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[IC] Reizen Civil War

"I believe we can reach such agreements for your partnership, of course with you asking for more stock in the business you would also need further depth in the jade trade." Said Doctor Kane, "which is why not only Shikabane and Chane are to coordinate with your new ventures in Huawan, they would also be under the care of my syndicate as well. Allow me one day to prepare the necessary documents to finalize, and that should be enough to prepare a vehicle for the departure?"

"Everything that was said, was meant." said Shikabane, being quite austere for once. "I doubt it would be necessary to take back what was said, but loyalties are where loyalties are."

Doctor Kane then gazed at Chane, visibly seen calculating. He then continued.

"The evidence of who those men are within the access of everyone in the negotiation table, it certainly covers what's known by everyone already however. Loyalties are where loyalties are, and let us see through this deal without any incidents." Responded Doctor Kane, as he gave another smile, "anything else that could be discussed before we meet in person to sign the deal?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

It is a bright sunny day on Deriess Island, where the Bzerneleg Southeastern Command is currently based. Although current world situations do not reflect the weather, everyone in the base maintained a happy and positive spirit.

[Image: image.jpg] 
Commander of the Bzerneleg Southeastern Command, Admiral Robert Winslow Bostwick, stood behind the podium in front of tens of thousands of soldiers.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Soldiers, today, I'm not going to talk for long. It's been clear to all of us that we are on a mission to bring back peace, liberty, justice, and democracy to a land which has long lost it. Every man and woman I see while walking inside the beautiful Camp Bumblebee are great and strong warriors who are determined to sacrifice whatever they've got for a great cause. A cause greater than themselves. If there's one value that is deeply instilled in every man and woman in our Armed Forces, it's that 'For my nation, I forget about myself. For my people, I serve.' 

Yesterday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sedunn has told us to leave Deriess Island in 48 hours, because our actions are against the Frost Empire. Yes, it is a big barrier to our success. But we will not give up until we complete our mission! Anywhere where there's a threat to our country, our people and our allies, we will be there!

If we restore faith in our Lord and in our great nation, no dream is too big! 


ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: No challenge is too great!


ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: And nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach! 


[Image: 800px-C-17_test_sortie.jpg]

PILOT:  C-17-01. Permission to takeoff.

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER: Permission given. Semper Fidelis.

* 'Semper Fidelis' is the official motto of the Bzerneleg Armed Forces, which means 'Always Faithful' in Latin.

The C-17-01 is one of 80 military transport aircraft used to deliver troops, tanks, and other equipment onto Reizen Island to defend the RDC against a Frost attack.

The ships departed one hour earlier than the airplanes as it takes longer to travel by sea than by air.

14:00 UTC
[Image: DCS17-199-39-copy.jpg]

A large operation like this requires an experienced military general in command. While all other generals of the Southeastern Command stayed in Deriess Island, Commander of the Bzerneleg Fourth Fleet, Vice Admiral Martha Bergdorf is on one of Bzerneleg's finest aircraft carriers, the RBS Butler, which is named after the country's first female President, Elizabeth Roseanne Butler.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Vice Admiral Bergdorf observes the hundreds of parachutes coming out in the air with her binoculars.

She went inside the office to make a call to the Bzerneleg Southeastern Command as the moment when the real confrontation with the Frost military started.

VICE ADMIRAL BERGDORF: Hello, this is Vice Admiral Martha Bergdorf calling from RBS Butler.

ADMIRAL BOSTWICK: Good afternoon, Vice Admiral Bergdorf, how are things going on?

VICE ADMIRAL BERGDORF: Pretty good so far. I just want confirmation that troops have landed on Reizen soil.

GENERAL FAIRBANKS: Troops have just landed onto Reizen Island, yes.

VICE ADMIRAL BERGDORF: If that's the case, I shall issue a warning statement to the Frost ships. I will be continuing giving you updates. Thank you, colleagues.

GENERAL FAIRBANKS: We wish you good luck.   

"This is a statement from the Bzerneleg Navy. I repeat. This is a statement from the Bzerneleg Navy. All ships of the Frost Empire must not conduct an attack on any troop, tank or ship of the Bzerneleg Armed Forces and the Reizen Democratic Coalition. Any act of hostility against the Bzerneleg Armed Forces or the Reizen Democratic Coalition will be considered as an act of war and will be dealt with accordingly."

Meanwhile, on the battlefield of Reizen Island, where Bzerne troops have just landed on the island...

"Alright, boys! Get into position! Tanks, load the shells! Be ready to fire! Get ready!" shouted Captain Correa. This was his first time commanding such a large group of soldiers, therefore he was as nervous as everybody else on the frontline. Nevertheless, he and his comrades held their heads high and were ready as soon as Frost soldiers arrive.
[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

Official Thread • Lampshade Broadcasting Company • The Tsunamy Institution of the Law and Public Policy

Sugar, cream, nuts and almond flakes. Tavtid's dough, a bottle of syrup, and last but not least, a tiny rose of marzipan.

The refrain from an intro to a TV show Hip-hop used to watch as a child was on involuntary repeat in his head. Cheerful humming could be heard from within his gas mask. Perhaps it was his subconscious mind attempting to ease the situation.

His squad from the Sedunnic Special CBRN Operations Unit had just returned from a raid against a RIM-controlled warehouse. They had managed to fill a truck with sarin bomblets which they had been ordered to neutralise. The alien-looking protective suits they wore and the fact that they were doing it in the kitchen in an abandoned house made a macabre scene.

"Hey, Sport, pass me the syrup, will you?" Hip-hop semi-shouted to be heard through the mask.

"What?" Sport asked, obviously not having the same song stuck in his mid.

"The base. HJH-21." Hip-hop clarified.

"Sure, chief."

Breaking the sarin was actually simple. One only had to pour it into a bucket with a strong base, in this case called HJH-21.

"Chief? What was the status of Book before they left with him?"

"I don't know. He had lost a lot of blood, but being able to still stand after being shot three times in his leg... He's a tough guy. If the jeep doesn't get stopped, there might be enough time to get him to the base, or the MSF, depending on the route."

"It's a messed up world."

Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator



"Doctor Sienna!" Shouted a nurse in the RIM camp, doctor Sienna looked up after checking one of her patients.

"Yes miss Ducane?"
"We have a call from a Sedunnic expeditionary force doctor, they received urgent care for trauma."
"How many minutes?"
"Twenty minutes tops."
"Assemble the team to prepare for trauma care, and tell the guards to ensure that anyone entering this camp is neutralized. I don't want this place to be a fighting bazaar."
"Yes Doctor. Right away."

Doctor Sienna gave her strict orders, she was leading the camp that day, and with the crazy amount of things that are happening in the theatre, doctor Sienna would need to have everyone together.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

After having dropped one of the commandos off with all of the military gear near the camp and having been cleared by the guards, Green, the driver, rushed through the camp to the trauma centre. She braked hard in front of the main entrance. She was greeted by someone clearly from a medical team.

Green hopped off the car and opened the door to the severely injured commando. She spoke Austral with a neutral accent. Her voice was calm and steady.

"Right thigh, three entry/exit holes, calibre 5.56 mm. Tourniquet applied 15:32, which was 70 minutes ago by my estimation. He has lost a lot of blood and has been drifting in and out of conciousness for an hour. He has no allergies, no prescriptions. Blood type is A+. You may call him 'Book'."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


"Get him full blood transfusion, an IV and an ecg. I want an assessment onh hs vital signs on the way. Get him to the operating theatre, and I want you to stop the blseeding now. Someone accompany the madam ! " Doctor Sienna barked as she rushed Book to the theatre, "Sir, stay with me, stay with me ! "

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains



Time: as the Bzerne forces are leaving Deriess Island

There was clearly more wind now. A faint rustling could be heard from outside the windows, and further out, the breakwaters seemed to take quite a beating from the increasingly higher waves.

Derrns Kappsaty, minister of defense, had just taken his seat in one of the conference rooms in the old arsenal of the Essela Base. This was a briefing that he had requested, and only a handful people had been invited with a security clearence level high enough to take part of the information that would be disclosed. The Sedunnic supreme commander General Maks Fejellienn sat next to him and on the other side of the table sat the speaker of the parliament, Gety FLutslok. Lieutenant general Mikel Bydallu, commander of the Joint Forces Command, stood bent over his computer, looking for the right port to connect the projector to.

"Finally", the lieutenant general sighed as his presentation appeared on the screen.

FROTOM VIK, "TOP SECRET", was written in red, bold letters. Bydallu spoke up.

"The government has requested this meeting to discuss Scenario R-2b and a possible implementation of Duet Trerdalul. I'd like to welcome the defence minister and the speaker of the parliament."

Bydallu pushed the right arrow button to show the next slide.

"In Scenario R-2b, the Reizen Civil War escalates by large-scale foreign involvement and support for opposing sides. The risk of another Great War-scale conflict increases significantly. The government has ordered the drafting of a plan to severely reduce the fighting capability of the RIM and thereby possibly end the war before it escalates further.

As requested, in Duet Trerdalul, or Operation Musical Cartography as it will be called in Austral, the risk of Sedunnic and civilian casualties is minimal."

Bydallu pushed the button again. A map and a numbered list was shown.

"The operation begins, as you know from previous briefings, with a massive barrage of cruise missiles and the equivalent launched by the air force that will be conducting cover drills near the Reizen border. Over 200 fighters will take part. In this revised plan, a naval battle group located south-west of Rezen will also take part, as will the 1st artillery battalion.

They will all target the RIM's medium-range anti-aircraft equipment, known headquarters, airbases and critical infrastructure. Our special forces will assist. We expect total target saturation. The airforce and the battle group will operate entirely out of reach of the RIM forces.

As requested, the revised plan now also includes preparation to deploy the airmobile brigade and forward-basing fighters.

A cost estimation is appended to this presentation. We have also included the status of our remaining supply of cruise missiles. As you know, we haven't fully resupplied since we provided the Erinorans with a... respectable amount during the Serevan war.


Kappsaty nodded.

"Thank you, lieutenant general. Do we still have secure contact with the WPR and RDC?"

The supreme commander spoke up.


"Good. For this to work, we need to contact the right people and make them agree on returning to the non-aggression pact, together with the Frost Empire. In return we offer air supremacy and a hopefully an end to the war."

The defense minister stood up.

"Thank you gentlemen. As previously agreed, we will let you know 30 hours in advance if we intend to activate this plan. This will be all for now."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


30 hours ago, Evtva, Sedunn

Whenever he got a Friday off, which wasn't often, supreme commander General Maks Fejellienn liked taking his family to the local cinema. About halfway into that Qwerty's latest comedy, his phone vibrated. It was a phone call from a hidden number. Disregarding the cinema's rules and common courtesy, he answered the call. A neutral voice conveyed a simple message.

"Musical Cartography."

The general excused himself and left the building.

07:01 Hullvem Air Base, Sedunn

It was early in the morning and major Hevv Botnienn yawned as he parked his car on the usual spot. He usually remained in the car for a few minutes to finish a good song playing on the radio or just to check a few things on his phone. He was just about to open his mail app when someone knocked on the wind shield. He looked up and saw that his friend and colleague, major Kovalev, was pointing towards the hangars. The air base had been extra busy the last months, but he had never seen so many trucks there before. Botnienn opened the door and climbed out.

"So today's the day?" Kovalev's question was more of a statement really.

Botnienn nodded.

"It looks like we're getting two each."

09:36 Near the besieged city of Seranuma, Reizen

"Rusty car, left 150 meters, DFP. Two soldiers, one heavy machine gun. Switching to infrared." Hip-hop whispered and turned a knob, and the instrument clicked pleasantly.

"No additional signatures" he concluded.

"This is the weakest point in their defense. We will have to infiltrate through here." Book said with a concerned look on his face.


Book adjusted his position and moved his finger to the trigger.

The silenced rifle coughed twice and Hip-hop saw through the binoculars how the two RIM soldiers collapsed.

14:23 Somewhere in RIM controlled area near the besieged city of Seranuma, Reizen

They had been running or jogging almost constantly for five hours, only stopping to hide from a passing RIM patrol or take a short break. Hip-hop looked at his watch and decided they could afford an extended break. They found good spot in a ditch between thick bushes. After having a bite or two of some energy bar and a few sips of water they slowly stood up to get on their way again, mindful of their surroundings. Then it all got dark for Hip-hop.

A second later there was a loud bang, obviously someone had fired a weapon somewhere behind them. Hip-hop plunged instinctively. He soon realised why he couldn't see. Warm blood covered both his eyes. Quickly wiping as much of it as possible off, he could see again. Then he saw that Book's headless body still stood up next to him.

Hip-hop grabbed a smoke grenade and threw it in the direction he though the shooter was. As it exploded, he fired a few shots in the same direction. He then grabbed the bag that Book had been carrying. Hidden from plain sight by the smoke, he ran away as fast as he could.

18:44 city of Seranuma, Reizen

A WPR patrol was coming closer where Hip-hop was hidden. It was time. He put away his weapons and turned his uniform jacket inside out. This side had the common Sedunnic camouflage and the blue and white flag on the left shoulder. He addressed them.

"Soldiers of the WPR! Sedunnic military here! I have friendly intentions! I am going to stand up now, don't shoot!"

Hip-hop raised both hands above his head and stood up slowly.

"I have an urgent message for your commanders!"
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


THE MELBROOKE HOUSE (Residence of the Vice President)
FEBRUARY 15, 2019 (20:30 UTC-2)  

[Image: house-of-cards_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqp...mwidth=450]
Acting President Francis J. Underwood sat in his working room as he calls President Donald Blythe, who is currently under recovery from a recent heart transplant, on formulating the country's course of action in Reizen Civil War.

"Sir, I don't think we can continue this standoff for a long time. We couldn't get out either. It's time that we agree on an immediate and decisive action that can finally get us a stronger position in Reizen," said Acting President Underwood, "If we choose to do nothing, we will one day end up in a much more difficult situation in which..."

"Our lack of resources will force us to cease our operations, concede to the Frost military and seek a diplomatic solution that will definitely not be in our favour. Frank, I understand your worries, and I'm as puzzled as you are right now," replied President Blythe.

"While we aren't able to conduct any attacks against the Frosts right now, we can surely achieve other objectives in your Presidential Directive. The RIM is a target we can start off with," said Acting President Underwood with some reservations.

"Well, if that's what we're aiming for, we may conduct military attacks against them. With that, it will soothe our relations with the Frosts and hopefully, we can talk them into implementing a democratic government. Because I'll be honest, this standoff is costing us a lot, economic costs, our soldiers' morale, public support of the war, etc." said President Blythe.

"You're right. I can't argue with that. Well, I'll tell you what I plan to do," Acting President Underwood replied, "We currently have troops stationed in Reizen and Zett Islands, they will continue to be there to prevent a Frost offensive against the RDC. Though a weakness of ours is our naval forces in the area, I will do my best to ensure we keep up our naval presence in the Reizen coast. We will conduct airstrikes towards many strategic points of the RIM, especially the RIM High Command. Diplomatic efforts will come later, including a plea for international support for the RDC. All of this is quite a lot of stuff, should take around a week or two." 

"Good enough. Call me back when you've made it official." sighed President Blythe.

"Good night, Mr. President," said Acting President Underwood.

"Night, Frank." President Blythe replied.

call ended
[Image: VCUpXJI.png1]
South Pacifican. Public Servant. Creator. In that order.

Official Thread • Lampshade Broadcasting Company • The Tsunamy Institution of the Law and Public Policy

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