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The flower's hand in marriage

The Peony sat alone in her manor, she wonders of the current state. As of now, she is currently the last in her ancestral line. She's in her 29's and she's been single all her life, and though she had a taste of what it meant to be in a relationship, her commitment towards it has been questionable.

Technically, The Peony was not alone in her family however, she had two sisters and a brother, where The Peony is actually the youngest. Her eldest sister, decided to drop her royalty status and her family name to marry a Hammerstarian Paladin. The other was a milk sister, taken in by The Peony's mother when the biological parents passed away. The Peony's brother, who was also the crown heir, had passed away in a plane crash which shook the nation. With no one to take the throne, The Peony was sworn into as the Nuwang when her mother passed.

If it was her choice, she would like to stay single and indulge herself in the pursuit of knowledge, religion and inner peace without need to sate her sexuality. Something that's rare in Peonic culture. However, for the sake of the people, she is in need of an heir, and while it is possible for her to groom one that is not related of blood with her, the responsibility she carries in her family and religion needs her to extend the family line.

She decides not mule over this longer however, and prefers to shut herself under the covers once more.

Rin Kagamine is not only The Peony's most loyal and trusted courtier, she's also her milk sister. As such, she's quite displeased when both Zheng He and Diao Chan pulled her into a scheme, in which to gather supplicants from all over the region and provide them a chance in wooing the Peony.

It was originally the scheme spurred by several close friends of The Peony as well as several of those worried of the situation. Initially, The Peony's inner circle, Diao Chan and Zheng He was against it, with the former not hiding the fact that she's also looking for romance as well, and the latter had full trust that the Nuwang shall find someone soon anyway. Nevertheless, they were both coaxed into entering the plan.

And as such, a secret message was wired throughout the region, perhaps there are people who are willing to try their hand in winning the Peony's heart.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

It was another day within Pax Dracon's capital of Elysium.  Various Senators mulled about the Senate rotunda, discussing the various bills that came to the floor, maintaining contact with their constituents, or simply having their midday meal.  Such was the case of Grand Minister Octavian Viranius, who had left the building, with a small stack of documents, to visit his dear friend:  Empress Hestia Drakar the Fifth.  This meeting went far beyond lunch with a friend, however.  Earlier in the morning, one of his aide's brought forth a letter from Huawan regarding the Peony.

Entering the Palace had become part of his weekly routine at this point in his career.  Giving a polite nod to one of the guards at the gate, he entered the throne room.  At the far end of it, Hestia sat on her ornate throne, clad in a formal robe and smiling fondly.  Sat upon her knee was her youngest child, Princess Calpurnia, listening as intently as her mother told her an indeterminate story.

"Ah, Octavian!" she said, looking up from her daughter, "It is good to see you again, old friend.  What brings you to my home today?"

Octavian gave his friend and Empress a polite, if informal, bow.  "I apologize for interrupting your tale, Your Grace, but I am afraid I have urgent news from one of our new neighbors beyond our borders."  He handed the missive to her.

Hestia read through the letter within moments, looking confused at first before taking on a resolute expression.

"Callie," she gently said to her child, "I am afraid the story will need to wait.  There is something I need to discuss with the Grand Minister.  Would you be a dear and wait for me in the library?  I promise I will finish telling it to you there."

The little princess looked a little disappointed, but nodded, hopping off her mother's knee and quickly moving across the marble floor to another chamber further inside the building.  When she was out of earshot, Hestia turned to Octavian.

"Summon Prince Septimus.  I think this may interest my brother, and help develop stronger ties with the Peocracy."

The elderly statesman looked astounded.  "Septimus?  With all due respect, Your Grace, Septimus is an honorable man:  Kindhearted, a romantic, and humble.  But you know as well as I that he was always too shy for his own good.  This could..."  He paused, noticing by her steady gaze that the Empress was indeed quite serious about this.

He nodded.  "As you request, Hestia."

Within hours, Septimus was aboard a plane bound for Lián.

We are in a big mansion near Atlantis:
[Image: 3424.jpg]

This is one of the three reisdential mansions the former king of Atlantis, Ikaros VIII., owns.
The one above though owns his son Prince Triton of Atlantis.

Through "special connections", if not to say "spies", his father knew, that the Peony of the Huawanian Pecocracy sent a letter around, announcing she looks for bachelors to have a relationship with.
Of course everyone knew, what that meant: She wants to marry and have a heir, that could follow her on the throne, after the day came where she passed away.

"This is unbelievable", Ikaros said to himself. "Do you know, what that means, Afrodite?", he asked his wife, who was sitting next to him reading a book.
She just shook her head, because she hadn't had the time to get out of the fantasy world she's reading about and think about serious stuff.
"Atlantis got the chance again to reign over land, Afrodite! Don't you see that! We can just send Triton and either hope for the Peony to pass away quickly, which would mean, that Triton could have power over the Peocracy, or they make us a heir and this heir will manifest an Atlantic line in another country of the world! Away with the disgrace I brought to us with stepping down from the Atlantic throne, come here new power and a big, new Atlantis!"

Triton was lazy. He maybe officially studies Atlantistic at the Atlantic University, but partying he liked much more. And making out with girls too.
He hasn't counted, with how many women he had slept with, but it were definitely more than 10. The last one just tonight. He couldn't remember the name though. Was it Lara or Sara or Mara? "Something with "-ara" definitely.....Anyway, that's not so important", he thought, while Lara - or Sara or however she is called again - cuddled with him in his bed.
Yeah, he was a womanizer. He had everything those superficial girls wanted. He had the blue eyes, the nicely styled blond hair, the muscles a man has to have and of course the social status. Although the House of Atlantis got no more power today, they got still a high reputation in the populace.

Suddenly his phone vibrated on the table in front of the bed. He gave "-ara" a quick peck on her forehead, left the bed and answered the call.

"Dad! What's up so early in the morning?"
It was 10 a.m. already.
"I've got big news for you!", Ikaros answered on the other side of the line.
"What news?", Triton asked.
"You will marry!", said Ikaros proudly.
"What? But I don't have a girlfriend, how and whom am I supposed to marry then?", asked Triton confused.
He could hear a short sigh by his father.
"The Peony, you have a picture of her in your mind?"
Triton had to think about it for a short moment, but could remember seeing her on social media.
"Ok, so the Peony sent a letter. She's looking for a relationship and most likely a heir I would say", informed Ikaros his son.
"Yeah, ok. But she's definitely not my type. I'm not so into those slitted eyes women", Triton told his father.
"That's not the point, Triton. Your mother and I already decided that you gonna marry her and give us a grandson, that will get on the throne of the Peocracy sooner or later. You have to see the big picture. YOU can be a king and OUR family can have REAL power again, if you just do what your parents tell you now."
"But I don't want to!", Triton protested. "I.....I...I'm happy with my life and just because you think nowadays you can still decide things like you do it right now like in the good old days, doesn't mean, that's a fact. You can't do that!"
"Of course I can, Triton", his father said with a uncomforting voice. "Otherwise you get disinherited and maybe some more things happen to you. You still know Vlad, don't you?"
Vlad was a former member of the Atlantic Secret Service and is now the personal bodyguard of Ikaros. He loves torture and Triton also knew he even killed several people or, like he would call it, "subversive elements".
The prince had to swallow down his fear. "Yes, Dad", Triton answered.
"Very good. Now you go to Lián, the capital of the Peocracy, and you do whatever you can to get the Peony's attention and attraction, ok?! Treat her like something special and not like those girls you're sleeping behind our backs with. After you've done all that and you marry her, get the power for us out there. In the best case with a heir, in the worst case......Well, we hope it doesn't get to this point, right? Do you understand?"
"Yes, father..."
"Ok, I'll hang up now. Your flight will depart in three hours, so quickly pack your things and drive to AGB Airport and make your father proud. And your mother too of course."
"I understood, I'll do my best, Dad", he said and hung up the phone.
"Sara, I have to pack a few things and go now. Sorry, that we can't cuddle any longer."
"Hm, didn't want that anyway, since you seem to have a girlfriend as of now anyway. By the way, my name is Cara, not Sara."
Gianluca IV

Roleplayer (active in TSP since 2016)
Head Bartender of the Lampshade Bar & Grill

Information about my roleplay
Pacifica GI-Land, Snolland (Hazelbrust), Guardian of the World Forum, IUFA-FWC/WFWC- and Pacivision Supervisor • 
Aurora Markatt (Maura)

Alox, Imperial Union

The Hoxe Family was clearly the youngest royal house in Pacifica. Unlike other houses, which have or had ruled over their territories for decades, centuries, or even millenia, the Hoxe were just a group of previously commoners who had risen to imperial magnificence only because the people wanted an uniting, stabilizing factor for the totally and sometimes fragile artificial nation the Imperial Union was.

The Emperor did not mind. After all, he accepted the throne to serve the people, his now countrymen. In his view, they were not subjects. They were his comrades. Sure, there had been months of instability, but everything had calmed down. Even the Northeast recently recognized his imperial titles over them, but he would have no power whatsoever. Not even as a ceremonial figure, as they elected their own regional leader to serve the constitutional powers Albert served in the rest of the country. He was their monarch only in name.

The Republics, both the Ryccian and Irykian, recognized him as their Emperor, but some roles, even if ceremonial, were given to their local governments. These were mainly about representation, as Irykia and, to a lesser extent the Ryccian Republics all retained their rights to conduct foreign affairs near-independent from Alox's federal government.

However, some members of the family were concerned about their position in the world. If they didn't act as your average family, what would they be? An oddity amongst the centuries-old royal bloodlines across the globe, or try to legitimize their own as royal players in the scene, merging familes and not be stuck to be just some commoners who got lucky? Also, there was barely any nobility. That was non-existant. The only person that wasn't a royal and got ascended to the noble class was the First Minister of Irykia, Charles De Montblanc. The Emperor was so amazed by his multicultural yet uniting policies in Irykia that he named Charles the Marquis of Mirrey. Albert was looking to confer titles to other people, but this was the only noble family at the moment, thousands of miles away: the De Montblancs.

And so, Crown Prince John, Archduke of Alox and one of the Emperor's uncles, got a plan. After hearing of The Peony of Huawan's message, he and some family members convinced the Emperor to send John's son, 27-year old Prince Carl, Duke of Silediane.

In his mind, if his son succeeded the throne, his bloodline would be nobility in two countries in some way or form. Then, his descendents could possibly rule them both, displacing what he secretly saw as a "peace-loving youngster" and his bloodline, with no aspirations to true royalty.

No one knew this. He just suggested this in the guise of legitimacy and expanding family connections, like all royal familes do. Still, genius!, he thought. A true madman trying to be an usurper of the throne. Besides, Albert did not want to marry nor want children (for now), so his bloodline would be extinguished anyway. He was already Crown Prince, and Carl was his successor.

A true madman indeed, wishing the Middle Ages back.

Carl did not mind, John thought. He was heartbroken from a recent relationship, and he was suggested time and time again to find another love. So, if The Peony proved a chance, why the hell not?

"Get on a plane, Carl" called John "You're going to Huawan"

"Huh?" replied Carl "Why? I've been trying to go on vacation there. Did you buy me tickets or something?"

"No, you fool!" screamed the Crown Prince "This isn't about a vacation! It's about you charming The Peony!"

Carl was stumped. Was he to go to Huawan to be an ambassador of sorts, to "charm" The Peony in order to get diplomatic objectives? There was no visit from the Foreign Ministry planned, nor from the Imperial House Affairs Department. Why now?

"You mean...be an ambassador?" Carl asked.

"No!" screamed John once again "Huawan is suffering a succession crisis of sorts. Now you go there, make her fall in love with you, and you're married!"

"Uh...Bu-" Carl was stopped before he could counter his father.

"There is a limosine coming your way. Get on it, and you'll be going to Lián, the capital of Huawan. Got it?"

"But fa-"


Carl was frustrated with his father, sending him off like he was some sort of pawn. Nevertheless, he went on. After all, he had hoped to visit Huawan, a mostly secluded nation, where he could be in peace, instead of being constantly annoyed by Imperial tabloids in the area he lived on. And he had suffered a break-up (boy, did the tabloids flare). He would take this excuse to go to Huawan and get the press out of his back. He would charm The Peony as his father wanted, but wanted to make things flow naturally. Maybe it was his destiny for his feelings to be sacrified and be toyed with now, being forced to make a person he didn't know fall in love with him?

Those were the days, the days before being royals...
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The heavy rain didn't show any sign of stopping. And why would it? The monsoon had only arrived two days ago. Or was it yesterday? Sebastien Lister sighed loudly, turning away from the dirty window, that was his only source of light in his dilapidated hut, in a futile attempt at suppressing the feeling of utter boredom.

He started thinking about how to best spend the day. Perhaps go into town and look for a job? No, nothing would have changed since last time, there wouldn't be any. He suddenly felt something cold hitting his neck. He looked up. A growing wet spot on the ceiling told him that his last improvised repairs had failed. That was it! He resisted several impulses to punch the hole. Instead, he picked up an old newspaper to plug it with. One of the headlines reminded him of what he had heard from a friend that knew someone working with the foreign troops in Gerstaad. Was it intelligence? Apparently some queen in a nation called Joan or something like that was looking for a man to marry. She was a very successful doctor too.

The more he thought about it, the more tempting it was. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance against the fancy princes that likely would court her, but she would at least give him a chance to immigrate to Joan, if being such a caring person as her reputation gave her credit for. At the very least it would be a great adventure!

He reached into an aged ketchup bottle standing on his old plastic table. His skinny fingers got hold of a piece of paper. The first bill to appear was 1000-Transsunerian Dollar bill, just enough for buying a stamp to Joan. Then his hard-earned 50-Tennle bill fell out. It landed on his knees and he gazed at it for a few minutes. He had earned it while helping some foreigners unload cargo in Floodport. A virtual fortune. Now he would go back to the port, and buy himself a ticket for a cargo ship to Karnetvor. From there things would sort themselves out. For sure. If he could manage writing a classy letter.

He packed his most precious possessions, including his father's comb, a photo of his mother, and his grandfather's old watch in his worn backpack. Then he stuffed down a woollen blanket, some soap, and what clothes he had left after sorting out the least representative garments. On top he put his Sedunnic emergency rations, the only things he had in relative abundance.

Sebastien Lister closed the door behind him and walked away in the heavy rain, not looking back.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Aran Koigataki stood alone on the deck of the FS Free Spirit, his left hand clutching a crumpled letter as he answered his phone.

Aran (A): “Hello?”
Frost Emperor (F): “Hello my dear nephew, How have you been?”
A: “Good uncle, how about you and the others?”
F:  “Your aunt Irina and I are doing well. The royal doctors continue to care for your mother, Nakiri, as she recovers from her current illness. Your father, Ven, has expressed that he is proud of you for taking the path of the wandering academic (this causes Aran to laugh). Unfortunately, your father’s constant bragging has irritated imperial aides En and Sei. Your sister Tohru has also been doing well in Oured academy. your former tutor, Isami, said that Yumi’s interest in archaeology and history is almost as insatiable as yours. We have also heard much from your mentor Genma in the Reizen colony. He says you’ve made friends with the Adima, Tatani, and Ecori tribes.
A: I’m humbled that father is proud of me and I am certainly happy that Tohru might follow in father’s and my footsteps, but this isn’t why you’ve called isn’t it?
F: you’re right my nephew you see Revan was given a secret message where the Peony of Huawan was looking for suitors. I was hoping that you would go as our representative and increase our ties with them.
A: Uncle, you should know better than anyone that I value the freedom to choose, and that I am willing to die to be free from archaic traditions. Why not force Prince Itami to do it?
F (chuckles): My dear nephew you should also know better than anyone that I won’t coerce our families to follow archaic marriage traditions. Even Itami has a serious girlfriend in Oured, and I won’t break his heart for the country.
A (shakes head): You’re right, Itami did have Sanae, hm… I’ll do it then.
F: Are you sure?
A: Yes, I have business in Huawan anyways, so I would be happy to court the lovely Peony.
F: Thank you my boy. 
A:Good bye uncle. Give my regards to the family.
(Phone call ends)

Aran puts away the phone and leans against the railing and thinks. Aran thought it was strange for his uncle to call him directly when normally they would exchange letters. He also thought that the circumstances for the Peony’s message for courtship was unusual. Given that she may eventually need an heir, it may have been prudent for her to send a message to the region, but a secret message ran several alarm bells. A private message would have been appropriate in contacting the other royals, but this is almost as if the Peony was shy or fearful that someone with ill intent may seek her hand. Nonetheless, while he himself may not have an interest in courting the Peony, he will make sure to make it much more difficult on the others until he can ascertain their motives himself.

"Name, date of birth and residence" demanded the soldier standing in the middle of the road by a large concrete block.

"Lister, Sebastien, 21st of February 1990, Klockheim" Sebastien responded automatically. Most major roads in and out of cities and villages in Transsuneria still had checkpoints since after the civil war. At first the soldiers had been very thorough, often even conducting frisks and inspecting vehicles. And the soldiers had been rather jumpy too. Nowadays they seemed more relaxed. Passing these checkpoints had become part of the everyday routine for most Transsunerians. Sebastien didn't mention that he didn't intend to return to his home village.


Sebastien nodded as a confirmation and walked past the concrete block, more guards, and lastly some kind of armoured vehicle clearly marked as Sedunnic.

"Have you eaten today?" someone suddenly asked. Sebastien wasn't sure who had spoken to him - as no one was in sight, but then a short soldier appeared from behind the armoured vehicle, carrying a giant stack of anonymous-looking plastic bags.

"Are you hungry? Have something to eat" the short soldier said, and putting the stack on the ground with a loud splash from the rain-soaked grass. He spoke Transsunerian, which was rather unusual for foreigners.

Sebastien had eaten and wasn't particularly hungry, but accepted the bag that the Sedunner picked up from the stack for him.

"Lit." Sebastien had picked up some Sedunnic pleasantries, as well as a few in Karnetvorian. Good relations with the foreign troops could mean an extra bar of chocolate, or perhaps a few cigarettes.

He continued walking down the road. A sun-bleached mossy sign by the road told him he had 16 km to go to Floodport.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


[Image: 29c3e74c71079e136a8a98950c9e99bc.jpg]

Ms. Diao Chan sat in her brightly colored room laden with dolls and fuzzy items, in front of her are some date fruits along with a bowl of chocolate candy along with some hot milk, her iftar today. She was waiting for the azdan to start, and started shifting through the papers on the identity of the suitors, who responded the regional message.

"Prince Septimus of Pax Dragon, Lord Triton of Atlantis, Prince Carl, Duke of Silediane, Lord Aran Koigataki and an unknown man from Sedunn..."

Diao Chan had run a background check on these people, and found that while there is an indication that these people have some ulterior motives, The Peony would be the one to decide their true worth.

“How am I going to tell her we set this up?” She pondered, for The Peony could be extremely angry about this, and if it weren’t for Ramadhan, she would go insane over this.

There’s something else bothering Diao Chan however, this event must not be in the public’s knowledge, and she had gone through lengths in keeping this a secret.

“I’ll tell her, I’ll tell her tomorrow.” She thought, “I’ll ask her to look at several papers and I’ll unveil it to her.” Just as she finished shuffling the papers, the adzan began, and she rushed towards the nearest date fruit.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

The jetliner eventually landed in the Peonic capital.  Eventually, a man in his early thirties disembarked the plane.

That man was Septimus Drakar, youngest sibling of Empress Hestia of Pax Dracon.  He walked out of the terminal, carrying a suitcase in each hand as he looked around at the city of Lián with wide-eyed wonder.  Like many of his people, he stood well over six feet, and he had a head of closely cropped hair that bore the greyish-silver color that was common to the Imperial family.  He found that the architecture was beyond beautiful and marveled at the various flowers that were in full bloom.

The locals gave the Drakari prince curious but welcoming looks on occasion as they went about their daily lives.  Some were engaging in fascinating religious rites that he was not yet familiar with.  It was beyond inspiring for the artist in him.

After being pointed in the direction of the Peony's palace, he paused a moment at the gates, noticing a handful of other foreigners like him awaiting entry.  Were they dignitaries seeking an audience with her Majesty the Peony, he wondered.

Diao Chan walked with her friend from Hohenzollern, a domestic woman raised on simple values who is good at cooking and sewing, in contrast to her friend. This is because, despite being just a knight at first, the Zollern's duchess particular fondness of her led to her duties being combined with those of a servant, and her ladyship attained easily afterwards.

Lady Cherche of Rosanne, a beautiful reddish orange haired woman who's trying to be named as the ambassador in the Zollern embassy to the Peony, and as such, her close friend, Miss Diao Chan, could provide leverage.

They walked in the cold winter after visiting a nearby doll store for Diao Chan, it was about noon, and it was lunch break. As such, they took the time walking around the vicinity of the palace.

Diao Chan was glad for this break, emissaries of the Knightisian Federation and the Montron pact came to the royal palace in order to provide their application for an embassy in The Peocracy, delegations and foreign dignitaries came in and out of her room like a traveling fair.

As they walked on the sidewalk, Diao Chan noticed someone, a tall young man with two suitcases with grey hair. She could not mistake the man, and decided to approach the man.

"Assalamualaikum, excuse me, are you perchance prince Septimus?" Asked Diao Chan, "I am one of the person who contacted you about this... Oh dear, this won't do, you've arrived quite early..."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

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