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Legal Question (interpret the meaning and application of a law) The Baliish Incident

"Beautiful! Beautiful! Send a word to the others that we have captured a live specimen!" Ordered the admiral as the Dark One clawed at its glass cage. The glass was a powerful bullet resistant type that made good for a cage.

Jasper Henn



*As morning breaks at 3:30 AM, Maxwell woke up and prepares for his morning jog. As he gets out from his room, he smelt something delicious, the aroma dances with him and he decides to follow the aroma. He arrives in the cafeteria and enters the kitchen, only to see his lovely fiancee behind the stove. Keileen MaxFord. *


"Oh, good morning Maxwell. I'm cooking some pancakes and waffles. I decide to learn about these Feirmontian batter. They are scrumptious, and I'm trying to figure out what makes them really good."

"Mind if I have a taste."

Keileen took out here glove and wore a new pair.

*Here, I don't want you licking from the spoon, it's unhygienic.*

"Like licking from a glove is better."

"Sorry honey."

*Maxwell licks the batter, and a rush of good taste enters his tongue.*

"This is one of the best things I've tasted other than my mom's cooking."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Give me a round of pancakes and waffles."

"Got it!" shouted Keileen.

As Maxwell brings his pancake and waffle outside, he was surprised that 40 people are outside waiting curious of the smell.

"The subway station is not here guys."

"We want to know who's or what's cooking in there." says someone from behind.

"Ok, if all of you want a sample, I have it in my hand."

*The forty people from different ranks tasted the pancake, even Commander A took the last sample. A smile came over everyone's faces.*

"Ah, Feirmontian. Texture, smale, taste. Divine pastry is always a Feirmontian secret. Got anymore?"

"Keileen is cooking back there, if you guys want a piece, you guys would have to be patient."

"I'll help."

"As much as I'd appreciate the help, you are a slob in the kitchen Commander. You would use your finger to lick every spilled batter."

*The Commander got red, and sat down as some giggled.*

"Hmm…. Hey Winna, are you there?"

*Ms. Winna, Zooey Trax's assistant. Has been a longtime friend of Maxwell and Keileen. Other than her passion for science and technology, she has is a natural cook.*

"Got it Max."

*Winna enters the kitchen, and Maxwell got inside.*

"Tall order, but we can do it right?"

"We can."

*The three friends continued to make pancakes and waffles for three hours, and after everyone in the Condottieri have their portions, they resumed to their duties. But they fell asleep in their respective rooms.*

*While the other armies are discussing their state of affairs, the TIK expedition has heard everything they have to hear. Seeing as the only army positioned outside Dedric, it is quite hard for them to discuss the matters directly to the head of command. So that day, after listening to the radio, Ms. Trax calls the Expedition's head naturalist, also the Condottieri's head of biomedical and natural science. The naturalist's name is Ottolynn Sinclair, daughter of the Chief of Engineering in The Regal Condottieri, Gregory Sinclair.*

"The Sporaltyran have seemed to acquire a creature, at this very moment their scientists are analysing the information." Says Commander A.

"We're quite far from their base, it is unlikely that they are going to give us a piece of the pie." said Ms. Trax

"If I may give my personal opinion, they would not find anything of significance. In order to research about the behaviour of a species one must either observe the pattern frequently, or compare its habits with a species that has a similar gene. It would take too long to research the behaviour of the species if you couldn't replicate its living places, what it needs, or anything. Besides, they only have one species, if they truly want to research about the weaknesses, they would've brought more. Years ago, it would take hundreds even thousands of animals to research a medicine or cure.... Certainly looking at the reports, Sporaltyran troops have spent quite a bit of manpower to catch a single specimen, I believe that catching more specimens for research is very costly and time consuming, not to mention draining troops. This is certainly not the objective of the Sporaltyran Admiral.....  Even if they could research it, it would take days even weeks to know the complete information of the species. DNA study is not a one day thing. It would take really high luck, and a really lucky dice for the Sporaltyran troops to actually have the complete information of the creature, and it seems unlikely, due to how far apart with each other, that they are going to give the complete information." said Otto Sinclair. "Plus, I don't think they have any technology that enables them to decode a DNA using ultracomputers, looking at their known and public tech advancements."

"As much as I trust our allies, I hold this belief. Trust, but verify." responded Ms. Trax.

"Indeed, we could not solely rely on other's knowledge, and researching the creature with the Sporaltyran scientists back home would be time consuming, this is certainly not the Condottieri scientists interest. We must analyse the species immediately. Perhaps the biological creatures recorded in the documents may be able to clue us in on the characteristics of the organism, and make the research faster." said Otto Sinclair

"What makes you so sure Otto?"

*Otto sits down upright.*

"Every naturalist would spend a couple of days studying the species, they tell us the characteristics, the culture, their social skills, reproduction, everything. If we can find the document that matches the description of the enemy, we may be able to use the naturalist document to decode the genes and in the end, able to compute the entire DNA of the Dark creature. Darwin's theory of evolution that states that every being has a common ancestor meant that we could decode the Dark creature's DNA not only from the naturalist documents, but from the IKDNADB [OOC: International Knight's DNA Data bank, it's like the genome project, but yielded a more complete result for all species.]."

"That sounds like a plan." said Ms. Trax

"Anyway, From what I heard Commander, is that the troops reviving from the dead, is not plausible." Marked Otto

"……..Otto, I have seen it with my bloody eyes." responded Commander A.

"Oh no, I do not question what you see. There are many things in this world that we don't know. But I don't think that these are zombies or an act of sorcery. If what we are facing in Baliish are zombies, who is patient zero? and how did the patient get the disease from? Some diseases appear because of lack of hygiene, the reason why maggots appear in rotten food is because that flies lay eggs there and the temperature of the food makes it suitable for bacteria and spawning, thus maggots are born. The zombie disease? where did patient zero get it from?"

"Please enlighten us with your theory Otto."

"Well, perhaps the population of Baliish are attacked by a creature, name it, John Doe. Doe carries a certain bacteria or disease that reactivates the brain of a deceased individual, but because the disease is in control of the brain, reason or conscience could not be introduced once more. That is why the Sporaltyran or the Resentinian troops respawned like zombies, whatever attacked them, carries the similar disease that reanimates them from the dead, and the disease controls the human body, and decides to attack us. An interesting theory is that the disease could not work if the brain still has conscience, the disease would need to wait for John Doe or their carriers to kill the brain, before reintroducing it. Which is why one of the methods to subdue these creatures, as the Resentinian fleet has said, is to blow off their heads."

"……The Resentinian army has burnt down every single body, and all the heads are chopped off. We need a John Doe, and run some tests." said Commander A.

"Which is why I am here."

*Norva entered the room, with the unusual uniform. He wears a red camo pants with a casual T-Shirt. He bears no blade, but he is also one of the people able to wield KATIA's younger and weaker sister, the 1.6 Luxabelle "Opal".*

"Something the matter Norva?" asked Commander A.

"We have report that the patrol has just acquired a 'John Doe'. The creature is constrained and have been subdued with the stun matter." responded Norva.

"That's great, because using Chloroform would lapse the brain into a dream, the bacteria could have deactivated, and would prove useless. The stun matter tricks the mind and make them think that the body is still active and alive. We are able to subdue the bacteria and extract it, and so we will extract the DNA." Interrupted Otto.

"The creature is currently in the Velocé lab, we can't do a lot until the bacteria realises that the body is stunned. We must do anything we can." said Norva.

"Right, Otto, be sure to take a blood sample and take a brain liquid. I would try to maintain the stun concentration long enough for all of you to do the procedures. Ms. Trax, please make me a sonar tracker so that we are able to track the creature, and where have they gone to. We have no time to waste, MOVE!"

*As they left the building and into the lab, the Commander inserted the stun liquid to the creature and controls the amount of stun matter needed. While Ottolynn records every single data she could get from 'John Doe', temperature regulation, organ system, and everything that time allows her. Ms. Trax has quickly made the a sonar tracking device from one of her bats. Ottolynn has finally got the facts and the data she needs, DNA, brain fluid, fur sample, dental sample and blood samples. Ms. Trax has implanted the tracking device inside the creature, the tracker was miniature, and she places it through the hole from the blood sample.*

"Job done, get John Doe out immediately, set him far away from Dedric as you can.*

*The stun liquid would only work for an hour until the brain regains consciousness, so using some modifications to the circuit. They tied up John Doe to the hospital bed and wired the circuits so that it would continue to move randomly away from the Condottieri Expedition for ten minutes, once then the straps would come off and John Doe would be awake.*

"Place these datas in a computer and make sure that those computers are protected. The computer may be able to string up the DNA of 'John Doe', once the DNA pattern is unfolded, decode them. Otto, I suggest, rather than waiting for the computers to finish, you should work with Ms. Trax and her team of scientists to compare the notes and analyse the brain fluid. Fly to Electra, and please do not screw this up."

"We will make sure to have precautions this time. Commander." responded Ms. Trax, she takes her lab coat and a beanie (She was inspired by a character in ace attorney.)

"You know… I think I got the name for them." said Otto.

"Pray tell." responded Commander A.

"These creatures, their dental signs show traces of human DNA and their own, materials similar to those we and they have are on their teeth. Cannibals, and they dwell in darkness. So, they are Moorlocks."

"Moorlocks… H.G wells?"


*Zooey Trax and Ottolynn Sinclair made their way to the shuttle to Electra. Meanwhile, in the Callaway.*

"Rasyid, we have located one of the missing recon robots. They are in a city not far from here."

"Do not recover that drone, get people from Tech support to make that robot give information to us. If we send some troops to acquire the robot, we'll just be walking to an ambush. Let them take the drone, and we'll have eyes of what's happening. If those creatures did not take the drone, at least we'll know where the sonar bats could go, and we could have a full 3d map of that city."

"Alright sir."

*Rasyid looks at the tapes of recordings, he notices some behaviours of the creatures. But their social patterns are hard to detect and make sense of. He rests his eyes for a moment and cleans his scimitar.*

"By the way, I want every recon force training at base now. Shortly we shall take Dedric, and I want the troops accompanying me prepared for battle."

[Added part]

*Maxwell and a few troops had took the Lancelot, it carries a few weapons and a few of the decoded documents. Furthermore, a special gift for the allied troops, are the Sonar Bats Ms. Trax had developed. We hope the gesture would make all of our troops remain allies. Hopefully the sharing of information and supplies would enable information and technological trade easier and smoother between the armies.*

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

((Not even going to finish she reading your post, since you made quite a few mistakes. Namely, calling us "Sporals" is akin to calling black people the N word. And we have a fully living creature, not just a slab of skin. ))

Jasper Henn

(05-10-2015, 10:30 AM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: ((Not even going to finish she reading your post, since you made quite a few mistakes. Namely, calling us "Sporals" is akin to calling black people the N word. And we have a fully living creature, not just a slab of skin. ))

Jasper Henn

OOC: We have edited it, and we hope that the information between us remain shared. Not kept secret. We will call you Sporaltyran from now on, because we thought that Sporal was your demonym.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Official Transcript, HMS Dauntless Command Center, Off of the coast of Port Crescent, Baliish

VA Michael Hauser: *Takes glasses off* They did what?

Lt. Emily Goldwater: They..... They captured one of the creatures. For experimentation. To figure out what we are dealing with.

Hauser: Contact the frigates Vorath and the Julius II. I want Anti-ship missles pointed at the Sporaltryan Fleet until that creature is dead or off of their ships.

Goldwater: Yes, sir. Do you want me to let the Sporaltryan fleet know?

Hauser: Sure. I'd hate for them to think that we're opportunists when that damned creature breaks out and kills all of the crew. *Muttering to himself* Damn crazy Socialists. They're going to get us all killed.

Goldwater: What was that, sir?

Hauser: nothing, Lieutenant. Just let them know.

Goldwater: Understood. Notifying them now.
[End Transcript]

The Resentinian frigates Vorath and Julius II are now attempting to target ASMs at the Sporaltryan Fleet in case of an outbreak aboard any of the ships. The Sporaltryans have been notified, as to not see it as an act of aggression, but a precautionary measure.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


"Bullshit. If they wanted to make it a precautionary measure, they'd do it with a team of soldiers, or a small destroyer, not two missile ships!" Yelled the Admiral. "Start the DNA test, and tell them we'll exclude them from any found data until they let up and realize that it won't jump across the fucking ocean. "

Official Message to the Resentian Fleet

The Admiral of the Sporaltryan Fleet would rather you not aim missiles at his bridge, and will exclude the Resentians from any data found on the Dark Ones until this is alleviated. Also until then, several ships have been deployed against the Resentian fleet with several strategic points under constant aim. To quote the Admiral, "Break off and we will do the same."

End of Transmission

Jasper Henn

OOC:Henn, just to clarify, Destroyers are bigger than frigates. And also have missiles.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


"There's no reason to be rude!" says one of coastal rangers smiling.
"Seriously, when was the last time you got your uniform washed?" the soldier in front of him had been making fun of the horrible smell in the cramped corridors of the Andromeda, but no one is complaining since his jokes lifts the mood of the search patrol.
"It seems to be very empty so far", says the squad leader. "Hey, not even the things can stand your smell!" Everybody laughs.
The squad approaches the bridge.
"Bridge entrance ahead, sergeant."
"It's seems to be locked or stuck. Olumm, breach it!"
"Yes sergeant!"
Quite effortless the door opens and reveals a mess of loose things and, most likely resulting from the impact when the ship ran aground.
"Search for logs, maps, anything that might tell us what happened here!"
The group begins their search.

Meanwhile, the other patrol reaches the hangar storage. It too is a mess and the old aircrafts are tossed around like they were feathers. They, as well, try to find anything interesting to report.

The captain of the Deryjj decides to send a drone further inland to scout the terrain and try to locate other ships.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"Sir! Sir! We've a huge issue!'
"What is it, Lieutenant?"
"Sir, Resentine and Sporaltryus are preparing to attack each other!"
"I know, sir!"
"Get the fleet in between the two of theirs now! We can't afford that sort of conflict right now!"
"What if we can't get there in time?"
"We'll get the helicopters out there, hovering near both fleets. They won't be able to shoot each other without taking out our choppers, and we've got reinforcements coming. If either of them hit us, we'll do our best to blow them out of the water."
"Yes sir!"
Darkstrait  :ninja:

Former Justice, Former Local Councilor, Roleplayer, Former SPSF Deputy for Recruitment, Politically Active Citizen, Ex-Spammer Supreme, and Resident Geek

"Hats is very fashion this year."


The DNA Analysis done by Ms. Trax and Mr. Sinclair have come to one, single conclusion. The creature is, or used to be, human, with a 99.95 percent DNA match. It also did not die until it was shot at the Battle of Port Crescent. Whatever happened to this person to cause these changes, however, remains unclear to both scientists. More research would have to be done to reach a final conclusion on what occurred.

The Sporaltryan Baliish Fleet has positioned themselves to engage any assault from the Resentinian Navy Second Battle Group, however, the position is rather poor, due to some miscalculations from the fleet's navigators. Not only that, but their attempt at a DNA Analysis has failed, resulting in little to no information about whatever the Dark One used to be. For all the Sporaltryan Research team knows, it could be some sort of ancient mutated demon fish-man.

The Darkstrait Reconnaissance Fleet has positioned themselves perfectly between both the Resentinian and Sporaltryan fleets, in a dramatic attempt to prevent any conflict from occurring between the two neighbors. With their Reinforcements hearing of the situation, The Carrier has started to move as fast as it can, in the hopes of reaching the island before a conflict arises.

The Sedunnic Rangers break into the bridge and the hangar bay, and find old skeletons in Resentinian Naval Uniform all over the ship. Hanging off of the side, lying on the floor, appearing as though the entire crew of the Andromeda died on board the ship. After carefully searching through the corpses and through the stations, the Rangers find several documents in Resentinian A-1 Code on the bridge, many of them titled Baliish and dated 1942 the year of Baliish's disappearance. In the Hangar, the Rangers find similar documents, also with the same title and dated the same year. They also manage to find several old maps of Baliish and Resentinian flight plans, including a series of bunkers across the island, several marked Rebel. Aboard the Deryjj, the Drone takes off of the deck, and flies around the Northeastern coast, only to locate several more ships, either sunken or beached, along the coastline. This includes several old cruisers and destroyers, and even a sunken battleship. The drone then proceeds to fly inland towards the town of Novac.....

Meanwhile, aboard the HMS Dauntless.......

Official Transcript, HMS Dauntless Command Center
Lt. Gabriel Riechan: Admiral, I have several contacts on the radar..... Sporaltryan ships, moving into attack positions. They are not in good positions, but they could open fire on us.

VA Michael Hauser: Damn it. I didn't think they'd be so concerned over a few bloody missiles.

Lt. Emily Goldwater: Sir, I just got contacted by Darkstrait's Forces. They're...... They're putting themselves in between us and the Sporaltryans. Telling us both to stand down.

Hauser: Aw, hell. The Sporaltryans are really willing to turn this into a war?

*Captain Alexander Neiman enters the Command Center*

Capt. Alexander Neiman: I've got the report from the NIO boys downstairs, on the documents recovered by Able Team.

Hauser: Now, is not a good time, Neiman.

Goldwater: I've heard from both the Vorath and Julius II. The Vorath does not have a lock, they're working on re-acquiring it now. Julius II has a confirmed lock on the target, and is awaiting further orders.

Hauser:*Now pacing across the Command Center, speaking to himself* We can't engage, 'cause that'll cause a hell of a load more trouble for us than them, we can't afford to wait for them to engage us....*Stops and faces Goldwater* Tell the rest of the fleet to move farther into Crescent Bay, and see if the Sporaltyans try to follow us. We'll have Julius II dis-engage his lock, but we won't notify them, only Darkstrait. If the Sporaltryans try to follow us in, I'll authorize locks from all ships onto their fleet and tell them to back off. I also want flights Able, Baker, and Echo flying with Sidewinders and ARRAAM missiles for the Tornados, and Mk.2 ASMs for the Jaguars, just in case they try to sneak up on us.

Goldwater: I'll let the fleet know, sir.

Hauser:*Turns to Neiman* What was that you were saying before? I'm sorry, but that had to be dealt with.

Neiman: It's fine, Mike. Look at this.*Hands him a piece of paper, marked Classified, Eyes Only* The boys downstairs didn't have A-2 code, but they had A-3 and C-1. They were able to put this together.

Hauser: *Clearly shocked* My god.... Rebels..... Biological Weapons...... Here?

Neiman; And we thought the destruction from the Rebellion stopped in the 80's. What should we do with this? We can't just go broadcasting this on every channel. If the Rebs are still around, they'll know we're back, and they might pull whatever they have out again. And we have no idea what the other nations'll do to get their hands on this tech.

Hauser: Take this back to the NIO agents. Tell them to send an ELF to Fleet Command. Make sure it is One Hundred Percent encrypted. Use D-8 and D-4 code. Ask fleet command what we should do with this.

Neiman: Alright, Mike. Just don't get us all killed while you play Cold War with the Sporaltryans, okay?

Hauser; I'll try to avoid it......
[End Transcript]
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


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