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[IC] Reizen Civil War

Briefing bunker, somewhere underground Bayougrad

"Revolution never sleeps, but neither do their enemies it seems" joked Hunt as a general ended its briefing to the gathered Ministers, regarding the planned Sedunnic drills "Just when we finally seemed to get Ryccia off our back, Sedunn has decided to come mess with us" he then added, regretting the lack of one of his beloved cigars.

"We suspect they are scheming in secrecy too, but we are still working on the intel" noted the Minister of Public Security, a short and slim man with heavy round glasses.

"We are certain you'll be able to provide the informations we need Comrade" replicated a dead-serious Drake, the Minister of Defence "But the drills themselves could be a ruse for an invasion of Reizen. If that happens our comrade in Kai Fa will provide the land troops to reinforce the WPR, but we will need to lend air and naval support"

"How many  are you sending to Kai Fa, Comrade" asked Hunt.

"Not to Kai Fa...they will be stationed in Hawuan, as we are allowed to do it per the Treaty we have with them" explained Drake "To answer your question: a squadron of bombers and a squadron of submarines, to begin with" he added.

'That's true, we have the right to do it' thought Hunt, quickly analyzing the situation, 'But I'll do a courtesy phonecall to our friends of The Peony, so they will not have to find it first from one of their intelligence report. Sometimes this job is just chiefly about good manners'.
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(05-14-2019, 11:52 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: "If only that were true." Amari said as she looked wistfully at the tables around them. She then stopped and gestured to a table three rows down. "Your comrade has been laid to rest on the table there. We don't know if the RIM managed to loot the body as we recovered him with his uniform and the gear left behind... I'll be here to answer any questions you have about his recovery, and to give you some privacy."

"Thank you."

Hip-hop approached the table with Book's body with steady steps.

Without the head, Book looked more like a pile of wrinkly, dirty clothes than a human.

"Oh, man, look at you" whispered Hip-hop.

He began to straighten up Book's uniform. Then he picked up the few personal belongings: the watch he had been given by his girlfriend and the mandatory pebble he always collected each mission, and the hard-earned beret. Lastly Hip-hop pulled his own beret from one of the uniform's pockets and put it where the head would have been. He saluted his friend, and turned around, never to look back.

Operations Command Center, Headquarters of the Armed forces, Sedunn

Lieutenant Braienn took a deep breath. Then another. She picked up the phone and looked up at the Supreme Commander standing next to her desk. He nodded. The young lieutenant pushed a button. It was time to hear what the Empire had to say about the Sedunnic suggestion.

Great Palace, Grovne, Sedunn

(05-16-2019, 10:33 AM)VPRB Wrote: Kai Fa has raised the level of alert of its military after the announcement of the Sedunnic drills, ordering a battle-ready status to its Air Force and Navy, according to a public note from the government.

It wasn't a surprise that someone would react to the massive war games, but it happening this particular time was surprising. It was after all the seventh since the beginning of the international year. It was a sign of things heating up and people getting nervous.

Minister of foreign affairs Hevv Gjieramm picked up his phone and walked over to the windows. He gazed south, which also was the direction of his call in some sense.

"Operator? Please get me my counterpart in Kai Fa."

"Of course, Minister."

There were beeps while Gjieramm waited.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator

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  • Imperial Frost Federation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tom Yam

Ri Wang focused on his breath, his closed, as he tried to relieve the stress. His meditation was abruptly cut short by the phone ringing "What?" answered dryly Ri "Comrade Minister..." begin a bit hesitating the operator "We have your Sedunnic counterpart on the line. Identity confirmed". 'This is interesting" thought the Minister, shaking off the torpor left from his short practice 'Maybe we work out a better solution than the one my trigger-happy comrades are looking for. "Please comrade, pass me the call".

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bayougrad

Hunt was finally enjoying a cigar in the comfort of his office, pondering while he waited on the phone to be put in conversation with High Diplomat Diao Chan. During their last encounter in Hawuan, he had excused himself right after their introduction, so he had to hope his Ambassador had made a good job in mellowing the High Diplomat after wards. More on the matter, The Peony would probably be not too happy that they were using their bases to station squadrons for a potential direct involvement in the Reizen theather of operations, but the treaty spoke clear. Plus they allowed Sedunn to push them out of the missile deal, and now Sedunn itself was heathing up things, so that could be used as leverage.
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(05-18-2019, 05:15 AM)VPRB Wrote: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tom Yam

Ri Wang focused on his breath, his closed, as he tried to relieve the stress. His meditation was abruptly cut short by the phone ringing "What?" answered dryly Ri "Comrade Minister..." begin a bit hesitating the operator "We have your Sedunnic counterpart on the line. Identity confirmed". 'This is interesting" thought the Minister, shaking off the torpor left from his short practice 'Maybe we work out a better solution than the one my trigger-happy comrades are looking for. "Please comrade, pass me the call".

"Good day minister. There are a lot of things going on in our part of the world, and I am sure you have a lot to tend to, so I will get to the point immediately.

We have noted your mobilisation of the navy and air force as a response to our exercises. Despite speculation in domestic and foreign media, they are not directed against your ally Bruuma. Sedunn does not have any plans to intervene against your ideological brothers, the WPR, in Reizen either.

Sedunn remains fully committed to the terms of the Grovne Ceasefire. I am sure you are familiar with them. We are working tirelessly to persuade the signatories to return it. We believe all three signatories are crucial to a successful return to peace and to the future of Reizen.

While a lot suspicion exists between Sedunn and Bruuma, my sincere hope is that the relations between our two nations instead shall be trusting and transparent.

Let me be the first to take a step in this direction. Sedunn has the means to deal a critical blow to the war-waging capability of the RIM. Our air force and its exercises are key. If we can unite the signatories and make sure international law is not violated, Sedunn would be ready to act."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

Official Thread • Lampshade Broadcasting Company • The Tsunamy Institution of the Law and Public Policy

Lady Diao Chan sat down with WF Health Councillor Doctor D.Valentine. Without sweets nor liquid, which was odd but necessary considering Ramadhan and the sun has yet to set. With the possible appointment of Huawan as Deputy leader of the World Forum, it was crystal that there would be more on both their plates.

Since Lord Roland Young is planned to be the leading as deputy of the WF, another Royal Diplomat is set to take his place as the voice of The Peocracy. The stance of Huawan in the World Forum is something quite dire, and Doctor Valentine's proposal to initiate further aid to the humanitarian crisis in Reizen is something to add in a long list of "Why do I have headaches this ramadhan"

"I suppose we are able to provide further leverage in the World Forum to maintain the stream of equipments in Camp Sanctuary. But unless the council does not have confidence of our decisions, we will be strained."

"I suppose, the Peocracy is fighting its own war with its own rights. The last thing the region needs is a full blown war, and unfortunately no one is tending to those displaced in this. The people expects a referendum in the Reizen theater, a pointless one if they are all dead."

"The Royal Palace is severely strained now, after Ramadhan would be the most appropriate time for it. Until then."

"We understand." Answered Doctor Valentine.

[Image: black-ip-phone-on-wooden-table-telephone...1048590174]
Discussions were interrupted by a call however, from Diao Chan's secretary.

"Excuse me doctor." Responded Diao Chan, "yes Yui?"

"Honorable delegate, there is a line for you from Bruuman Minister Hunt. He wishes to discuss with you."

Diao Chan looked at Doctor D.Valentine, who had intently heard the announcement and was frankly informed of The Peony's deals with Bruuma.

"If you will excuse us, Doctor Valentine."

"I shall be with you again shortly, Miss Diao Chan." Answered Doctor Valentine, as she walked out of the room. "Wassalamualaikum."

As Doctor Valentine exited the premises of Diao Chan's office, Diao Chan then answered the phone. She ordered her secretary to patch Minister Hunt through the phone, and Diao Chan waited on hold as she tried to remember the Foreign Minister.

It occurred to her he was somewhat.... Rude. "Such a shame" she thought, how can one expect to run a country without proper table manners? It was then that Diao Chan's phone rung, waiting the ring twice before picking it up.

"Assalamualaikum, 喂! Minister Hunt?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

(05-18-2019, 07:02 AM)Qwert Wrote: "Good day minister. There are a lot of things going on in our part of the world, and I am sure you have a lot to tend to, so I will get to the point immediately.

We have noted your mobilisation of the navy and air force as a response to our exercises. Despite speculation in domestic and foreign media, they are not directed against your ally Bruuma. Sedunn does not have any plans to intervene against your ideological brothers, the WPR, in Reizen either.

Sedunn remains fully committed to the terms of the Grovne Ceasefire. I am sure you are familiar with them. We are working tirelessly to persuade the signatories to return it. We believe all three signatories are crucial to a successful return to peace and to the future of Reizen.

While a lot suspicion exists between Sedunn and Bruuma, my sincere hope is that the relations between our two nations instead shall be trusting and transparent.

Let me be the first to take a step in this direction. Sedunn has the means to deal a critical blow to the war-waging capability of the RIM. Our air force and its exercises are key. If we can unite the signatories and make sure international law is not violated, Sedunn would be ready to act." 

"Good day to you too, Minister. I am pleased to hear that Sedunn is keen as we are on caution and temperance in regard of the Reizen matter and I can ensure we share the same desire for it to end.

However, our paths to it diverge: our interest lies solely in that of the WPR, whether it choses to resume the Grovesnore deal or not. We will suggest, and support, their return to the table only if we see it as the best move for them. 

This is the reason we had to react with a precautional move to the announcement of your exercises: but if what you say it is true, that you have no hostile intention on the local and international comrades there, you will not have to worry of us. 

To speak more directly, if you strike RIM with your Navy and Air Force we will not consider it an hostile move and thus will not react against your crafts. It would be a matter between you and the Empire. Should you send ground troops, that would be a deal-breaker though. 

While we can enjoy a fresh diplomatic start, I'm afraid your relationship with Bruuma is beyond savatage. And as our ally, we must share their concerns and move jointly. So, our forces will remain mobilized for the duration of the exercises, but we'll guarantee no hostility as long as the WPR and our forces are left alone

(05-20-2019, 12:03 PM)Hammerstar Wrote: "Honorable delegate, there is a line for you from Bruuman Minister Hunt. He wishes to discuss with you."

Diao Chan looked at Doctor D.Valentine, who had intently heard the announcement and was frankly informed of The Peony's deals with Bruuma.

"If you will excuse us, Doctor Valentine."

"I shall be with you again shortly, Miss Diao Chan." Answered Doctor Valentine, as she walked out of the room. "Wassalamualaikum."

As Doctor Valentine exited the premises of Diao Chan's office, Diao Chan then answered the phone. She ordered her secretary to patch Minister Hunt through the phone, and Diao Chan waited on hold as she tried to remember the Foreign Minister.

It occurred to her he was somewhat.... Rude. "Such a shame" she thought, how can one expect to run a country without proper table manners? It was then that Diao Chan's phone rung, waiting the ring twice before picking it up.

"Assalamualaikum, 喂! Minister Hunt?"

"Good afternoon High Diplomat, it is my pleasure to be speaking with you again. First and most, let me apologize for cutting short our last encounter, unfortunately matters of the most seriousness forced me to cut short our nonetheless pleasing introduction" spoke suavely Hunt. 'I hope this is enough sugar for the bad taste to goo away' he thought meanwhile. 

"And for matters of the most seriousness I am calling you today. As you know, we support the struggle of our brave comrades of the WPR in Reizen. Until now we have exercised restrain, and not sent any footsoldiers, hoping a solution can be still achieved one the monsters of RIM are out of the picture. Other countries don't seem to share our concerns, and now Sedunn throw gasoline on the fire with their exercises. We can not allow them to be a ruse for a major action against our partners, and we must be ready to counter-act if necessary". He paused, preparing its next word carefully.

"As per the terms of the Treaty that binds our nations together, we intend to station air and naval squadrons in your bases for the duration of the Sedunnic war games " he explained throwing in a light sigh "I understand that you may have concerns, but I can assure you that will deploy them only if unavoidable. I am confident the show of force will work to dissuade Sedunn from stepping out of line. Better to prevent than to cure".

"I wanted to inform you in the widest advance so that this might be as less inconvenient as possible"
he then concluded.
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"Delegate Hunt..." sighed High Diplomat Diao Chan, "I consume enough rich glucose and fructose treats to tell if someone is trying to use such language on me, realize the grave faux pas that you have made, and one that you are about to now. Huawan does not take kindly delegates that run amok and trample its hospitality, and our principles must be respected, a tenet that must be hold dearly."

"We are aware of the agreement and shall provide the services accordingly. Our honorable Nuwang has certainly instructed us of the events that happened now, and needless to say that under legality of international law, we must abide." Explained the High Diplomat, with such a stern voice she thought she wont use.

"However, keep in mind that once you have received our... hospitality, you are not to indulge the same thing until another treaty is written, as I am aware that this is a one shot deal," said High Diplomat Diao Chan. "Furthermore, if assets of the voodoo republic wish to stopover in Huawan to prepare for an uneventful possibility, we ask that our assets mutually allowed access in Kai Fa as well as Bruuma itself. Huawan wishes to safeguard the transcontinental trade routes, and ensure the security of our trade with countries such as the Voodoo republic itself."

"Moreover, any violation of the non agression treaty shall not be taken lightly. We do believe we have made that clear?" Asked High Diplomat Diao Chan, "we are also willing to cover for the Bruuman accomodation until august, free of charge, in exchangr for incentive as well, alongside your assets, Huawan would like the Voodoo republic to donate a substantial amout of... Hospitality, to combat the humanitarian crisis in Reizen. One that shall be legally donated to the World Forum and then evenly distributed. For the sake of the welfare of current and future.... comrades, in Reizen."


"If it is satisfactory, expect a representative of the Peocracy to provide the necessary documents to begin the arrangements." Concluded Diao Chan expecting a counteroffer.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"Send for me Lord Shen-Durr, and get me an urgent contact with the Valkyrian chancellor." Ordered The Peony, as she finished her noon pray.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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Hunt felt his mouth suddenly go dry. His face collapsed into a stern expression, while his fingers started to clench around his cigar. He breathed heavily before regaing his posture and answering:

"And I, High Diplomat, have been in enough poker games to know when somebody is stacking the deck.

Two of your conditions are simply unacceptable: the Treaty clearly stipulates a reciprocal opening of each other's military bases, with no further clauses. Donating "hospitality" to the World Forum is not mentioned anywhere, nor we have any obligation toward it. Second of them, Kai Fa is a sovereign nation and you'll have to negotiate another Treaty with them, as we extend ourselves only to the Commonwealth of Puerto Pollo. The other ones we will accept, as they comply to the Treaty, and we will apply the same time limit, free of the same charge. One time only deal, as per you request.

Either the provisions of the Treaty are respected, or it shall no longer be valid. As it stays however, there is no need to question our commitment to the non-aggression part. Our rivals lie elsewhere, our request never bore any threat to you".

He paused, then added with a more relaxed tone:" We may have made some false steps with our working-class manners, High Diplomat, but we are not alone in misplacing our feet: we already turned a blind eye when you took back your word for the missile program under bad suggestions from Sedunn. The Treaty is a golden pot for both of us, think wisely about discarding the winning hand".

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