphones again. I will join Visa Bettu. Visa Bettu, acknowledge, over.

Visa Bettu, Visa Bettu?!

It slowly occurred to Private Jimm Timmlu that the barrage had ceased and that the platoon commander was waiting for him to respond. He reached for the radio.

"Roger, out!" yelled Timmlu from behind the gas mask.

He wiped a thick layer of mud off from the lens pieces and gazed at the battlefield in front of his foxhole. To his surprise it looked just the same. There was very little movement on the enemy's side. But what was that? The young private quickly looked down the scope of his rifle. He wasn't sure now either. Maybe there was something behind that car thing?

Then he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the platoon commander.

"Someone still out there, Timmlu?"

"Not sure. I may have seen some movement by the technical vehicle thing."

"Acknowledged. Please keep an eye on it for me. I'll attempt to communicate with them again with the megaphone."

Timmlu looked up at the platoon commander.

"But Innienn, I don't think it will work with the mask."

"I know..."

It looked like Innienn's eyes smiled from inside the mask. But there was also resolve in the gaze. Innienn picked a colourful pen-like thing out from a pocket on his vest. He removed a plastic strip and turned the upper part until there was a click. He then put it on his left thigh and punched a knob. It was an injector with a prophylactic substance.

Innienn took a deep breath and took the mask off slowly. Seeing that Timmlu looked at him instead of down the scope of his rifle, he simply nodded towards the field. Timmlu understood. He picked up the megaphone.

"Soldiers of the RIM! It is over! It is time to end this! Further attacks will only waste lives and accomplish nothing!"

Innienn inhaled.

"We have medical aid for you. We have food and shelter. Lay down your arms and let us end this! You will nt be harmed!"

Innienn inhaled again. Would the injection work? He would soon know.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator

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(04-11-2020, 01:58 AM)phoenixofthesun14 Wrote:

Captain Amino responded, "We respectfully disagree, Chief Finix, Our protocol dictates that mid level diplomatic officers like myself and the IWW, address foreign leaders by their proper title unless otherwise ordered to by the Minister or President." He also gestured to one of the IWW staff, "We would also be happy to hold onto the gift and luggage that you have brought, so that you do not have your hands full when you meet Minister Kuribayashi." "That being said, I wouldn't expect the same courtesy from Major Kusanagi as she is beholden only to the Crown Princess, Admiral Remilia F. Firenze" he said gesturing to the soldier sat atop her tank.


Outskirts of Credence Airfield

Corporal Maz Yamada heard a voice as he dragged the Sergeant out of the Crater. The screams of the Sergeant drowned out parts of the voice's message, but he figured it was Sedunnic in origin since he didn't understand what the voice was saying. Nonetheless, he couldn't assume anything as the voice could have easily been one of their wounded.

As Yamada continued to drag the Sergeant, he contemplated his options. 'either I surrender to the Sedunners and hope that their supplies could save the Sergeant, or believe the propaganda and take my chances with the army's dwindling medical supplies. Neither option is good... but sarge is almost out of time'.  

Yamada stopped as his muscles burned from the burden of shouldering his mentor, and took a deep breath. "Imperialist Allies! Don't Shoot! I can no longer fight and my friend needs medical help! please Help us."

(04-14-2020, 10:37 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"Oh... Understood." Finix nodded, allowing the staff to take the gift and luggage she held tightly to. "It is a pleasure to meet you here, I thank you for the warm welcome, honorable friends."

(04-14-2020, 11:03 PM)phoenixofthesun14 Wrote: "Oh... Understood." Finix nodded, allowing the staff to take the gift and luggage she held tightly to. "It is a pleasure to meet you here, I thank you for the warm welcome, honorable friends."

"The honor is ours Chief Finix" replied Captain Amino politely as he guided the Finixian chief to the armored Convoy.

"ORDER.... ARMS!" barked Major Kusanagi as she order the men back into attention after Chief Finix passed them into an armored car. 

Once Kusanagi confirmed that the doors of the armored cars were shut, she hopped onto the lead tank and picked a megaphone. "Alright lads, into your vehicles, we are departing in 2!"


The convoy safely reached its destination as the armored car stopped completely. 
Major Kusanagi, opened the door as she spoke in Austral, "Chief, Captain, we've reached our destination. Would you kindly watch your step as you disembark from the vehicle."
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Commander Ikko stared silently contemplating his next moves. His hope that the Sedunners would be demoralized by now after facing endless hordes and clouds of mustard and sarin gas that rained down from above were dashed by new long range enemy fire support. "Bloody cowards... I guess its time I personally went out and lead them in the final charge." growled the Commander.

Commander Ikko grabbed his radio and spoke, "I know we've been throwing ourselves at the enemy to seemingly no avail, but believe me men, we have them on the ropes mentally. With this final charge, We will break their spirits. Convince them of the folly of pushing deeper to our homes. This is our line my fellow soldiers. Behind us lay your homes, your families, and loved ones. All on the chopping block. If you believe in the cause of freedom, let us fight to the end my friends. Company commanders reorganize the volunteers for one final push. It is time to-

"Commander Ikko stand down!" a voice cried out.

"Who dares interrupt me?!" roared Ikko as he turned around letting go of the radio.

"Second Battle Group Commander Raizou at your service. Now stand down Commander Ikko." responded Raizou

"And Why should I Raizou." replied Ikko coldly.

"You and I both know this battle is lost. Gore and I agree that the First Battle Group must perform rear guard actions and defend the survivors from an enemy counter offensive." 

"What?! Rear Guard?! NO!" Roared Ikko as his temper flared, "I told that boy that we swore to fight to the LAST MAN! You... I thought you understood the gravity of the situation Raizou. The reason why we fight to the Last Man. You of all people should know that we have to take the airfield or inflict such a psychological scar on the enemy that they will be forced to sue for peace."

"And if they don't sue for peace?" asked Raizou

"Then they will know despair." replied Ikko

Raizou raised a pistol at Ikko, "Will you stand down and call off the assault?"

"Are you threatening me Raizou?" asked Ikko looking shocked.

"I won't ask again. Will you stand down?" repeated Raizou.

"I will... Never Stand down.... traitor." said Ikko as he attempted to draw his own sidearm before being disarmed and injured by several rounds.

"I.... Will.... Never... Forgive.... You.... Traitor...." wheezed Ikko as Raizou whispered back kicking Ikko's gun away, "That's fine... Since I just saved your life."

Raizou then waved in two guards. "Men, take Commander Ikko back to the medical tents for treatment. Oh and be sure to ignore his orders since he's in shock and is rather delirious from the fighting."  The guards look confused before acknowledging Raizous orders and taking the injured Commander away.

Raizou then picked up the radio from the floor and spoke, "This is Second Battle Group Commander Raizou to all Company Commanders and survivors. I repeat, this is Second Battle Group Commander Raizou to all Company Commanders and survivors. Commander Ikko is indisposed and I will be taking command of this Battle Group. I repeat you are now under my command at this time. All survivors are to reorganize into your units and cover the retreat of the wounded and the Surviving battle groups. I repeat all survivors will form rear guard units to cover our withdrawal back to friendly lines."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Furthermore, as the Commanding Officer of this Battle Group I will be taking responsibility at this time and buy as much time for you all when i negotiate terms a temporary ceasefire with the enemy. I also understand many of you were forced to step over your dying comrades in the pursuit of a victory that never materialized. If there are volunteers among you who wish to bury your comrades or find survivors meet me at the staging area. That is all..." 

Raizou sighed as he placed the radio back on the table and walked to the staging area. To his surprise he could see 5 company commanders approached him.  One of them spoke, "Sir, we were assigned to the Second Battle Group before being reassigned to the first battle group, and we wanted to let you know that we have your back sir. I don't know how many raiders are still alive, but thanks for getting us out of this death sentence."

Raizou silently nods as he takes a white cloth from his shirt and wrapped it around a discarded rifle to form a makeshift white flag and walked onto no man's land determined to end the battle.
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