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[IC] Reizen Civil War

The following message was sent from the Sedunnic Supreme Commander General Maks Fejellienn to the Frost counterpart.

"Now that the RIM is in retreat we estimate that larger RIM formations can be isolated and encircled should one act decisively and make use of the most mobile units. Sedunn can contribute to that. We have reinforced our position in and around Credence Airfield and are ready for battalion-size airmobile manoeuvres in the whole theatre. In addition, should you desire, we are also ready to deploy our marine corps in a regiment-size landing anywhere along the RIM controlled coast, and can also transport heavy field artillery, two mechanised battalions as well as a fighter squadron in its entirety over to Reizen."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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Frost Foreign Minister 
(11-21-2019, 09:46 AM)VPRB Wrote: "I see. For any chance of success though, at least the Empire should publicy state that it will not attack WPR-territory if Kai Fa retreat. You can make it sound like an ultimatum-deal, if it better suits your domestic discussion. If you can do that, we will pressure Kai Fa into recalling its troops and the WPR hardliners to go back to the ceasefire. If we achieve this result, we'd expect for our role as political sponsor of the WPR to be recognized at the negotiating table... provided that the Reizen comrades agree to it, of course". 

Minister Kuribayashi thought about alternative proposals before she responded, "Alright Minister, if you can convince the WPR to return to the ceasefire and Kai Fa to withdraw, we'll consider recognizing your role as a political sponsor. I'll have the president craft a statement to as you would call demand the withdrawal of Kai Fan soldiers in exchange for not invading WPR held territory. With that Minister I hope you have a pleasant day." 

Imperial Frost Army HQ, General Staff Office, Ikireijin
(11-22-2019, 04:03 PM)Qwert Wrote: The following message was sent from the Sedunnic Supreme Commander General Maks Fejellienn to the Frost counterpart.

"Now that the RIM is in retreat we estimate that larger RIM formations can be isolated and encircled should one act decisively and make use of the most mobile units. Sedunn can contribute to that. We have reinforced our position in and around Credence Airfield and are ready for battalion-size airmobile manoeuvres in the whole theatre. In addition, should you desire, we are also ready to deploy our marine corps in a regiment-size landing anywhere along the RIM controlled coast, and can also transport heavy field artillery, two mechanised battalions as well as a fighter squadron in its entirety over to Reizen."

Grand Admiral Seijurou Kuribayashi sent the following response to his Sedunnic Counterpart,

"Understood. We agree that that the fall of Credence Air Field will open new avenues to out manuever and encircle the RIM positions. The 901st Battalion led by Major Kusanagi have effectively pierced the enemy lines south of Shibuki, and we expect the 2nd division to exploit the new hole. The Imperial Frost Army's General Staff office has finalized the invasion plan to take the RIM capital. The Imperial 3rd Division is expected to launch a naval invasion of Kinjishi in the next few weeks and may require reinforcements if RIM coastal defenses prove difficult to breach. However, we expect fierce resistance from the RIM especially in Kinjishi and the frontline as they grow desperate. Front line Scouts report that the RIM have employed scorched earth tactics, and saturated large swathes of ground with chemical weapons in an attempt to delay the Frost offensive. Furthermore, ONI personnel report that the RIM are amassing a large force to retake Credence airfield by any means necessary. We will inform you if we can determine the number of enemy combatants being prepared to take the airfield."

Reizen Independence Navy

Admiral Rev Saul smiled as he finished reading a hand written message from the RIM high command on the observation platform. The message was delivered by Commando units of the RIM intelligence agency, the Nameless, who boarded his submarine the RNS Defiance. 'its about time' he thought as he burned the contents of the small note, while using the flames to light his own cigarette.  His orders were clear. Assist the Nameless in their task to infiltrate Transsuneria and contact supporters of the former Grand Master Soorman. The Nameless will then cooperate with those supporters to restore the Grand Master to his rightful place in exchange for becoming a thorn in Sedunn's side and provide a steady supply of undesirables to serve as martyrs for the cause.

All Saul had to do was ferry the commandos and provide the necessary fire support as necessary. After enjoying his smoke break, Saul returned to the bridge and barked the following orders, "Set course for Transsuneria, Operation Thorn is a go!"

(11-23-2019, 12:10 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Grand Admiral Seijurou Kuribayashi sent the following response to his Sedunnic Counterpart,

"Understood. We agree that that the fall of Credence Air Field will open new avenues to out manuever and encircle the RIM positions. The 901st Battalion led by Major Kusanagi have effectively pierced the enemy lines south of Shibuki, and we expect the 2nd division to exploit the new hole. The Imperial Frost Army's General Staff office has finalized the invasion plan to take the RIM capital. The Imperial 3rd Division is expected to launch a naval invasion of Kinjishi in the next few weeks and may require reinforcements if RIM coastal defenses prove difficult to breach. However, we expect fierce resistance from the RIM especially in Kinjishi and the frontline as they grow desperate. Front line Scouts report that the RIM have employed scorched earth tactics, and saturated large swathes of ground with chemical weapons in an attempt to delay the Frost offensive. Furthermore, ONI personnel report that the RIM are amassing a large force to retake Credence airfield by any means necessary. We will inform you if we can determine the number of enemy combatants being prepared to take the airfield."

Sedunnic Supreme Commander General Maks Fejellienn:

In that case, we shall initiate an amphibious assault near Credence Airfield to establish a bridgehead to bring in our artillery and mechanised units. We shall make use of the airmobile troops to support the landing. Should you accept of course. Our CBRN units shall assist you in clearing paths for you and provide decontamination.

(11-23-2019, 01:10 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Reizen Independence Navy

Admiral Rev Saul smiled as he finished reading a hand written message from the RIM high command on the observation platform. The message was delivered by Commando units of the RIM intelligence agency, the Nameless, who boarded his submarine the RNS Defiance. 'its about time' he thought as he burned the contents of the small note, while using the flames to light his own cigarette.  His orders were clear. Assist the Nameless in their task to infiltrate Transsuneria and contact supporters of the former Grand Master Soorman. The Nameless will then cooperate with those supporters to restore the Grand Master to his rightful place in exchange for becoming a thorn in Sedunn's side and provide a steady supply of undesirables to serve as martyrs for the cause.

All Saul had to do was ferry the commandos and provide the necessary fire support as necessary. After enjoying his smoke break, Saul returned to the bridge and barked the following orders, "Set course for Transsuneria, Operation Thorn is a go!"

Fort Maximilian, just outside Maximilianstaad, Transsuneria

It was ironic, thought Werner Lindholm, that it was a Sedunnic-produced phone that showed the message from his RIM contact. What was the company slogan again? Let's be great. Ha!

Regardless, the message was clear, the operation was a go. When the Reizeners arrived, he would unlock specific doors to let them and other Loyalists inside the prison complex. All that time as a prison guard would finally pay off. He deleted the message and headed to the kitchen to pick up Soormann's lunch tray. He would bring it to him, just like he had for the last two years.

As he walked towards the cell, he tried to picture how it wold play out. It would be hard to sneak their way through the narrow, long corridors. They would probably have to shoot their way out. He had made some real friends in the guard staff, but that was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

When at Soormann's cell, he knocked on the door and opened the hatch to slide the tray into the cell. He looked over his shoulder to make sure no one else was near.

"Grandmaster" whispered Lindholm, "Four days."
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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Hunt spoke: "Good morning Comrade Kirihito. The events have unfolded as we planned. Now it is time for your move: you must convince the hardliners to accept a return to to the Grovne Ceasefire. You should have enough arguments to make it compelling cases. Please keep me updated on this matter".

WPR Politburo Leader's perspective
(11-24-2019, 08:42 AM)VPRB Wrote: Hunt spoke: "Good morning Comrade Kirihito. The events have unfolded as we planned. Now it is time for your move: you must convince the hardliners to accept a return to to the Grovne Ceasefire. You should have enough arguments to make it compelling cases. Please keep me updated on this matter".

Kirihito responded, "Good day to you too Comrade Hunt. It is a relief to hear that events have unfolded as planned. I was afraid that the Empire had replaced its pragmatic leaders with more hostile people, but I digress. I've peeled away enough support away from the hardliners to push for a return to the Grovne Ceasefire. Your endorsement on the matter is greatly appreciated when the hardliners will claim we are being deceived."

RIM Navy Submarine, RINS Defiance, Transsunerian Waters

Admiral Rev Saul sighed softly to himself as the Defiance silently sailed through Transsuneria’s territorial waters. The submersible fleet was careful to avoid detection as picket subs guarded and informed the fleet of external activity. Admiral Saul sighed again as he said, “Have the nameless successfully entered the midget submarines?”

A comms officer replies, “Aye sir. All commandos have been loaded into their respective midget subs. They await orders to launch.” “Good, launch all midget subs. It’s time to infiltrate Maximilianstaad, Transsuneria and raise some hell.” Says Admiral Saul.

A rocky beach outside Maximilianstaad, Karelins Island, Transsuneria

"Mi Gott! Hurry. Hurry!" The taller one of the two Transsunerians looked at his watch nervously.

"It's not working!" The shorter Transsunerian desperately switched the flash light on and off.

"Jesus Christus! How can you bring a broken flash light? It's the one thing we are here for. How are the Namloose supposed to know where to land now?"

The shorter man threw the faulty flash light on the ground, smashing the glass. The taller man looked at him, too chocked to say anything.

"What a piece of junk... Don't worry. The phone will work just as fine. I think."

The shorter man turned on the flash light on his smartphone and signalled into the darkness of the night.

The plan was as just as simple as brilliant. With help from their friends from the RIM, the Purgatorium, which was the name of the secret armed wing of the Grandmaster Soormann's old party, would attack and take the small airfield and the harbour, bomb the local police office and destroy the recently constructed internet cable to the mainland. This would allow them to control the whole island and make it near impossible for the Transsunerian Police or Defence Forces to take the island back without large-scale foreign help. There wasn't much the Sedunners could do, having their mobile formations locked in battle in Reizen.

The inability of Emil Palmann and his government to act and quickly resolve the situation would miscredit the "establishment", paving the way for Soormann's party in the elections. It should also greatly miscredit the Sedunners, who would not be able to fulfil the guarantee of independence they granted Transsuneria.

Togehter with the RIM, they would be the spark to light the purifying fire that would liberate the oppressed peoples all over the world.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator


Harm-Gord forces are ready to join alongside the Imperial and Sedunnic Coalition if needed. The leadership of DRHG expresses its wishes to bring this conflict to close in the most civil way possible, expressing its desire to host the peace conferences at Unity City.


Carta-Agot have begun sending weapons to RIM, hoping that they can become great allies among the Mediterranean community.

Owner of Harmakmis-Gordista and Carta-Agot


A Cannibal of Pickles

Battle of Credence Airfield First Night
Diary entry of 3rd Battle Group Field Commander San "Rip" Gore"

Fortune favors the bold. The clouds of war block the light of the heavens, casting a heavy shadow over Reizen. The First and Second Battle groups march under the cover of darkness, but I fear the worst. During my inspection of the other battle groups I could see that the that the tension in the air was palpable. The Martyrs fearfully glancing at their captors who pushed them along while our men braced themselves for a bloody fight.

These martyrs are unreliable, and they may try to flee the fighting before they serve their roles. And their handlers? Absolute arrogant brutes. Why the High command even tolerates these "men" is beyond me, but I must concede that they do bolster our ranks and strike fear into the hearts of the weak. However, I do not know how effective they will be in striking fear into the enemy this time. Because we face the Sedunners, not the pitiful weaklings of the RDC or the trusting Rekina partisans of the WPR.

I remember their missile strikes overwhelming our defenses. I remember the shrieks and wails from my dying brothers and the cries for help from those who barely survived the burning wrecks of their batteries. I remember the calm and almost callous nature of the Higher ups when they promoted me twice to fill the gaps in losing so many artillery officers.

And yet despite their callousness the higher ups were certainly gracious to provide us with the opportunity to avenge our lost brothers. And in a strange sort of way, I feel calm, and almost eager to fight. Like one of those zealous fools who didn't know the cruelties of the meat grinder and sought everlasting glory. Despite my own desires for vengeance, the Third Battle Group has a job to do and we will provide artillery support to the raiders of the Second Battle Group as needed and not act on my own desires. 

In the forests South of Credence Airfield

"Keep your eyes peeled raiders. The enemy should have skirmishers and patrols in the area." said the platoon leader. 

The platoon acknowledged the platoon leader quietly as they scanned the area for hostiles and traps before moving forward.

"Get with your partner, we're casting the net here." the platoon leader ordered after he received new orders. The men complied silently, dispersing in teams of two.

The Second Battle Group's Field Commander knew that his infantry would be stretched and so he adopted Captain Onoda's organizational style. The Commander reorganized the infantry along fire teams of two, splitting the traditional fire team in half to promote greater mobility and independent action. He also required all personnel to keep their gas masks on at all times to prevent friendly fire incidents.

Corporal Maz Yamada looked at the darkness through the infrared goggles and spoke to his partner, "Hey sarge, how come you don't use the goggles they issued us?"

His partner replied, "Its because I'm used to the night fighting. And when the enemy starts using flash grenades, those goggles will be a liability. Besides someone has to be able to fire on-" the sergeant paused raising a clench fist to signal the corporal to halt. Corporal Yamada, instinctively hit the ground, his rifle raised.

The Sergeant silently points northeast and raises 2 fingers to indicate the number he sees before shifting himself behind a tree unslinging his light machine gun. The Corporal nods and crawls behind a fallen tree aiming at one of the enemy and fires the first shot of the battle...
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Battle of Credence Airfield First Night

Sergeant Havaū Keve'ienn sneezed violently but her holding onto the assault rifle with both hands prevented her from doing it into a bend of an arm or something that would be considered good manners. She looked up to see if she had hit someone in the back of the helicopter. The man next to her pointed at her magazine. There it was. The incident helped lighten the otherwise tense mood a bit. Her platoon had arrived only one day earlier as part of the reinforcements in anticipation of the coming battle, and today they would see their first real fight. Her deputy squad leader had thrown up his dinner on the dashboard from a burst of anxiety.

Despite this she felt focused and alert, she realised. She went through the colonel's plan in her head. According to fresh intelligence they faced over 200 heavy towed artillery pieces and infantry of up to division size. It was likely the RIM goal was to take out the airfield and throw the Sedunners out of Reizen. And the airbase was indeed vulnerable. It was a fixed and well known object, offering no protection against artillery. Once in place, there would be no stopping the artillery.

The colonel planned for a battle in three phases. In the first phase, which had begun now, the Sedunners would delay and harass the deployment of the artillery and also destroy as many pieces as possible using their superior mobility provided by the helicopters while still possible. They would later likely be forced to disperse the helicopters to protect them and their ground crews from the artillery and have very limited use for them. The second phase would have the Sedunners detach independent patrols that would mainly serve as forward observers to asses the effect of the Sedunnic indirect fire such as cruise missiles from the navy and artillery from the mechanised battlegroup that had landed due west, while the bulk would constitute the defence of the arifield perimeters against the RIM hordes of infantry. The grand finale, as it seemed, would be an envelope manoeuvre in some kind of sinister deception.

This night, Keve'ienn's squad would carry out an assault against the RIM towed artillery from a small ridge near one of the roads they were using, then fall back to a point further up-road and repeat. Not too technical and with few manoeuvres. But she was glad she had been given this commando they called Hip-hop. He had been fighting in Reizen for almost a year and knew the RIM and the terrain well.

She remembered seeing him in the mess. As typical for these commandos, he had seemed to somehow dominate the entire room without speaking a single word, standing in a shadowy corner, just observing. But she had seen more in his seemingly sturdy gaze. It was pain, and not physical pain. He had probably seeing too much of mankind's worst sides. Yes, he was a broken soul, but he hadn't realised himself, or allowed himself to feel anything at all.

No, it was time for some jokes.

"Hey", she yelled over the noise from the turbine, "I have a few jokes about unemployed people, but none of them work..."

"Oh, speaking of the devil, what did Grandmaster Soormann say when he entered the restaurant?" she waited for someone to respond, but the helicopter started descending rapidly. They were almost there.

"Bettu Squad! Kill! Kill!" she yelled. The others joined her chanting.

Hip-hop looked at her with a curious face.

"That's what he said in the restaurant?"

"No, we are landing! It's time to get the testosterone pumping! Join us!"

Kill! Kill! Death! Kill!

Bettu Squad repeated those words while stamping their feet on the hollow floor.
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