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[IC] Reizen Civil War

(04-18-2020, 11:23 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"Yes, thank you..." Finix nodded, sliding out from the car to the ground, landing squarely on her feet. She took a deep breath, and began following Major Kusanagi, her steps uncertain of the foreign land she was currently walking through. Though Ha'Hani was relatively developped, with sidewalks and buildings and such, Finix rarely trod there, spending the majority of her time in the lush tropical jungles of FiHami.

Platoon commander Innienn was just about to answer the injured RIM soldiers when he saw the white flag. A universal sign, protected by the Grovne Conventions. He grabbed his radio.

"All Visa, all Visa: from Visa Yses, cease fire! Cease fire!"

He then observed the approaching man with the flag for a moment before reporting to the company commander. He confirmed the cease fire order and instructed Innienn to receive the approaching man. Depending on his intentions, a meeting with the colonel in charge of the airfield could be arranged, he was told.

Before putting his gas mask back on, he spoke into the megaphone.

"Injured RIM fighters, you will receive medical aid! Approach our lines, unarmed!"

He looked at private Timmlu.

"I will climb up and welcome the man with the white flag. Cover me."

Timmlu nodded.

Innienn slowly climbed the slippery wall of the foxhole. Once out, he let his assault rifle hang on his chest and waved at the man with the white flag and pointed on the ground next to him to let him know he should come to him.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Doctor Kane sat down in his seat of the cafe, he asked for a newspaper from Darach. He knew he needed to maintain his stature, The Peony and Lady Caitlin looked at him from above. They need to have a good relationship to the Family if they were to locate the warheads. Ms. Toudou checked into the cafe, and was seated by Darach. Doctor Kane jumped up to accept her hand

[Image: the_cliffs_03.jpg]

"Good evening Ms. Toudou" said Doctor Kane, as she shook her hand "I trust you had a nice flight here? Before we begin, I suppose you can order first?"

“Good evening Doctor,” said Ms toudou. “The flight was... an interesting ordeal, but nothing out of the ordinary.” She then took her seat and asked the waiter for a cup of Darjeeling tea and chiffon cake. “Doctor, I believe we can skip the pleasantries. What would you wish to know of Point rain Armories”

"I am seeking the nuclear missile that went missing. They are from Point Rain, but I must know whether RIM has any weapons of sorts in their arsenal, and whether they plan on activating it anytime soon." Said Doctor Kane as he folded his newspaper, "neutralizing such weapons is of anyone's interests, especially of word that Bzerneleg is becoming really... Intrusive, in the Reizen theatre"

Ms Toudou shook her head, “The short answer is no, the RIM won’t be using the weapons any time soon, but that depends on their results in repelling the Imperialists, Sedunn and the Communists.They may end up using them in desperation as a suicide bomb planted at the center of a village, town or city. And while I do know it is Point Rain Armory’s intent to sell nuclear materials the loss of several full warheads led to many being shipped off to help the RIM fight against the rest of the world in atonement.”

"So it is their intention to support the RIM, by having them lose these assets. Do you have any idea how many warheads does the RIM have at this moment?" Asked Doctor Kane.

"It was their intention to make a profit from the war... what they didn’t take into account was how sympathetic some of their representatives were to the RIM cause. So the loss of the Warheads was unintended and forced them to take a loss in profits, but it gave them some unexpected benefits and problems." Said Ms. Toudou, "at present I don’t know how many of the 12 war heads managed to make it into Reizen, but I know that at least 3 were smuggled in."

"It appears that the prognosis has taken to a more malignant position," Mumbled Doctor Kane, "What is The Broker's stance in having nuclear warheads in his place of business?"

“I’m afraid that’s something even I don’t know. But ever since the Imperial offensive started the RIM have been hounding the family to send volunteers to ‘defend’ the city and straining our once beneficial relations..." Ms. Toudou looked down, and looked again. "And while I can’t speak for the broker this time, I and several cleaners feel as though we have our hands tied and awaiting the hangman’s noose.”

Doctor Kane let out a modest chuckle, "Perhaps a lesson must be taught towards the RIM. With your permission, my team and I would like to neutralize any warheads the RIM may have, as well as locate 9 of those that are unaccounted for. If you could give me the location of the three that you know, I might be able to track the rest."

"As much as I would like to... I'm afraid I can't do that." Said Ms. Toudou, hesitant. "To disclose the location of these nuclear arms would compromise one of the Broker's investments and also put the family at risk. In addition the risk of detonating a nuclear warhead is much higher since the RIM are using Dead man switches for most explosives outside their chemical weapons and biological weapons."

"Would a desparate nuclear line of defense in Kinjishi be much worse for you?" Challenged Doctor Kane. "These warheads would certainly dampen any of our assets in Reizen, especially if these weapons are not suited for operational profit. Now certainly, there is room for negotiation?"

"A premature detonation in Kinjishi would be far worse for the family." Answered Ms. Toudou, unfazed, "it the very least a nuclear defense of kinjishi would mean that we would have time to evacuate the city"

Doctor Kane paused for a moment before continuing. "If they are willing to share such information with you. nuclear bombs are far worse and far more destructive now. Now I acknowledge that you seem auspicious."

Darach then moved with his tray of food. Proceeded to place the chiffon cake and tea for Ms. Toudou, while placing some Coffee and a cookie for the Doctor. Doctor Kane did not avert his gaze from Ms. Toudou, and simply tapped his two fingers on the table signing his appreciation to Darach.

"They won't have to..." Said Ms. Toudou as she sipped her drink, "the family has eyes everywhere in Kinjishi, and is why we can confirm 3 of the 12 nuclear weapons were smuggled in. But once the warheads were moved outside of the city I don't know where in Reizen they've been moved to. They could be in the frontlines by now along with the new Catra death strain... and rumors that some are still in transit trying to evade Imperial and foreign inspection on their way to certain targets"

Doctor Kane was interested in what Ms. Toudou just said, and asked as she cut her cake. "You've said that 3 are smuggled into Kinjishi, the rest are in transit or unknown to the family. If they are brought out of Kinjishi, the family wouldn't know where these warheads are anymore. How can you be fully certain that these warheads are still in Kinjishi?"

“That’s a trade secret, but one I have permission to disclose for the right price.” Winked Ms. Toudou as she sipped another time

"And if I pay said price, the family would let us neutralize the warheads as well?" Said Doctor Kane, reciprocating by drinking his coffee.

“That would depend on the Broker, but the information will help you track the warheads outside Reizen.”

"Very well. What do you have in mind?" Asked Doctor Knae.

Ms. Toudou took another bite of the chiffon cake, and modestly chewing it. Upon swallowing, she continued. "What I have in mind is a complicated job, but I think you have the skills to pull it off. Furthermore, the rewards for completing the job will benefit your search for the warhead as well."

"Tell me more." Asked Doctor Kane. It was then that Ms. Toudou took a large manila folder to the table and continued sipping her drink. Doctor Kane sipped his coffee before shuffling the papers within.

“The job is a series of political assassinations ranging from imperial officials to foreign leaders who seek to destroy the RIM. Each bounty she places a thick file on the table yields a reward of the contractor’s choice, foreign slaves, wealth, arms, or information including the whereabouts of the nuclear warheads if you’re deemed ‘trustworthy’.” Doctor Kane continued to shuffle the files as Ms. Toudou explained “The complicated part is what the broker wants. The Broker wants those assassinations to fail and he hopes to galvanize the alleged targets into committing more troops against the RIM. He’s been waiting patiently for a chance to evacuate the city but seeing how annoyingly vigilant the RIM are we require outside assistance to make an opportunity.”

"So you'd like me to be the guardian angel of these targets, or annihilate the contractor? Coerce the targets to commit more troops against RIM, all so that we could evacuate the city?" Asked Doctor Kane after sipping his coffee. "Why not we simply combine our efforts to retake the city? I have proper mercenaries for the job."

“We can’t retake the city without significant casualties to the uninvolved, and the Broker does not like to take unnecessary risks. The complexity of the job is the choice you’ve been given to act as the targets’ unseen guardian angel or their grim reaper." Ms. Toudou took another bite of the chiffon cake. "The Broker will be pleased if you act to stop the assassins, but that will only give you the information we possess regarding the nuclear warheads and our continued friendship. The latter will help the RIM cause in greatly extending their losing war but you will be given better weapons, wealth and information at the cost of broker’s good will.”

"The RIM certainly wishes a lot of people gone" Doctor Kane shuffles his paper and took a bite of his cookie. "Anyone The Broker has in mind to help?"

“They have many enemies, but there are 3 individuals in particular they wish gone, but the RIM know they can’t harm them. The first is in their words: Imperialist Foreign Minister Nagisa Kuribayashi, who is the right hand of the Imperialists. The second is politburo leader Alphonse Kirihito, the leader of the pragmatist wing of the WPR, and finally the humanitarian eyesore Princess Isara. However, all three are heavily guarded and I don’t expect anyone to be foolish enough to try." Ms. Toudou drank her Daarjeling before having it filled again by Darach the moment she sets her cup back. "However, this one..."

She pulls another file, "is one that the Broker is keen on keeping alive. The man in question is a Biochemical Officer in the Imperial military, and one who is rumored to be working on a vaccine for the RIM biological weapons. The RIM cannot allow him to succeed for obvious reasons, but the vaccine has potential in the markets in lieu of the recent rim foreign adventures."

"Doctor Ozai" scanned Doctor Kane, as he took another bite of his cookie "I believe I've seen him before when the Health Committee of the World Forum, he was quite adamant on the catra death cure initiative. Alright, I suppose you have anything else?"

"Yes, Doctor Ozai was last seen treating Catra Death patients in Central Reizen, but our informants lost him enroute to camp Sanctuary." Explained Ms. Toudou

"Very well, I'll look into this." Said Doctor Kane as he sipped some more tea, finishing his cup "Shall we leave? I know a fantastic place for some ice cream."

"Of, course.." Toudou replied as she finished her cake, and downing it with tea. Both of them stood up with Doctor kane hiding the folder in his newspaper. He gestured to Darach his appreciation, before holding Ms. Toudou's arms out of the Cafe, leaving the newspaper. It was outside that Ms. Toudou managed to leave another detail.

"Oh before I forget, do you remember Inspector Kariya? He's your contact to enter Kinjishi and cover to allow you to move through RIM held Reizen."

"Is he not hostile towards foreign contractors?" Asked doctor Kane.

"Hostile? Not quite, as you may be somewhat aware, the Kariya and father have a mutually beneficial relationship. This relationship has strengthened in light of the RIM's foolishness in demanding additional concessions from father because Kariya believes RIM officials have tied his hands with more paperwork and 'babysitting' duties when Kariya wishes nothing more than to go back to the hunt." Answered Ms. Toudou before she entered Doctor Kane's car, both clipped their seatbelts "Kariya's help was instrumental in revealing the fools who undermined father's credibility and trust, and he has also expressed an interest in meeting with you at least once."

"Very well, I look forward to his... Cooperation."

Doctor kane sped out from Cafe Sonata, thinking to get some ice cream before dropping off Ms. Toudou

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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(04-22-2020, 03:11 PM)Qwert Wrote: Platoon commander Innienn was just about to answer the injured RIM soldiers when he saw the white flag. A universal sign, protected by the Grovne Conventions. He grabbed his radio.

"All Visa, all Visa: from Visa Yses, cease fire! Cease fire!"

He then observed the approaching man with the flag for a moment before reporting to the company commander. He confirmed the cease fire order and instructed Innienn to receive the approaching man. Depending on his intentions, a meeting with the colonel in charge of the airfield could be arranged, he was told.

Before putting his gas mask back on, he spoke into the megaphone.

"Injured RIM fighters, you will receive medical aid! Approach our lines, unarmed!"

He looked at private Timmlu.

"I will climb up and welcome the man with the white flag. Cover me."

Timmlu nodded.

Innienn slowly climbed the slippery wall of the foxhole. Once out, he let his assault rifle hang on his chest and waved at the man with the white flag and pointed on the ground next to him to let him know he should come to him.

Corporal Maz Yamada heard the voice respond, but again couldn't understand what they were saying, and hoped that they wouldn't shoot the two on sight. The two had their sidearms holstered, but the firearm also served as an uncomfortable crutch for the Sarge to lean on as Yamada dragged them to the Sedunnic lines.

As they approached the Sedunnic lines, He could feel his grip on the Sarge slipping and was about to collapse when he felt an arm stop him from falling.

It was the arm of Company Commander Iida, one of the five who supported Commander Raizou. Commander Raizou heard the Sedunnic call for the two men to approach and silently nodded for the company commanders behind him to help them after noticing how bad the men looked.

Another Company Commander, Khan, helped lift the Sarge onto his shoulder, while also taking care to take the Sergeants Service pistol off of him.

"Easy lad, just lean on me." said Iida to Yamada as he too took Yamada's service pistol off of him.

The 4 stopped just before the Sedunnic trench, and Iida spoke austral in a heavy accent, "Company Commander Khan and I will not surrender our arms at this time, but we will not fire upon you because of Second Battle Group Commander's unilateral ceasefire order. However, these two (Gesturing to Yamada and Sarge) have complied with your demand and are unarmed and require medical attention."


Second Battle Group Commander Raizou approached Platoon Commander Innien and spoke Sedunnic with a thick Frost accent, "Sir, I wish to speak to your commanding officer to discuss terms for a ceasefire."
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill
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(05-07-2020, 03:09 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Corporal Maz Yamada heard the voice respond, but again couldn't understand what they were saying, and hoped that they wouldn't shoot the two on sight. The two had their sidearms holstered, but the firearm also served as an uncomfortable crutch for the Sarge to lean on as Yamada dragged them to the Sedunnic lines.

As they approached the Sedunnic lines, He could feel his grip on the Sarge slipping and was about to collapse when he felt an arm stop him from falling.

It was the arm of Company Commander Iida, one of the five who supported Commander Raizou. Commander Raizou heard the Sedunnic call for the two men to approach and silently nodded for the company commanders behind him to help them after noticing how bad the men looked.

Another Company Commander, Khan, helped lift the Sarge onto his shoulder, while also taking care to take the Sergeants Service pistol off of him.

"Easy lad, just lean on me." said Iida to Yamada as he too took Yamada's service pistol off of him.

The 4 stopped just before the Sedunnic trench, and Iida spoke austral in a heavy accent, "Company Commander Khan and I will not surrender our arms at this time, but we will not fire upon you because of Second Battle Group Commander's unilateral ceasefire order. However, these two (Gesturing to Yamada and Sarge) have complied with your demand and are unarmed and require medical attention."

It was the second in command of the entrenched platoon who would be in charge of dealing with the group of four. He approached the four Reizeners and stretched out his arm for a handshake with the those able to.

"That will be acceptable. I am Lieutenant Pomerantsev, Sedunnic 1st Airmobile Brigade", he answered, also with a notable accent. "Commander Khan, instruct those who wish it that we can stabilise hemorrhage, treat acute cases of poisoning and provide food and fresh water. Good to know is that patients may be asked to give up their uniforms and clothing, as decontamination will be necessary. Clothing will be burned and other garments will be provided. Patients will not be prisoners of war unless they surrender."

Private Timmlu listened to his commander curiously from inside the foxhole. He was a bit amused by the bad pronunciation, but also horrified to see the RIM Sarge. He nodded as to show compassion.

(05-07-2020, 03:09 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Second Battle Group Commander Raizou approached Platoon Commander Innien and spoke Sedunnic with a thick Frost accent, "Sir, I wish to speak to your commanding officer to discuss terms for a ceasefire."

At first Platoon Commander Innienn did not understand what Raizou said, but soon he realised that he was speaking Sedunnic, not Austral as he had anticipated.

"And that shall be arranged." He hoped that the Commander would be able to understand his Sedunnic, that was distorted by the gas mask.

"Follow me, Sir. I will escort you to a vehicle that will take us to the Colonel."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


(05-23-2020, 10:57 AM)Qwert Wrote:  
(05-07-2020, 03:09 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Second Battle Group Commander Raizou approached Platoon Commander Innien and spoke Sedunnic with a thick Frost accent, "Sir, I wish to speak to your commanding officer to discuss terms for a ceasefire."

At first Platoon Commander Innienn did not understand what Raizou said, but soon he realised that he was speaking Sedunnic, not Austral as he had anticipated.

"And that shall be arranged." He hoped that the Commander would be able to understand his Sedunnic, that was distorted by the gas mask.

"Follow me, Sir. I will escort you to a vehicle that will take us to the Colonel."  

"I understand, please, lead the way," replied Commander Raizou.
(05-23-2020, 10:57 AM)Qwert Wrote: It was the second in command of the entrenched platoon who would be in charge of dealing with the group of four. He approached the four Reizeners and stretched out his arm for a handshake with the those able to.

"That will be acceptable. I am Lieutenant Pomerantsev, Sedunnic 1st Airmobile Brigade", he answered, also with a notable accent. "Commander Khan, instruct those who wish it that we can stabilise hemorrhage, treat acute cases of poisoning and provide food and fresh water. Good to know is that patients may be asked to give up their uniforms and clothing, as decontamination will be necessary. Clothing will be burned and other garments will be provided. Patients will not be prisoners of war unless they surrender."

Private Timmlu listened to his commander curiously from inside the foxhole. He was a bit amused by the bad pronunciation, but also horrified to see the RIM Sarge. He nodded as to show compassion.

Company Commander Iida translated the Lieutenant's words to the other 3. Commander Khan silently nods and responds in Frost with Company Commander Iida translating, "That is acceptable, Per Company Commander Khan's instructions, I, Second Company Commander Iida, Reizen Independence Army 2nd Battle Group, will translate on his behalf. He thanks you in allowing our men to seek medical aid after this long and brutal battle, and that these two, (gesturing to the Corporal and Sergeant) Wish to receive vital medical treatment."
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

(04-22-2020, 05:39 AM)phoenixofthesun14 Wrote:
(04-18-2020, 11:23 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:

"Yes, thank you..." Finix nodded, sliding out from the car to the ground, landing squarely on her feet. She took a deep breath, and began following Major Kusanagi, her steps uncertain of the foreign land she was currently walking through. Though Ha'Hani was relatively developped, with sidewalks and buildings and such, Finix rarely trod there, spending the majority of her time in the lush tropical jungles of FiHami. 

The square the IWW and Chief Finix had disembarked was abuzz with activity with people moving in and out of the Central Building to various tents. Construction material was being hauled in and out with people loading it onto larger trucks nearby. People were lined up in several lines to receive food, water, and medical necessities. 

The Major, ignored the activity, being used to the chaos, and briskly walked into the building, with the IWW and Finixi Chief following shortly behind. 

 The inside of the building was no better as people could be heard arguing in different languages and piles of paper were being moved from one office to the other depending upon the whims of others.
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill

OOC Since the canonical finale was June 15 2020, all posts will be postmarked before the date to allow people to fill in events that occurred before the Seven Pillars tragedy.
Just call me Frost

Former member of the Pool of Justices

King of the Hill
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  • phoenixofthesun14, Tin the Free, VPRB

Transsunerian Sea, south-west of Karelins.

"My apologies, king. As you know we have elaborate welcoming traditions on the flagship, but operations are in a critical phase, and all hands are needed on their posts."

"Of course. Focus on what's important here and now."

King Vimmru and Captian Grenallu of the Sedunnic flagship the destroyer SNS Tapparad shook hands. Where there normally would be hundreds of people in tight formations, only a handful people were precent on the helicopter deck.

"My role here isn't ceremonial or to benefit our approval ratings" Vimmru continued. "It is only fair that I..."

Grenallu suddenly covered his ears with his hands and gestured to the others to do so as well.

There was a mechanical clunk followed immediately by the sharp sound of a missile igniting and roaring off the front of the destroyer. It was soon followed by a second one.

The Captain gestured once again to have the small entourage follow him inside.

"I'm sorry about that, king" said the captain once inside. He looked at his watch. "This was part of the strike package that initiates Allp Vatra, or 'Good Wagon' in as the operation is known in Austral."

"I see. How long until the battalion is deployed?"

The Capitan instinctively looked at his watch again.

"Ten minutes, king."

"Good. I wish to join them."

Grenallu was shocked that the king wanted to join the troops taking part in what was planned as the last thrust to snuff out the Soormann loyalists and the RIM. An already risky operation. But he was also a bit disappointed that he would miss his chance to show Vimmru how his ship operated in combat. His face reflected these feelings.

"The risks... Has TS been involved in this?"

TS was the Sedunnic abbreviation for Theatre Command.

"Yes. They were hesitant, like you. But as I was about to say, I firmly believe I must do this. I can't order our troops into battle, sitting behind a desk in a too comfortable chair. No. I must be there. With them."

The Captain nodded slowly. Vimmru continued.

"Now show me to the staff and get me some gear. I can't go into the jungle in a suit."

The captain saluted the king, pointed at a door, and rushed down the corridor in the other direction.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator

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